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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2006, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 676-684.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.009

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Comparative anatomy of leaves in Fritillaria from Anhui Province

WANG Ying;ZHOU Shou-Biao*;WANG Chun-Jing;XIA Yan   

  1. (1.College of Life Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000) (2.Biology Department,West Anhui University,Liu’an 237012)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-11-20 Published:2006-11-20
  • Contact: ZHOU Shou-Biao
  • Supported by:

Abstract: The comparative anatomy of the leaves of 8 species and 1 variety in Fritillaria L. from Anhui province were studied, including two populations of both F. anhuiensis and F. ningguoensis. The results are as follows: There are many starch grains in mesophyll cells of the Fritillaria L.. The mesophyll cells which close with upper epidermis are usually squareness or column, bigger than the mesophyll cells which close with lower epidermis, and composed compactly. The mesophyll cells which close with lower epidermis are abnormity, ramification. There are no appurtenances (such as hairs) on the epidermis. The leaf epidermal cells are rectangle except the F.monantha var. tonglingensis, whose cells of lower epidermis are parallelogram, the long axis of which is parallel with leaf-venation, the patterns of anticlinal walls are straight, straight or arched, sinuolate, sinuous or sinuate; The stomatal apparatus were only founded in lower epidermis, oblong, Allium type, distributing random and singly, whose long axis is parallel with leaf-venation, the stomatal apparatuses of some species have “T”-pieces at the two poles. There are many differences in the micromorphological characters for some species though they have similar macromorphological characters. In Qimen population of the F. anhuiensis, the phenomenon that the two stomatal apparatuses are joined by a thick cell wall was found usually. There are more or less differences in the characters between the two populations of both F. anhuiensis and F. ningguoensis, such as the thickness of leaves, ratio in length and width of the stomata, stomatal index. The other characters of the leaves, for example, the shape of cells, pattern of anticlinal, the type of stomatal, cell contents, and so on, are comparative tranquilization, recured regularity in the micromorphological characters, reveal the differences among species, those characters provided experimental evidences preferably for classification among species and systematic evolution of Fritillaria L..

Key words: Fritillaria L., leaf, comparative anatomy, Anhui

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