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  • Bulletin of Botanical Research (BBR) is a multi disciplinary academic journal in plant sciences and is sponsored by Northeast Forestry University, and governed by Ministry of Education,P.R. of China. It was established in 1959, named as Bulletin of the Herbarium of North-Eastern Forestry Academy, Prof. CHOU Yi-liang, a Chinese known botanist, took charge of the editor-in-chief. BBR is one of the earliest periodicals started publication in botany fields, it plays an important role in reporting the academic achievements and promoting academic communication and exchange between and western scientist and scholars in plant sciences. Many famous botanists, scholars, and academicians at home and abroad also published their research results on BBR. The new species and new taxa published in BBR have drawn widely attention from domestic and foreign scholars. These research achievements make great effects on Chinese forestry, forest sustainable development, and improvement of ecological environments.  

    Bulletin of the Herbarium of North-Eastern Forestry Academy was changed to Bulletin of Botanical Research (BBR) in 1981 and from quarterly to bimonthly from 2006. With the improvement of publication quality, BBR has become an important academic journal in plant sciences, with international effect in a certain sense. BBR has been included or indexed by the following literature databases, such as Index kewensis, EBSCO,BIOSIS Previews,CAB Abstracts, Center for Agriculture and Bio-science Abstracts, BAP,  CA,Chemical Abstracts SciFinder Scholar, CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, VINITI,Abstracts Journal, Japan Science & Technology Agency,  Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), Chinese Biological Abstract (CBA), Chinese Biological Abstract Database (CBAD), Chinese Academic Journal (CD), Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CNKI), Wanfang Data Information Site (Chinainfo), Chinese Database of Science and Technology Periodicals (VIP). BBR had obtained some favorable comments in overseas readers and established exchanging relations with more than twenty countries and research institutions. 

    The editorial board of BBR consists of well-known domestic and foreign experts and scholars in plant sciences and correlative branches, Prof. FU Yu-Jie, a known botanist in China, is editor-in-chief. Under their efforts, BBR keeps the leading status in plant science fields in China all long.

    This publication mainly reports the new species, trends, advances, and regulation in plant taxonomy, and original and creative research results, both basic and applied, on community ecology, phytochemistry, reproductive ecology, physiological ecology, and molecule ecology. BBR doesn’t accept the paper on reviews of advances in plant sciences.


  • 2022-07-01 Visited: 38955