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Peer-review Process

  • All manuscripts submitted to Bulletin of Botanical Research(BBR ) will undergo extensive peer review organized by our Editorial Board Members (EBM).

    1. All Manuscripts are submitted to the editorial office through the online submission system   http://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/Journalx_zwyj/authorLogOn.action?mag_Id=1

    2. Scientific editor send the manuscripts to an Associate Editor of EBM after reviewing the manuscripts.

    3. Associate Editor selects one from the following two lanes, or reject manuscript that do not meet BBR standards, after reviewing the manuscripts.

    1) Normal track: Assign it to a Corresponding Editor of EBM, who will then invite 2-3 reviewers and send recommendation back to Associate editor.

    2) Fast lane track: Invite 2-3 board members or external reviewers to review the papers.

    4. Associate Editor makes the decision based on Corresponding Editor’s recommendation (if normal track) or directly based on reviewers’ comment (if Fast lane), and informs the authors.

    5. Authors revise the manuscript according to the Editor’s suggestions and re-submit the revised version for further evaluation, which will be processed again until it is accepted or rejected (repeat the above 2 and 3 steps). 

    6. Associate Editor will then recommend to accept or reject the manuscript based on the Corresponding Editor’s recommendation (if normal track) or reviewers’ comments (if Fast lane). The Editor-in-chief will make final decision.

  • 2021-12-10 Visited: 22725