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    · SCOPUS

    · EBSCO  

    · Index kewensis

    · CAB Abstracts,Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstracts

    · BAP,BIOSIS Previews

    · CA,Chemical Abstracts SciFinder Scholar

    · CSA,Cambridge Scientific Abstracts

    · Ulrich PD,Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

    · AJ,VINITI,Abstracts Journal

    · Japan Science & Technology Agency, JST

    · Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)

    · Chinese Biological Abstract (CBA)

    · Chinese Biological Abstract Database (CBAD)

    · Chinese Academic Journal (CD)

    · Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CNKI)

    · Wanfang Data Information Site (Chinainfo)

    · Chinese Database of Science and Technology Periodicals (VIP)




  • 2021-12-07 Visited: 34684