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    20 November 2006, Volume 26 Issue 6
    Ulmus mianzhuensis, a new species of Ulmaceae from Sichuan,China
    YI Tong-Pei;YANG Lin
    2006, 26(6):  641-643.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.001
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    Ulmus mianzhuensis Yi et L. Yang, a new species of Ulmaceae from Sichuan,China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to U. parvifolia Jacq. in having pale pubescent at stigma of samara,the lateral wing of samara more narrow than stone,the stone sits at samara near emarginate of the top, but differs by having darkgrey and irregularly squamosely shallowly dehiscing bark, lamina acuminate in top, perianth splitting to base and persisting, margin upwards ciliolate, samara narrow elliptic, center broadest, with pedicel equalling the perianth (about 2 mm long), peduncle about 1 mm long.
    Two new species of Gynura from Mountain Emei,Sichuan
    ZHU Zheng-Yin
    2006, 26(6):  644-647.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.002
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    Two new species of the family(Compositae) Gynura Cass., Gynura panershenia Z.Y. Zhu and Gynura emeiensis Z.Y. Zhu,from Mountain Emei Sichuan,China is described.
    New taxa of Betula L. from Xinjiang China
    YANG Chang-You;WANG Jian;LI Wen-Hua
    2006, 26(6):  648-655.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.003
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    To keep the classification of Betula in the 21st colume of Taxonomic Literature. The Betula Linn. in Xinjiang is discussed. It is divided into one Sect, four Subsect, eight species and fine variety which incluades onenao sec. Four new varieties and one newly-recorded species.
    Lectotypifications of six names of Chinese taxa in Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae)
    LIN Qi
    2006, 26(6):  656-657.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.004
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    Based on examinations of duplicate specimens housed at IBSC, PE and SZ, lectotypes for six names of Chinese taxa in Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) are selected here.
    Anatomy structure and analysis of branches and leaves of Tilia amurensis in different altitude in Changbai mountain areas
    MU Li-Qiang;MA Yao;YANG Guo-Ting;MA Da-Long
    2006, 26(6):  658-662.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.005
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    With the traditional paraffin section method, observed by optical election microscope, the anatomy structures of branches and leaves of Tilia amurensis in different altitude in Changbai Mountain was compared and analyzed. The results indicate: the growth of Tilia amurensis was normal from 600 to 1 100 m; the anatomy structures of annual, biennial, branches and leaves of Tilia amurensis presents a definite changes; orderliness according to the changes of altitude; the effect on the different structures of anatomy branches and leaves by altitude is different; the most suitable altitude height for the growing of Tilia amurensis in Changbai mountain was from 700 to 900 m according to observed synthetically.
    The anatomic research on vegetative organ in two parasite species of Loranthaceae
    WEI Xue-Zhi;LIAN Ling-Yun;CHENG Zhi-Fang;SU Jun-Xia
    2006, 26(6):  663-666.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.006
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    The stem, leaf and haustrum structures were studied in Viscum coloratum and Loranthus tanakae. The triennium stem of Viscum coloratum was a little bit cerneous, no periderm with thick cuticula; cortex had 7 vescular bundles with developed parenchyma; xylem had large amount of parenchyma; phloem developed well; druse and merlicera spread widely in stem. The leaf of Viscum coloratum was cerneous and 1.44 mm thick, cuticula developed well and was 9.06~13.4 μm thick. Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy. The stem of Loranthus tanakae had similar structure to that of normal ligneous, xylem being typical ring-porous wood, phloem with sclerotic, pith cell with thick wall and obvious simple pit. The leaf of Loranthus tanakae was thin and had no differentiation of palisade and spongy, vein developed well. The haustrum structure of the two were similar and both were composed of parenchyma and spiral vessel. Their spiral vessels were of the same length but the diameter of Viscum coloratum was 2.5 times than that of Loranthus tanakae.
    A SEM observation of the salt-secreting structure of leaves in four species of Limonium
    ZHOU Ling-Ling;LIU Ping;LU Jia-Hui
    2006, 26(6):  667-671.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.007
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    The surface of leaves was studied by SEM in the following four Limonium species: Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) Kuntze, Limonium otolepis (Schrenk) Kuntze, Limonium myrianthum (Schrenk) Kuntze and Limonium auream, Inorder to research the relationships between the microstructure of plants and environment. The result shows that each of these four plants has a distributing of salt gland in their upper and lower epidermis of leaf,Most of them are consisted of 20 cells, and 4 out of 20 respectively has a small hole on the center of cuticle. The salt release of plant relies on the salt-secreting holes of salt gland. However, each of the four species has a difference in the density, the size and the position of the salt gland. During the long-time adaptation to the special habitat of saline-alkali, and this enables a plant to differentiate strongly into salt-secreting structure, Therefore, it is obvious significance in ecological adaptation.
    The emergence of macrospore and the formation of female gametophyte in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica
    TIAN Cheng-Yu;ZHAO Chun-Jian;LI Chun-Ying;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2006, 26(6):  672-675.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.008
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    Macrospore metrocyte of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica developed to female gametophyte containing female gamete-egg by a series of changes. Macrospore metrocyte formed on June 8~14 every year, then made a meiosis and macrospore formed on June 16~20 in Harbin. With the nucleus divisions of macrospore, macrospore went to the phase of free nuclei and the cell wall formed from May 28 to June 4 in the next year. The archegonial initial cell emerged in young female gametophyte and the neck cell and the central cell formed after it divided once. Central cell was divided to egg cell and ventralcanal cell on June 7~9, archegonia developped to mature on June 13~15. The mature archegonia contained neck cell, ventralcanal cell and egg cell, but neck cell and ventralcanal cell has degenerated.
    Comparative anatomy of leaves in Fritillaria from Anhui Province
    WANG Ying;ZHOU Shou-Biao*;WANG Chun-Jing;XIA Yan
    2006, 26(6):  676-684.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.009
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    The comparative anatomy of the leaves of 8 species and 1 variety in Fritillaria L. from Anhui province were studied, including two populations of both F. anhuiensis and F. ningguoensis. The results are as follows: There are many starch grains in mesophyll cells of the Fritillaria L.. The mesophyll cells which close with upper epidermis are usually squareness or column, bigger than the mesophyll cells which close with lower epidermis, and composed compactly. The mesophyll cells which close with lower epidermis are abnormity, ramification. There are no appurtenances (such as hairs) on the epidermis. The leaf epidermal cells are rectangle except the F.monantha var. tonglingensis, whose cells of lower epidermis are parallelogram, the long axis of which is parallel with leaf-venation, the patterns of anticlinal walls are straight, straight or arched, sinuolate, sinuous or sinuate; The stomatal apparatus were only founded in lower epidermis, oblong, Allium type, distributing random and singly, whose long axis is parallel with leaf-venation, the stomatal apparatuses of some species have “T”-pieces at the two poles. There are many differences in the micromorphological characters for some species though they have similar macromorphological characters. In Qimen population of the F. anhuiensis, the phenomenon that the two stomatal apparatuses are joined by a thick cell wall was found usually. There are more or less differences in the characters between the two populations of both F. anhuiensis and F. ningguoensis, such as the thickness of leaves, ratio in length and width of the stomata, stomatal index. The other characters of the leaves, for example, the shape of cells, pattern of anticlinal, the type of stomatal, cell contents, and so on, are comparative tranquilization, recured regularity in the micromorphological characters, reveal the differences among species, those characters provided experimental evidences preferably for classification among species and systematic evolution of Fritillaria L..
    Effects of (NH4)2SO4 on chilling tolerance in guar seedlings under different lighting conditions
    HU Chun-Mei;JI Jun-Jie;WANG Xiu-Feng*;ZHU Yue-Lin
    2006, 26(6):  685-690.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.010
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    Guar seedlings were grown in greenhouse, and effects of leaf spray (NH4)2SO4 on changes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves and death rate of seedlings were studied in different photon flux densities (PDF) after chilling 12 hours at 2±0.5℃. The results showed, SOD and POD activities were lower, MDA content was higher, and death rate of seedlings was higher in the treatment recovered under normal sunlight in greenhouse than those of the control. When the seedlings were recovered under 90 μmol·m-2·s-1 weak light for 2~4 days, SOD and POD activities were higher than those of the control, MDA content kept at a low level, and seedlings were survived normally. Application of (NH4)2SO4 increased protective enzyme activities, reduced MDA content in leaves during recovery time after chilling 12 hours, improved seedling resistance to low temperature, and significantly decreased the death rate of guar seedlings. The effect is the best for seedlings sprayed with 0.2% (NH4)2SO4, followed by 0.4% (NH4)2SO4. If weak light is given to seedlings after a short-term chilling, active oxygen species would be reduced and chilling injury could be alleviated or even eliminated.
    Expression rice cytosol fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 and explore its regulation function in photosynthesis
    FENG Yan;CHEN Xiao;SHI Ding-Ji;WANG Quan-Xi*
    2006, 26(6):  691-698.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.011
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    Photosynthesis contains a complex series of reactions, and carbon fixation is the core reaction of photosynthesis regulation. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) serves as the first enzyme to convert 3C into 6C compound after CO2 been fixed. So FBA is a very important enzyme in photosynthetic process. Lately, at the use of antisense, the results of which also unveils that FBA has a strong potential in accelerate the rate of carbon fixation. In this article, we try to use gene overexpress technology to explore the function of FBA. The FBA gene from rice cytoplasm was transferred into filamentous, heterocystour cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Through antibiotic selection, we finally got the strain that could constantly express this meric gene. Cells were grown in BG-11 medium. The growth parameters, photosynthesis activity and enzyme activity of FBA were measured and compared between transgenic and wild type cells. The result showes that, compare to the wild strain, the transgenic strain showed a 31.2% higher in FBA activity, 24.4% higher in growth pace, 19.2% higher in net photosynthesis, and 20.6% much higher in ture photosynthesis. All the results prove that the increase of FBA level in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 could help enhance the photosynthesis activity in transgenic strain and could help increase the cell grow rate. Our research could be an experiment support for the possible regulation role of FBA.
    Studies on chromorsome and polyploidy induction method of Lily L/A hybrid “Fangio”
    SHI Liang;LUO Feng-Xia*;NIU Li-Xin;WANG Xian;ZHOU Di
    2006, 26(6):  699-702.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.012
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    Meiosis of megaspore and karyottype were studied in Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily “Fangio”. the results showed that Meiosis of megaspore of lily “Fagio” is abnormal, the chromorome number of lilium“Fagio” is 2n=3x=36,the chromorsome composition is R(2n) =3x=R(2n) =3x=12m(SAT) +3sm+3sm(SAT) +12st+3st(SAT) +3t.There are subsidiacy bodies on the second,fourth,eighth,ninth,tenth,twelfth belongs pair of chromorome. Its karyoty is 3B type in Taxonomy. Scales and plantlet in vitro of Lily “Fangio” was treated with colchicine at different concentrations and time. The highest induction frequency (20%) some of them are sextuploid.
    Studied the difference of genetic feature between tissue cultured and cultivated paddy rice of Jia He Zao Zan via microsatellite(SSR) markers
    ZHOU Ke-Fu;ZHANG Kai;RONG Wen-Ting;HUANG Yu-Ming;WANG Hou-Cong
    2006, 26(6):  703-707.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.013
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    Plant height is one of the important agronomic traits of rice. Overhigh plant easily led to lodge and reduce output. Recently, great advances have been made in the identification, mapping,cloning and action mechanism of plant height genes in rice. This present paper selected the tissue cultured and cultivated paddy rice of Jia He Zao Zan(J.H.Z.Z) as experimental object, which were significant different on the height, the tissue cultured plant was only less than half height of the cultivated plant. In order to compare their differences of genetic and determine whether there are relationship between the dwarf gene and the dwarf character of tissue cultured plant, Polymorphism analysis was conducted between them by 311 pairs of rice SSR primers, designed by Cornell University, the result indicated that 88 pairs of primers had polymorphism between two kinds of materials, the ration in total primers was about 30.3%, the experimental result not only verified 11 multiple groups which regulate the height gene, but also obtained two group regions which control the dwarf character on chromosome 3 and chromosome 9, which have not been reported previously, these results will help to explore and determine the situation of new dwarf gene, and will be of benefit to act genetic manipulation of plant height of in rice breeding. These results also provided the evidence for studying the mechanism of dwarf.
    Morphological and RAPD genetic differentiation of Stipa krylovii in middle and eastern Inner Mongolia steppe
    WANG Jin-Long;GAO Yu-Bao*;ZHAO Nian-Xi;LIU Jing-Ling;LIN Feng;SONG Tao
    2006, 26(6):  708-714.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.014
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    Genetic differentiation of four Stipa krylovii populations collected from meadow steppe, typical steppe and desert steppe in middle and eastern Inner Mongolia steppe, was studied with a combination of morphological and RAPD markers. (1) Neither Euclidean’s distance matrix based on morphological data nor Nei’s unbiased genetic distance matrix had any significant relationships with geographic distance matrix in the region. This indicated that genetic differentiation of Stipa krylovii populations was affected mainly by natural selection. (2) One way ANOVA and AMOVA showed that there were significant morphological divergence and genetic differentiation. (3) The relationship was not significant between Euclidean’s distance and Nei’s unbiased genetic distance by Mantel test, suggesting that the evolutionary force was not identical on morphological divergence and genetic differentiation.
    Extraction of totle RNA from dry Grimmia pilifera
    SHA Wei;YAN Miao-Miao;LÜFeng-Xiang
    2006, 26(6):  715-717.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.015
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    An improved SDS/acid and phenol method was presented here to be suitable for isolation of totle RNA from dry Grimmia pilifera, a plant contained abundant secondary metabolites. Using chemical SDS as detergent in the extraction buffer, LiCl precipitation of RNA was performed finally after removing of proteins, hydroxybenzene et al. by subsequent H2O—saturated phenol, chloroform and eyewinker. The method yielded total RNA not with integrality and high purity but with simple manipulation and cheapness. It may be applied to other dry plants full of secondary metabolites.
    Response of seed germination of Rhododendron fortunei to drought stress
    BIAN Cai-Miao;JIN Ze-Xin;ZHANG Jun-Hui;JIN Jing-Ding
    2006, 26(6):  718-721.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.016
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    The seed germination, seedling growth and water absorption characteristic of Rhododendron fortunei were investigated under different osmotic potentials (PEG-6000, -0.3~-2.4 MPa) solution. The results were as follows: The seed in distilled water begin germinate from the fourteenth day and last for eight days got a total germination rate with 45.5%±1.7%. The water absorption rate of seeds under -0.3~-0.6 MPa solution was higher than in distilled water after the fifth day. The seed germination and seedling growth were better than in distilled water. The water absorption, seed germination and seedling growth were slow under the osmotic potentials solution ≥-0.9 MPa, and the seed did not imbibe and germinate under the osmotic potentials solution ≥-1.8 MPa. All the results showed that the seed germination and seedling growth were neither the moisture content of soil nor drought environmental conditions. The seed, after 48 hours, treatment with PEG of -0.3~-1.5 MPa, got a higher germination rate, which is significant when compared with the control, and the highest is in the PEG of -0.9 MPa, 57.5%. These work show that the seed was revivified with the treatment of a certain concentration of PEG and got a high efficiency of seed breeding.
    Water physio-ecology of dominant species in the successional communities in Mountain Xiangshan,Huaibei,China
    SHI Gang-Rong;LI Hui
    2006, 26(6):  722-727.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.017
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    Water physiological was on four dominant species in different successional communities on Mountain Xiangshan,Huaibai,China,The results showed that the two widely distributed dominant species(Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa,Vitex negundo var. cannabifolia) show more drought resistance than the two locally distributed dominant species(Cudrania tricuspidata,Broussonetia papyrifera) in the same community(the mixed forest),while the latter have greater capabilities of resource harvesting and growing than the former. Z.jujuba var. spinosa and V.negundo var. cannabifolia are different in drought enduring mechanism,and the former belong to lower water potential drought enduring plant,while the latter belong to higher water potential drought enduring plant.Both of Z.jujuba var. spinosa and V.negundo var. cannabifolia show great physiological plasticity in response to different community environment,their drought resistance in different community is ordered as: the inner mixed forest>the edge of mixed forest>shrub>shrub-herb>Platycladus orientalis forest.The strong drought tolerance and wide ecological amplitude due to great physiological plasticity may be the important reason why Z.jujuba var. spinosa and V.negundo var. cannabifolia be the two widely distributed dominant species on Mountain Xiangshan.
    Study on the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants distributed in Jiangsu Province
    ZHANG Guang-Fu;LONG Shuang-Wei;JIANG Li
    2006, 26(6):  728-734.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.018
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    By investigation and statistics, we found that there were 18 Chinese endemic genera of seed plants in Jiangsu, containing 19 species, which belonged to 17 families. The percentages of the same group possessing in Jiangsu of China were: 19.32% of 88 families, 5.61% of 321 genera, and 2.53% of 751 species. According to its natural geographical features, we divided Jiangsu Province into six regions: Huanghuai Plain, Jianghuai Plain, Binhai Plain, Changjiang Delta, Northern low Massif and Southwest low Massif. It was for the first time that endemic index (EI) was applied to reveal the distribution pattern of the endemic genera in the regions. The result showed that the highest EI among six regions was 4.83, which appeared in Southwest low Massif; the second one was 3.89, which appeared in Changjiang Delta; the lowest one was 1.67, which appeared in Huanghuai Plain or Binhai Plain. The characteristics of Chinese endemic genera of seed plants in Jiangsu were as follows:(1)The floristic composition was relatively poor;(2)The geographical distribution was fairly uneven;(3)Most of these 18 genera, with different life forms, were palaeoendemic genera.
    Patterns of dominant populations of wetland vegetation in Sanggan River Watershed, Shanxi
    WU Yu-Zhen;ZHANG Feng;*
    2006, 26(6):  735-741.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.019
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    Based on the data from the field, the patterns of dominant populations of wetland vegetation in Sanggan River watershed, Shanxi were studied by using v/m (dispersal index) ratio t-test, clump intensity, mean crowding, patchiness index, Green’s index and the intensity index k of negative binomial distribution and the cause involved with the pattern was analyzed. The relationships among the six methods were analyzed by correlation coefficient. The results showed that the patterns of those populations were all clumped, however, they were different in clump intensity, among which the species with the biggest of clump intensity were Hippophae rhamnoide, and Tamarix chinensis, and the species with the smallest of clump intensity were Plantago minuta and Plantago asiatica, respectively, because they distributed in the taller physiognomy of flooding plain or riverbed where the moisture content of soil was lower and had flooded only in the flooding season, moreover, they were not typical wetland plants. The clump intensities of the typical hydrophytes including Alisma orientale, Cyperus glomeratus, Chara sp., Phragmites communis, Typha angustifolia, Sagittria trifolia and hygrophyte including Scirpus tabernae montani and Scirpus triqueter were mediate, the reason was they were depended on moisture of soil strongly and they distributed all in that the water flow was slowly in riverway or nearing the seeper of riverway. Moreover, perennial plants, such as Cyperus glomeratus, Phragmites communis, Typha angustifolia, Scirpus tabernaemontani, Scirpus triqueter and so on, relied on mostly asexual reproduction to extending population distribution and increasing density, this was the other reason that they followed clumped. Finally, the result indicated that the application of variance/mean ratio was one of the better methods to analyze population pattern.
    Study on the chenopodiaceae in Gansu
    WANG Yi-Feng;WANG Jun-Long
    2006, 26(6):  742-749.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.020
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    Based on the collection and identification of the specimens of the Chenopodiaceae, there are 67 species that belong to 8 tribe and 21 genera in this region. The abundant distributions areas are Hexi Zoulang and South Gansu(east edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau).The results of floristic analysis indicate that on the level of genera, except for the Cosmopolitan elements and the endemic elements of China, all the distribution types are temperate elements which has a percentage of 71% in total genera, especially dominated with the type of Mediterranea, W.Asia to C. Asia. It shows that the Temperate Zone is the decisive factor of the floristic characteristics. According to the analysis of relic species, the floristic origin is ancient. Comparing with the species between Gansu and neighboring provinces, the flora is widely related to Ningxia, Neimenggu and Qinhai. The analysis of floristic formation shows that the place of origin of the Chenopodiaceae is Eurasia. During the Cretaceous Period, the time of origin of the Chenopodiaceae, most places of the continent of Eurasia were occupied by the ancient precursor to the Tethys Sea, therefore, primitive Chenopodiaceae likely originated on the beaches of the Tethys Sea which had an arid climate. With the development of the orogeny of Himalayas Mountains beginning from lateTertiary Period and the west Central Asia became continent, the environment became arid and some place desertification, forming the main characteristics and distribution patterns of the flora now. Finally, based on the study of the flora and the principles of the floristic division, the flora of the Chenopodiaceae in Gansu was divided into 5 floristic subregions: subregion of Qilianshan, subregion of Zhongbu, subregion of Gannan, subregion of Longnan. The floristic features of each subregions and suggestions were discussed in detail,especially subregion of Zoulang and subregion of Gannan, which are the main agricultural region and grassland stockbreeding area. And it has theoretical and practical significance to the reconstruction of pasture, vegetation restoration and the control of desertification.
    Simulating thinning of Larix olgensis industrial plantation
    WANG Shu-Li;YUAN Wei-Bin;YANG Zhen;MA Feng-Ming*
    2006, 26(6):  750-755.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.021
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    Based on getting the trees diameter transfer probability, the thinning of the Larix olgensis plantation was simulated by Markov process theory according to three methods such as thinning the smallest diameter trees, thinning the largest diameter trees and thinning intermediate trees. The suitable reserved density and thinning trees were confirmed after simulated thinning of Larix olgensis plantation. It is shown that Markov process theory can indeed reflect the diameter transfer process of Larix olgensis industrial plantation. By simulated thinning Larix olgensis industrial plantation with Markov process theory, the thinning method and measure according to cultivation time was achieved, the precision for managing Larix olgensis industrial plantation was raised. The small diameter trees should be thinned as the dominant not only considering from the point of cultivating forest but also from obtaining wood and increasing forest benefit. Class I trees and class Ⅱ trees should be reserved, class III trees and class IV trees should be thinned. The suitable management density for 20~25 years old Larix olgensis industrial plantation is 0.7.
    A brief report of the first red list of endangered bryophytes in China
    CAO Tong;ZHU Rui-Liang;GUO Shui-Liang;ZUO Ben-Rong;YU Jing
    2006, 26(6):  756-762.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.022
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    The first red list of Chinese endangered bryophytes approved by the international workshop on the conservation of the biodiversity of Chinese bryophytes held in Shanghai in December of 2004 is briefly reported. The list consists of 50 species, 47 genera, 28 families of mosses, 31 species, 26 genera, 12 families of liverworts, and one species, genus and family of hornworts. Of 82 species, 36 are classified as critically endangered (CR), 29 as endangered (EN) and 17 as vulnerable species (VU), following a modified set of IUCN/IAB criteria. The characteristics of geographic distribution, the endangered reasons as well as the further actions for conservation of Chinese endangered bryophytes are also preliminarily discussed.
    Investigation on ground cover plants of gardens in Changchun city
    GU Yi
    2006, 26(6):  763-768.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.06.023
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    Through the preliminary investigations on the ground cover plants of gardens in Changchun city, it was reported by the author that there were 95 species of familiar garden ground cover plants in this city at present, belonging to 76 genera of 37 families. In the meanwhile, the author introduced the application of ground cover plants to gardens and their ecologic habits, pointed out the problems present in garden landscape and proposed some suggestions about the exploitations and utilizations of ground cover plants of gardens in Changchun city.