Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 913-922.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2020.06.014
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Wen-Lin WANG1, Hai-Sheng CHEN1(), Shu-Fang ZHENG1, Song-Le FAN2,3, Li-Feng WANG3, Qiu-Jin TAN1, Zhen-Shi QIN1, Xi-Yun HUANG1, Peng HE1, Xiu-hua TANG1, Peng XU1
Hai-Sheng CHEN
About author:
WANG Wen-Lin(1980—),senior agronomist, mainly engaged in the genetic and breeding research of tropical fruit trees.
Supported by:
CLC Number:
Wen-Lin WANG, Hai-Sheng CHEN, Shu-Fang ZHENG, Song-Le FAN, Li-Feng WANG, Qiu-Jin TAN, Zhen-Shi QIN, Xi-Yun HUANG, Peng HE, Xiu-hua TANG, Peng XU. Cloning,Structure and Function Analysis of MiMYB2 Gene from Macadamia integrifolia[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2020, 40(6): 913-922.
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