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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 688-696.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.05.008

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Effects of Different Cultivation Strategies on Endogenous Hormones Accumulation of Dalbergia odorifera

WANG Yue-Lin, XU Da-Ping, YANG Zeng-Jiang, LIU Xiao-Jin, HONG Zhou, ZHANG Ning-Nan   

  1. Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou 510520
  • Received:2018-04-30 Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-08-31
  • Supported by:
    The National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0600601);The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Non-profit Research Institution of Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry(RITFYWZX201407);The Forestry Technology Innovation Program of Guangdong Forest Department(2016KJCX009)

Abstract: In order to study the effects of major cultivation strategies on the endogenous hormones of Dalbergia odorifera, the characteristics of leaf hormone accumulation of each treatment were analyzed by laying field tests. The contents of IAA, GA3, ZR and ABA in high-pruning treatment were the highest among three treatments of the pruning experiment. The contents of IAA(73.195 ng·g-1) and ZR(9.472 ng·g-1) in de-crown transplantation treatment were the highest and ABA content(52.001 ng·g-1) was the lowest among five treatments of the tree transplantation experiment, and GA3 content(8.418 ng·g-1) in root-pruning treatment was the highest among five treatments of the tree transplantation experiment. IAA, ZR and GA3 contents in K1 treatment were the highest among three treatments in K fertilizer application experiment. The maximum content of ABA was 71.082 ng·g-1 in CK treatment of K application experiment. In the ethylene application experiment, IAA and GA3 contents in CK treatment were highest among four treatments which were 47.762 and 4.967 ng·g-1. ABA content in E2.5% treatment was 96.94 ng·g-1. The ZR content of E0.1% was 9.378 ng·g-1, highest among the four treatments. The effect of pruning on GA3/ABA and ZR/GA3 was significant, and the low values were decreased by 29.7% and 19.0% compared with the high values, respectively. The effects of transplantation on IAA/ABA, GA3/ABA were also significant, and the low values were decreased by 52.47% and 51.47% compared with the high values, respectively. The effects of ethylene and K application fertilizer on IAA/ABA and GA3/ABA were significant. The low values of IAA/ABA and GA3/ABA were reduced by 55.4% and 55.4% compared with the high value, respectively in the ethylene application experiment. In the K fertilizer application test, the low values were 48.8% and 37.1% lower than the high values, respectively.

Key words: Dalbergia odorifera, endogenous hormone, pruning, transplant, potash fertilizer, ethylene

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