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    20 July 2009, Volume 29 Issue 4
    Development and Apogamy of the Gametophyte of the Fern Pteris fauriei
    SHEN Jian;LI Xin-Guo;DAI Xi-Ling;ZHANG Yin-Ying;CAO Jian-Guo*;WANG Quan-Xi
    2009, 29(4):  385-390.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.001
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    The gametophytic development of the fern Pteris fauriei Hieron. was observed by microscope and stereomicroscope. The result exhibits that the spores are dark brown, tetrahedral, and trilete, blunt triangular in polar view and supersemispherical shape in equatorial view. The spores germinate about 3-7 days after sowed. The germination is of the Vittaria type. The gametophyte develops into 6-10 cell-long filament about 18 days after sowed. The prothallial plates form about 25 days after sowed by division of the apical cell or intercalary cells of the filament. The gametophyte forms the meristematic tissue in the lateral of the plate, away from the apical region, and grows into prothallus in about 40-50 days after sowed. The pattern of the prothallial development belongs to the Ceratopteris type. The male prothalli are usually small and irregular in shape. The antheridia are produced in the margin or in the ventral side of the male prothalli. The large prothalli are usually regular in shape and cordate in the apical. An asexual bud is formed in the lower surface of the gametophyte just behind the growing apex in about 2-3 months after sowed. After the asexual bud is formed, a vessel is formed between the bud and the growing apex. So the reproduction of the species P.fauriei is apogamous. The repeat cultures show that no archegonia were occurred in the adult prothalli. This species belongs to obligate apogamy.
    Comparative Studies on the Development of Male and Female Gametophytes Between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line’s Flowers of Tagetes erecta L.
    WANG Ying;LI Fu-Rong;GUAN Li-Ping;LI Feng-Lan*
    2009, 29(4):  391-396.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.002
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    A series of researches were studied on megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and the development of male and female gametophytes in fertile line and male sterile line’s flowers of Tagetes erecta L. by the paraffin sectioning method. The cytological observation showed that the ovaries of both fertile line and male sterile line had one chamber, each of which had one ovule that was unitegmic, tenuinucellate and anatropous. After meiosis, the megasporocytes divided into four linearly arrayed megaspores, the ones of which at chalazal end usually had functional capacity. The development of embryo sacs belonged to polygonum type. The microsporic tetrads of the fertile line belonged to the tetrahedral type, and mature pollen was two-celled with bristles on the surface. The anthers of the fertile line had four microsporangiates, and the development of anther wall was of dicotyledonous type and the tapetum belonged to glandular type. The anther’s development of male sterile line was blocked at the stage of flower bud differentiation. There was not the primordium of stamen in male sterile line’s mutative floret during the differentiation.
    Anatomical Structures of Vegetative Organs and Ecological Adaptation of Gaura parviflora
    HUANG Ping;SHEN Jun-Hui;GU Dong-Ya;LÜMing-Jin;YE Yong-Zhong*
    2009, 29(4):  397-401.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.003
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    Gaura parviflora is one of the invasive plants, the anatomical structure of its vegetative organs was studied by the methods of paraffin section. The results showed that: In the secondary structure of the roots of G. parviflora,there was a larger proportion of secondary xylem, about two thirds of the entire cross section, the number of vessels averaged 138.25, and the lumen diameter was 85.37 μm; The cork of the roots and stems were both developed, which was composed of 6 to 7 layers of flat cells; there were many parachyma cells containing needle crystals in the secondary phloem; The leaves of G.parviflora had the typical characteristics of xerophytes leaves: the multiple epidermis; the stomata existed in both upper and lower epidermis,whose densities were 180 mm-2 and 266 mm-2, respectively; the palisade tissue was two-side palisade which included 2 to 3 layers of cylindrical cells in the upper side, with a lot of chloroplasts; the main vein of leaves had well developed xylem ,with a number of radial arranged vessels. The characters mentioned above showed that G.parviflora adapted well to the dry environment.
    Population Structure and Quantitative Characteristics of the Psychrophyte Rhodiola fastigiata
    ZHENG Wei-Lie;TIAN Da-Lun;LU Jie*;LUO Jian
    2009, 29(4):  402-410.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.004
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    Population structure and quantitative characteristics are useful information that reflect mechanism of the population formation and its relevant influencing factors. Rhodiola fastigiata is national level 2 protective plant species that presently under approximately dangerous state and has been listed in CHINA SPECIES RED LIST. We investigated its population structure and quantitative characteristics in order to provide theoretical basis for the survival mechanism and conservation of the population.A total of 304 sample plots in 76 sample area was established on the south slope, north slope, viewing platform and top of the highway near National Station for Field Observation and Research of Alpine Forest Ecosystem, located in Sejila mountain, Linzhi, Tibet.R. fastigiata mainly distributes in six communities in the Sejila mountains: Abies georgei var. smithii forest (P1), Sabina saltuaria forest (P2), Rhododendron aganniphum shrub (P3), Salix pilosomicrophylla shrub (P4), R. lepidotum shrub (P5) and S. sclerophylla shrub (P6). The average density of R. fastigiata in the communities was ranked in the order of P3>P1>P2>P4>P6>P5 while the average basal diameter followed by the order of P6>P2>P5>P4>P1>P3. The order of P6>P2>P5>P1>P3>P4 was found for the average height, P6>P2>P1>P3>P5>P4 for the average scape number, P6>P5>P2>P1>P3>P4 for the average number of scape rings, P6>P1>P3>P2>P4>P5 for the average number of branches, and P5>P4>P3>P2>P1>P6 for the important values. The basal diameter, the height and the scape rings of R. fastigiata population have shown different deformity in different communities. With less numbers of larvae and larger number of the adult and the old, but there were obvious periodic phenomena in its seed propagation and vegetative propagation under natural condition, so it was also an increase type population. The R. fastigiata’s large breeding population cycle was 8-10 years through the scape ring analysis. The percentage of plant number with branches range within 5 to 8 was over 50% in R. fastigiata and the largest numbers of branches was up to 45, but these branches were relatively slender because of limited nutrition absorption from the roots. The number of scape distributed on lateral branches was 1~2, and accounting for 32.21%, the scape above 7 accounted for 25.82%, mainly on the main axis. On the whole, more scape was found in the main axis than in the lateral branches. The growth parameters of R. fastigiata increased with the increase of the basal diameter.
    Morphology of Huperzia serrata and Its Stomata Characteristics under Different Light Treatments
    LI You-You;TANG Yuan-Jiang;LI Jing;ZHOU Yi;HUANG Heng-Yu*
    2009, 29(4):  411-416.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.005
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    The morphological characteristics of Huperzia serrata(Thunb.) Trev. were described, and a few different characteristics were found. In addition, the relationship between the stomata characteristics and the illumination intensity was analyzed. The results showed the length, width and area of single stomata, the stomata density and the total stomata area increased when the illumination intensity kept rising within a certain limit. However, all of these stomata parameters decreased when the illumination intensity surpassed a certain value except the stomata density and the stomata index. The stomata of small sizes and high densities were the characteristics fitted for the arid conditions, indicting that this plant was ecological adaptive, but when it was under cultivation high illumination intensity should be avoided.
    Effect of Crown Position on the Leaf Anatomical Traits and Nitrogen Content in Five Broadleaf Tree Species
    ZHOU Cui-Ming;CHENG Bing;WEI Xing;SUN Hai-Long;GU Jia-Cun*
    2009, 29(4):  417-423.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.006
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    It is generally hypothesized that tree leaves at different crown position generally adjust their structural and functional traits to achieve an optimal performance. However, it is not well understood the intra-and inter-species variation. This study investigated the foliar response of five broadleaf tree species in Northeast China to crown position (upper outer, upper inner, lower outer and lower inner). We focused on the morphological (leaf thickness), anatomical (stomatal density, guard cell length, palisade and spongy thickness) and leaf nitrogen (N) content. The results show that, there were markedly differences for the leaf traits among species or crown positions, and some strong trends were shown. Across all species, leaf and palisade thickness were both the highest at upper outer position in a crown, comparing with other locations; guard cell length and spongy thickness varied slightly within crown, but variation of leaf N content was related to species examined. Crown height and exposure degree had strong influences on leaf structure and N content variations. Among 5 species, Quercus mongolica exhibited the highest stomatal density, while the lowest guard cell length, leaf and spongy thickness, however, the reverse was Phellodendran amurrense. Our study suggests that leaves of tree species show general structure optimization in order to improve whole-tree performance.
    Plasma-membrane Peroxidation and Osmotic Substances Changes of Sambucus coreana Seedlings Under NaHCO3 Stress
    SUN Jing;WANG Qing-Cheng;*;XU Jing;LIU Qiang
    2009, 29(4):  424-427.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.007
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    The effects of different concentrations of NaHCO3 and different stress time on plasma-membrane peroxide-tion and contents of osmoregulation substances of Sambucus coreana(Nakai)Kom.et Alis. leaves were studied using plotted experimentation. Dramatic increasing of malondialdehyde contents and relative electrical conductivity was detected with the increasing of NaHCO3 concentration and treatment time, as well as the soluble protein contents; Marked increasing of proline and soluble sugar contents was detected with the increasing of NaHCO3 concentration. Results suggested that there were relative jarless physiological responses of S. coreana(Nakai)Kom.et Alis. under lower NaHCO3 concentration (1 g·kg-1), as well as relative slight changing with increasing treatment time, so it could be planted in mild saline-alkali area.
    Influences of Cadmium Stress on Photosynthesis and Endopeptidase Activities in Salix matsudana
    YANG Wei-Dong;CHEN Yi-Tai;WANG Shu-Feng
    2009, 29(4):  428-432.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.008
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    Salix matsudana was grown in hydroponic culture for 14 d with CdCl2 (0, 5, 25, 50 μmol·L-1), the effects of Cd on photosynthetic performance and endopetidase activites of S. matsudana were investigated through analyzing chlorophyll, Rubisco, PEPC free amino acid and endopetidase. Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b were decreased in Cd-treated plant, Rubisco activity was reduced with Cd levels in the medium, PEPC activity in roots and leaves showed an decline under Cd treatment,free amino acids in roots remained no significant change, but free amino acids in leaves were increased depending upon concentration of Cd; endopeptidase in roots was hindered at different dose of Cd, however, endopetidase in leaves increased at higher dose of Cd compared to control. The results showed that the effects of Cd on photosynthesis of S. matsudana were related to decrease in photosynthetic pigments, up-regulation of endopeptidase in leaves and inhibition of CO2 carboxylation.
    Growth and Physiological Adaptability of Three Hybrid Poplars Planted in Different Saline-alkali Soil
    YAN Yong-Qing;WANG Wen-Jie;ZHU Hong;SHI Xi-Chan;LIU Xing-Liang;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2009, 29(4):  433-438.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.009
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    The hybrid poplar is the important garden and afforestation tree species on Songnen Plain saline-alkali land, long-term field monitoring is the key to evaluate and optimize superior varieties. Under the natural conditions, different four-year-old cutting seedlings of Qing Shan Yang (Populus Pseudo-cathayana×P. deltodides cv. Shan Hai Guan), Xiao Hei 14 (Populus×xiao hei T.S. Hwang et Liang ‘14’) and Zhong Hei Fang (Populus deltoids×P. cathayana) that grew at different saline-alkali land in Daqing City were used as the research (study) materials. Through the comparison and analysis of the growth (height and basal diameter), root activity, root respiration and chlorophyll content, the growth adaptability and salinity tolerance differences in the saline-alkali soil were explored. The results show that, with the saline-alkali stress(soil electrical conductivity from 609.33 μs·cm-1 to 910.48 μs·cm-1 and pH from 8.92 to 8.98) enhanced, the growth of hybrid poplar was restrained obviously,the tree heights of Qing Shan Yang merely declined 20%,only one half of that for Zhong Hei Fang and Xiao Hei 14.With the saline-alkali stress enhanced, root activity and root respiration were enhanced, the root activity of Qing Shan Yang, Zhong Hei Fang and Xiao Hei 14 improved 10.75%,15.90%and 33.17% respectively, root respiration of Qing Shan Yang merely increased 3.59%, that of the other two varieties increased more than 24%.However, in saline-alkali stress the chlorophyll content was less affected, the annual mean was decreased slightly,Chla/b ratio was increased, smaller differences existed between different species. Comprehensive researches of various indices of three hybrid poplars,the ability of tollerance to saline-alkali stress of Qing Shan Yang is stronger than the other two. The growth of Qing Shan Yang is obviously better than Zhong Hei Fang and Xiao Hei 14, which were generally applied on saline-alkali land at present. Comparatively speaking,Qing Shan Yang is an improved hybrid poplar variety for afforestation and greening on saline-alkali land.
    Effects of Eutrophic Water Irrigation on Physio-ecological Characteristics of Festuca arundinacea L.
    YANG Zi-Jun;ZHAO Shu-Lan;DUO Li-An*
    2009, 29(4):  439-444.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.010
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    Effects of different concentrations of eutrophic water on physio-ecological characteristics of Festuca arundinacea L. was investigated. The results showed that the diluted eutrophic water could significantly promote root growth of F.arundinacea. When diluted concentration was more than 50%, it inhibited plant height growth. Diluted concentration of the eutrophic waters had no significant effect on chlorophyll content, proline, soluble sugar, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, super-oxide dismutase (SOD) activity of F.arundinacea L.. The outer ring water could promote peroxidase (POD) activity, and 75% concentration could increase catalase (CAT) activity. From the analyses above, it could be concluded that irrigation with diluted eutrophic water would be feasible to F. arundinacea L., and quarters water was optimal for the irrigation.
    Cloning of Hordeum vulgare Yield Related gene HvYrg1 and Construction of Its Plant RNA Interfere Vector
    ZHANG Yu-Liang;WANG Xi-Dong;ZHANG Hua;YANG Feng-Shan;YAO Zheng-Pei;SHI Qing-Hua*
    2009, 29(4):  445-452.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.011
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    Barley grain is a complex trait controlled by QTL, and RING E3 ubiquitin ligase plays a vital role in grain yield and protein degradation pathway. According to the conservative region of E3 ubiquitin ligase family homologous sequences, such as rice, Arabidopsis, corn, wheat and yeast, one pair of specific primers was designed and used to clone the corresponding gene from barley by RTPCR amplification. The results showed that a full-length cDNA sequence of HvYrg1 gene from Tibetan barley was obtained, which includes a integrity of open reading frame (ORF) 1 275 bp, encoding 424 amino acids (GenBank No. EU333863). Homology comparison showed that HvYrg1 gene shared 86% identity with rice GW2 gene reported in GenBank. Based on plant expression vector pCAMBIA2300-35s-OCS plasmid, we constructed a plant RNAi vector driven by 35 s promoter, namely pCAM-RNAi-HvYrg1 to further investigate its functions on crop yield formation.
    Variation of Physiological Indexes of the Populus euphraticn’ Leaves under Different Groundwater Depth
    ZHANG Qing-Qing;XU Hai-Liang;YE Mao;LI Ji-Mei;YANG Hong-Mei;NIU Jun-Yong
    2009, 29(4):  453-459.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.012
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    According to the results of physiological indexes of the Populus euphraticn’ leaves and the data of groundwater depth from 2001 to 2007, some conclusions could be drawn primarily: After water conveyance, some physiological indexes of the P. euphraticn’ leaves obviously changed with the groundwater depth and the relieve of water-stress intensity, and these changes presented certain correlations with the varying of groundwater depth. In the 10 parameters, chlorophyll content, soluble sugar and abscisic acid (ABA) had high correlations with the groundwater depth of the growth sites, showing that these parameters could be used as indicators for manifesting the extent of water stress of P. euphraticn. The indexes of malondialdehyde (MDA) and cytokinin (CTK) could be regarded as reference indexes of the extent of water stress which P. euphraticn suffering from. While, the physiological indexes of proline (Pro), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), gibberellin (GA3) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) were not sensitive to the change of the groundwater depth.
    Transformation of HBsAg gene into tobacco mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    LI Tian;WANG Yi-Qun;LU Zhao-Hua*
    2009, 29(4):  460-465.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.013
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    The plant expression vector pBRSAg was constructed, which contained all elements for plant expression, such as CaMV35S promoter, both left and right border sequence for T-DNA in Agrobacteria, plant reporter gene gus, and plant screening marker gene hpt, and was suitable for transformation via Agrobacteria. The recombinant binary vector pBRSAg was mobilized into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 cells by using the freeze-thaw method. Tobacco leaf discs were transformed by A. tumefaciens and plants were regenerated on selection medium. GUS staining and PCR test of the plants were positive. It was initially shown that the HBsAg gene was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants.
    Screening and Identification of Drought-Sensitive and Insensitive Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana by Infrared Thermography
    SONG Yu-Wei;LI Yu-Ying;YANG Jian-Wei
    2009, 29(4):  466-470.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.014
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    Drought-sensitive mutant(dri1) and drought-insensitive mutant(drs1) of Arabidopsis thaliana were screened with infrared thermography from an ethyl methane sulfonate-mutagenized population. These mutants were identified as monogenic recessive mutations. Stomata density of these mutants was the same as that of wild type. While, their stomata apertures, water loss and leaf temperature were distinct compared with those of wild type under drought stress. In addition, seed germination test on MS medium indicated that dri1 was more insensitive to ABA, mannitol and NaCl than the wild type, but drs1 was not.
    Seasonal Dynamic of the Yield of Taxol in the Branches and Leaves of Taxus chinensis var. mairei with Different Shade Intensities
    YANG Feng-Jian;ZHOU Rui;PANG Hai-He;ZHANG Xue-Ke;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2009, 29(4):  471-474.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.015
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    Seasonal dynamic of the yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of Taxus chinensis var. mairei with different shade intensities in one growth season was studied. The season change law of the biomass, the content and yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei showed distinct seasonal change. The biomass of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei shaded with shade net of 89% shade degree was higher than that shaded with shade net of 46.4% shade degree.The content of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei shaded with shade net of 89% and 46.4% shade degree respectively, both showed higher value in May, July and November, but the higher value of 46.4% shade degree was obviously higher than that of 89% in the same period. The periods of the highest yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei in one growth season are both November, but the highest yield of 46.4% shade degree was obviously higher than that of 89%.Therefore,we can choose the shade degree of 46.4% in the practical produce and the best harvest season is November.
    Community Characteristics of Acanthopanax brachypus in Hilly Loess Regions
    LIU Fu-Shun;ZHANG Xi-Biao;*;MA Shi-Rong
    2009, 29(4):  475-480.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.016
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    The characteristics of Acanthopanax brachypus community in Ziwu Mountain forest area were studied by the method of sampling. The results show that the seed plants flora of the A. brachypus community is of a temperate feature. The plant species is dispersed and simple. It is an instable community under natural and artificial impacts. The trend of indices of species diversity and abundance is in accordance. The indices of predominance are reverse. The vertical structure of A. brachypus community is clear. The tree layer is mainly composed of Pinus tabulaeformis, Quercus liaotungensis and Platycladus orientalis. The shrub layer takes A. brachypus as its domination The herb layer is mainly Carex rigescens. The communities of A. brachypus can be classified into 4 types: Ass.P. tabulaeformisA. brachypusC. rigescens Krecz.+Aster ageratoides, Ass.P. tabulaeformis+Q. liaotungensisA. brachypusC. rigescens, Ass. Q. liaotungensisA. brachypusC. rigescens, Ass. P. orientalisA. brachypus+A. sacrorumC. rigescens. The growth of A. brachypus is mainly influenced by water and temperature. Better growth is observed in the forest areas with better moisture and temperature conditions.
    Effect of Forest Fire on Vegetation in Tahe Forestry Bureau
    SUN Ming-Xue;JIA Wei-Wei*
    2009, 29(4):  481-487.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.017
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    This paper studied the regeneration and restoration of vegetation in the burned area of different forest types and fire intensities. The results showed that there are few larch seedlings in the burned area of coniferous forest and the sprout of broad-leaved tree is positive related with burned intensity. In the burned area of birch and alder stand, the broad-leaved trees have become the dominant species. Severely burning is benefit for natural regeneration and promoting the sprout of birth and alder. The forest in moderately burned area is mainly composed by birch and alder at first and become mixed forest finally. The lightly burning is benefit for the regeneration of conifer forest. The kind of shrubbery and herbage is different in different forest after fire. The regeneration in the forest of Ass. Rhododendron dauricumLarix gmelinii is the best.
    Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Rosa rugosa Thunb.
    LI Yu-Jie;LIU Xiao-Lei;LIU Xia;WU Nan;PENG Xiao;LIANG Lu;FU Yu-Jie;*
    2009, 29(4):  488-491.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.018
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    The rose essential oil was extracted using simultaneous steam distillation, and the chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS, which identified a total of 14 chemical components and the total content was 95.25%. Citronellol is the main component of the essential oil, the relative content was 90.37%. Antimicrobial activity showed that rose essential oil possessed different excent antimicrobial activity to seven kinds of bacteria except for Aspergillus niger, in which, the MIC values of rose essential oil against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were all 0.063% v/v, the MIC values of rose essential oil against Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris and Candida albicans were all 0.125% v/v, however, the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was relatively weak, MIC was 0.500% v/v. The results of inhibition diameters also showed that inhibition diameters of rose essential oil against six strains were higher than 8.5 mm except for A. niger and P. aeruginosa. The bactericidal dynamic studies of rose essential oil against three-sensitive strains including S. aureus(gram-positive bacteria), E. coli(gram-negative bacteria) and C. albicans(fungi) were investigated, which provides a theoretical basis for the application of rose essential oil.
    Establishment of Regeneration System of Leaves and Stems of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Virus-free Plantlets
    YIN Ming-Hua;HONG Sen-Rong*
    2009, 29(4):  492-499.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.019
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    Effects of different factors on regeneration of leaves and stems were studied by using Dioscorea bulbifera L. as test material to optimize the regeneration system of leaves and stems of D. bulbifera L. virus-free plantlets. The results showed: The callus induction medium of D. bulbifera L. leaves and stems was MS+KT 2 mg·L-1+2,4-D 2 mg·L-1; The best sucrose concentration of callus induction of D. bulbifera L. leaves and stems was 30 g·L-1 and 50 g·L-1 respectively; Calli of D. bulbifera L. leaves and stems were induced easily in dark; The differentiation medium of D. bulbifera L. leaf and stem calli was MS+KT 4 mg·L-1+NAA 0.1 mg·L-1; The calli of D. bulbifera L. leaves and stems were differentiated easily after subcultured for two times; The best rooting medium of D. bulbifera L. adventitious buds was 1/2MS+IBA 0.1 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+PP333 1 mg·L-1. The regeneration system from leaves and stems of D. bulbifera L. virus-free plantlets was established successfully for the first time, which providing a technological basis for factory production of D. bulbifera L. virus-free plantlets.
    Analysis on Volatile Components and Fatty Acids in Hypocotyl of Bruguiera gymnorhiza
    FAN Run-Zhen;SONG Wen-Dong;GU Chang-Sheng;HAN Wei-Dong
    2009, 29(4):  500-504.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.020
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    The volatile constituents and fatty acids in hypocotyl of Bruguiera gymnorhiza were analyzed by GC-MS in this paper. 30 volatile constituents were detected, of which 27 compounds were identified, accounting for 97.01% of the total contents. The main components were alkanes, accounting for 67.43% of the identified components, In addition, there were acids,esters and terpenoids;23 fatty acids were detected,of which 19 compounds accounting for 97.81% of the total contents detected were identified. Among them, 64.87% are saturated fatty acids and 35.13% are unsaturated fatty acids.
    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acanthopanax senticosus
    CHU Li-Min;SUN Zhou-Ping*
    2009, 29(4):  505-508.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.021
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    Using axillary bud explants,an efficient plant regeneration system via organogenesis was established for Acanthopanax senticosus.The results showed that the optimum regeneration medium was WPM+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.1 mg·L-1,germination rate was 90%;the propagating medium was WPM+6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1+NAA 0.05 mg·L-1, propagating times was 4.8; the rooting medium was White+IBA 0.5 mg·L-1+IAA 1.5 mg·L-1,the rooting rate was 85.2%.
    Preliminary Study on Anther Culture of Erigeron breviscapus
    ZHANG Zhi-Hui;ZHAO Zhen-Ling;YANG Wei-Ze;ZHANG Jin-Yu;YANG Mei-Quan;JIN Hang*
    2009, 29(4):  509-512.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.04.022
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    The preliminary study was carried out on the anther culture of Erigeron breviscapus. The results showed that during callus induction, 60 g·L-1 sucrose was suitable;MS medium was better than B5; the highest induction efficiency 36.03% was achieved on the medium of MS+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1+BA 0.5 mg·L-1+sucrose 60 g·L-1. calli were transferred on medium MS+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1 to proliferation. After differentiating and taking roots, plantlets were obtained. The chromosome numbers from root-tip cells of regeneration plant was nine. It showed that the regeneration plant was haploid.