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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 890-900.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.06.010

• Taxonomy • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Diversity and Flora of Bryophytes in Typical Areas of Linzhi

Zhiyuan GAO1,2,3, Mengxin SI1,2,3, Biao WANG1,2,3, Heping MA1,2,3()   

  1. 1.Institute of Plateau Ecology,Xizang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University,Linzhi 860000
    2.Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology in Xizang Plateau,Ministry of Education,Linzhi 860000
    3.National Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station of Linzhi Xizang,Linzhi 860000
  • Received:2024-03-12 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-22
  • Contact: Heping MA E-mail:285477889@qq.com


The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is known as “the Third Pole of the World”, and the southeast is a biodiversity-rich region in China, and is one of the distribution centers of China’s endemic bryophytes. Linzhi City is located in the southeast of Xizang Autonomous Region, with rich vegetation types and complex flora, but there are few studies on the diversity of bryophytes in this region. Based on the field survey data and document literatures, the flora and diversity of bryophytes at four counties(districts)in Linzhi City were analyzed, the specimens were identified and counted, the community characteristics were compared by analyzing the dominant families, dominant genera, zonal components, and diversity indices. The results showed that there were 748 species (varieties,subspecies,and variants), 249 genera and 60 families of mosses in four typical areas of Linzhi City, with 11 dominant families, 21 dominant genera, 86 endemic species and 16 threatened species in China. This area was divided into 12 floras, and the bryophytes were distributed in the North Temperate Zone(20.94%), Tropical Asia(18.74%), China-Himalayan-Janpan(13.32%) and China-Endemic(12.59%). This indicated that the bryophyte flora in this region was dominated by temperate components, and had tropical attributes, with temperate-to-tropical transition components.

Key words: bryophytes, flora, species diversity

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