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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 841-850.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.06.001

• Research Report •     Next Articles

Leaf Epidermal Micromorphological Features and Their Systematic Significance of Six Wild Speciesof Camellia chrysantha

Li-Qiong ZHU1, Dong-Mei QIN1, Li-Jun ZHAO1(), Bin-Sheng DENG2, Sheng-Yuan LIU3, Chang-Jie JIANG4   

  1. 1.College of Forestry,Guangxi University,Guangxi key laboratory of forest ecology and conservation,Nanning 530004
    2.Chongzuo Forestry Science Research Institute/Chongzuo City Garden Science and Technology Research Institute,Chongzuo 532200
    3.Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve,Longzhou 532400
    4.Nanning Golden Camellia Park,Nanning 530022
  • Received:2020-11-13 Online:2021-11-20 Published:2021-10-29
  • Contact: Li-Jun ZHAO E-mail:zhlj-70@163.com
  • About author:ZHU Li-Qiong(1969—),female,master,associate professor,mainly engaged in the study of plant morphological structure and plant physiological ecology.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31560061);Chongzuo Major Science and Technology Projects(FC2018003)


To compare the differences in leaf epidermis micro-morphology of Camellia chrysantha, the light microscope and scanning electron microscope were used to investigate the mature leaf epidermis micro-morphological features of six wild C. chrysantha species in Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve. The results showed that: ①The leaf epidermis was composed of epidermal fine stomata apparatus in six C. chrysantha species, and the stomata were randomly distributed on the leaf abaxial surface. Each stomata had three guard cells with different sizes, which categorized as annular type stomata. There were significant differences in stomatal length, stomatal width, stomatal density, stomatal index and cell density of upper and lower epidermis cell density among six species of C. chrysanthaP<0.05). ②Cluster analysis results with epidermal traits showed that C. ptilosperma and C. longgangensis were classified into one category, and the other four species were classified into each own category separately. Similar results were shown from the micro-morphological features, such as location of the flat peripheral wall and cell wall of epidermal cells, the ornamentation of cuticle and waxy layer covering epidermal cells, the location of stomata and epidermal cells, the morphology of the surface and inner edge of stomatal outer arches, and the cuticle membrane on the outer edge of stomatal outer arches. ③Filamentous or chain-like wax decoration lines were commonly found on epidermal cells of the six species leaves, which might be used as an important evidence for the classification of cultivated species and wild species of C. chrysantha. ④Wild C. chrysantha species showed strong adaptability to the arid karst habitat based on the leaf epidermal traits, including the distribution of stomata, the existence of cuticle and wax layer, thick epidermal cell wall and sunken stomata.

Key words: Camellia chrysantha, leaf epidermis, micro-morphological features, classification, adaptability

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