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植物研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 461-466.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.04.013

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  1. 东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨 150040
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-07-20 发布日期:2011-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 祖元刚
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of 5 Species C4 Enzymes Activities, Pigments Contents and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Leaf and Branch Chlorenchyma of 3 Species C3 Woody Plants

WANG Ying;WANG Wen-Jie;XU Hui-Nan;ZHENG Guang-Yu;SUN Wei;ZU Yuan-Gang*   

  1. Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology of Northeast Forestry University,Ministry of Education,Harbin 150040
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-07-20 Published:2011-07-20
  • Contact: ZU Yuan-Gang
  • Supported by:

摘要: 对3种C3木本植物丁香(Syringa meyeri)、杨树(Populus alba)、落叶松(Larix gmelinii)叶片和树枝绿色组织相关指标分析发现:3种植物叶片Chl.a+b含量均显著高于树枝,但是树枝较叶片Chl.a/b比值差异不明显(丁香、落叶松)(p>0.05)或显著高(杨树)(p<0.05)。单位叶绿素内各酶活性显示,丁香树枝PEPC、PEPCK、PPDK、NADP-ME、NADP-MDH酶活性分别是叶片的2.4、4.1、3.2、4.5和1.9倍;杨树树枝分别是叶片的2.1、15、6.3、6.3和2.8;落叶松树枝分别是叶片的6.8、6.3、4.3、4和5.5倍,而单位鲜重内各酶活性显示出的树枝与叶片的差异均小于单位叶绿素的相应结果。种间比较发现,杨树叶片和树枝5种酶活性均显著高于丁香和落叶松。树枝绿色组织内C4酶活性普遍高于相应叶片的事实说明,木质化绿色组织内可能存在C4酶相关的生化过程。丁香与落叶松树枝的电子传递速率、PSⅡ效率大于叶片,杨树叶片的相应值大于树枝,相关分析表明,这种高的C4酶活性并没有显著影响叶绿素荧光参数(p>0.05),显示出树枝绿色组织和C3植物叶片内C4酶对光合影响的复杂性。

关键词: 叶绿素含量, C4酶, 叶绿素荧光参数, 种间差异, 叶片, 树枝绿色组织

Abstract: All these 3 species of clove, poplar and larch showed that the contents of Chl.a+b in leaf were significantly higher than those in branch, Chl.a/b had no significant differences in clove and larch(p>0.05), but Chl.a/b in branch of poplar was significantly lower than that in leaf(p<0.05). When expressed as unit of chlorophyll, the activities of PEPC, PEPCK, PPDK, NADP-ME, NADP-MDH in branch of clove were respectively 2.4 times, 4.1 times, 3.2 times, 4.5 times and 1.9 times of those in leaf; in branch of poplar were respectively 2.1 times, 15 times, 6.3 times, 6.3 times and 2.8 times of those in leaf, and the corresponding values for larch were respectively 6.8 times, 6.3 times, 4.3 times, 4 times and 5.5 times. However, the differences in enzymes activities between leaf and branch at fresh weight unit were much smaller comparing with so large differences in chlorophyll unit. Inter-species comparison showed that 5 enzymes in poplar leaf and branch were significantly higher than clove and larch. The fact that C4 enzymatic activities in branch chlorenchyma were much higher than leaf shows that C4 enzyme-related biochemical processes may exist in the woody chlorenchyma. Electronic transportation rate and PSⅡ efficiency of branch in clove and larch were greater than leaf and contrary tendency was found in poplar. Correlation analysis between photosynthetic parameters and C4 enzymes showed that the high C4 enzymatic activities generally had no influence on the chlorophyll fluorescence indices(p>0.05), indicating the complexity of C4 enzymes functions on the photosynthesis of branch chlorenchyma and C3 leaf.

Key words: chlorophyll, C4 enzyme, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, inter-species differences, chlorenchyma in leaf and branch
