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植物研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 655-661.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.05.002

• 植物生殖生物学 • 上一篇    


陈小红1(), 郭泽娟2, 赵霞3, 孟文瑞1   

  1. 1.四川农业大学林学院,成都 611130
    2.四川省遂宁市林业局,遂宁 629000
    3.贵州省毕节市林业局,毕节 551700
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-07 出版日期:2024-09-20 发布日期:2024-09-23
  • 通讯作者: 陈小红 E-mail:xiaohong_chen@sicau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:陈小红(1977—),女,博士,主要从事濒危植物保护与植物生理研究。xiaohong_chen@sicau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Gemmae Formation and Characteristics of the Endangered Plant Cystopteris chinensis

Xiaohong CHEN1(), Zejuan GUO2, Xia ZHAO3, Wenrui MENG1   

  1. 1.College of Forestry,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130
    2.Suining Forestry Bureau,Sichuan Province,Suining 629000
    3.Bijie Forestry Bureau,Guizhou Province,Bijie 551700
  • Received:2024-04-07 Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-09-23
  • Contact: Xiaohong CHEN E-mail:xiaohong_chen@sicau.edu.cn


珠芽胎生繁殖是蕨类植物孢子繁殖的有益补充,丰富了植物的繁殖再生系统,影响着种群遗传多样性和对环境的适应能力。该研究以国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生植物光叶蕨(Cystopteris chinensis)为对象,通过形态学与解剖学方法,探究其羽片后面不明突起——珠芽的形态与解剖特征,揭示其生殖结构和发育过程,追溯珠芽胎生起源和生态适应机制。结果显示:(1)珠芽和孢子囊群同期出现在光叶蕨羽片背面末级细脉中部,只是珠芽位于顶端裂片。珠芽形成包括启动期、膨大期和成熟期3个时期,由黄绿色球状体逐渐成长为深绿色纺锤状,基部变黑形成离层时成熟。(2)珠芽起源于维管束鞘延伸区的薄壁细胞,不断分裂生长形成珠芽原基,逐渐突破叶下表皮形成圆球形珠芽;随着珠芽不断膨大,中下部细胞分化形成贮藏细胞和维管束,顶端分化出生长点形成芽。(3)极少数珠芽在叶片上可直接萌动形成新的自养个体。成熟珠芽掉落在土壤内1周后开始萌发,基部长出圆柱形根,顶部萌发出拳芽。残留珠芽第2年仍可萌发形成新叶,与茎芽产生的叶片形态有别。

关键词: 光叶蕨, 珠芽, 解剖结构, 营养体胎生


Viviparous reproduction is a beneficial supplement to spore reproduction of pteridophytes, which enriches the reproduction and regeneration system and affects the population genetic diversity and environmental adaptability. In this study, Cystopteris chinensis, a national key protected wild plant, was selected as materials, and morphological and anatomical methods were used, the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the gemmae with the unknown process behind the pinna were examined, and the reproductive structure and development process were revealed, and the viviparous origin and ecological adaptation mechanism of the gemmae were traced. The results showed that: (1)The gemmae and sporangium groups appeared in the middle of the last veins on the abaxial leaf pinna, but the gemmae were located in the apical pinnate lobes. The gemmae formation included three stages: initiation, expansion and maturation, the gemmae gradually grew from yellow-green globule to dark green spindle-shaped, and matured when the base turned black to form a separate layer. (2)The gemmae originated from the parenchyma cells in the extension area of the vascular bundle sheath, which continuously divided and grew to form the gemmae primordium, and gradually broke through the lower epidermis of the leaf to form spherical gemmae. With the gemmae expansion, the middle and lower cells differentiated into storage cells and vascular bundles, and the apex differentiated into growth points to form buds. (3)Few gemmae could directly sprout on the leaves to form new autotrophs. After falling to the soil for 1 week, the mature gemmae began to germinate, which grew cylindrical roots at the base, and the fist bud germinated at the top. The residual gemmae still germinated into new leaves in the second year, which were different from those produced by stem buds.

Key words: Cystopteris chinensis, gemmae, anatomical structure, vegetative viviparity
