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    20 March 2024, Volume 44 Issue 2
    Research Progress on the Mechanism of Plant Hormone Regulating Yield and Latex Flow in Hevea brasiliensis
    Bingbing GUO, Mingyang LIU, Longjun DAI, Hong YANG, Lifeng WANG
    2024, 44(2):  161-167.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.001
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    Rubber tree(Hevea brasiliensis) is one of the important tropical cash crops, and natural rubber(NR), a secondary metabolite, is an important industrial raw material and strategic material in China. Phytohormones play important roles in regulating plant growth, development, germination, and environmental responses. Here, the research progress on application of four phytohormones, Ethylene, Abscisic acid, Brassinolides, and Gibberellin in the growth and development of rubber trees, NR biosynthesis, rubber yield, latex flow, and quality formation, was summarized in detail, and the application prospect of four phytohormones in mechanism research of improving rubber production and latex flow was looked forward to provide theoretical support for the rubber industry development.

    Systematic and Evolutionary
    Prediction of the Geographical Distribution Pattern of Rhodiola tangutica(Crassulaceae) under the Background of Climate Change, an Endemic Species from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    Xiaoli LI, Xu SU, Dong WANG, Yuping LIU, Jinyuan CHEN, Chenglin SUN
    2024, 44(2):  168-179.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.002
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    To explore the potential suitable distribution and ecological adaptability of Rhodiola tangutica on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, based on 38 distribution sites of Rhodiola tangutica across the plateau and seven environmental factors across current and future five periods, a relationship model between the distribution of Rhodiola tangutica and environmental factors was constructed using the MaxEnt model. The potential geographical distribution patterns for the current period(1970-2000) and four future periods(2030s, 2050s, 2070s and 2090s) under the SSP245 scenario were simulated and verified. The findings revealed that: (1)Altitude(Alt) and precipitation of the driest month(Bio14) were the most important ecological factors influencing the geographical distribution of Rhodiola tangutica, contributing rates of 89.3% and 4.9%, respectively. (2)under the current climatic context, the total suitable distribution area of Rhodiola tangutica on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was approximately 195.21×10? km2, predominantly situated in the southern and northeastern parts of Qinghai, northwestern Sichuan, and central Xizang. (3)compared with the current period, the total suitable distribution area of Rhodiola tangutica in the next four periods would not change obviously; however, the area of high suitability would increase, with a tendency of concentrated distribution to the central Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.

    Response of Potential Geographic Distribution of Amygdalus mongolica to Climate Change
    Xiaohui HE, Jian GAO, Li ZHU, Ruimin HAO, Lei HUANG, jin ZHU, Li CHENG, Jie ZHOU
    2024, 44(2):  180-191.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.003
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    To understand the distribution characteristics of Amygdalus mongolica, a rare and endangered Tertiary in the Mongolian Plateau, and its response to future climatic change, climate and soil variables with 121 population distribution points of A. mongolica were selected, and the comprehensive habitat suitability model(CHS) in the R software Biomod2 modeling platform was constructed, which was used to simulate and predict suitable habitat under the current climatic condition and three different future climate scenarios(SSP1-2.6、SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5) in the future(2050S and 2090S), and the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics was analyzed, and the migration pattern of suitable habitat was explored. The results showed that the TSS of the climate suitability model (ensemble model) was >0.75, the ROC of the distribution limitation model was >0.90, which indicated that the comprehensive habitat suitability model selected in this study might accurately simulate the potential geographical distribution characteristics of A. mongolica under different climate scenarios. The suitable habitat area of A. mongolica at present was 64.00×104 km2, mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Ningxia, a small number distribution in Qinghai, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and other places. The suitable habitat area of A. mongolica showed a decreasing trend under three climate change scenarios(SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) in the future, and the suitable habitat area under different climate scenarios in 2090S was smaller than that in 2050S. Its suitable distribution area extended to the west and higher latitudes as a whole.

    Species Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Wild Ribes in Northeast China
    Zhiwen ZHANG, Hongchao BAI, Zheng LIU, Wenguang LI, Gang YANG, Baojiang ZHENG
    2024, 44(2):  192-199.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.004
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    The Northeastern region of China is one of the important distribution areas of wild Ribes, and many records of the genus in this region are incomplete or even incorrect. There is an urgent need to summarize the species and distribution of the wild Ribes in this region. Field investigation on the wild Ribes in northeast China was conducted, and the Flora of China, the northeast plants search contents, and the Northeast vascular plants survey were consulted, and related papers and electronic documents and websites were reviewed respectively. The results showed that there were six subgenus and 22 species(including eight varieties) of the wild Ribes in northeast China. Heilongjiang Province had the largest number of wild Ribes, with 12 species and two varieties, Jilin Province had eight species and four varieties, Liaoning Province had five species and four varieties, and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region had seven species and two varieties. The wild Ribes in the northeast China mainly distributed in the Greater Khingan Mountains, the Lesser Khingan Mountains, the Changbai Mountains, and the coast and islands of the Liaodong Peninsula; the number of species and subgenus of this genus in the northeast China was consistent in horizontal distribution. The wild Ribes in the Lesser Khingan Mountains had the largest number of species and subgenera, and was the modern distribution center of the wild Ribes in northeast China. The Ribes in the northern part of the northeast was dominated by hermaphroditic groups, while in the southern part of the Northeast Most of them were unisexual groups. This genus was distributed from low altitude(≤200 m) to high altitude(1 800-2 100 m), and most species were concentrated at an altitude of 300-800 m. The endemic phenomenon of this genus was very obvious. There were as many as 15 species(including six variants) endemic to domestic regions, accounting for 68%. The wild Ribes in northeast China had many species, rich resources, wide distribution and huge development potential. However, its living environment was under threat. We should pay close attention to the dynamic changes of its population and distribution area in order to take measures to protect it in time.

    Diversity Pattern and Conservation of Monocotyledon in Yunnan,China
    Yanli WEN, Rong LI
    2024, 44(2):  200-209.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.005
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    To explore the composition and phylogenetic diversity of species, endemics, and threatened species in different geographic units of Yunnan, and to provide scientific basis for biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource utilization in Yunnan. Based on the comprehensive Yunnan monocotyledon species database, the spatial distribution pattern of monocotyledon plants in Yunnan was revealed by using species richness, weighted endemic, threatened index, phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic endemic, and evolutionary distinctiveness and globally endangered index, respectively, and the distribution of nature reserves was integrated, and the key areas for biodiversity conservation in Yunnan was identified. The results showed that species richness of Yunnan monocotyledons was significantly(P<0.001) and positively correlated with phylogenetic diversity, weighted endemism with phylogenetic endemism, threatened index with evolutionary distinctiveness and globally endangered; northwestern, southern, and southeastern Yunnan possessed the highest diversity and endemism in terms of species composition and phylogenetic composition; and the standardized phylogenetic diversity was higher in all regions except for northwestern and southeastern Yunnan; Northwestern, southern and southeastern Yunnan were the key conservation areas for monocotyledonous plants, and effective measures to protect them would help maintain the evolutionary history and evolutionary potential of biodiversity in the region.

    Geographic Distribution and Priority Protection Levels of Key protected Wild Plants in Wenshan Prefecture
    Xunkang ZHOU, Fan DU, Xing ZHOU, Mengwei XU, Chengcheng HE, Riqiang YUAN, Ming SHI
    2024, 44(2):  210-219.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.006
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    Protected plants usually have high utilization value or a small population size, and are the plant groups facing the highest survival threat, and are also one of the focus objects of biodiversity conservation. Based on the systematic survey of key protected wild plants in Wenshan Prefecture, the abundance and geographic distribution of them were analyzed, and the weights were determined by using four indicators, including endangerment coefficient, genetic value coefficient, protection coefficient, and utilization value coefficient, and then the integrated value of priority protection for these plants were calculated, and the different levels of priority protection to species were classified. The results showed that the387 species of wild plants were identified under priority protection in Wenshan Prefecture, including 36 species under national-level priority protection, 259 species at the second level, 24 species under priority protection at the second level in Yunnan Province, and 78 species at the third level, respectively. Orchidaceae family accounted for 38%(112 species) of the wild plants under national-level priority protection, was an important protected taxon in Wenshan Prefecture. From the horizontal distribution level, Malipo, Maguan and Xichou Counties in the south had high species richness with 228, 224, and 200 species, respectively. On the other hand, Guangnan, Qubei and Yanshan Counties in the north-central part had lower species richness with 87, 68 and 52 species, respectively. In terms of vertical distribution, the elevation range of 1 301 to 1 500 m was the most concentrated area for wild key protected plants. Therefore, biodiversity protection efforts should focus on the southern region and areas with an altitude of 1 301 to 1 500 m. The combined value of priority protection ranged from 0.372 to 0.940, resulting in 39 species classified as Class Ⅰ, 142 species as Class Ⅱ, 123 species as Class Ⅲ, and 83 species as Class Ⅳ. Eight species, including Begonia gulinqingensisCamellia fascicularisHorsfieldia tetratepalaCymbidium qiubeienseCamellia crassicolumna var. multiplexDysosma pleiantha and Cypripedium henryi, were not listed as threatened species in the “China Biodiversity Red List-Higher Plants Volume(2020)”, but were assessed as Class Ⅰ Priority Conservation due to their small number of distribution individuals, and significant human disturbance and high conservation value. These species should be considered urgent targets for rescue and protection.

    Genetic and Breeding
    Analysis on Variation of Floral Organ Traits in Distant Hybrids of Catalpa bungei
    Wenyu CAO, Junhui WANG, Yanhong YANG, Wenjun MA, fang LI, Linzhao ZHOU, Xingyue XIONG, Xiaoliang Hu, Guanyang MA, Kun ZHAO
    2024, 44(2):  220-231.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.007
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    In order to clarify the phenotypic variation degree and regularity of flower organ traits in distant hybrids of Catalpa bungei, 12 distant hybrid species of C. bungei were used as materials, statistical analysis methods such as variance analysis, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were used to study their phenological characteristics, inflorescence traits, flower traits, and color traits during flowering. The results showed that there were significant differences in phenological characteristics during the flowering period of the distant hybrid species of C. bungei. The hybrid of C. bungei and C. ovata was pseudo three-branch, with strong differentiation ability of flower buds, and multiple rounds of flowering in the year of grafting, and the flowering period of over 100 days, exhibited maternal traits. The floral organ characteristics of hybrid species of C. bungei were significantly different, with seven to nine rounds of lateral branches in the inflorescence axis, and the main axis was an infinite inflorescence, and the lateral branches were dichasium, and the transition from the bottom to the top was a cyme inflorescence, which was a transitional trait from a limited inflorescence of C. bungei to an infinite inflorescence of C. ovata. The variation ranges of total flower length, flower tube diameter, flower tube length, corolla width, peduncle length, pistil length, anther length, stamen length, and sterile stamen length were 35.42-50.36, 10.84-16.13, 16.57-24.68, 31.58-44.87, 9.07-31.99, 19.44-27.52, 4.85-5.89, 13.93-21.10, 3.66-6.79 mm, respectively. The variation coefficient ranged from 10.88%-31.02%, and the diversity index ranged from 1.36-1.93. Based on the nine traits, the 12 hybrids were clustered into three types: large flower type, medium flower type and small flower type. There were significant differences in flower color among C. bungei hybrids.The values of L*, a* and b* were used to cluster the labellum flower spots color of the 12 hybrids into three categories, namely pinkish purple, purplish red and purple.

    Isolation and Identification of a Novel Enlarged Leaf Mutant atscamp in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Xuefeng HAO, Xiaoyu JIA, Haiyan CAO, Chunxia KANG, Yanxi PEI
    2024, 44(2):  232-238.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.008
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    Leaf is the main photosynthetic organ, and the leaf morphology beneficial for photosynthesis has become an important breeding target. atscamp was screened from the Arabidopsis thaliana mutant library(about 6 000 lines) with wide leaves. Tail-PCR analysis revealed a T-DNA insertion at the AT1G11180 locus, which encodes a secretory carrier membrane protein(SCAMP). RT-PCR showed that the transcriptional expression level of the gene was basically zero. The leaf width and area of the mutant were significantly larger than those of wild type plants(P<0.01), while the crown diameter was essentially unchanged. Additionally, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll maximium fluorescence, and photosystem II potential photochemical efficiency were all increased in the atscamp mutant(P<0.05). Correspondingly, the mutants showed significant increases in transpiration coefficient(Tr), net photosynthetic rate(Pn), and leaf water use efficiency(WUE)(P<0.05). Spatial-temporal specific expression analysis of the AT1G11180 gene revealed that the gene was highly expressed only in leaves, with low expression levels in other organs, and the gene expression gradually increased with the development and maturity of plants. The results suggested that AtSCAMP might play an important role in leaf shape development.

    Physiology and Ecology
    Analysis of Fungi from Parametarhizium on Improving the Growth of Mung Beans under Salt and Alkali Stress
    Chenxi MA, Yu ZHANG, Dexin KONG, Ying GAO, Lijian XU, Wei MENG
    2024, 44(2):  239-247.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.009
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    To explore whether the fungi from Parametarhizium, namely P. hingganense or P. changbaiense, a newly discovered fungus from forest litters in northeast China, could improve plant growth under salt and alkali stress, the mung bean seeds were treated with the fungi, followed by the examinations on the phenotypic changes, and alterations on the photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, osmolyte contents, ROS levels, and antioxidant enzyme activities were detected respectively. The results showed that the biomass of mung bean plants treated with P. hingganense or P. changbaiense were higher under no-stress, salt and alkali stress conditions than untreated plants. Under salt and alkali stress, two fungus-treated plants maintained a high photosynthetic activity, elevated proline content, decreased malondialdehyde(MDA) content, and increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes POD, SOD and CAT in different degrees. In conclusion, through maintenance of photosynthesis, raising osmotic potential, and antioxidant capacity, treatment of the fungi from Parametarhizium alleviated the salt and alkali stress on mung bean. P. hingganense might significantly alleviate salt stress damage, while P. changbaiense might significantly improve the growth of mung bean under alkali stress.

    Growth and Wood Character Variation of Populus pseudo-cathyana×Populus deltoids Plantation with Different Thinning Intensity in Northeast China
    Jing XU, Ying CUI, Fusen WANG, Kailong LI, Guanzheng QU, Xiyang ZHAO
    2024, 44(2):  248-258.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.010
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    To explore the effects of different thinning intensity on the growth and wood properties of Populus pseudo-cathyana×Populus deltoids plantation, and to provide a theoretical basis for cultivating high-quality industrial resources of poplar in northeast China, the 18-year old Populus pseudo-cathyana×Populus deltoids was used as the material, and the initial plant row spacing of 2 m×3 m was used as the control, and the thinning treatments of 3 m×3 m, 6 m×3 m, 4 m×6 m were set up. The growth characteristics(tree height, DBH, 2 m diameter, crown width) and wood properties(basic density, fiber length, fiber width, hemicellulose content, cellulose content, semi-cellulose content, lignin content) of the experimental forest were measured in the 5th year after thinning, and the volume per tree and the storage per unit area were calculated using tree height and DBH. The results of variance analysis showed that all indexes were significantly different except basic density (P<0.01). The results of mean analysis showed that the mean values of each growth index and lignin content reached the maximum when the row spacing was 6 m×3 m, and the other wood indexes reached the maximum when the row spacing was 4 m×3 m or 6 m×4 m. The variation of phenotypic coefficient of each index ranged from 3.35% to 29.87%. In addition to the basic density, the repetitive force of each index exceeded 0.590. The results of correlation analysis showed that there were significant positive correlations among the growth indicators(0.690<r<0.993), but the correlation between wood traits and growth traits was weak. It was found that Qi reached the maximum when the row spacing was 6 m×3 m, 4 m×6 m and 4 m×6 m, respectively, by using growth traits, wood traits and combined growth and wood traits as evaluation indexes. Thinning might promote the growth of stand and improve the wood property of the forest, and the wood property and the comprehensive improvement effect of the forest growth and wood would be better when the row spacing of the trees is 4 m×6 m. The best growth results were obtained when the row spacing was 6 m×3 m. Therefore, suitable thinning intensity might be selected according to different cultivation objectives for the cultivation of poplar high quality industrial resources in northeast China in the future.

    Fine Root Biomass and Root Length Density of Pinus tabulaeformis and Cupressus chengiana Plantations in the Arid Valleys of the Upper Minjiang River
    Juan XIA, Xudong SUN, Na WANG, Rui LI, Juan CHEN, Guoqiang GAO
    2024, 44(2):  259-266.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.011
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    To investigate the vertical distribution of root biomass(diameter≤2 mm) and root length density of Pinus tabulaeformis and Cupressus chengiana plantations in the arid valleys of the upper Minjiang River, and to analyze the carbon allocation strategy of fine root system in different soil layers, and to provide reference for vegetation restoration in the arid valleys of the upper Minjiang River. P. tabulaeformis and C. chengiana plantations were sampled by soil corer method, and the root biomass and root length density of absorptive roots(first to third order) and transport roots(≥fourth order) in different depth(h)(0 cm<h≤15 cm and 15 cm<h≤30 cm) were measured, as well as the proportions biomass and length density of absorptive roots to the total fine roots. The results showed that: the absorptive root biomass and root length density of P. tabulaeformis and C. chengiana were significantly higher in 0 cm<h≤15 cm than those in 15 cm<h≤30 cm, and the transport root biomass and root length density were not significantly different between soil layers; the proportions biomass and length density of absorptive roots to the total fine roots in 0 cm<h≤15 cm were significantly higher than that in 15 cm<h≤30 cm(P<0.05); the proportions biomass and length density of absorptive roots to the total fine roots in 0 cm<h≤15 cm and 15 cm<h≤30 cm of C. chengiana were significantly higher than those of P. tabulaeformisP<0.05). These findings suggested that more carbon was allocated to the absorptive roots in the surface soil layers with the highest nutrient availability in P. tabulaeformis and C. chengiana root system.

    Effects of Vegetation Control on Root Traits of Artificial Regeneration of Tilia amurensis Saplings
    Lixue YANG, Shilin LIU, Hanxuan FU, Siyu ZHOU, Huifeng LIU, Fangyuan SHEN
    2024, 44(2):  267-278.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.012
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    Since the regeneration of Tilia amurensis is difficult under full light conditions, and vegetation control can promote the growth of target species by changing light conditions and soil quality. In order to provide the support for the cultivation of T. amurensis, the effects of vegetation control intensity on root traits and soil factors of seedlings were investigated. T. amurensis monocultures(Five-year-old) with inter-row and intra-row spaces of 1.5 m×1.5 m were used as materials, and vegetation control treatments with different intensities T30, T50 and T75(clearing vegetation in the radius of 30, 50, 75 cm around T. amurensis seedlings) and control treatment(CK) were set. The morphological traits, total nutrient content, and non-structural carbon content in the absorptive roots and transport roots of T. amurensis seedlings, as well as soil variables were measured under different treatments, and the effects of vegetation control on root traits and soil conditions were revealed. Vegetation control significantly changed the light intensity in the environment of T. amurensis seedlings, among which the light intensity under T75 treatment was the maximum, and the light intensity decreased with the weakening of vegetation control intensity(P<0.05). Vegetation control significantly reduced the contents of total carbon, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus in the soil. With the decrease of vegetation control intensity, the fine root diameter, carbon to phosphorus ratio, soluble sugar and starch contents decreased, while the specific surface area, specific root length, total carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents increased. Soil variables factors to the variation of root traits for absorptive roots and transport roots were 43.2% and 37.9%, respectively. The greater the vegetation control intensity, the greater the light intensity obtained by T. amurensis saplings, and the root morphology, stoichiometry and physiological traits of T. amurensis saplings took adaptive changes with the change of vegetation control intensity. The root specific surface area, specific root length, total carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents were increased to enhance the adaptability to low light conditions. The changes of light conditions and soil factors under vegetation control might be the two main factors to explain the root trait changes of T. amurensis saplings.

    Quantitative Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Regeneration Seedlings of Different Decay Grades of Pinus schrenkiana, Western Tianshan Mountains
    Jiongkun HE, Zhenwei XU, Rukang SHI, Dayong HAN
    2024, 44(2):  279-288.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.013
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    In order to explore the difference and influencing factors of the number of regenerated seedlings of Pinus schrenkiana on different decomposed grades of fallen wood, the relationship between the number and height levels of regenerated seedlings on different decomposed grades of fallen wood, and the water content, surface area, slope, slope direction and elevation of fallen wood were investigated respectively. The results showed that the probability of seedlings appearing on fallen wood with different decay grades was different, but the seedlings survival rate increased with the increase the decay grade of fallen wood. The height level structure of fallen wood seedlings with different decomposition grades showed obvious growth characteristics, with seedlings at height of 0-5 cm being the most. The water content of fallen wood had a significant impact on the number of seedlings on grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ decayed fallen wood(P<0.05), while the surface area of fallen wood had a significant impact on the number of seedlings on grade Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ decayed fallen wood(P<0.01), but the slope and altitude had no significant impact on the number of regenerated seedlings on each grade of decayed fallen wood(P<0.05). Further analysis of the influencing factors on the number of seedlings at different height levels showed that water content had a very significant impact on the number of A1(0-5 cm) and A2(5.1-10.0 cm) height level regenerated seedlings on fallen wood with grade Ⅱ decay(P<0.01), and the surface area of fallen wood had a significant impact on the number of A1 height level seedlings on fallen wood with grade Ⅱ and Ⅲ decay(P<0.05); On the fallen wood with grade Ⅳ decay, these factors had no significant impact on the number of regenerated seedlings at different height grades(P<0.05). The surface area and slope direction of fallen trees had a significant impact on the number of dead seedlings on fallen trees. The water content on low-level decomposed fallen wood was the main factor affecting the number of regenerated seedlings, while for high-grade fallen wood, the surface area was the main factor. In contrast, seedlings with lower heights were more susceptible to the impact.

    Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Intra-Annual Xylem Growth of Quercus mongolica in Liupan Mountain Nature Reserve, China
    Qianlin LI, Minggang GUO, Jiayin LI, Xiali GUO, Jianguo HUANG, Lin CHEN, Xuebin LI
    2024, 44(2):  289-297.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.014
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    Understanding the growth dynamics of tree xylem in arid and semi-arid areas of China and its response to climatic factors is crucial for assessing and predicting forest productivity and carbon sequestration potential under climate change. In this study, the intra-annual xylem formation of four Quercus mongolica in Liupan Mountain Nature Reserve of Ningxia were monitored by micro-core sampling technique in two growing seasons(2019 and 2020), and mixed linear model was used to explore the effects of temperature and precipitation on xylem growth rates. The results showed that there was no significant difference in intra-annual xylem formation dynamics between the two years(P>0.05). The onset of xylem formation started from early April and ceased from mid-to-late September, resulting in a growing season length of (177±17) days(2019) and (165±24) days(2020). The results of the mixed linear model showed that the annual xylem growth rate of Q. mongolica was positively correlated with the maximum, mean, minimum temperatures, as well as total precipitation in the preceding 7, 10 and 15 days(P<0.01). Under global change, the xylem growth of Q. mongolica may benefit from future warm and humid climate conditions in Liupan Mountain Nature Reserve, Ningxia.

    Molecular biology
    Gene Cloning, Expression and Interaction Protein Analysis of FERONIA in Brassica oleracea var. acephala
    Baoru XUN, Hongtao QIN, Rui MA, Nanfeng GUO, Yunping LIU, Ying WU, Xingguo LAN
    2024, 44(2):  298-306.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.015
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    FERONIA (FER) receptor kinase plays an important role in pollen and stigma recognition in flowering plants. To analyze the function of receptor-like kinase FERONIA(FER) in the pollination in ornamental kale(Brassica oleracea var. acephala), BoFER gene was cloned from the stigma of the self-incompatibility line(S13-bS13-b ) of ornamental kale by RT-PCR, and the cloned cDNA sequence was 2 682 bp, which encoded 893 amino acids containing the highly conserved kinase domain and Ser/Thr kinase binding site, and the expression level of BoFER was analyzed by qRT-PCR. The results showed that the expression of BoFER in stigmas gradually increased after incompatible pollination, but gradually decreased after compatible pollination. Furthermore, the interaction between BoFER and known proteins related to self-incompatibility were analyzed by yeast two-hybrid. The results suggested that BoFER interacted with the kinase domain of S-locus receptor kinase BoSRK13-b.

    Plant synecology
    Effect of Species-mixing on the Growth, Structure and Productivity of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Elaeocarpus sylvestris Mixed Forests
    Haoran ZHOU, Honggang SUN, Peng ZHANG, Yuanyuan HAN, Wenhua LI
    2024, 44(2):  307-320.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.016
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    To explore the mixing effect of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Elaeocarpus sylvestris, 20-year-old pure and mixed C. lanceolata and E. sylvestris plantations in Fengshushan Forestry Farm in Jingdezhen were selected as test objects, and three slope positions(up slope position, middle slope position and down slope position) were set for each stand type, and the effect of mixed tree species on the plantation growth was analyzed, and the responses of the mixed effects on site condition and on environmental factors was investigated, respectively. The results showed that the volume of the mixed forests ircreased by 5% compared with the expected volume, showing a slightl increase. Compared with pure stands, the diameter distributions of the two species showed opposite trends to the mixed, the peak of diameter distribution of C. lanceolata in mixed stands moved towards higher order, however, the peak of diameter distribution of E. sylvestris in mixed stands moved towards lower order. The allometric analysis of coarse root diameter-stem diameter of pure and mixed plantations showed that C. lanceolata allometry in mixed forests was focused on stem growth, while E. sylvestris allometry in mixed forests was focused on root growth, regardless of forest type and tree species, tree growth would focus on stem growth from slope position to bottom. There was a significant negative correlation between the mixed effect of C. lanceolata and E. sylvestris and the site index, the soil available phosphorus was the main limiting factor for the growth of the mixed forests. The mixed forest of C. lanceolata and E. sylvestris might improve stand growth, and the mixed stands had better adaptability to poor site conditions.