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    20 March 2007, Volume 27 Issue 2
    New Species of Glyptopetalum from Yunnan—Glyptopetalum reticulinerve
    XU Yuan-Jie;FAN Guo-Sheng*
    2007, 27(2):  129-130.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.001
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    A new species of Glyptopetalum that distributes in Yunnan province is reported, it is Glyptopetalum reticulinerve.
    A New Variety and a New Forma of Chimonanthus Lindl. from Shennongjia, China
    ZHAO Bing;GONG Mei-Xiang;ZHANG Qi-Xiang
    2007, 27(2):  131-132.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.002
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    This paper describes a new variety and a new forma of Chimonanthus praecox L. The main difference between new variety and Chimonanthus praecox var. praecox is that the middle petal of new variety is very convolved and the color of middle petal is white or gold yellow. which is mainly distributed in Shennongjia. the variety of Chimonanthus praecox var. reflexa with white petal is looked upon a new forma.
    Bretschneideraceae,a New Record Family from Hainan Province,China
    ZHANG Rong-Jing;NG Sai-Chit*;XING Fu-Wu
    2007, 27(2):  133-134.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.003
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    Bretschneideraceae is reported as new record from Hainan province, China. The present discovery is the southernmost distribution of the family in China, and also the only tropical montane rainforest locality in China. Its distribution and conversation suggestions are discussed as well.
    Scapania ampliata,a Hepatic Species New to China
    ZUO Ben-Rong;;CAO Tong;*
    2007, 27(2):  135-138.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.004
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    Scapania ampliata Steph. (Hepaticae: Scapaniaceae) previously known from Japan, Australia and South Korea is reported for the first time from China (Guangdong and Taiwan). Detailed description and illustration of the species are provided.
    The Rectification of Three Illegal Names in the Genus Jungermannia (Hepaticae, Jungermanniaecae)
    SUN Jun;DUAN Yu-Xi
    2007, 27(2):  139-140.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.005
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    Jungermannia polycarpa Gao et Bai, J. laxifolia Gao and J. brevicaulis Gao & Bai were illegal nomenclatures of Genus Jungermannia and were rectified in the article, the new names were Jungermannia multicarpa C. Gao et J. Sun, Jungermannia sparsofolia C. Gao et J. Sun and Jungermannia gongshanensis C. Gao et J. Sun respectively.
    Studies on the Development of Embryo in Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw.
    SHAO Wen;ZHANG Xian-Chun;LIU Bao-Dong*
    2007, 27(2):  141-144.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.006
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    This paper gives some details about the development of embryo in Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.)Sw. using the method of serial sections. In this species, the first division of zygote produces two equal hemispheric cells by the first partition wall at the right angles to the axis of the archegonium. The daughter cell near the neck of the archegonium gives rise to the vegetable organs, the other cell away from the neck develops to the feet. The apical cell of the first leaf and of the first root originate almost at the same time after the embryo reaches to the 32-celled phase. The second leaf takes place at the basal part of the first leaf and originates from the shoot apex cells when the first leaf pierces the calyptra. On the basis of the structure of vegetable organs, the first leaf and root are the earliest organs in the development of embryo.
    Seed Morphology of the Genus Illicium Linn.(Illiciaceae)
    LIN Qi;LI Chao;LIU Chang-Jiang;YANG Zhi-Rong
    2007, 27(2):  145-150.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.007
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    The seeds of 15 species (33 samples) of the genus Illicium Linn. were observed under light microscope and scanning electron microscope, and described. The results indicate that Illicium seeds are obovoid, rarely ellipsoid or ovoid, flattened. Exotesta is stone-hard, mesotesta coriaceous, endotesta membranaceous. Exotesta is yellowish, egg-yellow to orange-brown with invariably smooth and lucidly ceraceous layer, without testa ornaments found. Seed has a raised longitudinal ridge (raphe) at the ventral surface extending from the hilum to the top. Hilum locates at the bottom, near ventral surface of seed, or at the bottom of seed, ovate or elliptic, depressed. Embryo minute, endosperm copious, oily. The most features of seed surfaces among the species of Illicium are similar and constant, which supports that the genus should be relatively natural monophyletic group.
    Studies on the Development of Gametophyte in Diplazium subsinuatum
    DAI Xi-Ling;CAO Jian-Guo;ZHANG Ying;ZHU Juan
    2007, 27(2):  151-153.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.008
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    The gametophyte development of Diplazium subsinuatum (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) Tagawa from China was observed under artificial culture in this paper. The results show that the spore of Diplazium subsinuatum is bilaterally symmetric, elliptic in polar view, circinal-reniform in equatorial view, the echinate or baculate is formed by the perispore. The pattern of the spore germination is of Vittaria-type. The prothallial development is of Adiantum-type. The developed prothallial is cordiform. This study provides some information for system classification of pteridophytes.
    Comparative Morphology and Statistical Analysis of 3 Species in Cotoneaster Medikus (Rosaceae)
    DING Song-Shuang;SUN Kun*;WU Qiong;SU Xue;CHEN Wen;DONG Li-Na
    2007, 27(2):  154-158.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.009
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    Twenty-three morphological characters among three species, Cotoneaster multiflorus, C.submultiflorus and C.melanocarpus from genus Cotoneaster Medikus, were compared by statistical analysis. Mean value and coefficient of variability (CV) indicated that the variations at intraspecies level were more or less vary in different characters and species. Results from the one-factor analysis of variance (one-factor ANOVA) showed that there was a significant variation at interspecies level in the 18 characters studied and the variation between C. melanocarpus and the other two species was more marked. The process of Stepwise Discriminant Analysis (SDA) indicated that 6 of the characters (hair on adaxial leaf surface, hair on pedicels, shape of base in midvein, shape of apex in midvein, orientation of arc in up quarter margin, petiole length/leaf length) were the key ones to distinguish 3 species, and besides, 82 materials could be specifically categorized into 3 groups. It is reasonable to consider C.submultiflorus, which is intermediate from C. multiflorus and C. melanocarpus in morpohological characters, as a species.
    Comparative Micromorphology of the Leaves of 2 Species and Populations in Melampyrum L. from Anhui
    HU Jin-Rong;ZHOU Shou-Biao*;LI Jin-Hua;WANG Ying;LUO Qi;WANG Gui-Jun
    2007, 27(2):  159-164.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.010
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    Comparative micromorphology of the leaves of 2 species and 3 populations in Melampyrum from Anhui were studied with epidermal maceration,electron microscope and paraffin section method.The results are as follows:the shapes of leaf epidermal cells which have chloroplast, are irregular and the anticlinal walls are sinuous,sinuate, or double-sinuate, the cuticular membrane of leaf epidermis is striated; Both trichome and glandular are on the epidemis,the trichome has neoplasitic process under SEM. The palisade tissue consists of only one lay cells which line up loosely,and the spongy tissue has developed interstitial space; The stomatal apparatus which only distribute in lower epidermis are mainly of anomocytic type,but few concur to have only one accessory cell. Under SEM observation, the inner margin of outer stomatal ledge is near smooth or sinuolate. The results show that the significant micromorphological differences among two species are the pattern of anticlinal,the density of trichome,the length and width ration of stomatal apparatus, the ratio of palisade tissue to apongy tissue and the characters of middle veins,but there are not many differences among 3 populations of Melampyrum roseum.
    Study on Relationship between Root Anatomical Structures of Cucumber Stocks and Anti-adversity
    WANG Gui-Qin;WANG Yu-Liang;SHEN Ge
    2007, 27(2):  165-168.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.011
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    Comparative anatomy research were carried out on root structures of Cucumis sativus and its three stocks i.e.: Cucurbita ficifolia,C.moschata,Luffa cylindrical by light microscope technology, and structure mechanism of anti-disease and anti-waterlogging within the Cucumis sativus+and its different stocks were also discussed.The results showed that: the type,and size of ressel holes the thickness of the vessel wall, the amount of xylem fiber around the vessel and whether with tylosis or not are closely related to the anti-disease character. The thickness of phellem, aerenchyma, diameter of vessel holes,and the number of vessels are related to the anti-waterlogging character.
    Effects of Exogenous Pro on Resistance of Trapella sinensis Olive to Cd2+ Stress
    XU Ye;SHI Guo-Xin*;XU Qin-Song;WANG Xue;DING Bing-Zhong
    2007, 27(2):  169-174.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.012
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    The mitigation of toxic effect of Cd2+ on Trapella sinensis Olive by exogenous Pro was studied. The results showed that when treated with single 3 mg·L-1 Cd2+ for 5 d,the Pro content increased,chlorophyll and soluble protein content dropped,the balance of antioxidase(SOD,POD,CAT) was broken and their activities decreased,MDA content,O-2 generation rate increased in T. sinensis Olive.When different conditions of Pro was added into the solution,Pro content dropped,the degradation of chlorophyll and soluble protein was alleviated,the activities of SOD and POD raised,the activity of CAT returned to normal level,the balance of antioxidase was rebuilt,the activity of antioxidase was enhanced, O-2 generation rate was dropped,and accumulation of MDA was reduced in comparison with single Cd2+ treatment. As a result, exogenous Pro can enhance the resistance of plants to heavy metal stress.The optimum dose of Pro to Cd2+ in T. sinensis Olive was ranged from 40~60 mg·L-1.
    In Virto Comparision of Ca(NO3)2 Tolerance of Different Tomato Cultivars and Rootstock Selfed Lines at Seedling Stage
    LIU Hui-Min;ZHU Yue-Lin*;CHEN Lei
    2007, 27(2):  175-181.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.013
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    In vitro salt tolerance at seedling stage of tomato cultivars were evaluated under a series of Ca(NO3)2 concentrations. Seedling growth and salinity injury of different cultivars were examined after 10 days of treatment. Results showed that significant differences in salt tolerance were observed among 15 different cultivars. Cultivars of Shanghai 903, Suhong 2003, Sunshine 906, Dayu Zhongshu No. 4, Sanxing L402, Tomato Dahong, Zhongshu No. 4, Baoda 903, Xiafen, Maofen 802 were Ca(NO3)2 sensitive; Zaofeng Tomato, Jiangshu No. 14, Baofen, Sanxing 906 were medium Ca(NO3)2 tolerant; Japanese Dafen Queen was Ca(NO3)2 tolerant. The analysis of salt tolerance of 7 tomato rootstock selfed lines: TR-1, TR-2, TR-3, TR-4, TR-5, TR-7, TR-8 was studied at a high Ca(NO3)2 concentration. It was founded that under the same treatment the average numbers of lateral roots of rootstock selfed lines were significantly higher than those of tomato cultivars, while the salt stress indexes of rootstock selfed lines were significantly lower than those of tomato cultivars. The salt tolerance of rootstock selfed lines was higher than that of tomato cultivars, and salt tolerance of TR-8 was highest among the experimented tomato materials.
    Hormone Content and Balance During Bolting of Spring Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
    SONG Xian-Yong;LIU Li-Wang*;GONG Yi-Qin;HUANG Dan-Qiong;WANG Long-Zhi
    2007, 27(2):  182-185.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.014
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    Endogenous hormones, including gibberellin (GA4), indole acetic acid (IAA), isopentenyl adenine (iPA) and abscisic acid (ABA), were analyzed during bolting in spring radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Tissue from young leaves near the apex was analyzed with the ELISA. The results showed that an obvious peak value of GA4 content occurred at the bud-emerging point, indicating that this hormone is an important contributor to the bolting process. The ABA had a similar trend to that of GA4, while the IAA content was relatively low compared with that of GA4 and ABA. The content of iPA increased gradually during the bud-emerging stage and reached a maximum value at the late bolting period. The results also demonstrated that the balance of these endogenous hormones play an important role in the bolting process. A high ratio of iPA/ABA and low ratio of GA4/iPA and GA4/IAA were beneficial to floral bud differentiation and bolting in radish.
    Study on Expression of Genes in Tamarix androssowii under Drought Stress Using cDNA Microarray Technology
    WANG Yu-Cheng;LI Hong-Yan;YANG Chuan-Ping;ZHANG Guo-Dong
    2007, 27(2):  186-194.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.015
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    cDNA microarray method was employed to study genes expression pattern in Tamarix androssowii under drought stress. cDNAs from T.androssowii treated with drought stress and control group were labeled with two fluorescence dyestuff Cy5 and Cy3,and hybridize with cDNA microarray containing T.androssowii genes. Gene expression under drought stress was studied through scanning and analysis of gene chip by computer. Totally 47 down-regulated genes and 62 up-regulated genes were obtained. Blastx analysis showed that the function of these genes could be grouped into the categorizations such as dehydration protection,signal transduction and regulation,active oxygen scavenging,photosynthesis,metabolism,ribosomal protein,and protein breakdown and recycling. At the same time,some function unknown genes and new genes related to drought stress were also found. This research revealed some important pathways of drought-resistance in T.androssowii,such as active oxygen scavenging,regulation of metabolism,dehydration protection and protein breakdown and recycling.In addition,the differential expression of genes in T.androssowii before and after drought stress were also elucidated.
    Study on Anatomical Structure of Leaves of Rare Plant Emmenopterys henryi Oliv.
    YANG Kai-Jun;ZHANG Xiao-Ping*;ZHANG Xing-Wang;ZHANG Zhong-Xin;CAO Jing-Jing
    2007, 27(2):  195-198.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.016
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    The anatomical structure of leaves of Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. was investigated by wax-slides and photo-microscopy. The observed results indicate that the leaf belongs to typical bifacial leaf. Each epidermis consists of a row of irregular epidermic cells which are arranged closely and the horny layers of the cells are thin.The stomata only exist in lower epidermis covered by sparse cellulous epidermal hairs, and their type is paracytic. The mesophyll is very rich. Its palisade tissue is composed of 1~2 layers of cylindrical cells. The ratio of the palisade tissue to the spongy parenchyma is 1:2.2.The midrib is conspicuous.The characters mentioned above shows that it is adapted to the environments in which they live.
    Study on the Stomata Characters of Leaves of the Puionium Gaertn.
    YAO Zhao-Hua;HAO Li-Zhen*;WANG Ping;ZHANG Feng-Lan;CHEN Hong-Wei;HU Ning-Bao
    2007, 27(2):  199-203.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.017
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    Conducted with light microscope,the epiderdermal and dermal features as well as the stomata index were investigated in 3 species in Pugionium Gaertn.—P.cornutum (L.) Gaertn.,P.calcaratum Kom. and P.dolatum Maxim. var. dolabratum,and the significant tests for data were carried out. The showed that in Pugionium Gaertn.,the epidermal cells are anomo-shaped, and stomata distribute in both the upper epidermis and the lower epidermis ,which are anisocytic type. The guard cells are kidney shaped and the inner cell walls are thickened to different degrees: P.dolatum Maxim. var. dolabratumP.calcaratum Kom.>P.cornutum (L.) Gaertn.. The stomata are spindle shaped and sink as well.The stomata make and break showed a two-kurtosis carve in 3 species in a day. The stomata characters are very similar in P.calcaratum Kom. and P.dolatum Maxim. var. dolabratum,but shows a significant difference in P.cornutum (L.) Gaertn.,which indicate that microcosmic characters such as the stable stomata characters and its morphology could be important features in determing and evaluating genetic resources.
    The Comparisons of Root System and Root Hair Morphological Characteristics among Three Desert Halophytes
    YI Liang-Peng;MA Jian;LI Yan*
    2007, 27(2):  204-211.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.018
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    This research focused on three desert halophyte species,i.e., H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge., S. physophora Pall.,and S. nitraria Pall. under solution culture,and the differences of their root morphology and activity in the seedling stage under varying salt concentration conditions were studied. The results show that a certain salt concentration can promote the development of these three halophytes, but rather high salt concentration will restrain their growth,especially inhibit the roots development. Under the same salt concentration condition, S. nitraria Pall. grows fast and accumulates the largest amount of biomass. Under relatively lower salt concentration,the length of axial root and the total length of roots of these three halophyte species are all increased, comparing to the control samples, S. physophora Pall. occupies the top place of roots growth,but high salt concentration will restrain the increase of total root length, among them,the restraining intensity to S. physophora Pall. is lighter than to H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. and S. nitraria Pall. The salinity does not bring distinct influence on the average diameter of roots of these three plant species,but trends to reduce the size. Under the solution culture conditions,the upper, middle and lower parts of the axial root of H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. and S. physophora Pall. are rather equally distributed,but the middle part of S. nitraria Pall. roots is significantly increased than the upper and lower parts, salt concentration does not bring marked impact on the roots spatial distribution of each species. Differences between root hair morphological characteristics at different salt concentration were tested,but no significant differences were found. Average root length and density was found to change significantly among the three species. Our research indicates that S. physophora Pall. has the highest drought-resistant and infertile-resistant among three desert halophytes. The experimental results show that the saline tolerance capacity of H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. is lower than the other two species,and the capacity of S. physophora Pall. is ranked at the top place.
    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of rd22 Gene from Polygonum sibricum
    ZHENG Lei;LIU Guan-Jun;YANG Chuan-Ping*
    2007, 27(2):  212-217.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.019
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    Using RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) method, the full-length cDNA of dehydration-responsive protein RD22 was cloned from Polygonum sibricum treated with 3%NaHCO3 solution for 48. The sequence analysis shows that the rd22 gene is 1 302 bp in length, including 59 bp of 5′untranslated region, 25 bp of 3′untranslated region and 1 218 bp of open reading frame (ORF).The rd22 gene encodes a protein of 405 amino acids. The C-terminal of the RD22 protein contains a conserved BURP domain, and the N-terminal contains 5 copies of a repetitive sequence of THV-VGKGGV-V. Signal peptide prediction shows the RD22 protein is a secretory protein, and has a signal peptide structure at the first 21 amino acids region. The amino acid sequence of RD22 prutein from Polygonum sibricum has a high homology with grape of 60%. This rd22 gene has been accepted by GenBank, and the accession number of gene sequence is DQ836050.
    Leaves DNA Extraction and RAPD Amplification of Camellia japonica L.
    CHEN Xi-Feng;ZHA Xiao-Jun;FAN Wen-Jie;MA Bo-Jun*
    2007, 27(2):  218-223.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.020
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    Camellia japonica L., a kind of rare flowers in China, is abundant in variety and difficult to classify and identify systematically. In order to find a technique for the classification and identification of Camellia japonica L. in DNA level and improve its molecular biological research, the optimal condition of DNA extraction and RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) amplification system were specially studied. In the experiment, the genomic DNA obtained from leaves by the method of modified CTAB had a fine purity with OD260/OD230 value about 1.90~2.0 and OD260/OD280 value about 1.80~1.83, a high yield with 150~200 μg·g-1, and a good integrity of fragments above 20 kb. For the RAPD amplifying conditions of Camellia japonica L., the perfect reaction system in a 20 μL volume was considered to be 100 ng template DNA, 1× Buffer, 1.2 mmol·L-1 Mg2+, 125 μmol·L-1 dNTP (each), 0.5 μmol·L-1 primer and 1 U Taq DNA polymerases. The anneal temperature was about 37℃, being adjusted lightly according to the different arbitrary primers. Presuming the phenolic compounds were excessive in leaves of Camellia japonica L., which needs to increase the quantity of β-Mercaptoethanol (4%) and add 2% PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) in the DNA extraction solution to inhibit the oxidation of the phenolic compounds ultimately. It was also recommended that DNA extraction without 10% CTAB could still obtain the DNA with high purity and yield, moreover, the method was easy and steady. To get the good identical results in repeating experiments of RAPD amplification, it also should be noticed that each condition and step must be kept as consistent as possible, and make sure each reagent of reaction comes from the same source with the same concentration.
    The Rapid Propagation Technology of Sorbus pohuashanensis by Axillary Bud Regeneration Way
    GUO Yan-Ru;ZHAN Ya-Guang*;JI Li-Li
    2007, 27(2):  224-228.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.021
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    In order to study the rapid propagation technology for Sorbus pohuashanensis stem segments with axillary buds were chosen as explants. The results showed that the best basic media was MS; axillary buds were induced successfully on MS basal media supplemented with 6-BA(2.5 mg·L-1) and 2.4-D(0.5 mg·L-1); the optimum medium for bud proliferation was MS+6-BA(1 600~2 100)mg·L-1+NAA(0.140~0.230)mg·L-1, 13 shoots per explant could be obtained at average;the shoots grew strongly on MS+6-BA0.2 mg·L-1+IBA0.2 mg·L-1; And 1/2MS+IBA0.3 mg·L-1 was the best medium for shoot rooting,with the rooting rate at 90.20%,and the average root number of 5.96;Plantlets survival rate reached 95.55% when transplanted on the mixture(humus 3:peat soil 2:sand 1).
    Analysis of Secondary Metabolites Contents in the Different Organs of Heptacodium miconioides
    YANG Bei-Fen;JIN Ze-Xin*;SHAO Hong;LI Jun-Min
    2007, 27(2):  229-232.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.022
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    The contents of 6 secondary metabolites, such as flavonoid, tannin, alkaloid, saponin, lignin and chlorogenic acid, in the different organs of Heptacodium miconioides were determined and analyzed. The results showed that there were certain differences among the contents of 6 secondary metabolites in the different organs. The secondary metabolites total content in the oldest root was the highest and the major component was lignin. The content of flavonoid, sponin and alkaloid in the leaves was the highest (24.13, 5.51, 31.08 g·kg-1, respectively). The content of chlorogenic acid in flowers and leaves was higher than other organs (38.74, 37.13 g·kg-1, respectively). The content of tannin in the young root was the highest (9.33 g·kg-1). The content of lignin in the old root was the highest (120.43 g·kg-1). The contents of 6 secondary metabolites in the different organs of H. miconioides were definitely correlated with their synthesis pathway,transport direction and effect part.
    Turf Root Zone Medium Amended by Waste Crumb Rubber and Ecological Responses of Turfgrass
    WANG Li-Li;ZHAO Shu-Lan;LIU Yuan;LIAN Fei;TENG Meng;DUO Li-An*
    2007, 27(2):  233-237.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.023
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    Turf media were respectively compounded by loam, clay soil, sand and waste crumb rubber with four different sizes as soil amendment, and ecological responses of turfgrass were investigated. Analysis on synthetical effect of all ecological indices showed that in soil compounded media, compounded medium with 0.5~1 mm and 4~6 mm crumb rubber was better than 1~2 mm and 2~4 mm. However, compounded medium with 1~2 mm crumb rubber achieved better results in clay soil compounded media. Moreover, in sand compounded media, 1~2 mm and 2~4 mm crumb rubber was better than 0.5~1 mm and 4~6 mm. By comparison, from the angle of turfgrass growth, compounded medium by sand and waste crumb rubber as soil amendment has better applied prospect.
    The Studies on the Plant Diversity of Natural Grassland in Hilly Region of the Loess Plateau in Gansu Eastern
    LI Shi-Weng;XUE Ling-Gui;FENG Hu-Yuan;XU Shi-Jian;AN Li-Zhe
    2007, 27(2):  238-243.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.024
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    Plant diversity of natural grassland in hilly region of Loess Plateau in Gansu eastern was studied. 16 communities involved in 3 vegetation typies. Stipa bungeana steppe, secondary ruderal steppe and ruderal meadow steppe was determined according to species dominance index as well as the quadrats data of 30 vegetation sites. They can be divided into forbid grazing grassland, over grazing grassland and moderate grazing grassland. The Shannon-wiener index and Simpson index showed a trend of ruderal meadow steppe>Stepa bungeana steppe>secondary ruderal steppe, and moderate grazing grassland>forbid grazing grassland>over grazing grassland. Grazing degree may be the key factor that influences the diversity of natural communities in this region. It is a possible result of grazing disturbance that the diversity index decrease by the altitude heightens and precipitation increase. Correlation analysis showed that the Shannon-wiener index and Simpson index are significantly positively correlated with Shannon evenness index and Simpson evenness index, and are significantly negatively correlated with the biomass.
    Geographical Elements of Seed Plant in Pan’an,Zhejiang Province and the Similarity Relationship of Different Flora
    HAO Chao-Yun;LIU Peng*;LÜSi-Tian;PAN Wang-Lin
    2007, 27(2):  244-252.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.025
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    Based on investigation and statistical analysis, the geographical elements of seed plant in Pan’an County, Zhejiang Province were studied in the present paper. There are 1 298 species of wild seed plants (including varieties) belonging to 627 genera, 144 families in Pan’an County. There are 14 distribution area types and 15 sub-types at genus level, and the flora is related with every part of the world, especially closely related with North America and Japan. The genera of tropical distribution account for 36.20% of overall genera, the genera of temperate distribution account for 51.20% of overall genera, and endemic to China distribution for 1.91%, showing that the region should belong to the East Asia zone and represent to the feature of transition from warm temperate to subtropics area-type. At last, two-dimensional scatter plot of principal coordinates analysis (PCO) and clustering tree of between-groups linkage on the basis of the floristic spectrum (FS) of Pan’an and other twenty-one seed plant flora are drown. The result shows that the combining analysis of the two methods can objectively reflect the similarities of different flora.
    Advance in the Research of Transgenic Vegetable
    TAO Lei;WU Ying;YUAN Hong-Mei;ZHAO Li-Juan
    2007, 27(2):  253-256.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.02.026
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    Transgenic vegetable is vegetable in which target genes were transformed using DNA recombinant technique.Vegetable variety with special characters can be bred,and we can make full use of interested genes by transgenic technique,which makes vegetable breeding more purpuseful.The paper introduces the current advances and prospect of research of transgenic vegetable fram the aspects induding resisting to virus,pests, herbicides, delaying maturity and improving quality.