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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2007, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 412-415.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.04.008

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A Study on the Embryo and Its Nutritive Tissues, Endosperm and Perisperm of Nymphaeaceae in China

SUN Yan;ZHANG Xin-Xin;WANG Chen*;LIU Mei;LIU Ming-Yuan   

  1. 1.Agricultural College of Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080 2. Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-07-20 Published:2007-07-20
  • Contact: WANG Chen
  • Supported by:

Abstract: The embryo,endosperm and perisperm in 3 species, Euryale ferox Salisb.Nymphaea tetragona Geargi and Nuphar pumilum DC. of Nymphaeaceae were Studied in this paper.The common characters of embryo are the well developed shoot apex,especial the plumule with 2~4 plumular leaves,and the diapausing root apex. All of the 3 species have both endosperm and perisparm ,but the former only remains and the latter is very rich in the mature seeds.Finally,the meaning of these characters in phylogeny were discussed.

Key words: Euryale ferox, Nymphaea tetragona, Nuphar pumilum, embryo, endosperm, perisperm

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