Qian Hong
1988, 8(4):
617 )
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The genus Berchemiella Nakai is an endemic genus to Eastern Asia. The taxonomic history, morphological features, anatomic structures of wood and distribution of this genus are discussed or described. There were two different ideas with respect to the concept of the genera Berchemiella and Berchemia among a number of taxonomists. H. Koidzumi, J.Ohwi and S. Kimazaki place the former in Berchemia as a section, but onthe contrary, T. Nakai, T. Yamazaki and K. Suessenguth consider Berchemiella and Berchemia as two seperate genera. According to the following differences between Berchemiella and Berchemia, (1) in the morphological faetures, Berchemiella with the features of erect tree (not twing), branches reddish brown, brown and grey with scattered raised lenticels, stipules free, sepal with a rostellum in the ventral middle part;Berchemia with of twing or bushy shrub (scarcely small tree), branches generally greenish and smooth, stipules at least connat at the base, sepal without a rostellum;(2) in the anatomic structures of wood, Berchemiella with characteristics of the differences obvious between heart wood and sapwood, pore arrangement ring-porous, vessels with less tyloses, rays more narrow and shorter (2-5cells wide and 15-30 cells long in the multiserate rays) with less crystals;Berchemia with of the differences unobvious between heart wood and sapwcod, pore arrangement diffuse-porous, vessels with more tyloses, rays wider and longer (4-7 cells wide and 60-120 cells long in the multiserate rays) with more crystals;(3) in the pollen morphology, the pollen ofBerchemiella with the characteristics of aperture with 4 thickenings where colpi and ora pass across rather large and distinct Bnd stretched along colpus, H-shape formed by colpi and ora distinct, ornamentation of exine finely reticulate with lumina indistinct and muri coarse under scanning electron microscope (SEM);the pollen of Berchemia with of aperture with 4 thickenings small and sometimes forming a ring, H-shape generally indistinct ornamentation of exine finely reticulate-foveolate or foveolate under SEM, the author supports the treatment of seperating Berchemiella from the genusBerchemia as a genus. 3 species and 1 variety in the genus, 2 species and 1 variety occur inChina. A key to species of this genu is provided and a new variety, Berchemiella wilscnii var. pubipetiolata H. Qian, is described in the paper.