Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 641-659.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.05.001
• Taxonomy • Next Articles
Xue-Dong LANG1,2, Wan-De LIU1,2, Jiao LIU1, Jian-Rong SU1,2()
Jian-Rong SU
About author:
LANG Xue-Dong(1969—),doctor of science,associate researcher,majoring in plant taxonomy and vegetation ecology.
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CLC Number:
Xue-Dong LANG, Wan-De LIU, Jiao LIU, Jian-Rong SU. A discussion on the Improvement of Chinese Vegetation Classification System and Nomenclature[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2021, 41(5): 641-659.
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URL: https://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/EN/10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.05.001
Table 1
Division of China’s climatic zones
气候带 Climatic zone | 积温 Accumulated temperature (≥10℃) | 生长期 Growing period(Mouths) |
寒温带 Sub-frigid zone | <1 600 | 3 |
中温带 Middle temperate Zone | 1 600~3 400 | 4~7 |
暖温带 South temperate zone | 3 400~4 500 | 5~8 |
北亚热带 Northern subtropic zone | 4 500~5 000 | 8~9 |
中亚热带 Central subtropical zone | 5 000~6 500 | 9~10 |
南亚热带 South subtropical zone | 6 500~8 000 | 10~12 |
热带Tropical zone | >8 000 | 12 |
青藏高原气候带 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau climatic zone | <2000 | 0~7 |
Table 3
A newly revised high rank units of the vegetation classification in China
植被纲 Class of vegetation | 植被亚纲 Subclass of vegetation types | 植被型组 Group of vegetation types | 植被型 Vegetation types | 建群种或共建种举例 Constructive species (Common constructive species) examples | 植被型编码— 顶级植被类型 Vegetation type codes- Climax types |
森林植被 Forest vegetation | 针叶林 Needle-leaved forest | 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle-leaved forest | 寒温带常绿针叶林 Cold-temperate evergreen needle-leaved forest | 樟子松、西北利亚红松 Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica,P. sylvestris | 1ENF-Hv |
温带常绿针叶林 Temperate evergreen needle-leaved forest | 红松、赤松、长白松 Pinus koraiensis,P. densiflora,P. sylvestris var. sylvestriformis | 2ENF-Dv | |||
亚热带常绿针叶林 Subtropical evergreen needle-leaved forest | 思茅松、云南松、马尾松、杉木 Pinus kesiya,P. yunnanensis,P. massoniana,Cunninghamia lanceolata | 3ENF-Dv | |||
寒温带山地常绿针叶林 Cold-temperate montananous evergreen needle-leaved forest | 川西云杉、长苞冷杉、黄果冷杉、巴山冷杉 Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana,Abies georgei,A.ernestii,A. argesii | 4ENF-Vv | |||
亚热带山地常绿针叶林 Subtropical montananous evergreen needle-leaved forest | 云南铁杉、滇藏方枝柏、台湾松、巴山松 Tsuga dumosa,Sabina wallichiana,Pinus taiwanensis,P. henryi | 5ENF-Vv | |||
热带山地常绿针叶林 Tropical montananous evergreen needle-leaved forest | 海南松Pinus latteri | 6ENF-Dv | |||
落叶针叶林 Deciduous needle-leaved forest | 寒温带落叶针叶林 Cold-temperate deciduous needle-leaved forest | 兴安落叶松、西北利亚落叶松、长白落叶松 Larix gmelini,L. sibirica,L. olgensis | 7DNF-Hv | ||
寒温带山地落叶针叶林 Cold-temperate montananous deciduous needle-leaved forest | 大果红杉、四川红杉、太白红杉、西藏落叶松、怒江红杉 Larix potaninii,L. mastersiana,L. chinensis,L. griffithiana,L. speciosa | 8DNF-Vv | |||
沼泽落叶针叶林 Swamp deciduous needle-leaved forest | 水松、落羽杉 Glyptostrobus pensilis,Taxodium distichum | 9DNF-Nv | |||
针阔混交林 Mixed needle-broad leaved forest | 常绿针叶落叶阔叶混交林 Mixed evergreen needle-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 中温带常绿针叶落叶阔叶混交林 Middle-temperate mixed evergreen needle-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 红松、紫椴、风桦、春榆、水曲柳、核桃楸、黄檗 Pinus koraiensis,Tilia amurensis,Betula costata,Ulmus davidiana var. japonica,Fraxinus mandschurica,Juglans mandshurica,Phellodendron amurense | 10ENBF-Hv | |
亚热带山地针阔叶混交林 Subtropical montananous mixed needle-broad leaved forest | 铁杉、台湾铁杉、糙皮桦、白穗石栎、槭 Tsuga chinensis,T. formosana,Betula utilis,Lithocarpus leucostachyus,Acer spp. | 11ENBF-Vv | |||
次生针阔叶混交林 Secondary mixed needle-broad leaved forest | 华山松、滇石栎、栓皮栎 Pinus armandii,Lithocarpus dealbatus,Quercus variabilis | 12ENBF-Dv | |||
阔叶林 Broad-leaved forest | 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broad-leaved forest | 南温带落叶阔叶林 South temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest | 白桦、黄檗、胡桃楸、水曲柳、蒙古栎 Betula platyphylla,Phellodendron amurense,Juglans mandshurica, Fraxinus mandschurica,Quercus mongolica | 13DBF-Hv | |
热带落叶阔叶林(热带落叶季雨林) Tropical deciduous broad-leaved forest(Tropica deciduous moonsoon forest) | 木棉、千果榄仁、楹树、马蹄果、劲直刺桐 Bombax malabaricum,Terminalia myriocarpa,Albizia cbinensis, Protium serratum,Erythrina strica | 14DBF-Hv | |||
亚热带山地落叶阔叶林 Subtropical montananous deciduous broad-leaved forest | 岳桦、枫香树、山杨、西南桦 Betula ermanii,Liquidambar formosana,Populus davidiana,Betula alnoides | 15DBF-Vv | |||
温带河岸落叶阔叶林 Temperate riparian deciduous broad-leaved forest | 胡杨、青杨、钻天柳、尖果沙枣 Populus euphratica,Populus cathayana,Chosenia arbutifolia,Elaeagnus oxycarpa | 16DBF-Nv | |||
亚热带热带河岸落叶阔叶林 Subtropical-tropical riparian deciduous broad-leaved forest | 枫杨、越南枫杨 P. stenoptera,tonkinensis,Ptercarya tonkinensis | 17DBF-Nv | |||
次生落叶阔叶林 Secondary deciduous broad-leaved forest | 麻栎、西南桦、旱冬瓜 Quercus acutissima,Betula alnoides,Alnus nepalensis | 18DBF-Dv | |||
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Northern subtropicl mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 栓皮栎、麻栎、槲树、苦槠、青冈、冬青、石楠、紫楠 Quercus variabilis,Q. acutissima,Q. dentata,Castanopsis sclerophylla,Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Ilex chinensis,Photinia serrulata,Phoebe sheareri | 19EBDBF-Hv | ||
热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Tropical mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 高山榕、麻楝、铁力木、铁刀木 Ficus altissima,Chukrasia tabularis,Mesua ferrea,Cassia siamea | 20EBDBF-Hv | |||
中亚热带山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Central subtropical montananous mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest | 青冈属、石栎属、栲属、山茶属、枫香树、槭属 Cyclobalanopsis spp.,Lithocarpus spp.,Castanopsis spp.,Camellia spp., Liquidambar formosana,Acer spp. | 21EBDBF-Vv | |||
石灰岩常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Limestone mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest | 朴属、榆属、化香树属、青冈属、女贞属、花椒属 Celtis spp.,Ulmus spp.,Platycarya spp.,Cyclobalanopsis spp.,Ligustrum spp., Zanthoxylum spp. | 22EBDBF-Nv | |||
河谷常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Ravine mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest | 多花白头树、滇菜豆树、水团花、厚皮树、灰毛浆果楝 Garuga floribunda,Radermachera yunnanensis,Adina pilulifera, Lannea coromandelica,Cipadessa cinerascens | 23EBDBF-Nv | |||
常绿阔叶林 Evergreen broad-leaved forest | 中亚热带常绿阔叶林(典型常绿阔叶林) Central subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest | 青冈、峨眉栲、石栎、滇石栎、木荷、红楠 Cyclobalanopsis glauca,C. platyacantha,Lithocarpus glaber,L. dealbatus, Schima superba,Machilus thunbergii | 24EBF-Hv | ||
南亚热带常绿阔叶林(季风常绿阔叶林) South subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest | 刺栲、短刺栲、华南石栎、红木荷 Castanopsis hystrix,C. echidnocarpa,Lithocarpus fenestratus,Schima wallichii | 25EBF-Hv | |||
热带常绿阔叶林(热带雨林) Tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest(Tropical rain forest) | 东京龙脑香、见血封喉、千果榄仁、绒毛番龙眼、龙果 Dipterocarpus retusus,Antiaris toxicaria,Terminalia myriocarpa,Pometia tomentosa,Pouteria grandifolia | 26EBF-Hv | |||
寒温带山地硬叶常绿阔叶林 Cold-temperate montananous sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest | 黄背栎、川滇高山栎 Quercus pannosa,Q. aquifolioides | 27EBF-Vv | |||
亚热带热带中山苔藓常绿阔叶林 Subtropical-tropical middle montananous mossy evergreen broad-leaved forest | 壶斗石栎、多变石栎、红花木莲、润楠属、山茶属、杜鹃属、越橘属 Lithocarpus echinophorus,L. variolosus,Manglietia insignis,Machilus spp., Camellia spp.,Rhododendron spp.,Vaccinium spp. | 28EBF-Vv | |||
热带低山常绿阔叶林 Tropical lower montananous evergreen broad-leaved forest | 刺栲、短刺栲、杯状栲、木姜子属、木荷属 Castanopsis hystrix,C. echidnocarpa,C. scalathiformis,Litsea spp.,Schima spp. | 29EBF-Vv | |||
雅鲁藏布江河谷热带常绿阔叶林(雨林) Yarlungzangbo-river lower-valley tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest(Tropical rain forest) | 羯布罗香、阿萨姆娑罗双、千果榄仁、麻楝、蕈树 Dipteroearpus turbinatus,Shorea assamica,Terminalia myriocarpa, Chukrasia tabularis,Altingia chinensis | 30EBF-Nv | |||
干热河谷硬叶常绿阔叶林 Xerothermic valley sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest | 铁橡栎、锥连栎、光叶高山栎 Quercus cocciferoides,Q. sfranchetii,Q. pseudosemecarpifolia | 31EBF-Nv | |||
热带亚热带沼泽海岸林(红树林) Tropical-subtropical swamp coastal forest (Mangrove) | 红树、榄仁树、银叶树、玉蕊、 Rhizophora apiculata,Terminalia catappa,Heritiera littoralis,Barringtonia racemosa | 32EBF-Nv | |||
亚热带竹林 Subtropical bamboo forest | 毛竹、慈竹 Phyllostachys edulis,Bambusa emeiensis | 33EBF-Dv | |||
热带竹林 Tropical bamboo forest | 黄竹、牡竹、大薄竹 Dendrocalamusmembranaceus,D. strictus,Bambusa pallida | 34EBF-Dv | |||
簇生叶林 Fasciculate-leaved forest | 热带石灰岩棕榈林 Tropical limestone palm forest | 董棕、美丽蒲葵 Caryota urens,Livistona speciosa | 35FF-Nv | ||
灌丛植被 Shrubland vegetation | 针叶灌丛 Needle-leaved shrubland | 常绿针叶灌丛 Evergreen needle-leaved shrubland | 温带荒漠常绿针叶灌丛 Temperate desert evergreen needle-leaved shrubland | 臭柏Sabina vulgaris | 36ENS-Hv |
寒温带山地常绿针叶灌丛 Cold-temperate montananous evergreen needle-leaved shrubland | 垂枝香柏 Sabina pingii、高山柏 S. squamata、天山方枝柏S. turkestanica | 37ENS-Vv | |||
阔叶灌丛 Broad-leaved shrubland | 常绿阔叶灌丛 Evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 温带荒漠常绿阔叶灌丛 Temperate desert evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 梭梭、白梭梭、膜果麻黄、细枝盐爪爪、红砂、盐节木 Haloxylon ammodendron,H. persicum,Ephedra przewalskii,Kalidium gracile, Reaumuria songarica,Halocnemum strobilaceum | 38EBS-Hv | |
亚热带竹类常绿阔叶灌丛 Subtropical bamboo evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 巴山木竹、筇竹、金佛山方竹、苦竹 Bashania fargesii,Qiongzhuea tumidissinoda,Chimonobambusa utilis,Arundinaria amara | 39EBS-Dv | |||
寒温带高山冻原常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-temperate alpine tundra evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 多瓣木、笃斯越橘、云间杜鹃、松毛翠、地衣、藓类 Dryas octopetala,Vaccinium uliginosum,Rhododendron redowskianum, Phyllodoce caerulea,lichens,Musci | 40EBS-Vv | |||
寒温带高山荒漠常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-temperate alpine desert evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 驼绒藜、西藏亚菊、粉花蒿 Ceratoides latens,Ajania tibetica,Artemisia rhodantha | 41EBS-Vv | |||
寒温带山地常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-temperate montananous evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 雪层杜鹃、密枝杜鹃、扫帚岩须、矮高山栎 Rhododendron nivale,Rh. fastigiatum,Cassiope fastigiata,Quercus monimotricha | 42EBS-Vv | |||
寒温带山地竹类常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-temperate montananous bamboo evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 箭竹、玉山竹属、冷箭竹 Fargesia spathacea,Yushania spp.,Bashania fangiana | 43EBS-Vv | |||
中亚热带石灰岩灌丛 Central subtropical limestone shrubland | 竹叶椒、铁仔、蔷薇属 Zanthoxylum armatum,Myrsine africana,Rosa spp. | 44EBS-Nv | |||
干热河谷常绿阔叶灌丛 Xerothermic valley evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 车桑子、清香木、白刺花 Sophora davidii Dodonaea viscosa,Pistacia weinmannifolia,Sophora davidii | 45EBS-Nv | |||
热带性河滩常绿阔叶灌丛 Tropical floodplain evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 水杨柳Homonoia riparia | 46EBS-Nv | |||
热带滨海岛礁常绿阔叶灌丛 Tropical seashore island evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 草海桐、水芫花、刺裸实、龙爪茅 Scaevola sericea,Pemphis acidula,Maytenus diversifolia,Dactyloctenium aegyptium | 47EBS-Nv | |||
沼泽灌丛Swamp shrubland | 杜香、岗松、柴桦 Ledum palustre,Baeckea frutescens,Betula fruticosa | 48EBS-Nv | |||
次生常绿阔叶灌丛 Secondary evergreen broad-leaved shrubland | 青冈属、栲属、石栎属、山茶属 Cyclobalanopsis spp.,Castanopsis spp.,Lithocarpus spp.,Camellia spp. | 49EBS-Dv | |||
落叶阔叶灌丛 Deciduous broad-leaved shrubland | 温带次生落叶阔叶灌丛 Temperate secondary deciduous broad-leaved shrubland | 锦鸡儿属、虎榛子 Caragana spp.,Ostryopsis davidiana | 50DBS-Dv | ||
亚热带次生落叶阔叶灌丛 Subtropical secondary deciduous broad-leaved shrubland | 枹栎、茅栗 Quereus serrata,Castanea seguinii | 51DBS-Dv | |||
寒温带山地落叶阔叶灌丛 Cold-temperate montananous deciduous broad-leaved shrubland | 圆叶桦、杯腺柳 、锦鸡儿、金露梅、银露梅、沙棘、三春水柏枝 Betula rotundifolia,Salix cupularis,Caragana sinica,Potentilla fruticosa,P. glabra, Hippophae rhamnoides,Myricaria paniculata | 52DBS-Vv | |||
干热河谷落叶阔叶灌丛 Xerothermic valley deciduous broad-leaved shrubland | 疏序黄荆、矮黄栌 Vitex negundo f. laxipaniculata,Cotinus nana | 53DBS-Nv | |||
肉质多刺灌丛 Thorn-succulent shrubland | 干热河谷肉质刺灌丛 Xerothermic valley thorn-succulent shrubland | 仙人掌、霸王鞭 Opuntia stricta var. dillenii,Euphorbia royleana | 54TSS-Nv | ||
热带滨海肉质刺灌丛 Tropical seashore thorn-succulent shrubland | 沙生滨藜、番杏、海马齿、南方碱蓬 Atriplex patens,Tetragonia tetragonioides,Sesuvium portulacastrum,Suaeda australis | 55TSS-Nv | |||
草本植被 Herbaceous vegetation | 草原 Steppe | 温带草原Temperate steppe | 大针茅、长芒草、羊茅、冰草、固沙草 Stipa grandis,Stipa bungeana,Festuca ovina,Agropyron cristatum,Orinus thoroldii | 56SH-Hv | |
温带荒漠草原Temperate desert steppe | 戈壁针茅、沙生针茅、高加索针茅、多根葱 Stipa tianschanica var. gobica,Stipa glareosa,Stipagobica caucasica,Allium polyrhizum | 57SH-Hv | |||
寒温带山地高寒草原Cold-temperate montananous steppe | 紫花针茅、假羊茅、垫型蒿 Stipa purpurea,Festuca pseudovina,Artemisia minor | 58SH-Vv | |||
草甸 Meadow | 温带草甸 Temperate meadow | 地榆、裂叶蒿、高山糙苏、紫苞鸢尾 Sanguisorba officinalis,Artemisia tanacetifolia,Phlomis alpina,Iris ruthenica | 59MH-Hv | ||
温带沼泽草甸 Temperate Swamp meadow | 瘤囊薹草、丛薹草 Carex schmidtii,C. caespitosa | 60MH-Nv | |||
寒温带高山冻原草甸 Cold-temperate alpine tundra meadow | 山罂粟、红景天、轮叶马先蒿、山蓼、地衣、藓类 Papaver nudicaule,Rhodiola rosea,Pedicularis verticillata,Oxyria digyna,lichens,Musci | 61MH-Vv | |||
寒温带山地流石滩荒漠草甸 Cold-temperate montananous scree desert meadow | 塔黄、长鞭红景天、苞叶雪莲、绿叶垂头菊 Rheum nobile,Rhodiola fastigiata,Saussurea obvallata,Cremanthodium angustifolium | 62MH-Vv | |||
寒温带山地高寒草甸 Cold-temperate montananous meadow | 玉龙嵩草、嵩草、委陵菜 Kobresia tunicata,Kobresia myosuroides,Potentilla chinensis | 63MH-Vv | |||
寒温带山地沼泽草甸 Cold-temperate montananous Swamp meadow | 华扁穗草、矮地榆 Blysmus sinocompressus,Sanguisorba filiformis | 64MH-Nv | |||
草丛 Scondary grassland | 温带稀树灌木草丛 Temperate sparse tree-shrub grassland | 白健秆、刺芒野古草、密毛蕨 Eulalia pallens,Arundinella setosa,Pteridium revolutum | 65GH-Dv | ||
亚热带稀树灌木草丛 Subtropical sparse tree-shrub grassland | 毛果珍珠茅、棕叶芦 Scleria herbecarpa,Thysanolaena maxima | 66GH-Dv | |||
热带稀树灌木草丛 Tropical sparse tree-shrub grassland | 棕叶芦、菅、飞机草 Thysanolaena maxima,Themeda villosa,Eupatorium odoratum | 67GH-Dv | |||
寒温带山地稀树灌木草丛 Cold-temperate montananous sparse tree-shrub grassland | 羊茅、西南鸢尾、大狼毒 Festuca ovina,Iris bulleyana,Euphorbia jolkinii | 68GH-Dv | |||
干热河谷稀树灌木草丛 Xerothermic valley sparse tree-shrub grassland | 黄茅 Heteropogon contortus | 69GH-Nv | |||
海滨沙生草丛 Sea broad psammoherbosa (Littoral sand herbosa) | 滨旋花、北沙参、砂滨草 Calystegia soldanella,CoasiaI gIehnia,Leymus arenarius | 70GH-Nv | |||
沼泽草丛(含苔藓) Swamp grassland (Moss) | 华扁穗草、薹草、灯心草、水葱、泥炭藓 Blysmus sinocompressus,Carex spp.,Juncus effusus,Scirpus validus,Sphagnum spp. | 71GH-Dv | |||
淡水沉水草本植物群落 Fresh water submerged plant community | 金鱼藻、石龙尾、黑藻、菹草 Ceratophyllum demersum,Limnophila sessiliflora,Hydrilla verticillata, Potamogeton crispus | 71FSH-Nv | |||
淡水漂浮草本植物群落 Fresh water free-floating plant community | 水葫芦、浮萍、满江红、槐叶蘋 Eichhornia crassipes,Lemna minor,Azolla pinnata subsp. asiatica,Salvinia natans | 73FFH-Nv | |||
淡水浮叶草本植物群落 Fresh water rooted floating-leaved plant community | 菱 、白睡莲、荇菜 Trapa bispinosa,Nymphaea alba,Nymphoides peltatum | 74FRH-Nv | |||
淡水挺水草本植物群落 Fresh water emergent plant community | 芦苇、香蒲、慈姑、雨久花 Phragmites australis,Typha orientalis,Sagittaria trifolia,Monochoria korsakowii | 75FEH-Nv | |||
咸水沉水藻类植物群落 Salt water submerged algea plant community | 海带、石花菜、裙带菜、礁膜 Laminaria japonica,Gelidium amansii,Undaria pinnatifida,Monostroma nilidum | 76SSH-Nv |
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