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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2003, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 424-428.

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CHEN Chang-Bin, NI Bing, XU Shou-Peng, MA Qing-Hai   

  1. Department of Biology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
  • Received:1997-10-29 Online:2003-12-15 Published:2016-06-14

Abstract: The silica body morphology and morphogenesis of Bambusa multiplex var. nana was examined by means of light microscope(LM) and scanning electronic microscope(SEM).There are varied types of silica bodies in matural plants of Bambusa multiplex var. nana. Nodular shape in leaf blade; saddle and subcuboid in sheath; dumb-bell in the tip of culm sheath; saddle in culm sheath; elliptic in culm. No regular morphological silica bodies in roots and stems under ground. All matural silica bodies are vertical to veins.The steps of silica bodies development are:morphology from amorphous, to subround, subcuboid, then nodular or dumb-bell or saddle; size from little to bigger; arrangement to vein from mixed to vertical. The silica bodies are varied in different parts of a same matural leaf, saddle shape in sheath, subcuboid in pesudopetiole and nodular shape in leaf blade respectively. Each silica body has congregated granules in its body as a nuclear.The granules in every stage of developing plant, the changes of silica bodies morphology and size show that the silica bodies are developed gradually with the plants growing. If it was provided as a scientific basis for taxonomy, archaeology, geology study, it must be paid more attention to the changes of silica bodies.

Key words: Bambusa multiplex var. nana, silica body, morphology, morphogenesis