Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 536-543.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.04.003
• Systematic and Evolutionary • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiaolei MA1,2, Liukun JIA2,3, Qian CAO1,2, Shilong CHEN1, Qingbo GAO1()
Qingbo GAO
About author:
MA Xiaolei(1997—),male,postgraduate,major in plant adaption and evolution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
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Xiaolei MA, Liukun JIA, Qian CAO, Shilong CHEN, Qingbo GAO. Numerical Taxonomy on Saxifraga diversifolia Complex(Saxifragaceae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2022, 42(4): 536-543.
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URL: https://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/EN/10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.04.003
Table 1
Specimen records of S. diversifolia complex
编号 Code | 物种 Species | 标本数量 Number | 编号 Code | 物种 Species | 标本数量 Number |
Card | S. cardiophylla Franch. | 60 | Inso | S. insolens Irmsch. | 12 |
Dian | S. dianxibeiensis J. T. Pan | 9 | Kingdo | S. kingdonii C. Marquand | 2 |
Diver | S. diversifolia Wall. ex Ser. | 79 | King | S. kingiana Engl. et Irmsch. | 8 |
Angu | S. diversifolia var. angustibracteata (Engl.et Irmsch.) J.T.Pan | 15 | Maxi | S. maxionggouensis J. T. Pan | 6 |
Egla | S. eglandulosa Engl. | 8 | Moor | S. moorcroftiana(Ser.) Wall. ex Sternb. | 20 |
Egre | S. egregia Engl. | 128 | Omph | S. omphalodifolia Hand. -Mazz. | 22 |
Xiao | S. egregia var. xiaojinensis J. T. Pan | 2 | Pard | S. pardanthina Hand. -Mazz. | 16 |
Erec | S. erectisepala J. T. Pan | 8 | Parn | S. parnassiifolia D. Don | 16 |
Gira | S. giraldiana Engl. | 43 | Prat | S. pratensis Engl. et Irmsch. | 16 |
Glau | S. glaucophylla Franch. | 23 | Spha | S. sphaeradena H. Smith | 7 |
Hapl | S. haplophylloides Franch. | 20 | Stel | S. stellariifolia Franch. | 40 |
Hook | S. hookeri Engl. et Irmsch | 13 | Suba | S. subaequifoliata Irmsch. | 48 |
Impl | S. implicans H. Smith | 24 | Tigr | S. tigrina H. Smith | 1 |
Table 2
Taxonomic characteristics and encoding of S. diversifolia complex
序号 No. | 性状 Taxonomic characteristics | 性状编码 Characteristics encoding | 序号 No. | 性状 Taxonomic characteristics | 性状编码 Characteristics encoding |
1 | 基生叶花期凋落 Basal leaves absent by anthesis | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 13 | 中下部茎被毛情况 Middle and lower stem pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous |
2 | 基生叶叶基心形 Base of basal leaves cordate | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 14 | 上部茎生叶基部心形 Base of distal cauline leaves cordate | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No |
3 | 基生叶被毛 Basal leaves pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous | 15 | 花萼反折 Sepals reflexed | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No |
4 | 中下部茎生叶是否具柄 Proximal median cauline leaves petiolate | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 16 | 萼片被毛情况 Sepals pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous |
5 | 中下部茎生叶基部心形 Proximal median cauline leaves base cordate | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 17 | 萼片边缘是否具睫毛 Margin of sepals ciliiform | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No |
6 | 中下部茎生叶形态 Proximal median cauline leaves shape | 1.卵心;2.椭圆;3.长圆形 1.Ovate;2.Elliptic;3.Oblong | 18 | 萼片脉纹于先端汇合 Sepal veins confluent at apex | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No |
7 | 存在茎生叶基部抱茎 At least some cauline leaves amplexicaul | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 19 | 花序形态 Inflorescence | 1.单生;2.总状;3.聚伞 1.Monotelic;2.Raceme;3.Cyme |
8 | 茎生叶是否被毛 Cauline leaves pilose | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 20 | 花梗被毛情况 Pedicel pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous |
9 | 茎生叶边缘是否被毛 Margin of cauline leaves pilose | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No | 21 | 花梗被毛量 Pedicel pilose degree | 1.微被;2.密被;3.无毛 1.Sparse;2.Dense;3.Glabrous |
10 | 顶端茎生叶被毛情况 Apical cauline leaves pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous | 22 | 花梗被毛长度 Pedicel pilose length | 1.长毛;2.短毛;3.无毛 1.Long;2.Short;3.Glabrous |
11 | 中下部茎生叶大小 Proximal median cauline leaves size | 1.短于1.5cm;2.长于1.5cm 1.Less than 1.5 cm;2.At least 1.5 cm | 23 | 花瓣是否具斑点 Petals spotted | 1.是;2.否 1.Yes;2.No |
12 | 上部茎被毛情况 Upper stem pilose | 1.腺毛;2.柔毛;3.无毛 1.Glandular;2.Villous;3.Glabrous | 24 | 果实形态 Fruit morphology | 1.椭球;2.卵球;3.圆球 1.Spheroidicity;2.Ovoid;3.Spherical |
Table 4
Eigenvector of the first three greatest principal component in PCA of S. diversifolia complex
性状编号 Characteristics No. | 前3个主成分特征向量 Eigenvector of the first three greatest PC | 性状编号 Characteristics No. | 前3个主成分特征向量 Eigenvector of the first three greatest PC | ||||
PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | ||
1 | -0.493 | 0.144 | 0.308 | 13 | -0.059 | 0.496 | 0.601 |
2 | 0.788 | -0.118 | 0.184 | 14 | -0.128 | -0.692 | 0.429 |
3 | 0.068 | 0.398 | 0.394 | 15 | 0.556 | 0.330 | 0.111 |
4 | 0.217 | 0.781 | -0.087 | 16 | 0.571 | 0.245 | -0.150 |
5 | 0.664 | -0.307 | 0.419 | 17 | 0.293 | -0.264 | 0.106 |
6 | 0.625 | 0.090 | 0.321 | 18 | -0.267 | -0.803 | 0.300 |
7 | -0.136 | -0.730 | 0.350 | 19 | 0.673 | -0.190 | -0.122 |
8 | -0.015 | 0.552 | 0.462 | 20 | 0.319 | 0.075 | -0.400 |
9 | -0.006 | 0.423 | 0.440 | 21 | -0.124 | 0.025 | 0.160 |
10 | 0.137 | -0.283 | -0.042 | 22 | -0.633 | 0.028 | 0.390 |
11 | 0.769 | -0.384 | 0.029 | 23 | -0.245 | 0.215 | -0.169 |
12 | 0.082 | 0.401 | 0.329 | 24 | -0.240 | 0.064 | -0.549 |
Species distribution of S. diversifolia complexBranch 1.Himalayan Branch;Branch 2.Mountains Around Sichuan Basin Branch;Branch 3.Hengduan Mountains Branch;Species are color-coded. Each pie chart represents species diversity at county level. Black ellipses represent the three centers of species diversity. Gray sectors represent species that belong to S. diversifolia complex but not included in our clustering. Where Subo is represents S. subomphalodifolia J.T.Pan,Smit is represents S. smithiana Irmsch.,Egreg is represents S. egregioides J.T.Pan, Sheq is represents S. sheqilaensis J.T.Pan, Geda is represents S. gedangensis J.T.Pan, Subam is represents S. subamplexicaulis Engl. et Irmsch
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