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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.01.001

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Rediscovery of Ulota germana(Mont.) Mitt.(Orthotrichaceae) In New Zealand


  1. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093
  • Received:2017-07-31 Online:2018-01-15 Published:2018-01-06
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Abstract: Ulota germana(Mont.) Mitt., formly as U.rufula(Mitt.) A.Jaeger, was recorded from only Marlborough District of South Island in New Zealand and it has not been refound for more than 60 years. A new locality is added here: Nelson, Denniston, near parking area at top of Denniston Incline. The plants from New Zealand agree well with those from South America except some variation in the size of leaves, perichaetial leaves and spores. This new specimen is well described, especially the opercula and calyptra not seen in previous works, the distribution is mapped and its distinction from other close species is discussed here. Ulota luteola(Hook.f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad., formly as U.pygmaeothecia(Müll. Hal.) Kindb. is excluded from the moss flora of New Zealand.

Key words: mosses, taxonomy, Orthotrichaceae, Ulota, New Zealand

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