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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2003, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 302-307.

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ZHANG Dong-Xiang1, LI Xian-Feng2, SHAO Shu-Li1   

  1. 1. College of Life Science and Technology, Qiqihaer University, Qiqihaer 161006;
    2. The First Middle School of Jinxian, Shandong, Jinxiang 272200
  • Received:2002-06-24 Online:2003-09-15 Published:2016-06-14

Abstract: Formation status of callus from different organs were compared between the two species of Corydalis Yanhuso from Northeast area. Suitable medium for callus growth and formation of dl-tetrohydropalmatine(THP) of C. remota were studied employing monofactorial experiment and orthogonal design. The results showed that responsibility among different organs of C. remota to media was stronger than that of C. ambigua, and induce rate of callus from stem tuber was 93.3% high. MS medium was suitable for callus growth, and inductivity of callus in the combination of 2 mg/L 2, 4-D and 1mg/L KT was the highest among the tests, and the callus was suitable for subculture. The experiment of orthogonal design indicated that there was difference of suitable culture condition between growth of callus and formation of THP. In 27 different media, No.1was the best for increasing fresh weight of callus, and No.9 was the best for accumulation of dry matter, while No.10 medium was the best for formation of THP. Either inorganic ions or organic components were the factors significantly affecting growth of callus formation of THP. Biomass accumulation and THP content were all affected by the mutual effects of NH4+/NO3- with either Ca2+ or K+.

Key words: Corydalis Yanhuso, explant, medium, callus, dl-tetrohydropalmatine