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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 459-469.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.03.015

• Plant synecology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Plant Community Characteristics and Their Relationship with Environmental Factors in Different Geomorphic Units in Arid Gravel Desert

Huadong DU1,2, Penghui FAN1, Yinli BI2, Shanshan XIE1, Yan LIU1, Yunlong LIU1   

  1. 1.College of Geology & Environment,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710054
    2.Institute of Ecological Environment Restoration in Mine Areas of West China,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710054
  • Received:2023-09-04 Online:2024-05-20 Published:2024-05-14


Exploring the characteristics and its driving forces of plant community in different geomorphic units in arid gravel desert areas was of great significance for the development of targeted natural plant community protection measures, and the construction of reasonable artificial restoration plant communities in different geomorphic units in arid region. In this paper, the plant community composition and diversity in four micro-geomorphic units(gravel desert Gobi, wind erosion unaka, aeolian sandy land and valley land) were analyzed, and the main ecological factors affecting plant community characteristics in different geomorphic units were explored based on the monitoring of soil and micro-meteorological factors. The results showed that: (1)Plant community in gravel desert areas was distributed in patches, with one to two layers vertical structure, and the life forms were mainly annual plants and small shrubs. About 45% shrubs were found in arid gravel desert Gobi, while about 50% species were annual plants in wind erosion unaka and aeolian sandy land. The plant community in the valley land contained all five life forms, including a few trees and vines. (2)The plant community coverage, plant density, diversity and stability were the highest in valley among four micro-geomorphic units, followed by wind erosion unaka. The plant community diversity and stability were lowest in gravel desert Gobi with the plant sparsely distributed and the aeolian sandy land with simple community structure. (3)Soil moisture content, organic matter, soluble salts and surface temperature were the main same factors affecting plant diversity, productivity and community stability in arid gravel desert areas. In addition, the soil bulk density in wind erosion unaka, the surface wind speed in arid gravel desert Gobi and aeolian sandy land were also the factors affecting plant community characteristics in different micro-geomorphic units. In summary, different vegetation restoration measures should be formulated after ecological disturbance in arid gravel desert on the basis of the main ecological factors affecting plant communities in different geomorphic units, such as reducing surface temperature in gravel desert Gobi, restoring constructive species by improving soil quality in wind erosion unaka and aeolian sandy land, and maintaining ecological water using in valley land.

Key words: arid gravel desert area, microtopography, plant community structure, ecological factors, vegetation restoration

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