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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 448-458.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.03.014

• Plant synecology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Characteristics of Apocynum venetum Community and Its Relationship to Climatic Factors

Xi ZHEN1,2, Xuyang LIU3, Wenjie LI4, Feng ZHANG2, Yue SU2, Yao XIAO2, Jie ZHANG2, Tao WAN1()   

  1. 1.College of Grassland,Resources and Environment,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019
    2.Inner Mongolia Weather Modification Center,Hohhot 010051
    3.Inner Mongolia Climate Center,Hohhot 010051
    4.Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Keshiketeng Banner,Chifeng 025350
  • Received:2023-10-08 Online:2024-05-20 Published:2024-05-14
  • Contact: Tao WAN E-mail:wantao425@sohu.com


Apocynum venetum is an important wild germplasm resource in China, and understanding the characteristics of A. venetum community and its relationship with environmental factors is of great significance for the protection and rational development and utilization of A. venetum germplasm resources. The wild A. venetum distributed in Jinta County, Minqin County, Hangjinqi, Zhaluteqi, and Baicheng City were used as materials. Based on the community composition and habitat characteristics, the biodiversity and its relationship with climate factors, and environmental factors affecting the changes in A. venetum communities were analyzed respectively. The results showed that: the species diversity of the five plots from high to low was Zhaluteqi, Minqin County, Baicheng City, Jinta County, Hangjinqi, with Zhaluteqi having the highest biodiversity(H=2.591, D=2.511, E=0.796, R1=44.833, R2=6.423), and Hangjinqi had the lowest biodiversity(H=1.173, D=0.915, E=0.564, R1=3.641, R2=1.968). The species diversity of A. venetum community was closely related to precipitation, temperature and evaporation, especially the Gleason and Margalef index were significantly positively correlated with precipitation in May, June and July, indicating that precipitation during the growing season was important to community species diversity.

Key words: Apocynum venetum, community characteristics, climatic factors, redundancy analysis(RDA)

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