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植物研究 ›› 1999, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 39-44.

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王志西1, 刘祥君2, 高亦珂2, 祖元刚2   

  1. 1. 黑龙江省第三规划设计院, 哈尔滨 150001;
    2. 东北林业大学森林植物生态学开放研究实验室, 哈尔滨 150040
  • 收稿日期:1998-03-10 出版日期:1999-06-15 发布日期:2016-06-14
  • 基金资助:


Wang Zhi-xi1, Liu Xiang-jun2, Gao yi-ke2, Zu Yuan-gang2   

  1. 1. The Third Forestry Investigating and Designing Institute of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150001;
    2. Open Research Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
  • Received:1998-03-10 Online:1999-06-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 豚草和三裂叶豚草是菊科豚草属一年生草本植物,其种子休眠程度随生育地的纬度不同而有变化,纬度越高,种子成熟后进入休眠状态的比例越大,解除休眠所需的低温层积时间也越长。在高纬度的牡丹江市,成熟的豚草和三裂叶豚草种子全部进入休眠状态,低温层积12周时萌发率达95%以上,而在低纬度的南昌市,有10%左右的豚草和三裂叶豚草种子没有进入休眠状态,低温层积8周时,萌发率即可达95%以上。进入休眠状态的豚草和三裂叶豚草种子,不经过低温层积处理,在15℃的室温下保存半年以上,也有一定比例的种子可以解除休眠。豚草和三裂叶豚草种子休眠机制可能是由抑制物质和促进物质复合体所控制,休眠种子含有高水平的抑制剂和低水平的促进剂,非休眠种子这种平衡转向有利于促进剂,不同纬度地区的温度差异和低温层积以及长期室温贮藏的呼吸代谢过程,可能对这种平衡产生影响,改变种子的休眠状态。

关键词: 豚草, 三裂叶豚草, 种子, 休眠规律

Abstract: As the annual plants of Ambrosia,Compositae, the dormancy degree of the seeds of Ambrosia artemisiforia and A. trifida varies with the latitude of growing space. The higher latitude, the more proportion of the seeds that lies dormant after maturation and the longer time of cold stratification that required for relieving the dormancy. In Mudanjiang where the latitude is higher, the mature seeds of A. artemisiforia and A. trifida lie dormant wholly and the germination percentage goes beyond 95% after twelve weeks of cold stratification, however, in Nanchang where the latitude is lower, about 10% of seeds of A. artemisiforia and A. trifida don't lie dormant and the germination percentage can go beyond 95% after eight weeks of cold stratification. Part of the dormant seeds can relieve dormancy after being stored at the room-temperature above 15℃ for half a year though they are not treated with cold stratification. The dormancy mechanism perhaps is controlled by the complex of inhibitory substance and accelerative substance. The dormant seeds contain high level of inhibitor. But for the non-dormant seeds, the balance turns favourable to accelevator. The temperature difference in different latitude, cold stratification and the course of respiratory metabolism under long-term storage at room-temperature perhaps have effects on this balance and thus change the dormancy state of seeds.

Key words: Ambrosia artemisiforia, A. trifida, Seed, Dormancy law