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植物研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 88-97.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2025.01.010

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穆霄鹏(), 牟小燕, 亓新亮, 王晶, 杨钰, 张建成, 王鹏飞   

  1. 山西农业大学园艺学院,太谷 030801
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-22 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 通讯作者: 穆霄鹏 E-mail:15110671026@163.com
  • 作者简介:穆霄鹏(1986—),副教授,博士,主要从事果树种质资源创新与利用研究。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Growth Retardant Treatments on Rooting of Prunus humilis Rhizome Cuttings

Xiaopeng MU(), Xiaoyan MOU, Xinliang QI, Jing WANG, Yu YANG, Jiancheng ZHANG, Pengfei WANG   

  1. College of Horticulture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801
  • Received:2024-08-22 Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-23
  • Contact: Xiaopeng MU E-mail:15110671026@163.com


为研究不同生长延缓剂对欧李(Prunus humilis)根状茎扦插生根的影响,该研究以‘晋欧1号’根状茎为材料,测定3种生长延缓剂(烯效唑S3307、多效唑PP333、缩节胺DPC)处理下根状茎的生根率、发芽率、形态、营养物质含量、抗氧化酶活性、内源激素含量等指标,以期筛选欧李根状茎扦插最适生长延缓剂及浓度。结果表明:S3307(50 mg?L-1)、PP333(100 mg?L-1)和DPC(100 mg?L-1)均显著提高欧李根状茎生根率,由对照的22.16%分别提高到78.02%、57.10%和56.70%;还提高根状茎插穗在生根过程中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量及POD、SOD和CAT活性。此外,生长延缓剂促进根状茎插穗生长素(IAA)积累及其合成关键基因ChTAA1ChTAA2ChYUC1的表达,同时抑制赤霉素(GA3)、脱落酸(ABA)和玉米素(ZT)合成,有利于欧李根状茎扦插生根。该研究结果为欧李根状茎扦插繁殖提供了理论基础。

关键词: 欧李, 根状茎扦插, 生长延缓剂, 营养物质, 氧化酶活性, 内源激素


To explore the effect of growth retardants on the rooting of Prunus humili rhizomes cuttings, ‘Jinou 1’ rhizome cuttings were used as materials. Optimal concentrations of growth retardants S3307 (uniconazole), PP333 (paclobutrazol), and DPC (dikegulac) were screened by measuring rooting rate, germination rate, morphological indices, nutrients, oxidative enzyme activities, endogenous hormones during the rooting process of rhizome cutting. The results showed that the retardants S3307(50 mg?L-1), PP333(100 mg?L-1), and DPC(100 mg?L-1) significantly increased the rooting rate of P. humilis rhizome from the control of 22.16% to 78.02%, 57.10%, and 56.70%, respectively. During the rooting process of rhizome cuttings, growth retardant treatments also increased the contents of soluble sugars, starch, soluble proteins, and the activity of POD, SOD and CAT. In addition, the retardant treatment promoted the content of IAA and expression levels of IAA synthesis genes ChTAA1ChTAA2 and ChYUC1 in rhizome cuttings and inhibited the synthesis of GA3, ABA, and ZT, which was favorable for the rooting of P. humilis rhizome cuttings. This experiment provided a theoretical basis for the propagation of P. humilis rhizome cuttings.

Key words: Prunus humilis, rhizome cutting, growth retardants, nutrients, oxidative enzyme activity, endogenous hormones
