植物研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 947-956.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.06.013
何凤1,2, 杜红岩1, 刘攀峰1, 王璐1, 庆军1, 杜兰英1()
Feng HE1,2, Hong-Yan DU1, Pan-Feng LIU1, Lu WANG1, Jun QING1, Lan-Ying DU1()
Lan-Ying DU
About author:
HE Feng(1988—),female,PhD student,majoring in Eucommia ulmoides breeding and cultivation.
Supported by:
以2年生‘华仲6号’扦插幼苗为试验材料,研究不同干旱胁迫时间对杜仲扦插幼苗叶片结构的影响,了解其干旱适应特征。结果表明:与对照相比较,干旱胁迫16 d才导致叶片相对含水量、海绵组织厚度、下表皮厚度显著降低;在干旱胁迫过程中,叶片气孔密度表现为先升后降的趋势,而由气孔面积、气孔长度和气孔宽度表示的气孔大小则表现为增—减—增的趋势,且气孔长宽与气孔密度均呈显著的负线形相关。杜仲扦插幼苗厚度变薄的主要原因是海绵组织厚度变小,在干旱胁迫11 d时,叶片气孔产生小而密、气孔闭合增多的生态适应特征,在干旱胁迫16 d时气孔则呈现大而疏的适应特征。
何凤, 杜红岩, 刘攀峰, 王璐, 庆军, 杜兰英. 干旱胁迫对杜仲叶片结构特征的影响[J]. 植物研究, 2021, 41(6): 947-956.
Feng HE, Hong-Yan DU, Pan-Feng LIU, Lu WANG, Jun QING, Lan-Ying DU. Effects of Drought Stress on Leaf Structure of Eucommia ulmoides[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2021, 41(6): 947-956.
干旱胁迫时间 Drought stressing time(d) | 上表皮厚度 Upper epidermis thickness(μm) | 下表皮厚度 Lower epidermis thickness(μm) | 栅栏组织厚度 Palisade tissue thickness(μm) | 海绵组织厚度 Spongy tissue thickness(μm) | 栅海比 Ratio of palisadetissue and spongy tissue | |||||
对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | |
6 | 14.44±0.79a | 14.41±0.74a | 12.72±0.64a | 12.59±0.93a | 54.19±3.18a | 54.20±2.39a | 85.28±1.61a | 85.13±2.33a | 0.64±0.03a | 0.64±0.03a |
11 | 14.48±0.70a | 14.46±0.80a | 12.64±0.99a | 12.62±1.06a | 54.26±2.48a | 54.28±2.67a | 85.20±1.16a | 84.45±2.30a | 0.64±0.04a | 0.64±0.03a |
16 | 14.43±0.79a | 14.47±0.85a | 12.72±1.09a | 9.28±1.19b | 54.36±1.85a | 54.26±2.52a | 85.54±1.92a | 50.76±1.53b | 0.64±0.03a | 1.07±0.08b |
干旱胁迫时间 Drought stress time(d) | 气孔面积 Stomatal area (μm2) | 气孔长度 Length of stomatal aperture(μm) | 气孔宽度 Width of stomatal aperture(μm) | 气孔密度 Stomatal aperture (No.·mm-2) | 气孔闭合百分比 Percentage of stomatal closure(%) | |||||
对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | 对照 Control | 干旱 Drought | |
6 | 11.95±0.02a | 19.35±2.70b | 5.16±0.03a | 7.96±0.92b | 1.59±0.06a | 2.32±0.18b | 214.13±25.11a | 207.28±42.25a | 49.1±4.25a | 35.73±4.21b |
11 | 27.26±1.64a | 7.89±0.82b | 11.62±0.84a | 5.38±0.17b | 4.27±0.04a | 1.66±0.09b | 202.98±29.86a | 308.03±7.27b | 4.29±4.35a | 42.52±1.07b |
16 | 16.79±0.99a | 14.53±1.16a | 8.60±0.19a | 8.07±0.65a | 2.79±0.07a | 2.64±0.09a | 210.77±43.67a | 210.74±30.08a | 16.31±3.75a | 27.63±4.03b |
干旱胁迫6 d、11 d、16 d叶片气孔长度、宽度、密度相关性及线性回归方程
品种 Variety | 长度与宽度Length and width | 长度与密度Length and density | 宽度与密度Width and density | |||
线性回归方程 Linear regression equation | R | 线性回归方程 Linear regression equation | R | 线性回归方程 Linear regression equation | R | |
‘华仲6号’ ‘Huazhong No.6’ | Y=0.403+3.049X | 0.896 | Y=457.576-30.21X | 0.774 | Y=462.894-99.99X | 0.795 |
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