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植物研究 ›› 1994, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 273-279.

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温学森1, 谢东斗1, 李爱国1, 陈汉斌2   

  1. 1. 山东医科大学, 山东济南 250012;
    2. 山东师范大学生物系, 山东济南 250014
  • 收稿日期:1993-03-01 出版日期:1994-09-15 发布日期:2016-06-14


Wen Xue-sen1, Xie Dong-dou1, Li Ai-guo1, Chen Han-bin2   

  1. 1. Shandong Medical University, Jinan 250012;
    2. Department of Biology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014
  • Received:1993-03-01 Online:1994-09-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 本文采用光学显微镜及扫描电子显微镜系统观察了国产5种1变种打碗花属(Calystegia R.Br.)植物的花粉。该属植物的花粉呈球形,具散孔。覆盖层具穿孔。孔圆形、椭圆形或不规则,通常5或4个一组,至五边形或四边形排列,具孔膜,凹陷,少数突出,具5-20个不规则颗粒状突起。花粉外壁分两层,内层厚约0.5μ,外层厚薄不一,趋向萌发孔变薄,覆盖层表面具小刺状突起、小凹陷及穿孔。观察结果说明,打碗花属为一个自然分类群,其可能起源于旋花属中具散沟的类群,或与之具有共同的祖先。本文观察到有些种的部分萌发孔间具有通道,这可能是该属花粉的一种返祖现象。另外一份毛打碗花的花粉标本,其花粉外壁天覆盖层,上部2-3次分枝的基柱明显可见,这种罕见的花粉可能是由于某种突变造成的。

关键词: 打碗花属, 花粉形态, 分类学意义, 中国

Abstract: The pollen grains of five species and one variety of Calystegia from China were systemahcally examined under LM and SEM. The results arc as follows:Pollen grains are spheroidal, diam. about 53-108μ, pantoporate, with about 20-34pores. pores are circular, elliptical or irregular in shape, everyfive or four a group, arranged in a pantagon or a quadrilateral. Pore membrane is sunken or projecting, with about 5-20granules. The inteporal distance is about 7.8-18.2μ.Exine is 4-8μ thick, punctitectate, nexine is about 0.5μ thick, and sexine differs in thickness and tends to be thinner around pores. Minute supratectal processes, puncta and foveolae are present under SEM. Tectum is supported by bacula, Which are short, apically branched.The results indicate that Calystegia is a natural taxon. It perhaps originates from some pantocolpatc taxa of Convolvulus, or has a common ancester with them. Some channels between adjacent pores can be observed which may be an atavism or the pantoporatc pollen of Calystegia.In addition, there is a pollen specimen of C. dahurica (Beijing Botanic Gardens, 019) without tectum, and the branched bacula of the pollen grains are conspicuous. This type of pollen grains maybe results from an unknown mutation.

Key words: Calystegia, Pollen morphology, Taxonomic significance, China