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植物研究 ›› 1993, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 353-369.

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蒋林, 林有润   

  1. 中国科学院华南植物研究所, 广州 510650
  • 收稿日期:1992-12-01 出版日期:1993-12-15 发布日期:2016-06-14


Jiang Lin, Ling Yeou-ruenn   

  1. South China Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Guangzhou 510650
  • Received:1992-12-01 Online:1993-12-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 本文通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜, 观察国产菊科蒿属2亚属7组30种代表植物成熟叶片的表皮细胞、气孔器、表皮毛的特征和气孔形状、气孔外拱盖及拱盖内缘、角质膜和蜡质纹饰。其中表皮细胞多角(边)形, 大小不等, 垂周壁平直、弓形, 或者表皮细胞形状不规则, 大小不等, 垂周壁波浪状或波纹状。下表皮均有气孔器, 上表皮有或无气孔器, 气孔器类型有无规则型。无规则四细胞型、不等细胞型、十字型、横列型和平列型。大多数种类具多细胞单列毛。多细胞双列毛和腺毛仅发现在腺毛蒿组。这些微形态特征在组间存在着某些差异, 具有一定的分类学和生态学意义。

关键词: 蒿属, 叶表皮, 气孔器, 表皮毛

Abstract: The leaf epidermis structures from 30 species, which belong to 7 sections and 2 subgenera of Artemisia Linn. in China, have been examinedwith LM and SEM. The characters of the leaf epidermis are of thesystematic and ecological significance in the genus. The epidermis cells on both surfaces of leaves are usually tetragonalpentagonal and hexagonal or irregular, and the anticlinal walls are str-aight, arched, sinuolate, but the stomatal apparatuses, which usuallyoccur on both surfaces or only on abaxial surface, are usually anomocyticanomotetracytic. 1-cell thick multicellular file and T-or Y-form trichomeare found in most species in the genus. In Sect. Absinthium DC., the leaf epidermis differs from that of othersections by that stomatal apparatuses are simply anomocytic. Perhaps, that is one of the characters for the most primitive sections of the genus.What the shape of cells is irregucar and polygonal, and the stomatalapparatuses are anomocytic, anomotetracytic and anisocytic are found inSect.Abrotanum Bess. and Sect. Artemisia. Besides in Sect. Abrotanum Bess.the stomatuses have also staurocytic and paracytic. It is one of more complex and advanced characters than that in Sect. Absinthium DC. In Sect. Viscidipubes Y. R. Ling and Sect. Albibractea Y. R. Ling, there are anomocytic and anomotetracytic. But in the former it has 1-cellor 2-cells thick multicellular file trichome, the latter has no trichome. In advanced Subgen. Dracunculus (Bess.) Peterm. of the genus, it is the most complex in epidermis, the shape of cells is polygonal, thepattern of anticlinal walls is straight or chared, and sank stomatal complex, but it is trichome in Sect. Dracunculus Bess. and it has no trichome in Sect. Latilobus Y. R. Ling on both surfaces. The isobiloteral leaves are found in Sect. Absinthium DC. and Sect.Dracunculus Bess., but the dorsiventrals are Sect. Viscidipubes Y. R. Lgin and Sect. Latilobus Y. R. Ling. That is the result of the adaption to different environment in the evolutionary process, and now te former species grow in high altitude and high latittude areas, and in the steppe or desert environment and the latter in low altitude and low latitude areas, the forest environment.

Key words: Ariemisia, Leaf epidermis, Tomatal apparatus, Epidermal hair