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植物研究 ›› 1993, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 346-352.

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陈守良, 杨光   

  1. 江苏省植物研究所, 南京 210014
  • 收稿日期:1992-10-01 出版日期:1993-12-15 发布日期:2016-06-14
  • 基金资助:


Chen Shou-liang, Yang Guang   

  1. Jiangsu Institute of Botany, Nanjing 210014
  • Received:1992-10-01 Online:1993-12-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 本文采用光学显微镜对全世界菰属4种2亚种及其有关属种共4属7种的胚形态进行系统研究后, 获得菰属Zizania L.与山涧草Chikusichloa aquatica Koidz.的胚型为F+PP, 稻Oryza sativa L.与拟菰Zizaniopsis miliacea(Michx.)Doell & Aschers.的胚型为F+FP, 其中山涧草的胚型为首次报导。根据胚型, 这4属均应位在禾本科Gramineae的稻族Oryzeae内, 彼此间有亲缘关系, 有不少共性, 但又各有其特性, 如菰属的盾片特别长, 山涧草的颖果长椭圆形, 外胚叶顶端多少是"M"形, 拟菰与稻的外胚叶虽然都与盾片愈合, 且两侧各具一耳, 但前者为坚果, 盾片上端 有一小尖头, 而后者为颖果, 盾片上端无小尖头等特征亦各不相同。因此, 同意 E. E. Terrell & Н. Robinson (1974), (15]M. Honda (1930)[11]等 学者的观点, 在稻族Oryzeae抑内, 旅属独立成菰族Zizaniinae, 山涧草属Chikusichloa Koidz.独立成山涧草亚族Chikusichloineae, 稻属 Oryza L.及拟旅属 Zizaniopsis Doell & Aschers.分别隶属于稻亚族Oryzinae及拟地杨梅亚族Luziolinae内。特别是拟菰的胚芽横切面较特殊, 有别于其它。

关键词: 菰属, 胚胎形态, 系统演化

Abstract: This paper deals with embryology morphology of Zizania L. and its relatives. A total of 4 genera 7 species and 2 subspecies were examinedunder light microscope. The results are as follows. 1. The genus Zizania L. belongs to tribe Oryzeae as show by its embryo formula F + PP. But it is different from others by its cylindric caryopsis, scutellum narrow and very long etc. Hance it may be considered as anisolated subtribe Zizaniinae in Oryzeae. 2. The evolutionary trend of the taxa seems that, gen. Oryza L.is more primitive than others, such as Zizania related to Oryza by thecommon character of their caryopsis, Zizaniopsis related to Oryza by theircommon characters of scutellum nearly triangular and epiblast connectedwith scutellum, gen. Chikusichloa related to Oryza by their common chara-cters of scutellum elliptic obtuse at apex. Hance it may be considered asthat they may be derived from the ancient stock which has also given riseto the genus Oryza, and therefore paralled evolutionmay have taken placein Oryzeae. 3. The characters of embryo morphology under LM support the division of the genus Zizania into 4 species, 2 subspecies in the world, i.e. Z. latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz, ex Stapf, Z. texana Hitche., Z. aquatica L. subsp. aquatica, Z. aquatica subsp. brevis (Fassett) S. L. Chen, Z.palustris L. subsp. palustris and Z. palustris L. subsp. interior (Fassett)S. L. Chen. In this group, Z. latifolia is the most primitive species.

Key words: Zizanta L., Embryo morphology, Systematic evolution