植物研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 77-87.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2025.01.009
李潇1, 王汉时1, 王宏星1, 蒋路平1, 庞忠义2, 彭彦辉2, 赵曦阳1()
Xiao LI1, Hanshi WANG1, Hongxing WANG1, Luping JIANG1, Zhongyi PANG2, Yanhui PENG2, Xiyang ZHAO1()
Xiyang ZHAO
探究滴灌水肥耦合对‘新林1号’杨(Populus cathayana×canadansis ‘Xinlin1’)生长和光合生理特性的影响,旨在选出促进‘新林1号’杨生长的最佳水肥耦合措施。以10年生‘新林1号’杨为研究对象,设置-20 kPa(I20)、-33 kPa(I33)、-45 kPa(I45)、未灌溉(I0)4个灌溉水平和尿素500 g?株-1(N1)、尿素1 000 g?株-1(N2)、尿素 1 500 g?株-1(N3)、复合肥500 g?株-1(F1)、复合肥1 000 g?株-1(F2)、复合肥1 500 g?株-1(F3)、对照(CK)7个施肥水平,测定‘新林1号’杨树高、胸径及叶片的光合生理指标。结果表明:(1)灌溉和施肥显著增加了胸径、树高和材积年增量。I20灌溉处理的胸径、树高和单株材积年增量最高,比未灌溉分别提高了18.6%、40.6%、60.6%。F2施肥处理胸径、树高和单株材积年增量最大,分别达到了2.47 cm、2.09 m、0.097 m3,比未施肥分别提高了8.3%、7.8%、15.3%。其中I20F2处理‘新林1号’杨生长量最大,显著高于其他处理。(2)灌溉和施肥显著增加了叶片中叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量,提高了谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、硝酸还原酶活性、净光合速率及气孔导度,其中I20F2处理下可溶性蛋白含量、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、硝酸还原酶活性和叶面积最高。(3)相关性分析结果表明,‘新林1号’杨胸径、树高和材积年增长量与叶片生理指标和净光合速率呈显著正相关,与胞间CO2摩尔分数呈负相关。灌溉和施肥显著改变了叶片生理特性,提高了叶片光合能力,促进了‘新林1号’杨的生长。I20F2处理下,生理指标和净光合速率最高,林木生长达到了最佳水平。因此,保持水分充足(灌溉阈值为-20 kPa)及施复合肥(1 000 g?株-1)处理是改善‘新林1号’杨光合生理特征,促进林木生长的最佳水肥耦合措施。
李潇, 王汉时, 王宏星, 蒋路平, 庞忠义, 彭彦辉, 赵曦阳. 灌溉和施肥对‘新林1号’杨生长和光合生理特性的影响[J]. 植物研究, 2025, 45(1): 77-87.
Xiao LI, Hanshi WANG, Hongxing WANG, Luping JIANG, Zhongyi PANG, Yanhui PENG, Xiyang ZHAO. Effects of Irrigation and Fertilization on Growth and Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Populus cathayana × canadansis ‘Xinlin1’[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2025, 45(1): 77-87.
编号 No. | 处理 Treatment | 编号 No. | 处理 Treatment |
I0CK | 无灌溉、无肥 | I33CK | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、无肥 |
I0N1 | 无灌溉、尿素500 g·株-1 | I33N1 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、尿素500 g·株-1 |
I0N2 | 无灌溉、尿素1 000 g·株-1 | I33N2 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、尿素1 000 g·株-1 |
I0N3 | 无灌溉、尿素1 500 g·株-1 | I33N3 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、尿素1 500 g·株-1 |
I0F1 | 无灌溉、复合肥500 g·株-1 | I33F1 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、复合肥500 g·株-1 |
I0F2 | 无灌溉、复合肥1 000 g·株-1 | I33F2 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、复合肥1 000 g·株-1 |
I0F3 | 无灌溉、复合肥1 500 g·株-1 | I33F3 | 灌溉阈值-33 kPa、复合肥1 500 g·株-1 |
I45CK | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、无肥 | I20CK | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、无肥 |
I45N1 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、尿素500 g·株-1 | I20N1 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、尿素500 g·株-1 |
I45N2 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、尿素1 000 g·株-1 | I20N2 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、尿素1 000 g·株-1 |
I45N3 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、尿素1 500 g·株-1 | I20N3 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、尿素1 500 g·株-1 |
I45F1 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、复合肥500 g·株-1 | I20F1 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、复合肥500 g·株-1 |
I45F2 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、复合肥1 000 g·株-1 | I20F2 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、复合肥1 000 g·株-1 |
I45F3 | 灌溉阈值-45 kPa、复合肥1 500 g·株-1 | I20F3 | 灌溉阈值-20 kPa、复合肥1 500 g·株-1 |
处理 Treatment | 编号 No. | 胸径年增量 DBH increment/(cm⋅a-1) | 树高年增量 Height increment/(m⋅a-1) | 材积年增量 Volume increment/(m3⋅a-1) |
灌溉 Irrigation | I45 | 2.29±0.02c | 1.82±0.02c | 0.079±0.001c |
I33 | 2.44±0.02b | 2.10±0.02b | 0.093±0.001b | |
I20 | 2.55±0.02a | 2.46±0.03a | 0.114±0.002a | |
I0 | 2.15±0.02d | 1.75±0.02c | 0.071±0.001d | |
F | 94.86*** | 168.52*** | 162.84*** | |
施肥 Fertilization | N1 | 2.32±0.02c | 2.07±0.03ab | 0.089±0.002b |
N2 | 2.34±0.02bc | 1.99±0.03ab | 0.089±0.002b | |
N3 | 2.33±0.03bc | 2.04±0.04ab | 0.087±0.002b | |
F1 | 2.36±0.02ab | 2.03±0.03ab | 0.090±0.002b | |
F2 | 2.47±0.02a | 2.09±0.03a | 0.097±0.002a | |
F3 | 2.41±0.02ab | 2.08±0.03ab | 0.095±0.002ab | |
CK | 2.28±0.03c | 1.92±0.04b | 0.074±0.002c | |
F | 7.55*** | 3.52** | 14.78*** | |
灌溉×施肥 Irrigation×fertilization | F | 8.11*** | 9.11** | 5.06*** |
处理 Treatment | 编号 No. | 叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content/(mg⋅g-1) | 可溶性糖含量 Soluble sugar content/(mg⋅g-1) | 可溶性蛋白含量 Soluble protein content/(mg⋅g-1) | 谷氨酰胺合成酶活性 (鲜质量) Glutamine synthetase activity/(U⋅g-1) | 硝酸还原酶活性 (鲜质量) Nitrate reductase activity/(nmol⋅h-1⋅g-1) |
灌溉 Irrigation | I45 | 1.35±0.09c | 18.89±2.87c | 10.55±0.39c | 326.01±122.31b | 25.35±12.22c |
I33 | 1.49±0.12b | 20.55±2.13b | 10.30±0.74c | 333.03±188.64b | 29.74±12.97b | |
I20 | 1.70±0.19a | 22.50±2.71a | 14.30±1.19a | 547.52±190.73a | 35.17±14.67a | |
I0 | 1.40±0.13c | 17.44±2.10d | 11.18±1.14b | 226.93±64.06c | 18.15±7.39d | |
F | 54.71*** | 65.12*** | 709.87*** | 303.62*** | 41.90*** | |
施肥 Fertilization | N1 | 1.49±0.18a | 20.85±3.49ab | 12.18±2.42a | 313.17±180.68c | 28.91±12.95b |
N2 | 1.53±0.22a | 22.38±2.39a | 11.52±1.81bc | 438.40±164.83ab | 25.73±8.54b | |
N3 | 1.45±0.13ab | 20.50±3.57b | 11.20±0.94cd | 222.90±56.81d | 36.33±11.74a | |
F1 | 1.57±0.24a | 18.68±1.95cd | 10.92±1.28d | 418.91±217.41ab | 29.71±12.47b | |
F2 | 1.49±0.19a | 20.91±2.60ab | 12.09±2.24a | 402.89±167.56b | 31.54±15.78ab | |
F3 | 1.50±0.17a | 17.75±2.13d | 11.76±2.13b | 453.80±139.87a | 27.77±10.42b | |
CK | 1.36±0.16b | 17.86±2.37cd | 11.41±1.77bc | 258.55±111.11d | 9.72±3.92c | |
F | 5.34*** | 24.43** | 25.13*** | 81.72*** | 32.31*** | |
灌溉×施肥 Irrigation×fertilization | F | 3.71*** | 6.34** | 25.88*** | 49.72*** | 11.26*** |
处理 Treatment | 编号 No. | 叶面积 LA/cm2 | 蒸腾速率 Tr/(mmol⋅m-2⋅s-1) | 净光合速率 Pn/(µmol⋅m-2⋅s-1) | 胞间CO2摩尔分数 Ci/(µmol⋅mol-1) | 气孔导度 Gs/(mol⋅m-2⋅s-1) |
灌溉 Irrigation | I45 | 29.61±4.40ab | 3.66±1.35b | 13.15±1.47b | 236.58±47.96b | 0.18±0.06bc |
I33 | 28.71±4.16b | 3.76±0.99ab | 13.42±1.08b | 257.93±31.77a | 0.21±0.07a | |
I20 | 31.25±5.72a | 3.57±1.01b | 14.51±1.07a | 234.74±40.85b | 0.19±0.05b | |
I0 | 30.38±5.24ab | 4.02±0.96a | 10.57±1.40c | 268.37±16.97a | 0.17±0.04c | |
F | 4.03** | 4.47** | 185.93*** | 25.35*** | 10.83*** | |
施肥 Fertilization | N1 | 28.90±4.42bc | 3.27±0.97d | 12.52±2.02bc | 238.08±47.62bc | 0.17±0.06bc |
N2 | 29.56±4.43abc | 3.86±1.16b | 13.09±2.11ab | 255.03±42.47ab | 0.21±0.09a | |
N3 | 29.09±4.14bc | 3.44±1.03c | 13.08±2.16ab | 230.46±48.55c | 0.16±0.04c | |
F1 | 31.14±3.84ab | 4.00±0.52b | 12.66±1.47b | 260.04±32.47a | 0.20±0.03ab | |
F2 | 32.25±5.94a | 4.64±1.28a | 13.64±1.54a | 262.67±11.24a | 0.22±0.05a | |
F3 | 31.07±6.02ab | 3.78±0.95bc | 13.49±2.01a | 249.85±34.31ab | 0.19±0.05ab | |
CK | 27.89±4.57c | 3.27±0.97d | 11.89±1.55c | 249.70±34.26ab | 0.17±0.05bc | |
F | 4.67*** | 16.23*** | 13.81** | 7.21*** | 10.73*** | |
灌溉×施肥 Irrigation×fertilization | F | 4.19*** | 12.81*** | 6.47** | 12.02*** | 10.80*** |
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