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    15 November 2017, Volume 37 Issue 6
    Five New Species of the Genus Pilea(Urticaceae) from Southern China
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2017, 37(6):  801-806.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.001
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    Five species of the genus Pilea(Urticaceae), P.longzhouensis, P.lushuiensis, P.longruiensis, P.minima and P.yuanbaoshanica, are described as new from southern China. The diagnostic differences between them and their allies are given respectively.
    Community Assembly Rules of the East of Yanshan Mountain Based on Phylogeny
    TANG Li-Li, CHEN Guo-Ping, FENG Xiao-Mei, ZHAO Tie-Jian, SHI Fu-Chen
    2017, 37(6):  807-815.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.002
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    Analysis of community assembly rules plays a crucial role in understanding species coexistence and the maintenance of biodiversity of the community. We conducted field investigations and statistical analysis on 374 plant plots(20 m×30 m) in the east of Yanshan Mountain, and used Multiple Regression Tree(MRT), phylogenetic index and Gaussian kernel density estimation(Gaussian KDE) on data collected from study sites to explore its community assembly rules. The whole community could be divided into five formations, including Vitex negundo var. heterophylla, Quercus aliena, Q.mongolica, Q.variabilis and Fraxinus chinensis. Among these forms, environmental filtering mainly influenced the community assembly process in V.negundo var. heterophylla, Q.aliena and Q.mongolica, competition controlled the speciation in Q.variabilis, while in F.chinensis, the pattern had been changing from environmental filtering to competition. In addition, Gaussian KDE was introduced to illustrate net relatedness index(NRI) and nearest taxon index(NTI) values, providing a new intuitive perspective to explore the argument between niche-assembly and neutral processes.
    Distant Hybridization Barriers of Magnolia sinostellata in the Pollination Process
    CHEN Xiang-Xiang, LU Lu, FAN Li-Jie, WANG Qian-Ying, YIN Zeng-Fang, SHEN Ya-Mei
    2017, 37(6):  816-824.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.003
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    With selfing of Magnolia sinostellata as a control, distant crosses of M.sinostellata with M.biondii, M.liliiflora, M.soulangeana ‘Red lucky’ and M.soulangeana ‘Danxin’, respectively, were conducted to study the compatibility of selfing and that between species. M.sinostellata had a relatively high pollen viability and stigma receptivity, and its pollen tube could go into the maternal style normally but had a selfing-based fruiting rate of 2%. The pollen from M.sinostellata was fast identified by the stigma of M.liliiflora and germinated at a higher percentage with a faster growing normal tube than by those of M.soulangeana ‘Red lucky’ and M.soulangeana ‘Danxin’. M.liliiflora×M.sinostellata had a fruiting rate of 25% while the fruiting rate of M.soulangeana ‘Red lucky’×M.sinostellata and M.‘Fragrant cloud’×M.sinostellata was only 4% and 0, respectively. With M.sinostellata as a maternal parent, the pollen of M.biondii had a higher pollen germination rate than that of other three species, but the pollen tube twisted during growth and the callose was formed inside the style of M.sinostellata, which resulted in no seed formation. All these indicated that pre-fertilization barriers, i.e. abnormal growth of pollen tube before reaching the bottom of the style, was the main reason for no fruiting in the cross of M.sinostellata with either of M.soulangeana ‘Danxin’ and M.biondii. The abnormal state of pollen tube after entering into the ovary might lead to a low fruiting rate from selfing of M.sinostellata and hybridization of M.sinostellata with M.liliiflora, or M.soulangeana ‘Red lucky’.
    Transcriptome Analysis for Rhododendron longipedicellatum (Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations) Based on High Throughput Sequencing
    LI Tai-Qiang, LIU Xiong-Fang, WAN You-Ming, LI Zheng-Hong, QI Guo-Hai, LI Yu-Ying, LIU Xiu-Xian, HE Rui, MA Yan, MA Hong
    2017, 37(6):  825-834.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.004
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    To strengthen the research of resources evaluation, protection and identification of endemic and endangered species of Rhododendron longipedicellatum, and to provide a helpful reference for genetic breeding and improvement of its agronomic traits, the transcriptome was sequenced by using Illumina Hiseq 4 000, in total, 74 092 Unigenes with an average length of 938 nt, N50 of 1616 nt, Q20 of 98.22%, Q30 of 95.20% and GC content of 43.24% were obtained by de novo assembly and cluster with filtered data, and there were 23 879 Unigenes with more than 1 kB. Then, the Unigenes were annotated by 7 functional databases, and finally, 39 876(NR:53.82%),38 065(NT:51.38%), 27 384(Swissprot:36.96%), 16 099(COG:21.73%), 30 401(KEGG:41.03%), 17 518(GO:23.64%), and 29 676(Interpro:40.05%) Unigenes were annotated. The Unigenes were roughly divided into three functional categories(i.e. biological processes, cellular components and molecular function) and 56 sub-categories according to GO function. Most of the genes performed biological processes. KEGG functional annotation analysis showed that Unigenes could be grouped into 6 categories, 32 metabolic pathways. 176 Unigenes relating to human diseases were detected, including endocrine and metabolic diseases(167) and antimicrobial resistance(9). The 39 418 CDS were detected with functional annotation results, and after 3 194 CDS also were predicted by ESTScan with the remaining Unigenes. The 1 488 Transcription Factor(TF) coding Unigenes were predicted and 57 927 SNP polymorphic loci were detected. The analysis of the transcriptome could lay a foundation for further study of functional gene discovery and utilization, resistance mechanism analysis, classification and evolution of genetic resources, molecular marker development and molecular assisted breeding of R.longipedicellatum and other congeneric species.
    Effect of Exogenous SA on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Meconopsis racemosa Seed
    DA Qing-Jing, CHEN Xue-Lin, MA Wen-Bing, ZHANG Hai-Xian
    2017, 37(6):  835-840.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.005
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    With the seed of Meconopsis racemosa Maxim. through the different concentration of salicylic acid(SA) seed handling, we studied the effect of SA under different temperature conditions on M.racemosa Maxim. seed germination quality and related physiological characteristics. Under 5-30℃, M.racemosa Maxim. seed germination has different degree of influence, but under the condition of 15-25℃, seed germination effect is significant(P<0.05), of which 20℃ germination effect is extremely significant(P<0.01). The pretreatment of 0.1-1.0 mmol·L-1 SA significantly promoted the germination of the seed of M.racemosa Maxim., of which 0.7 mmol·L-1 SA treatment effect is very significant(P<0.01). After soaking with SA, the soluble protein and proline content appear similar trend with seed germination and growth of M.racemosa Maxim., and the contents of soluble protein and proline were the highest in the seeds treated with 0.7 mmol·L-1 SA. SA soaking could improve the germination rate of M.racemosa Maxim. seed, and there was the relief by SA soaking under high temperature and low temperature.
    Effects of Shading on Physocarpus amurensis Seedlings Photosynthetic Ability and Carbohydrate Accumulation
    YIN Dong-Sheng, SHEN Hai-Long, WEI Xiao-Hui
    2017, 37(6):  841-847.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.006
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    For studying the adaptability of Physocarpus amurensis seedlings under different shading environment, we measured the photosynthesis characteristics, photosynthetic pigment content, non-structural carbohydrate(NSC) accumulation of one-year seedlings through three intensities of artificial shading(control(full light, CK), moderate shading(60% of full light, L1) and heavy shading(20% of full light, L2)). P.amurensis was heliophilous trees, and was very sensitive to changes of the light environment. The shading resulted in significant decrease in the apparent quantum efficiency(AQY), maximum net photosynthetic rate(Pmax), dark respiration rate(Rd), light compensation point(LCP), light saturation point(LSP) and carotenoid content(Car)(P<0.05), and significant increase chlorophyll a(Chla), chlorophyll b(Chlb), total chlorophyll(Chl) content and chlorophyll/carotenoid(P<0.05). The shading had resulted in significant decrease in the NSC content of root, stem and leaf(P<0.05), especially L2, decreased by 52.5%, 44.9% and 43.9%, respectively, compared to CK. Thus, the ability of adaptation and regulation of P.amurensis seedling to shading environment was inferior, and it should be planted in a sunny environment in practice.
    Response of Fine Root Decomposition to Long-term Nitrogen Addition in the Temperate Forest
    LI Yuan-Yuan, WANG Zheng-Wen, SUN Tao
    2017, 37(6):  848-854.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.007
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    As one of the important processes of carbon(C) cycling in forest ecosystems, fine root litter decomposition is potentially affected by elevated atmospheric nitrogen(N) deposition. Since 2009, a five-year fine root decomposition experiment was conducted in long-term N addition plots using a litter bag method. The decomposition rates of fine roots were higher at the early stage and slower at the later stage of decomposition. Mass loss of fine roots was up to 30% 50% in the 516th day of decomposition, and the variation in the remaining mass was relatively stable in the later stage. In general, the asymptotic decomposition models provided the best prediction for fine root decomposition of the five species. Nitrogen addition had a stage-specific effect on fine root decomposition, which was promotion for the early stage while inhibition for the later. At the later stage, N addition slowed down decomposition rate of fine roots, which was partly due to the direct effect of increasing proportion of recalcitrant compounds, such as lignin, and the indirect effect of alteration in microbial activity was affected by N addition.
    Effect of Ca2+ on Seed Germination and Seedling Formation of Oat Induced by H2O2 under Saline-Alkali Complex Stress
    LIU Jian-Xin, LIU Xiu-Li, WANG Jin-Cheng, JIA Hai-Yan
    2017, 37(6):  855-860.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.008
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    Salinity-alkalinity stress is an important factor of restricting crop high-yield and good quality, Ca2+ and H2O2 as signal molecules involved in crop response to stress. In order to understand whether Ca2+ is involved in the regulation of H2O2 on the seed germination and seedling formation in plant under saline-alkali stress, using subordinate function analysis method, we studied the effects of extracellular dissociation Ca2+ chelant EGTA, plasma membrane Ca2+ channel blockers LaCl3, tonoplast Ca2+ release inhibitor ruthenium red(RR) and H2O2 on seed germination and seedling formation under saline-alkali complex stress(NaCl:Na2SO4:NaHCO3:Na2CO3=12:8:9:1) with oat(Avena nude). The results showed that 25-200 mmol·L-1 saline-alkali complex stress significantly inhibited seed germination and seedling formation of oat, and its inhibition was more obvious as the concentration was increased. While 0.001-2 mmol·L-1 H2O2 could promote the seed germination and seedling formation of oat, and 0.5 mmol·L-1 H2O2 significantly relieve the inhibition of 75 mmol·L-1 saline-alkali complex stress to seed germination and seedling formation of oat. After EGAT treatment, combining with LaCl3 and RR, the effect of H2O2 was decreased. Therefore, Ca2+ was involved in the signal transduction of seed germination and seedling formation of oat induced by H2O2 under saline-alkali mixed stress.
    Leaf Color Expression and Color Leaf Characteristic of Acer tutcheri
    ZHANG Ke, SUN Bing, LIAO Shao-Bo, WU Pei-Pei, YAN Wei-Ming, CHEN Lei
    2017, 37(6):  861-869.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.009
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    Acer tutcheri isdistributed in the hilly region of the Pan Pearl River Delta which has colorful leaves in spring, autumn, and winter, and it can be widely used in urban greening of Lingnan Area. In the natural communities of A.tutcheri Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve, Heishiding Nature Reserve, and Shenzhen Dapeng Peninsula National Geopark Qiniangshan, we observed the phenology of color leaf, quantify the color value of annual cycle, comparative the best viewing period, and explorer the key factors of leaves color change. The results showed that:(1)There was significant different leaf color in three regions.The best viewing period of Nanling was November, those of Heishiding and Qiniangshan were from early November to early December and from later November to later December, respectively. The best viewing time in Nanling is November, and those of Heishiding and Qiniangshan are from early November to early December, and December, respectively; (2)There were significantly different leaf color characteristics, soil physical and chemical properties among these areas(P<0.05); (3)There was significantly positive correlation between the period of red leaves beginning and longitude, soil available K content. The maximum color difference values was positively correlated with the available K content. The best viewing period was significantly negatively correlated with elevation and effective Cu. The maximum color difference value of best viewing period was significantly negatively correlated with latitude. The duration of red leaves was negatively correlated with total K, and it showed a significant negative correlation with available P and Cu content. (4)The best ornamental period of red leaves delayed gradually from north to south. Lower altitude, longitude, latitude, soil total K, valid P, valid Cu content and higher available K content are benefit to express the red leaves of A.tutcheri.
    Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Exogenous Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Transgenic Birch
    SUN Feng-Kun, LI Si-Da, LI Ji-Xiang, CHEN Xiao-Hui, ZENG Fan-Suo
    2017, 37(6):  870-875.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.010
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    In order to investigate the relationship between transgene expression and the methylation of genomic DNA induced by 2 mmol·L-1 SNP in Transgenic birch, the effect of SNP(sodium nitroprusside) on the expression of exogenous BGT, methyltransferase gene DRM, MET and the level of DNA methylation were determined in transgenic birch callus. The activities of defense enzymes and the MDA(malondialdehyde) content in transgenic birch were increased significantly, which indicated high concentration of NO had harm on the normal life of birch cells. The methyltransferase DRM and MET genes were up-regulated and the methylation level of genomic DNA was increased from 10.6% to 16.5%. The transcription level of BGT was improved at 6 h and only 0.46 folds of the control at 3 d, which suggested the expression of exogenous BGT gene in transgenic brich was affected by high concentration of NO and the level of genomic methylation. The results revealed the response patterns of exogenous gene and methyltransferase gene and determined the genomic methylation level and physiological and biochemical characteristics to the high concentration of NO in birch, which will provide some references for further study of epigenetic regulation and regulation of exogenous gene expression in transgenic plants.
    Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of PsLOX Gene in Pyrus sinkiangensis Yü. ‘Korla xiangli’
    ZHANG Jun, LIU Xu-Xin, XU Li-Sheng, Tuerxunayi, LI Jiang
    2017, 37(6):  876-886.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.011
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    In order to provide a rationale and study for the aroma metabolism mechanism of pear fruit, which was PsLOX, the lipoxygenase gene of Korla pear(Pyrus sinkiangensis Yü. ‘Korla xiangli’) was cloned, the expression profiles of PsLOX were monitored in different periods of fruit development. As materials in leaves and fruit of Korla pear at different periods, total RNA was extracted by using the reagent kit, cDNA sequence of target gene PsLOX was obtained by RT-PCR. The function of PsLOX was predicted by bioinformatics, the expression characteristics and differences of this gene were analyzed using semi quantitative RT-PCR(SqRT-PCR) technology with leaves and peel of Korla pear in period of growth and shelf-life. The CDS sequence of PsLOX gene was 912 bp length, coded a predicted protein of 303 amino acids. By bioinformatics, PsLOX gene belongs to the lipoxygenase family. We compared with other plant LOX genes, the amino acid sequence had high homology, and the highest homology with Nanguo pear reached 99%. There was significant difference in the expression of PsLOX gene in development period of pear fruit, which was very low level in the expression quantity at growth development prophase of young fruit, and was the highest value in mature to ripe period, then expression quantity began to decrease. The PsLOX gene was homologously cloned, which were speculated to play a crucial role in aroma metabolism process of Korla pear fruit.
    Effects of Different Management Measures on Diversity of Camellia oleifera Undergrowth
    XIA Ying-Ying, JIA Zeng-Peng, LIU Kai, HOU Li-Ying, MAO Zi-Jun
    2017, 37(6):  887-896.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.012
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    In order to find out the effects of different management measures on the diversity of the undergrowth of Camellia oleifera, we studied the plants under five different management measures of C.oleifera in the largest Camellia-producing areas in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County. We analyzed the species composition, quantity of vegetation structures, diversity index and improvement measures. There were five different management measures of the plants in the survey. They were consisted of 63 families, 123 genera and 148 species, shrub layer including 25 families, 44 genera and 51 species; there were 42 families, 83 genera and 97 species in the herb layer; and there were 22 species in all. By calculating the important values, and most of them were common species in the shrub layer, the dominant species in the herb layer were of great difference, 13 species of which accounted for a large proportion. In the analysis of the diversity index contrast, the management measure of using clonal seedlings renovation was with the lowest diversity index(P<0.01 index, except Pielou); in correlation analysis, the diversity index was negatively correlated with elevation(P<0.01), and Margalef, Shannon-Wiener index was positively correlated with canopy density and crown width(P<0.01). The Simpson index was related to the canopy density(P<0.01). The effects of different management measures on the structure and diversity of the plants under the C.oleifera forest were not only related to the transformation, but also to the improvement measures.
    Analysis of Red Leaf Color SSR Molecular Markers by Transcriptome Sequencing of Eucommia ulmoides
    MIAO Zuo-Yun, YANG Yun, LIU Pan-Feng, ZHENG Xin-Fang, DU Hong-Yan, ZHU Jing-Le
    2017, 37(6):  897-906.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.013
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    The transcriptomes of Eucommia ulmoides ‘Huazhong 12’ young and mature leaves and ‘Huazhong 11’ mature leaves were sequenced. The transcriptome data was assembled and classified by function, and microsatellites characteristics from obtained Unigenes and analyzed. The Unigenes were assembly generated a total of 54 517 Unigenes with an average length of 806.90 bp. Among them, 25 993 Unigenes accounted for 47.68% were annotated by comparing the assembled Unigenes with the Nr, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, and COG protein databases. KEGG pathway analysis presented that 6 910 annotated Unigenes divided into 122 classes according to its function. Among them, the Unigenes of ascorbate and aldarate metabolism was 39, flavonoid biosynthesis was 38, carotenoid biosynthesis was 34. There were 17 010 complete SSR located in 54 517 Unigenes accounted for 96.28% of the total SSR. The complete SSR included 67 frequent motifs, and the highest repeat of complete SSR type was A/T(7 747), following by AG/CT(5 039), AT/AT(850). There were 13 SSR located in ascorbate and aldarate metabolism, flavonoid biosynthesis and carotenoid biosynthesis. Our study would provide the molecular basis for genetic diversity analysis, genetic map construction and red leaf molecular marker development of E.ulmoides.
    Leaf Traits of the Saplings of Later Successional Stage Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Hainan Island
    ZHANG Ming, LIU Fu-De, AN Shu-Qing, CAO Xue-Zhang
    2017, 37(6):  907-914.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.014
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    Physiological and ecological characteristics of plant greatly affect its distribution pattern and abundance in ecosystem. The objectives of this study are to find differences of leaf traits between dominant species and companion species, and differences among three different layers. By sample-plot survey, leaf traits of six dominant species and nine companion species from three different layers of later successional stage tropical montane rain forest were measured in Hainan Island, by using a Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. Leaves were sampled to measure its specific leaf area(SLA), leaf nitrogen(LN) and leaf phosphorus(LP). SLA(specific leaf area), A-mass(light-saturated photosynthetic rate) and Ф(photosynthetic quantum yields) of middle and upper layer species were higher than those of lower layer species, and the upper layer species had a lowest Rd(day-time dark respiration rate) among the three groups. LN and LP of saplings decreased with their mature tree height increasing, and had the order of lower layer species>middle layer species>upper layer species, but there was no significant differences among there groups(P>0.05). Photosynthetic parameters of dominant and companion species were correlated with SLA. LN of companion species was positively correlated with SLA(P<0.01), but their LP was negatively correlated with SLA(P<0.05). But for dominant species, there was no correlation between LN and SLA or LP and SLA(P>0.05).
    Forest Gaps Size on Pinus massoniana Plantation of Three Natural Regeneration Herb N and P Stoichiometry
    ZHOU Yang, ZHANG Dan-Ju, SONG Si-Meng, LI Xun, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Jian
    2017, 37(6):  915-925.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.015
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    Forest gap size and plant metering chemical coupling relationship are the basis of forest management, and Pinus massoniana plantation in related research is still lacking. Our research object is located in Yibin County town of 41-year P.massoniana plantation. Weset up eightdifferent size forest gaps(CK:0 m2, G1:100 m2, G2:225 m2, G3:400 m2, G4:625 m2, G5:900 m2, G6:1 225 m2 and G7:1 600 m2), and through the investigation, selected natural update herb Dicranopteris dichotoma, Miscanthus sinensis and Setaria plicata on leaf N, P stoichiometric features to explore. Advantage herb average N content in the study area was 15.25 mg·g-1, the average of P content was 1.19 mg·g-1,and the update plant was mainly restricted elements of N elements. With the increase of forest gap area, the forest light intensity, temperature and humidity were significantly increased. Advantage herb leaf N, P content is affected by forest gap size significantly, P content was increased with forest gap area of each species with a trend of decrease. N content in different species change with forest gap size wasdifferent, the rule of D.dichotoma N content was increased with forest gap area and dropped significantly. M.sinensis and S.plicata were increased with the increasing of forest gap area of N content significantly. On the leaf N, P stoichiometric level, the optimal gap covers of D.dichotoma was 100-225 m2, and the optimum forest gap covers of M.sinensis and S.plicata was 1 225-1 600 m2. The above results show that by nearly natural transformation,forest tending and other measurescan promote the artificial forest nutrient cycling and improve P.massoniana artificial forest ecosystem productivity.
    Sample Preparation and UPCC-MS Determination Method of Carotenoids in Petals of Hemerocallis
    ZHAO Xin-Xin, JIAO Fang, SUN Guo-Feng, ZHANG Jin-Zheng
    2017, 37(6):  926-932.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.016
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    The petals of Hemerocallis middendorfii Trautv. et Mey. and H. ‘Pardon Me’ were used to study the sample preparation method of carotenoids, and the samples were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by UPCC-MS. Results showed that:(1)In the process of carotenoids sample preparation, different extraction solvents, shaking methods and saponification methods have significant influence on the extraction efficiency of carotenoids, and by multi-factor analysis of variance, the optimal extraction method was determined as follows:B acetone:hexane(3:5/V:V) as extraction solvents, extracted in a shaking incubator and saponification 16 h at room temperature; (2)UPCC-MS technology can separate the carotenoids in samples efficiently in 10 min, and with lesser use of toxic chemicals, UPCC-MS can considered to be a good choice for analyzing carotenoids; (3)There are 20 kinds of carotenoids in H.middendorfii and H. ‘Pardon Me’ petals, and these two kinds of materials with different colors had different composition and content of carotenoids.
    Comprehensive Evaluation of Growth and Fruit Traits of Larix olgensis Parents in Seed Orchard
    ZHANG Xin-Xin, XIA Hui, ZHAO Xin, ZHANG Ying, LI Guang-Yan, ZHANG Lei, SUN Xiao-Yang, HAN Dong-Hui, ZHAO Xi-Yang
    2017, 37(6):  933-940.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.017
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    Growth and fruit traits were important evaluation criterion for tree parents in seed orchard. With 58 Larix olgensis parents clones, we studied the growth and fruit traits. By ANOVA analysis of all traits(except stem straightness, internodal distance, 0m and 1.3m bark thickness), there was significant difference among all clones. The phenotypic variation coefficients and repeatabilities ranged in 8.05%-54.97% and 0.102 3-0.744 2, respectively. Higher phenotypic variation coefficient and repeatability values were benefit for excellent clone selected and valuated. By principle component analysis, all traits were divided into four principle components(Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4), and different clones showed different principle components values. Six clones(L59, L56, L77, L90, L92 and L87) were selected as excellent clones under a selection rate of 10%, using growth traits and fruit traits as comprehensive evaluation indexes. The selected clones showed higher Y1 principle component values with the genetic gains of 15.43%, 8.25%, and 29.73% for tree height, diameter at breath height and value, respectively.
    The Optimized Proportion of Combination Pinoleic Acid/L-Carnitine Decrease Lipid in HepG2
    YANG Ming-Fei, ZHANG Jing, SU Wen, WANG Peng, ZHANG Sun-Dong, KOU Ping, JIAO Jiao, YANG Yu-Chun, FU Yu-Jie
    2017, 37(6):  941-946.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.018
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    As the single active ingredient is poor and prone to drug resistance on effects of lose weight and lipid-lowering, so the study focuses on screening and optimizing the optimal concentration ratio of pinoleic acid/L-carnitine to reduce the lipid of HepG2 cell, which provides the basic data for the development of pinoleic acid lipid-lowering products. Oleic acid induced HepG2 cell adipogenesis, which was used to simulate the model of nonalcoholic fatty liver in vitro. The optimal concentration in combination of pinoleic acid/L-Carnitine decrease lipid was determinated by oil red O staining. The results show that the optimum concentration of oleic acid-induced HepG2 cell steatosis is 0.5 mmol·L-1.The optimal lipolysis concentration of pinoleic acid is 6.25 μmol·L-1. The optimal lipid metabolism concentration of L-Carnitine is 250 μmol·L-1. The best lipid-lowering ratio of pinoleic acid/L-carnitine(PLA/LC) is 1:40(μmol·L-1/μmol·L-1). The characteristics of pinoleic acid and L-Carnitine complexes decreased the doses and improved synergistic effect, Therefore, Combination of pinoleic acid/L-Carnitine has a potential prospectin in the development of lipid-lowering diet products.
    Temporal and Spatial Variations of Active Ingredients in Juglans mandshurica Maxim and Their Anti-tumor Activity
    LUO Meng, QIAO Qi, MU Fan-Song, RUAN Xin, YANG Xuan, XING Wen-Miao, YANG Yu-Chun, QI Yong-Hui, DUAN Xi-Hua
    2017, 37(6):  947-952.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.019
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    We used ultrasonic-assisted extractioncombined with single factor experiment to determine the dynamic changes of total phenolic and total flavonoid content from different parts of Juglans mandshurica Maxim,and measurethe inhibitive effect of extract from J.mandshurica on tumors. The optimum extraction conditions were ethanol extract fraction of 60%, extract time of 40 min, solid-liquid ratio of 1:20 and extraction temeperature of 30℃. According to the optimized extraction condition parameters,total flavonoid content, total phenolic content in J.mandshurica were significantly different during growth.Total flavonoid and phenolic contentextracted from leaves and sprig from May to Julyare higher than that from August to October. Total flavonoid and phenolic content in J.mandshurica leaves from July were the highest(12.56±0.33 and 76.98±3.73 mg·g-1).However,total flavonoid and phenolic content in the bark were decreased with the growth of J.mandshurica. In vitro anti-tumor studies show extracts from J.mandshurica leaves can inhibit the growth of SMMC-7721, MCF-7 and KB cells.Extracts from the leaves of J.mandshurica in July significantly can inhibit the growth of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, and the IC50 is 0.24 mg·mL-1.
    Cloning and Expressional Analysis of HbMYB62 under Multi-stimulation in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.
    LU Yan-Xi, ZHANG Dong, WANG Li-Feng, WANG Ji-Kun
    2017, 37(6):  953-960.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.020
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    R2R3-type MYB transcription factor participates in versatile biological process including stress response process. To identify the structure and function of the MYB gene in rubber tree, the full length cDNA of HbMYB62 was cloned in leaves of rubber tree. It was 1 013 bp in length, containing a 945 bp ORF which encodes 314 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence had the specific domains of plant HTH_MYB DNA binding domain. It showed the highest identity with AtMYB62 in all AtMYB family. This gene is mainly expressed in flower, whilst less expressed in bark, latex and leaf. The gene expression of HbMYB62 were differentially upregulated by H2O2, ABA, and SA. The HbMYB62 gene may play an important role in stress resistance and plant hormones signal transduction pathway in rubber tree. This study provides a fundamental knowledge for further study the structure and functions of HbMYB62.
    Comparison of Species Diversity under Heterogeneous Habitats, Determination and Evaluation of Diversity Indices of Desert Riparian Forest Community in Tarim Basin
    MA Shu-Qin, XUE Zheng-Wei, YANG Li-Li, KANG Jia-Peng, MA Ying-Ying, HAN Lu
    2017, 37(6):  961-969.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.06.021
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    The choice of diversity index and its measuring index are the basis in the species diversity of plant community. We studied the plant communities of desert riparian forest in the upper reaches of Tarim River. The species richness, diversity, evenness and dominance were compared by taking the important value, coverage and abundance with twelve measuring indices, and the characteristics of community diversity under different habitats were compared by using correlation analysis and principal component analysis. The community species compositions of heterogeneous habitats were significantly difference in desert riparian forest, P.euphratica community was the highest species richness and diversity index in Lunnan Town, P.pruinosa community was the lowest species diversity in three crop, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil water and salt was the main factor to determine the difference of spatial distribution and diversity of desert vegetation. The diversity indices based on important value and coverage had better than that of based on abundance, so the index of important value was more rational to reveal community diversity of desert plant communities. The correlation and principal component analysis indicated the correlation between evenness index and diversity index was higher than that of richness index and diversity index, diversity index was greatly influenced by evenness index, and dominance index was greatly influenced by richness index, indicating that the species diversity index of the desert plant communities was mainly affected by the even degree of species distribution. The Margalef richness index(Ma), Shannon-Weiner(H) and Simpson(D) diversity indices were be used to objectively reflect the diversity characteristics of desert plants community under heterogeneous habitats among twelve diversity index. At the same time, in view of the high habitat heterogeneity of desert plant community, and the community species composition and habitat characteristics were be considered, appropriate diversity index was selected and assembled to objectively reflect the characteristics of community diversity in desert riparian forest in Tarim Basin.