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    15 January 2017, Volume 37 Issue 1
    Comparison on Leaf Anatomical Structures betweenthe Female and the Male Plants of Eippophae rhamnoides L.
    LI Na, GUO Xue-Min, MENG Yang
    2017, 37(1):  1-7.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.001
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    We observed the differences in leaf anatomical structure between the male and the female using paraffin method to investigate leaf secondary sex characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides L.. Results showed that:(1)Both the male and the female leaves consisted of epidermis, mesophyll and veins. The epidermis was composed of a layer of cells with developed trichomes, including similar bulliform cells in upper epidermis; the differentiation of palisade tissue and spongy tissue was obvious in mesophyll. (2)There were more similar bulliform cells in upper epidermis, more ergastic substances in some parenchymal cells of phloem and below the phloem, more trichomes in lower epidermis in the female plant than in the male one; the male plant were significantly higher than the female in leaf thickness, thickness of leaf upper epidermis, thickness of palisade tissue, thickness ratio palisade tissue/sponge tissue, and had more developed vascular bundle than the female in main vein. These results suggested that there were obvious differences in leaf anatomical structure between the female and the male plants of the species, and the differences were the performances of secondary sex characteristics, also robust adaptive strategy formed in the long-term evolution, which might be good for reproduction of the species.
    Development of Gametophyte and Young Sporophyte of the Fern Aleuritopteris argentea
    CHEN Si-Qi, JIAN Jin-Jing, ZHANG Yan, DAI Xi-Ling
    2017, 37(1):  8-14.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.002
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    Aleuritopteris argentea is a small ornamental ferns. We observed the developmental features of gametophyte and sporophyte of A.argentea cultured in Knop's medium and humus medium using microscopical techniques, and studied the optimum pH value for the gametophyte development. The results show that:(1)the spores are yellow-brown, tetrahedral, and trilete with reticulate ornamentations. Polar view is triangle circle and the equatorial view is nearly semicircular. The germination is Vittaria-type and the gametophyte development is Ceratopteris-type. The mature gametophytes are cordate. The archegonia and antheridia are leptosporangiate-type. No hairs are formed during gametophyte development. The above features of the gametophytes in the fern A.argentea are stable. (2)the enhancement the pH value in 7.0-9.0 is beneficial for spore germination and gametophyte development. (3)the spore and gametophytes develop on humus medium produced seedlings after 7-8 weeks. The viability of sporophytes obtain in this medium are strong with developed roots and easy to transplant. Percentage of seedling emergency reaches to 90%. Our investigation is benefit for the artificial propagation and evolution of the resource plant A.argentea.
    Cytological Study on Microspore Abortion in OT Hybrid Lily Cultivars ‘Cocossa’
    WU Jie, ZHAO Yu-Ping, HE Xiang-Feng, WANG Wen-He, LENG Ping-Sheng, ZHANG Ke-Zhong
    2017, 37(1):  15-22.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.003
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    We studied meiosis process and tepetum changes of OT hybrid lily cultivars ‘Cocossa’ using aceto-carmine dyeing method combined with grilled slices paraffin sections. When the bud grew to 2.5-4.5 cm, the pollen mother cell was in the period meiosis. There were some abnormalities appearances of meiosis:chromosome ring appeared in metaphase Ⅰ, chromosome bridges and lagging chromosomes ppeared in anaphaseⅠ, unequal division and micronuclei appeared in telophaseⅠand Ⅱ, it could also be observed 2 split-phase in the same plant, the same flower bud and even the same anther, that showed meiosis had not synchronized. During the telophaseⅡ and mononuclear pollen period, the tapetum delayed degradation, which led to multinuclear pollen, abnormal pollen and microspore infertility. The meiotic abnormalities and abnormal tapetum degradation could common cause the microspore abortion.
    Correlation between Reproductive Allocation and Elevation of Saussurea graminea in Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
    MA Yi-Xin, WANG Yi-Feng, LI Yi-Ying, WANG Wen-Yue, KOU Jing
    2017, 37(1):  23-30.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.004
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    Westudied the effect of elevation on the reproductive allocation of Saussurea graminea in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China.We used the field investigation method and dry mass method to evaluate morphological characteristics of S.graminea at different elevations. With the increase of altitude,the reproductive allocation,each tubula r loret mass and mass of pistil were positively correlated with elevation, but individual size, reproductive organ biomass, vegetative organ biomass, tubular loret number and mass of stamenwere negatively correlated with elevation; the reproductive allocation is negatively correlated with individual size. There are trade-offs of reproductive allocation in tubular loret number and mass as well as mass of pistil and mass of stamen. Theelevation had a significant impact on the biomass and reproductive allocation of S.graminea.The altitude could not fully explain the change of reproductive allocation strategy of this alpine perennial, and the reproductive allocation is limited by individual size of S.graminea. The characteristics of vertical distribution of S.graminea is likely to be completed by the individual size of the plant.
    Morphological Diversity of Gemma Cups on Marchantia paleacea subsp. diptera and Gemma Spread at Karst Mountains Area in Winter
    SHANG Guan-Min, WANG Zhi-Hui, ZHANG Zhao-Hui
    2017, 37(1):  31-36.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.005
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    Gemma cup is Marchantia peculiar asexual reproductive organs, but there is little study on its morphological characteristics and spread behavior in winter. With Marchantia paleacea subsp. diptera at Guizhou karst mountain area, we observed the gemma cup and gemma output in wild, and analyzed sample in the coldest winter in January 2016. The gemma cups form were varied. The gemma cups were divided into four growth period:immature period(transparent), mature period(green), recession period(purple) and decline period(atropurpureus) according to their color and gemma characteristics. The four growth periods reflected the different stages of growth and development of gemma cup. Each growth period had a different number of gemma cup, showing apoptotic characteristics orderly. In 708 gemma cups, the numbers of four period were 62, 209, 254 and 183, respectively. The average output of gemmae in different period of gemma cup was significantly different, the average gemmae output of four-period cups were 42, 131, 87 and 0, respectively. The densities of the gemma cup and gemma on the gametophyte were higher in winter, each square meter reached 10139 and 754889. Except the common by raindrops tapping spread, the winter gemma could spread by gravity. Therefore, M.paleacea subsp. diptera gemma cup in different periods and the formation of gemma are still very rich, and with the positive survival significance for the species to adapt to severe environmental conditions at karst mountains area in the cold months.
    Effects of Biological Soil Crusts on Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Three Desert Herbs in the Gurbantunggut Desert,Northwestern China
    ZHUANG Wei-Wei, ZHOU Xiao-Bing, ZHANG Yuan-Ming
    2017, 37(1):  37-44.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.006
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    As an important component for desert ecosystem, biological soil crusts(biocrusts) may possibly affect adjacent vascular plants via hydrology, soil erosion and nutrient cycling, while experimental evidences are still scarce and controversial. In the present research, we attempted to experimentally investigate whether and how biocrusts affect growth and nutrient uptake in vascular plants of the Gurbantunggut Desert. We conducted the experiments to examine the effects of biocrusts on growth and nutrient uptake in three widely distributed species of Erodium oxyrrhynchum, Alyssum linifolium and Hyalea pulchella. The results showed that the effects of biocrusts on the growth of three desert vascular plants were different in different growing phases. The biomass the three species in crusted soils were higher than those in uncrusted soils in the early growth period and lower in the later part of the growing period. While biocrusts did not significantly affect the biomass allocation between shoot and root. Biocrusts also influenced nutrient uptake by plants, especially promoting uptake of N and K, while did not affect the uptake of P. The influence on uptake of other elements(Cu, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl) was species-specific. We expect to provide important scientific basis on the potential vegetation succession direction in this desert ecosystem.
    Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Vallisneria natans
    HAN Yan-Qing, LIU Xin, HU Wei-Ping, ZHANG Ping-Jiu, DENG Jian-Cai, CHENG Ze-Lin
    2017, 37(1):  45-51.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.007
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    To explore the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on photosynthetic physiology of submerged plant, we studied the effects of high concentrations of CO2 on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Vallisneria natans by measuring the rapid fluorescence induction kinetics curves(OJIP) of the leaves with Plant Efficiency Analyzer and analyzing with JIP-test. The Vj, Mo of V.natans were significantly increased and Sm, ψo and φEo were significantly reduced after 60 days, and the electron transfer diminished capacity of V.natans was decreased compared with the control; the donor side of PSⅡ reaction center was hurt because the Wk was increased; the specific activity parameters ABS/RC, DIo/RC, TRo/RC, DIo/CSo were significantly increased, ETo/RC, REo/RC, ETo/CSo, REo/CSo significantly decreased, and the energy for heat dissipation significant increased lead to the energy of electron transfer and electron transfer chain end were significantly decreased. Compared with the control, the performance parameters Fv/Fm and PIabs were also decreased. Therefore, the long-term high concentrations of CO2 suppressed photosynthetic apparatus state, decreased PSⅡreaction center activity and down regulated photosynthetic function of V.natans, and the V.natans appeared light acclimation.
    Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of Genes from Eucommia ulmoides Involved in MVA and MEP Pathway
    WANG Lin, DU Hong-Yan, WUYUN Ta-Na
    2017, 37(1):  52-62.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.008
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    The full-long of EuDXR, EuMCT, EuCMK, EuMDS, EuACOT, EuHMGS and EuHMGR genes were isolated from Eucommia ulmoides. The structure characteristics were analyzed by using bioinformatics, which revealed that these deduced proteins had 73%-85% identities with the corresponding protein from other plants. Recombinant plasmid was introduced into the lower epidermal leaf explants of tobacco, and the transient expression of these genes with GFP fusion protein were observed with a Zeiss LSM. The subcellular localization analysis showed that the EuDXR, EuMCT, EuCMK, EuMDS protein were all located in the chlorophyll, EuACOT and EuHMGR protein were both located in the endoplasmic reticulum, EuHMGS protein was located in the plasma membrane. By RNA sequencing, the spatial-temporal expression patterns of these genes were detected. The expression of genes in MEP pathway is higher in leaves, but the expression of genes in MVA pathway is higher in young fruit. The rubber content in young fruit was higher than that in leaves. Therefore, the MVA pathway played a dominant role in the biosynthesis of Eu-rubber.
    Expression and Stress Tolerance Charaterization of a ThDREB Gene from Tamarix hispida in Yeast
    FENG De-Ming, WEN Pei-Ying, ZHAO Chang, YANG Yuan-Biao, YANG Gui-Yan, YU Li-Li, GAO Cai-Qiu
    2017, 37(1):  63-68.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.009
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    DREB protein could specifically bind to DRE(dehydration responsive element) cis-acting elements, and regulate the expression of downstream stress related gene. It plays an important role in the regulation responses of plants to abiotic stress. To explore the abiotic stress tolerance role of DREB(ThDREB) from Tamarix hispida, the recombinant plasmid(named as pYES2-ThDREB) was constructed by inserting the ThDREB gene into the yeast expression vector pYES2. The plasmid pYES2-ThDREB was transformed into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the yeast transformed with empty pYES2 was used as the control. The pYES2-ThDREB and pYES2 recombinant yeast were treated with sorbitol, H2O2, CdCl2, NaCl, Na2CO3, MgCl2, and -20℃, respectively. The pYES2-ThDREB recombinant yeast was tolerant to all above abiotic treatments, suggesting that ThDREB maybe an important stress-regulating genes in T.hispida.
    Sequence and Expression Analysis of MADS-box Genes in Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Based on RNA-seq Data
    ZU Kui-Ling, DONG Shu-Bin, LI Jian-Xia, ZHAO Yun-Yu, ZHAO Liang-Cheng
    2017, 37(1):  69-77.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.010
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    For the regulatory information of MADS-box genes on the flower and fruit development in Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb, 15 MADS-box genes(ColMADS) with full ORF(Open Reading Frame)were identified from transcriptome generated from female flower and fruit. The features of the proteins were analyzed by the bioinformatics methods. The comp37814_g1and comp41380_g2 belonged to M-type family, while other 13 genes were the members of MIKC. All were unstable hydrophilic proteins except for comp37814_g1. Alpha helix, beta turn, extended strand and random coil were found from the secondary structure of ColMADS protein, and alpha helix was major part. Five motifs were identified. The Motif 1 and Motif 2, both consisting of 50 amino acids, were the conserved structure of MADS-box family and only Motif 1 contained MADS domain. By phylogenetic analysis, 15 ColMADS genes were divided into 10 clades, belonging to different subfamilies and groups. In addition, the expression patterns of the genes among different development stages were analyzed using real-time RT-PCR. Two genes were highly expressed at flower blooming stage and nine genes were obviously expressed at flower senescence stage. There are four genes upregulated during the young fruit development.
    Evaluation,Selection and Application of Dendrobium officinale EST-SSR Primers
    HU Zhong-Yi, FU Tao, HE Yue-Qiu, LI Wen, LIN Li
    2017, 37(1):  78-87.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.011
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    By developing and evaluating EST-SSR primers, we studied their application in genetic diversity, species identification, genetic map construction, genetic relationship identification of Dendrobium officinale. The early developed 20 pairs of primers with good polymorphism were used for the analysis of 16 samples(15 samples of D.officinale and 1 sample of D.falconeri) by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the amplified bands were calculated. Nei's gene diversity and Simpson index were tested using PopGen32 to analysis the differentiation rate of single primer and combination primers. Finally, the construction of genetic similarity coefficient clustering map was calculated by using NTSYSpc2.1. The 16 pairs of primers, such as DN4, were highly polymorphic, while lower in DN13, DN23, DN60 and DN67. Although single primer could not distinguish all the samples, DN4, DN10, DN105, DN81, DN39 and DN71 displayed relatively higher distinguish rate. All the samples could be distinguished effectively by combined primers, and the DN4+DN10+DN105+DN39 primer set could be used as the core primer for fingerprint construction and genetic diversity analysis of D.officinale. By cluster analysis, the 20 pairs of primers could be used for the identification of both intraspecific and interspecific phylogenetic relationships of D.officinale. The primers DN13, DN39, DN4, DN58, DN65, DN67, DN10 and DN99 could be used for the identification of D.officinale and D.falconeri. The 20 pairs of primers could be wildly used in the application of genetic diversity analysis, germplasm identification, genetic relationship identification and genetic map construction of D.officinale.
    Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Rhododendron nivale in Tibetan, China using AFLP Markers
    XU Jing-Jing, ZHAO Bing, ZHANG Liang-Ying, SHEN Hui-Fei, LI Hou-Hua
    2017, 37(1):  88-95.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.012
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    To determine the correlation among genetic variations, the geographic location of a population, and factors that influence high-level genetic diversity, the genetic diversity of 135 Rhododendron nivale samples was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphisms(AFLP). A total of 273 amplification products were generated from 6 selective primer combinations, of which 85.71% were polymorphic. The results of POPGENE showed the change trends of the percentage of polymorphic(PPL), Nei's genetic diversity(h) and Shannon's index(I) were similar. The change trends of Nei's genetic diversity(h) and Shannon's index(I) were Gongbujiada < Milin < Galongla < Sejila Mountain < Hongla Mountain. The POPGENE analysis showed that R.nivale had higher genetic diversity at species level(PPL=85.71%, I=0.415 1, h=0.273) but lower at population level(PPL=62.26%, I=0.280 3, h=0.184 1). Both the results of POPGENE(Gst=0.324) and AMOVA(36% among populations, 64% within populations) showed that the most genetic variance existed within the populations. UPGMA tree plots indicated that there was no significant correlation between the genetic distance and the geographic distance among the R.nivale populations. At last, some conservation strategies for R.nivale germplasm were put forward.
    Effects of Different Substrate Materials on Growth Biomass and Nutrient Element Contents of Camellia oleifera Container Seedlings
    CUI Na-Na, ZHAN Chang-Sheng, HU Juan-Juan, CAO Zhi-Hua, SHU Qing-Long
    2017, 37(1):  96-103.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.013
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    The experiment was conducted to study the effects of different substrate material on Camellia oleifera container seedlings, and find out the local substrates instead of peat soil content. One-year-old C.oleifera container seedlings of different substrate treatments were tested in several indicators such as survival rate, growth, biomass, the contents of chlorophyll and nutrient elements aboveground, and the correlation between substrate and contents of nutrient element aboveground was also analyzed. The indexes including survival rate, height of seeding, ground diameter, ratio of height to ground diameter, tap root length, tap root/lateral root fresh weigh, aboveground/underground biomass, the diameter root ratio/FW, the diameter root ratio/DW, and contents of chlorophyll were superior in treatment Ⅰ(50% Peat soil+50% the rest of the same composition) and treatment Ⅴ(5% the rest of edible mushroom+5% fowl dung+5% cow dung+35% Peat soil+50% the rest of the same composition), and there was significant difference between them and other three treatments. There was significant difference in the contents of N, P, K, Ca, S, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn, and no significant difference in B and Mg between different treatments. The correlation analysis showed that Mg and available potassium, organic matter had significantly positive correlation, and others had negative correlation. Therefore, the best substrate was treatment Ⅴ, in which local substrate instead of part of the peat soil. The study would provide a new way of reducing seedling costs and maintaining sustainable utilization of substrate.
    Effects of Charcoal on Seed Germination of Larix gmelinii
    CAO Feng-Yan, MAO Zi-Jun, QU Lai-Ye
    2017, 37(1):  104-108.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.014
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    To understand the effects of charcoal after forest fire on the germination of Larix gmelinii at Great Xingan Moutains, we investigated the charcoal distribution and collected different types of charcoal produced by trees(L.gmelinii and Betula platyphylla Suk.), shrub and grass, respectively. We collected charcoals produced by different years(1, 2, 4 and 5 year) from the burned forest sites. Then, the charcoals were soaked into water at 12, 24, 48 and 96 h to obtain different charcoal solution. There were significant effects of different charcoal and different produced years on the germination of L.gmelinii seeds. However, the strength and directions of effects were randomly, and the effects of charcoal were very completed.
    Basic Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank of Haloxylon ammodendron in Junggar Basin
    LÜ Chao-Yan, ZHANG Xi-Ming, GAO Zhi-Xi, XIONG Bai-Lian, HAN Chang, WANG Jia-Zhen
    2017, 37(1):  109-117.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.015
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    Soil seed bank is the refuge of seed and the basis of vegetation regeneration and recovery in arid desert region. Haloxylon ammodendron-based desert vegetation is the important ecological barrier of Junggar Basin's oasis area, however, the researches of soil seed bank characteristics which are closely related to population regeneration of H.ammodendron are relatively lacking. Basic characteristics of the soil seed bank of H.ammodendron in Junggar Basin were researched by field sampling,physical screening and laboratory experimenting. The results showed that:(1)The soil seed bank densities of H.ammodendron populations varied from 71 to 696 seed·m-2, especially in some local environments it reached 7 534 seed·m-2. (2)The coefficient of variation analysis identified that the coefficients of variation of the soil seed bank density were more than 1. It meant that the quantitative distribution of soil seed bank was very uneven. (3)The seed germination rates in the soil seed banks varied from 2.08% to 47.62% and the average was approximately 18%. (4)The analysis of variogram indicated that there were obvious differences in the spatial distribution of seeds in the soil seed bank of H.ammodendron populations. In summary, the characteristics of high density, germination ability and spatial variability would effect on the distribution pattern and regeneration of H.ammodendron populations.
    Sensitivity of Fruiting for Pinus koraiensis to Climate Change and Mechanisms of Masting in the Original Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in North Xiaoxing'an Mountain,China
    CHENG Chun-Xiang, MAO Zi-Jun, JIN Shi-Bo, SONG Guo-Hua, SUN Peng-Fei, SUN Tao
    2017, 37(1):  118-127.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.016
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    To find out sensitivity of fruiting for Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) to climate change and mechanisms of masting, we studied Korean pine in the original broad-leaved Korean pine forest which has high stand stability and the yields of Korean pine seeds in nearly 16 years. We decomposed the yields of Korean pine seeds into trend yields and climatic fluctuant yields by resouce switching theory, resource matching theory and the suggestion of Nicholls. Then, we analyzed the influence of weather on climatic fluctuant yields. The results reveal:(1)The current year yields of Korean pine seeds significantly negative correlated with the combined yields of the last 2 years and showed exponential relationship with it, which supports the resource switching hypothesis. And resource switching probably acts as Korean pine cone maturating inhibition among the reproductive processes in a mast year. (2)The temperature difference between the two previous Junes(ΔT6) better predicts the yields of Korean pine seeds. (3)The period of bud meristerms development for Korean pine fruiting was the most key climate-sensitive phase. Negative temperature and sunshine duration, coupled with positive precipitation in the period significantly correlated with climatic fluctuant yields of Korean pine. (4)Positive temperature anomaly in some years was beyond the optimum temperature range of the development of bud meristerms and caused reproduction of Korean pine to fall. (5)The yields of Korean pine seeds in many periods of reproductive development was sensitive to climate change, indicating that resource switching and resource matching may be exhibited by a single masting. These findings suggest Korean pine reproduction are vulnerability to climate warms and may be an increasingly important bottleneck for future Korean pine regeneration, especially in areas with greater increases in temperature.
    Dynamics of Leaf Litter and Mineral Soil Nutrients in Different Sized Pinus massoniana Forest Gaps
    WEI Da-Ping, ZHANG Dan-Ju, LI Xun, ZHANG Yan, LI Chuan-Bei, ZHANG Jian
    2017, 37(1):  128-138.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.017
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    In order to study the organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content, loss of these nutrients, C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of Pinus massoniana litter and soil in different sized P.massoniana forest gaps. In the present study, with existing 42 years of P.massoniana plantation, by cutting, formed four different sized P.massoniana forest gaps about 100, 400, 900, 1 600 m2 and without cutting as usual. Bying leaf litter decomposition method. The results showed that:(1) With different sized forest gaps, the organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content, loss of these nutrients and C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of P.massoniana litter and soil had significant differences, in addition to the phosphorus nutrients content of soil and phosphorus nutrient loss. With the increasing of gap size G1~G4, the content organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content of P.massoniana litter all showed a decreasing trend and had smaller values in G3. Most index of the content organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content of soil, the content organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrient loss showed a parabolic trend and had the maximum value in G2 or G3; (2) With different sized forest gaps, the C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of P.massoniana litter and soil had significant differences. With the increasing of gap size G1~G4, the C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of soil showed a parabolic trend, C/N had the maximum value in G3, both C/P and N/P had the maximum value in G2. The Soil C/N, C/P and N/P coefficient of variation were 13.31%, 16.51% and 17.21% respectively. Both C/N and C/P of P.massoniana litter had the minimum value in G3; (3) There were a strong correlation relationship between the organic carbon nitrogen nutrients content of P.massoniana litter and the organic carbon nutrients content, C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of soil, environmental factors, while a weaker correlation relationship between phosphorus nutrients content of P.massoniana litter and them. There were a strong correlation relationship between C/N of P.massoniana litter and the phosphorus nutrients content, C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of soil, environmental factors. There were a strong correlation relationship between C/P, N/P of P.massoniana litter and the C/P of soil, environmental factors. There were a strong correlation relationship between organic carbon nitrogen nutrient loss and the organic carbon C/N, C/P of soil, environmental factors. There were a weaker correlation relationship between phosphorus nutrient loss and the organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content, C:N:P stoichiometric ratio of soil, environmental factors. There were a strong correlation relationship between the organic carbon nitrogen phosphorus nutrients content, C/N/P stoichiometric ratio of soil and environmental factors.
    Growth Traits Variation and Early Selection of Mytilaria laosensis Provenances and Families
    QIN Min, YIN Guang-Tian, YANG Jin-Chang, LI Rong-Sheng, ZOU Wen-Tao
    2017, 37(1):  139-146.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.018
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    We selected the fast growing provenance-families of Mytilari laosensis to analyze the variation regularity of growth traits among provenances and among families of M.laosensis. We chose 116 families within 8 provenances of M.laosensis, and used genetic variance analysis and breeding value to analyze the growth traits among provenances and among families of M.laosensis. There were highly significant differences among growth characters at family and provenance level. At the age of 6, the average of height(H), diameter at breast height(D) and volume(V) of provenance GXPX was 9.50 m, 13.40 cm and 0.079 9 m3, and that was 1.28, 1.42 and 2.30 times of worst provenance GXFC, respectively. The average of H, D and V of family FC01 was 9.86 m, 15.31 cm, 0.1 016 m3, respectively. Mean individual volume of family PX01 was 4.01 times of worst family FC01 and 1.94 times of the average of total families by comparison. Using individual trait selection, two superior provenances were selected from eight provenances population tested, and genetic gain of H, D and V of those superior provenances reached as high as 8.87%, 11.79% and 34.70%, respectively. By using grade of breeding value selection, 12 superior families were selected from 123 families population tested, and genetic gain of H, D and V of those superior families reached as high as 11.57%, 17.35% and 52.06%, respectively. At the age of 6, the comprehensive growth of the best excellent provenances were GXPX and GXLZ, and the comprehensive growth of the best excellent families were PX01, LZ03, PX02, DB08, PX10, PX04, PX09, DB07, DB16, LZ05, JX16 and PX05. These superior provenances and families can be used as seed material to declare and promote.
    Comparative Study on Staining Methods and Techniques of Cell Wall Histochemistry
    ZHANG Xia, HU Lu-Jie, ZHOU Cun-Yu, YANG Chao-Dong
    2017, 37(1):  147-154.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.019
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    We carried out the comparative studies on several methods and techniques for cell wall histochemistry under light and epifluorescence microscope. The results showed that:(1) To study Casparian bands using staining methods of sulphuric acid digestion and berberine hemisulfate-aniline, the requirements of material collecting time and part were high, therefore, it was recommended to use the two methods to mutual confirmation; (2) To study suberin lamellae using Sudan red 7B staining, and none staining and berberine hemisulfate-aniline blue staining under blue excited, none staining was more sensitive than Sudan red 7B, but Sudan red 7B staining is convenient under light microscope; (3) To study lignified walls, berberine hemisulfate-aniline staining was more sensitive than phloroglucinol-HCl; (4) Using TBO fast wall staining to replace Sudan Ⅲ/Ⅳ conventional staining, the wall borders and layers were clearer.
    Effect of Cu on Compositions of Seed Oil in Paeonia ostii
    ZHAO Xiao-Ju, QIN Wei, CHEN Hua-Feng
    2017, 37(1):  155-160.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2017.01.020
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    The unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid are the main embodiment of the quality of peony seed oil. But so far, in traditional cultivation area of Paeonia ostii, it has not been investigated whether the soil copper content affected the quality of peony seed oil. In this study, we investigated copper content in soil and the composition of the seed oil in 30 P.ostii cultivation areas in Anhui Province. The copper content in the soil was 18.98-298.82 mg·kg-1, and the variation coefficient was 83.06%. The contents of palm acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linoleic acid were 5.62%, 1.89%, 24.59%, 29.76% and 38.13%, respectively. The variation coefficient was between 5.66 and 9.72, among which the highest one was linoleic acid. There was a significantly negative correlation between copper content and unsaturated fatty acid content, linoleic acid content, and there was no significant correlation between the content of copper and linolenic acid content. And there was a significantly positive correlation between soil copper content and leaf copper content, r=0.778. The cultivation of P.ostii for oil production should avoid the high copper content in the soil to keep the quality of peony seed oil.