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    15 November 2016, Volume 36 Issue 6
    Elatostema glochidioides is Decidedly Unconspecific with E.famosissimum
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2016, 36(6):  801-804.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.001
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    In 2011, Elatostema glochidioides W. T. Wang, a species endemic to southern China, was reduced into the synonymy of E.ramosissimum Reinecke, a species endemic to Savaii Island of Oceania. Two species have rather similar habit, but there are important morphological differences. In E.glochidioides, the leaves are adaxially strigose, abaxially glabrous, and trinerved; the pistillate capitula have conspicuous receptacles; the pistillate flower lacks tepals; and the achenes are longitudinally ribbed. In E.ramosissimum, the leaves are adaxially glabrous, abaxially on midrib strigose, and semi-triplinerved; the receptacles of pistillate capitula are very small, inconspicuous; the pistillate flower has 3(-4) tepals; and the achenes are minutely tuberculate. On the basis of the morphological differences just mentioned the specific status of E.glochidioides is restored here.
    A revision of Boehmeria sect. Duretia ser. Spicatae(Urticaceae) of China
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2016, 36(6):  805-814.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.002
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    (1) Boehmeria subgen. Duretia sect. Spicatae is recognized, but relegated to serial rank, and treated as one of the series under Sect. Duretia. (2)In Ser. Spicatae are recognized 6 species, including 1 new species, which are keyed, except the new species briefly described, and illustrated. Besides, the geographical distributions and a distribution map of them are provided. (3)The close relationships among the 6 species are discussed, and several speculations are thought out:In Ser. Spicatae, Boehmeria gracilis is the primitive species, and all other species of this series might originate from it; or B.gracilis and B.densiglomerata might be a pair of sister groups derived from a common ancestry; or B.allophylla might be derived from B.silvestrii.
    Effects of Destruction and Alteration of Habitat on Distribution of Specific Genera of Taxodiaceae
    HUANG Pu-Hua
    2016, 36(6):  815-817.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.003
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    A Taxodiaceae family is with 10 genera 16 species,including 5 monospecific genera(Metasequoia, Glyptostrobus,Sequoiadendron, Sequoia and Sciadopitys), and 5 oligospecific genera(Cunninghaimia, Tawania, Cryptomeria,Taxodium and Athrotaxis), each accounting for 50%. Taxodiaceae is distributed in north temperate regions, mostly in East Asia and North America, and only a genus Athrotaxisis in Australia Tasmania. Plants and habitat are an interdependent entity. Destruction and alteration of habitatis a serious problem for the distribution of specific genera of Taxodiaceae family. Monospecific genera mostly are relict species(living fossil), but there is only fossil in Europe due to destruction in the quaternary glacial period. Today, there are only 2 monospecific genera of Sequoiadendron and Sequoia due to the volcanoin a small area of California, US.
    Leaf Structure of Ten Species of Bryum Dill from No.1 Glacier of Tianshan Mountains
    CHEN Qiu-Yan, WANG Hong
    2016, 36(6):  818-826.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.004
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    Anatomical structure of the leaf of ten species of Bryum Dill from No.1 glacier of Tianshan Mountains was observed to explore the relationship between leaf morphological characteristics and environment and its taxonomic significance. The results indicated that:The leaf cells of these 10 species had thick cytoplasm. Middle ribs had large primary cells and well developed small-thick-wall-cells. The cell wall of leaf was thickened and the surface was concaved inwardly while being dried.The leaf surface of most species had particles and different ornamentation, such as rhombic, longitudinal ones etc. These characters were all the adaptabilities to environment for plants to improve cold resistance and drought resistance, to reduce moisture evaporation, and to enhance water conduction. Although some species with similar leaf structures were closely related, but they could be easily and accurately identified by combining paraffin sectioning and SEM technique. The results could provide some theoretical basis for classification of Bryum Dil.
    Micromorphology of Leaf Epidermis of Phleum
    WANG Yan-Hong, ZHANG Xue-Jie, FAN Shou-Jin
    2016, 36(6):  827-837.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.005
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    The micromorphology of the leaf epidermis for 35 species and 2 varieties belonging to Phleum and its related genera of Poaceae were examined by scanning electron microscope. The intercostal long cells on both abaxial and adaxial epidermis of Phleum were long tubular or rhomboid, and the outlines of long cells were straight or curved. The shapes of silica cells in costal zones were nodular. Parallel-sided subsidiary cells were found. Prickles were frequently occurred in costal zones and absent or rarely seen in intercostal zones. No papillaes and micro-hairs were found. Meanwhile, a phylogenetic tree was constructed according to the characters of leaf epidermal micromorphology. Phleum and Poeae clustered together, which indicated that they had the closer relationship and distantly related to Aveneae, Agrostideae and Phalarideae. According to the micromorphology of leaf epidermises. Phleum should place into Poeae.
    Plant Growth Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Megaspore of the Wild Cypripedium japonicum
    YAN Xiao-Na, TIAN Min, WANG Cai-Xia, ZHANG Ying
    2016, 36(6):  838-845.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.006
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    We used two wild populations of Cypripedium japonicum from West Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province to study the growth characteristics of C.japonicum. The dormant bud morphology, plant growth process and ovule development were observed regularly. The growth cycle of C.japonicum comprised budding, flowering and leaf stage, fruiting and decline stage, which lasted for one year. The division propagation was the main reproductive pattern, and the sexual reproduction was poor. Each plant of C.japonicum produced a dormant bud which grew above the ground within the first year of October. Dormant buds that developed fully would flower within the second year of April. While, dormant buds which could not develop well only produced fan-shaped leaves in the second year, and there were no floral organs. Ultrastructure of ovules showed that the archesporial cell's nucleus occupied most of the space, with dense cytoplasm and organelles. Megasporocyte located at the micropyle end, and the vacuoles, mitochondria and plastids densely distributed. In megasporangium, vacuole occupied a large space, and the nucleus was relatively small, with sparse cytoplasm and organelles. Mitochondria and plastids were visible. During the ovule developmental stage, protein and polysaccharide existed all the way. The staining of starch gradually deepened, without the presence of lipids.
    Comprehensive Evaluation of Eucommia ulmoides Male Flowers Quality by Principal Component and Cluster Analysis
    DU Qing-Xin, LIU Pan-Feng, WEI Yan-Xiu, QING Jun, DU Hong-Yan
    2016, 36(6):  846-852.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.007
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    To efficiently utilize the Eucommia ulmoides male flower resources, the morphological traits and active compounds of 193 E.ulmoides germplasms were testd. The screening of evaluation indices and comprehensive evaluation of E.ulmoides germplasms were carried out by using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The coefficients of variation of water content and amino acids content were smaller than those of other 15 traits among different germplasms. By principal component analysis, 17 traits reflecting the quality of E.ulmoides male flowers could be represented by 8 principal components(cumulative contribution rates of 85.777%). Eight traits including stamen length, yield of per plant, geniposidic acid, chlorogenic acid, isoquercitrin, total flavonoids, amino acids content and water content were selected to comprehensively evaluate the quality of E.ulmoides male flowers. On the basis of composite score ranking, E.ulmoides numbered 10469x, 11042x, 11034x, 10036x, 10464x, 10559x, 10024x, 10060x and 10497x had better quality. The 193 E.ulmoides germplasms were divided into 4 groups at 7.0 by Q-type cluster analysis, the overall traits of E.ulmoides male flowers in the third group was better than other 3 groups, which was consistent with the results of comprehensive evaluation. Eight active compounds were comparatively high in the second group and the morphological traits were also good in the fourth group. The results could provide a reference for E.ulmoides breeding program and the utilization of male flower resources.
    Analysis of DNA C-value and Ploidy of Five Species in Magnoliaceae
    ZHAO Qing, ZHANG Qiang, ZHOU Peng, LIN Feng, FANG Yan-Ming
    2016, 36(6):  853-859.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.008
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    In this study, the C-value and ploidy of five species in Magnoliaceae was estimated by flow cytometry using Magnolia liliiflora as the reference. The results showed that the two species of Michelia are diploid, Magnolia grandiflora is hexaploid, and M.soulangeana is tetraploid. The C-Values of five species are different from each other. The C-value of M.grandiflora is the largest among the five species investigated, while the C-value of Liriodendron chinense×tulipifera is the smallest. The sizes of C-values of the five species are small to medium level.
    Optimization of MSAP Analysis System for Hevea brasiliensis and Its Application in Plant of Different Heights of Opening for Tapping
    WU Chun-Tai, BAN Shuo, LI Yu, ZENG Ri-Zhong
    2016, 36(6):  860-869.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.009
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    Using the tender leaves of Hevea brasiliensis variety‘CATAS 7-33-97’as materials, several key influencing factors in leaf genomic DNA restriction enzyme digestion, pre-amplification and selective amplification system which affected the system quality of MSAP were optimized through the single factor and orthogonal design method in order to obtain the optimal MSAP reaction system of rubber tree. The optimized reaction system of MSAP was used for difference analysis of DNA methylation in two kinds of H.brasiliensis of high and low tapping cuts. The results showed that 750 ng genomic DNA in a reaction volume of 50 μL could be fully digested by EcoRⅠ 20 U, HpaⅡ 20 U or MspⅠ 10 U at 37℃ for 10 h. MSAP-PCR pre-amplification was performed in 20 μL of reaction volume with the following mix:ligation products 4 μL, MgCl2(25 mmol·L-1)0.15 μL, dNTPs(2.5 mmol·L-1)0.1 μL, Taq polymerase(5 U·μL-1) 0.1 μL, 10×PCR Buffer 2 μL, primer E-00/HM-00(10 μmol·L-1) 0.3 μL, respectively. The 20 μL selective reaction mixture contained 20 times diluted amplification products 2 μL, MgCl2(25 mmol·L-1) 0.1 μL, dNTPs(2.5 mmol·L-1) 0.125 μL, Taq polymerase(5 U·μL-1) 0.1 μL, 10×PCR Buffer 2 μL, primer E+3/HM+3(10 μmol·L-1) 0.4 μL respectively. The total methylation rates of two samples were 37.22% and 36.43%, respectively. The full methylation rates were more than the hemi-methylation rates in H.brasiliensis of different tapping cuts. Therefore, CpG methylation may represent the major form of DNA methylation in rubber tree. Our data indicated that this MSAP reaction system with high stability and reliablity and good reproducibility have provided the foundation for different degree tapping stress of rubber tree associated research with the MSAP technology.
    Exogenous ABA Affected on Antioxidant Enzymes and Osmotic Adjustment in Choraspora bungeana Under Low Temperature Stress
    HE Wen-Ping, WANG Xin-Xia, ZHANG Xu-Qiang, YANG Peng-Jun, QIU Yi-Zhi, YANG Ning
    2016, 36(6):  870-877.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.010
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    Using plantlets of Choraspora bungeana as material, researched the effect of exogenous ABA on antioxidant enzyme and osmotic regulation substances under chilling(4℃), freezing(-4℃) and critical temperature(0℃) were studied. The results showed the activities of SOD and CAT in negative control group were higher than blank control group under 4℃ and -4℃. In negative control group the POD activity was higher than blank control group under 4℃. The APX activity increased at the late period of 4℃ and -4℃ treatment in negative control group. Meanwhile the relative conductivity increased but proline and soluble sugar decreased in negative control group. At 0℃, in negative control group the POD activity decreased and the APX activity changed with fluctuation. The content of proline and soluble sugar was higher than blank control group at 72 h and 48h respectively and soluble protein was lower than blank control group under 0℃. Exogenous ABA treatment, increased the antioxidant enzymes activities with different extent under low temperature stress. For the osmotic regulation substances, exogenous ABA treatment decreased the relative conductivity and increased the content of proline, soluble sugar and soluble protein.
    The Characteristics of Forest Floor Nutrients and Soil Fertility Assessment for Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest with Different Site Conditions
    CHEN Guo-Ping, ZU Li-Hong, GAO Zhang-Ying, ZHOU Mei-Li, QIAO Yan-Yun, ZHAO Tie-Jian, FENG Xiao-Mei, SHI Fu-Chen
    2016, 36(6):  878-885.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.011
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    Deciduous broad-leaved forest is one of the vegetation types in the northern hemisphere, however, warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest is the most typical in North China. Our objective was to better study the characteristics of forest floor nutrient and soil fertility quality in deciduous broad-leaved forest of north warm temperate. We carried out plant census, and compared forest floor nutrient and soil physicochemical properties in shady slope plot, ridge plot, and sunny slope plot in Baxian Mountain National Nature Reserve. The results showed individuals was most in sunny slope plot and least in ridge plot, and species richness was most in sunny slope plot and least in shady slope plot. Standing tree volume was highest in ridge plot, and lowest in the shady plot. The amount of forest floor accumulation was significantly higher in sunny slope plot than in ridge plot and shady slope plot. In three plots, soil C and N content were lowest and forest floor C and N content were highest in sunny slope plot. The content of mineral elements:sunny slope plot > ridge plot > shady slope plot. This is the reason that The integrated soil fertility assessment scores for ridge plot, shady slope plot, and sunny slope plot were, in a descending order, 0.350, 0.091, -0.491, through factor analysis.
    Expression of TaNAC1 Gene in Common Wheat and Genetic Transformation in Arabidopsis
    AI Ke-Jun, ZHU Yao, HOU He-Sheng, TONG Shao-Ming
    2016, 36(6):  886-894.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.012
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    NAC-type transcription factor is one of the plant-specific gene families, which plays key roles in regulating the development and response to environmental stress in plants. A NAC-type transcription factor, designated TaNAC1, was cloned from leaves in wheat. The encoding sequence of TaNAC1 contained five typical NAC conserved domains and belonged to ATAF sub-type NAC family. The TaNAC1 protein was located in the nucleus by transient expression in onion epidermis cell. The transcriptional expression was induced by environmental stresses such as ABA, PEG, low temperature and high salt. Phenotypic analysis in the transgenic Arabidopsis showed that over-expression of TaNAC1 caused abnormal leaves, dwarfism and fused stem in transgenic Arabidopsis. TaNAC1 maybe play important roles in regulation during the development of leaves and stems in wheat.
    Cloning and Expression Analysis of Two NAC Transcription Factors in Bambusa emeiensis
    LI Hui-Ping, LI Bang-Yong, HU Shang-Lian, CAO Ying
    2016, 36(6):  895-901.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.013
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    Based on the transcriptome database of Bambusa emeiensis and genome information of Phyllostachys heterocycla, the two NAC genes were cloned by homology cloning technology from the shoots of B.emeiensis, named as BeNAC1(GenBank:KU550706) and BeNAC2(GenBank:KU821586), encoding 313 and 389 amino acids, respectively. By protein function prediction and conserved domain multiple alignment, both of BeNAC1 and BeNAC2 contained NAM conserved region. By protein structure prediction, the putatived three-dimensional structure of BeNAC1 and BeNAC2 protein was similar to a rice protein with known crystal structure. By subcellular localization prediction analysis, BeNAC1 was mainly concentrated in the cytoplasm, and BeNAC2 was mainly concentrated in the nucleus. Tissue expression pattern analysis showed that BeNAC1 and BeNAC2 displayed similar tissue-specific, both having the highest expression on stems, whereas in addition to the bamboo shoots, the expression of BeNAC1 in each tissue tested was higher than that of BeNAC2.
    Molecular Cloning and Genetic Transformation Analysis of an Apple Auxin Influx Transporter Gene MdAUX1 in Arabidopsis thaliana and Tobacco
    AN Jian-Ping, WANG Xiao-Fei, LIU Xin, LI Hao-Hao, YOU Chun-Xiang, HAO Yu-Jin
    2016, 36(6):  902-908.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.014
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    Auxin has been identified to play critical roles in regulating plant growth and development. The polar transport of auxin is regulated by auxin transporters. In this study, an auxin influx transporter gene named MdAUX1 was cloned from Malus×domestic‘Royal Gala’. Sequence analysis showed that the length of MdAUX1 gene was 1 443 bp, which encoded 480 amino acids. Amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the AUX1 had a high sequence conservation among different species, and apple MdAUX1 exhibited the highest sequence similarity with Prunus avium PaAUX1. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the MdAUX1 gene was mainly expressed in stem. We generated transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants expressing the apple MdAUX1 by Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. Ectopic expression of MdAUX1 in Arabidopsis exhibited the phenotype of inhibition of primary root elongation and increase lateral root number. Furthermore, there was no significant inhibition on primary root elongation phenotype when treated with the NAA. Overexpressing MdAUX1 in tobacco could significantly promote the growth of aerial parts of plant. These results suggested that MdAUX1 played a vital role in plant growth and development.
    Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis of BpCesA Genes of Betula platyphylla
    SHEN Ting-Ting, JIANG Jing, LIU Gui-Feng, XU Si-Jia, LI Hui-Yu, YUAN Hong-Mei
    2016, 36(6):  909-916.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.015
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    Six cellulose synthase genes of Betula platyphylla from 45 transcriptome data sets were obtained, in which two genes were new genes of cellulose synthase gene family. The sequence characteristic and expression levels in Birch xylem of BpCesA were analyzed using bioinformatics and quantitative real-time PCR. The ORF length of 6 BpCesA genes varied from 2 958-3 312 bp; Number of amino acids encoded varied from 985-1 103 aa, and relative molecular weight varied from 110.40-124.29 kD; Theoretical isoelectric point was from 5.90-7.43. Six BpCesA genes all contained D, D, D, QXXRW conservative structure domain and eight transmembrane helices, in which two were located at the end of the N, and the others were at the end of the C. 52 CesAs from six dicotyledonous plants, four monocotyledons, and one gymnosperms were analyzed by cluster analysis, and BpCesAs had higher homology with PtrCesA. The homology between BpCesA2 and PtrCesA3 reached 92%. BpCesA5 and PtrCesA6, BpCesA1 and PtrCesA8 also had high homology of 89% and 82%, respectively. The RNA level of BpCesA1, BpCesA2, BpCesA3 and BpCesA5 was increased with the increase of cellulose content. This results suggested that these genes play a positive role in cellulose synthesis in birch. This study provides a basis for the functional analysis of cellulose synthase gene.
    Establishment of A Chemical-inducible Gene Expression System in Tobacco
    DAI Li-Juan, ZHENG Tang-Chun, LIU Cai-Xia, LIU Yi, YOU Xiang-Ling, QU Guan-Zheng
    2016, 36(6):  917-924.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.016
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    Chemical-inducible expression system is a powerful tool for plant functional genomics and plant genetic engineering applications. XVE is a chemical-inducible expression system using estrogen for chemical induction. The detailed report about XVE using tobacco as plant material was not available yet. In this study, GFP was amplified from the plasmid pROKⅡ-GFP that was preserved in this experiment by PCR. Estrogen inducible plant expression vector(pER8-GFP) was constructed and transformed into wild-type tobacco by Agrobacterium-mediated leaf disc transformation. The positive transformants were screened with hygromycin followed by a further PCR identification. The transformants were induced with different concentrations and different times of estrogen. The expression of GFP in transgenic tobacco was tested by using qRT-PCR and NightSHADE plants in vivo imaging system, and the results showed that the best suitable concentration of estrogen which induced the expression of pER8-GFP in tobacco was 25 μmol·L-1, and the best suitable period was 48 h. At the same time, the GFP gene appeared in the hypocotyl and root tip cells of transgenic tobacco. It showed that the XVE chemical induction system in tobacco could also be used to control the expression of the target gene efficiently by the induction of estrogen. Our study will contribute to the XVE study of tobacco in future.
    Relationship between Extracellular ATP and Intracellular ATP and Its Role in Regulating the Cell Death under Oligomycin Treatment
    WANG Qing-Wen, BAI Jing-Yue, SHI Dai-Long, JIA Ling-Yun, FENG Han-Qing
    2016, 36(6):  925-930.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.017
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    In BY-2 tobacco suspension cells, the effect of intracellular ATP(iATP) production on extracellular ATP(eATP) levels was studied by using oligomycin(Inhibitors of FoF1-ATPase). The results showed that with the increase of the concentrations of oligomycin(from 5-50 μmol·L-1), the level of iATP and eATP were decreased, and the level of cell death were increased under higher concentration of oligomycin. With the increase of the times of oligomycin treatment(0.5, 1, 3 and 5 h), the levels of both iATP and eATP were decreased in different extents, while the level of cell death were increased. Treatment with exogenous ATP alleviated the decrease in iATP and the increase in cell death level that were caused by oligomycin, The level of eATP can be affected by iATP, and eATP can regulate the iATP production and cell death under the condition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation being inhibited.
    Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaves of Invasive Bidens frondosa and its Native Associated Lactuca indica
    YAN Xiao-Hong, ZHOU Bing, HU Wen-Hai, WANG Ning, YIN Zeng-Fang
    2016, 36(6):  931-941.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.018
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    We comparatively studied the changes of the gas exchange parameters including the maximum net photosynthetic rate(Pmax), light saturation point(LSP), dark respiratory rate(Rd), potential maximum photosynthetic rate(Amax), light photorespiration(RP), the maximum carboxylation rate of rubisco(Vcmax), the maximum rate of RuBP regeneration(Jmax) and the contents of photosynthetic pigments of invasive Bidens frondosa and its native associated Lactuca indica to the drought stress including light drought stress(LD), moderate drought stress(MD), severe drought stress(SD) and normal irrigation(CK) in a greenhouse pot experiment. The variation trends of different parameters of two plants were in substantial agreement, however the changing amplitude for invasive B.frondosa was significantly lower than that for its associated L.indica, and even the aboveground part of L.indica died and couldn't recover after rehydration under severe drought stress. Under drought stress, the main reason of the photosynthesis decrease was stomata limitation for B.frondosa, but non-stomata limitation for L.indica. Compared with L.indica, B.frondosa had higher respiration efficiency(RE), which was helpful for more accumulation of photosynthetic products, the higher light photorespiration(RP) could protect photosynthetic apparatus from harm, and it could hold higher abilities of photochemical reaction and carboxylation rate of RuBP under drought stress, maintaining higher photosynthetic ability. The responding trends of invasive B.frondosa and its native associated L.indica were in substantial agreement, but B.frondosa had stronger extreme drought tolerance ability and watering revovery ability with better adaptation to drought, which would be helpful for its invasion.
    Chemical Components of Volatile Oils from Yellow Chrysanthemum morifolium During Flower Development Stages and their Antioxidant Activity
    HU Wen-Jie, XU Zhang-Run, LU Si-Qing, LIU Si-Min, ZENG Jian-Jun
    2016, 36(6):  942-948.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.019
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    The chemical components of volatile oils from Yellow Chrysanthemum morifolium during flower development stages were identified by GC-MS, and the relative content of each component was determined by peak area normalization methods. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of the volatile oils was determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometer. The results were as follows:the components and contents of essential oils in Yellow C.morifolium flowers were significantly different among different flower development stages. There were 40, 43, 45 and 35 compounds, identified at squaring stage, slight open stage, bloom stage and late bloom stage, respectively. In total, 67 components were identified from the volatile oils of four different development stages including olefin hydrocarbon(36), alcohols(18), ketones(2), esters(4), aldehydes(3) and oxides cervidae(4). Twenty-two common compounds were detected in Yellow C.morifolium during flower development stages. The numbers of special components among four periods were 5, 6, 8 and 5 compounds, respectively. The contents of olefin hydrocarbon, alcohols, ketones and esters were high, which were the main components at during flower development stages, nevertheless the specific components and their contents were distinctly different at these stages; The ability of scavenging DPPH radicals of the volatile oils was stronger than that of Vc, and the volatile oils showed strong antioxidant activity.
    Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum Essential Oil
    CONG Ying, ZHANG Lin, ZU Yuan-Gang, YANG Lei, ZAN Peng
    2016, 36(6):  949-954.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.020
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    Anti-inflammatory effect of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum essential oil on LPS-induced RAW264.7 macrophages inflammation was observed by MTT test and the content of NO. In vivo, anti-inflammatory activity was carried by checking carrageenan-induced rat paw swelling degree treated with C.longepaniculatum essential oil. The antioxidant capacity was determined by measuring DPPH·radical scavenging ability. C.longepaniculatum essential oil can reduce the inhibition rate and NO production of the LPS-induced RAW264.7 macrophage and it can also reduce carrageenan-induced rat paw swelling with dose-dependent manner. C.longepaniculatum essential oil can induce DPPH radical scavenging rate increased significantly, and the effect is more significant with time. Therefore, C.longepaniculatum oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity.
    Anti-inflammation and Antibacterial Activity of Polyphenols in Idesia polycarpa Maxim. Fruit
    ZAN Peng, ZHANG Lin, ZU Yuan-Gang, YANG Lei, CONG Ying
    2016, 36(6):  955-960.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.06.021
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    Polyphenols are important secondary metabolites in plant. For full use of the fruit, polyphenols in Ldesia palycarpa Maxim fruit were extracted and the anti-inflammatory activity and antibacterial effect were studied. LSP-induced RAW264.7 inflammatory cells were treated with different concentration polyphenols and the anti-inflammatory effect was determined by MTT assays and NO amount of RAW264.7 cells. Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhimurium were selected for antimicrobial experiment to analyze antibacterial activity. The content of polyphenols of L.palycarpa Maxim fruit was 6.6 mg·g-1. Under the administration concentrations with 50, 100 and 200 μg·mL-1, along with the increase of administration concentration, RAW264.7 cells viability value was increased and the release of NO from RAW264.7 cells was also decreased. The antibacterial ability of polyphenols in L.palycarpa fruit of selected three kinds of bacteria in the descending order of B.subtilis, S.typhimurium and E.faecalis.