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    15 June 2004, Volume 24 Issue 2
    A new variety of Picea from Notheast of China
    NIE Shao-Quan, YUAN Xiao-Ying
    2004, 24(2):  129-129. 
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    A new variety of Picea Dietro.from Notheast of China is given,i.e.Picea koraiensis Nakai var.nenjiangensis S.Q.Nie et X.Y.Yuan
    A new variety of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae)from Sichuan
    LIU Jian-Lin
    2004, 24(2):  130-130. 
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    A new variety of Ligustrum was described.
    A new species of Batrachospermum from Sichuan Province, China
    XIE Shu-Lian, SHI Zhi-Xin
    2004, 24(2):  131-132. 
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    A new species of Batrachospermum Roth from Sichuan Province,Southwest China was reported,i.e.B.pengzhouense S.L.Xie et Z.X.Shi.
    A new species of Youngia (Compositae) from China
    ZHAO Yi-Zhi, MA Ling
    2004, 24(2):  133-134. 
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    A new species of Youngia from Inner Mongolia was reported.
    An addition to Acer miaotaiense
    YAO De-Sheng, REN Ji-Wen, CHEN Xi-Cang
    2004, 24(2):  135-136. 
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    This paper states an addition to flower morphology characteristics of Acer miaotaiense.
    Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Hainan Island, South China
    DONG Shi-Yong, CHEN Zhen-Chuan, ZHANG Xian-Chun
    2004, 24(2):  137-140. 
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    Fifteen species of pteridophytes are recorded for the first time from Hainan Island.They are Aleuritopteris squamosa,Allantodia deoderleinii,Allantodia virescens,Antrophyum formosanum,Asplenium sampsonii,Botrychium daucifolium,Dryopteris fuscipes,Dryopteris pacifica,Lindsaea javanensis,Loxogramme assimilis,Lygodium subareolatum,Pteris longipes,Pteris longipinnula,Selaginella braunii and Selaginella repanda.So far,some 450 pteridophyte taxa are known to grow in Hainan Island.
    The distribution, origin and evolution of Syringa
    CUI Hong-Xia, JIANG Gao-Ming, ZANG Shu-Ying
    2004, 24(2):  141-145. 
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    Syringa was distributed in China,North Korea,Japan and Southeast Europe.China was the distribution center for Syringa.The species were distributed in Southwest,Northwest,North and Northeast China.The hypotheses on some distribution patterns were suggested in this paper based on the flora evolution studies.Syringa originated in Southwest China,and the migration routes were:Southwest-Northwest-North-Northeast China-Korea peninsula-Japan,Southwest China-Central Asia-Europe.There was a remote disjunct distribution for sister species.S.protolaciniata,which was originated in Northwest China,had a close relation with S.xpersica(distributed in Northwest China and Central Asia) and S.vulgaris(only live in Southeast Europe).It meant there existed some close links in the evolution of species.S.pinnatifolia with pinnated leaves was an intermediate species,which had an important role in the evolution study of this genus.Fossil record showed that S.oblata had been distributed in the center of China in Miocene.It was obvious that the evolution and migration from Southwest to Central China had been finished before Miocene.
    Flora and ecological characteristics of ferns in Dapeng peninsula of Shenzhen City
    QIN Xin-Sheng, ZHANG Yong-Xia, YAN Yue-Hong, TIAN Huai-Zhen, XING Fu-Wu
    2004, 24(2):  146-151. 
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    The Dapeng peninsula is situated at the southeast of Shenzhen City,China.It locates at 114°28'~114°37'E and 22°26'~22°34'N,covering an area of about 106.7 km 2.There are 105 species of ferns which belong to 35 families,65 genera in this area.The species-rich families which include over 5 species are Dryopteridaceae,Thelypteridaceae,Pteridaceae,Selaginellaceae,Dryopteridaceae,Athyriaceae,Aspleniaceae and Lindsaeaceae.The flora analysis indicated that the tropical and subtropical elements in families (54.26%),genera (92.86%) and species (70.87%) are dominant.This reflected the tropical characteristics of the species at the region.The single-genera families and single-species genera are abundant,which make up 54.26% of the total families and 69.23% of the total genera.According to the differences of their habitat,the ferns of Dapeng Peninsula can be divided into 4 ecological types:terraphytes (71.43%),lithophytes (4.59%),hydrophytes (2.75%) and epiphytes (4.59%).
    A floristic study on the seed plants from the YiwulüMountains of Liaoning Province
    CAO Wei, LIU Yun-Long, ZHU Cai-Xia, YU Xing-Hua, SONG Dian-Yun, REN Qi-Chang
    2004, 24(2):  152-157. 
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    There are about 718 species of wild seed plants in the YiwulüMountains,belonging to 94 families and 362 genera.According to their present distribution,the species can be classified into 23 areal-types and 20 subtypes.The flora is temperate in nature,but it had some connection with tropical flora historically.It has the wide connection in geographical relationships.It is closely related with elements of E.Asia (especially with one of Japan) and secondly with North temperate elements.The principal part of the flora is composed of them.
    Morphologyical anatomical studies on Betulaceae vessel element from Helongjiang Province, China
    ZHANG Da-Wei, SHI Fu-Chen
    2004, 24(2):  158-161. 
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    By means of scanning electron microscope (SEM),The morphological structure of the inner wall of the vessel molecules in plants of Betulaceae in Heilongjiang Province is studied,which includes 4 genera (Alnus,Betula,Carpinus and Corylus),15 species,4 varieties and 3 forms are included in the study.The result shows that there is obvious difference in the length and the width of vessel molecules.Pits are bordered.They are all alternate pitting except a few species.The pits between vessels are distributed in groups,most of them show regular form.In the inner or on the border of pits,there are round point projections or reticular projections that are consist of varying apertures.They are common in Betulaceae.The main features of the inner walls are discussed and analyzed the ecological adaptation in morphological evolution of the vessel molecules are analyzed.This paper concludes that the specialization level of vessel molecules is determined by the humidity utilization,traspiration and pressure selection.
    A primary anatomical study on the wood of Vatica astrotricha plantation
    XING Yong
    2004, 24(2):  162-165. 
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    Slice and microphotographics were used to study the anatomical characteristics of the wood of plantation of Vatica astrotricha Hance.The relationship between the wood property and its structure,the phylogeny of the anatomical characteristic and the wood growth regulation were also studied.The results showed that:⑴the proportion of the vessel,xylem fiber,axial parenchyma and ray parenchyma corresponds approximately,but the xylem fiber is the most;⑵with the increase of the growth ring number,the pore number reduced,but the pore diameter increase;⑶it was too little that physically natural age in this tree compare with the growth ring number;⑷the wood anatomical characteristic was not uniform.
    A study on morphology of pollen carried on the body of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma
    GAO Yan-Chun, ZHANG Li-Xiang, LIU Qiang, WANG Zhen-Xing, WANG Ping-Ping
    2004, 24(2):  166-169. 
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    Investigate interviewing plants of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma in the field and study these plants'pollen morphology with scanning electron microscope.Morphology of pollen carried on the female bee's body is also studied.Results indicated that the bee's foraging plants are more than 20 species of which 14 species have been identified and the others have not been identified.Pollens carried on the bee's body belong to Zygophyllaceae,Leguminosae,Chenopodiaceae,Convolvulaceae,Liliaceae and Elaeagnaceae.There are long spherical,close spherical,triangular pollens.Pollen veins are variform,such as reticulate,foveolate,striate,granulate,cerebroid and so on.
    Morphology and variation of apparatus of endangered plant Heptacodium miconioides
    BIAN Cai-Miao, JIN Ze-Xin, LI Jun-Min
    2004, 24(2):  170-174. 
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    The morphology and variation of apparatus of Heptacodium miconioides that is a national protected plant species in China were studied.The results showed that the flower and seed number in flower shoot of H.miconioides in population A with diagusting habitat were fewer than in population B with good habitat.The fruit and germ in population A varied richly for the lower percent of panicle only with basal whorls and the more percent of panicle with three whorls.The flowering and seeding improved distinctly in population B,but the embryo of adult germs were underdeveloped.Germs produced in the basal whorl of panicle I in population A was heavier than those in population B.All the results suggested that H.miconioides could grow in diagusting habitat.The sink adjustment could improvement the seed status but the effect was inapparent and it suggested that the H.miconioides had a poor nutrition adjustment by itself.The obstacle in sexual reproduction might be the main reason why H.miconioides is in endangered condition.In order to eliminate this obstacle,the population ecological adapts and renewal of germ plasm could be studied.
    Studies on the pollen morphology of nineteen species Poaceae from Northeast China
    MA Yu-Xin, LI Qiang, CUI Da-Lian
    2004, 24(2):  175-178. 
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    The pollen morphology of nighteen species of Poaceae were reported.By light and scanning electron microscope,many feather which are about pollen morphology,exine sculphuring,and treme are observed.It summarized pollen morphology types which are about plants of Poaceae's and treme features.
    A study on the growth of Hedera helix in radiation (PAR) scope were conducted indoors
    YUE Hua, TAN Shuai, LIN Rui
    2004, 24(2):  179-183. 
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    The studies on the photosynthetic characters and growth of Hedera helix in response to photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) were conducted indoors.The representative light area was selected as experimental area during the culture period of 80 days.The indoor environment conditions were 18~28℃ in temperature,31%~70% in humidity.After 80 days,the photosynthesis characters of Hedera helix in different photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) were measured with LI-6400 apparatus.The light compensation point,light saturation point,and the maximum net photosynthesis rate were calculated.The increment of leaf area and leaf blade in different experiment areas were also measured.The results showed that the PAR scope for the growth of Hedera helix was 3.1~834.3 μmo·m-2·s-1(155~41 715 lx).
    The study on the difference of the contents of gentiopicroside in cultivated Gtentiana manshurica roots
    GUAN Yang, WANG Chen, LI Ye-Xin, XU Na, LIU Ming-Yuan
    2004, 24(2):  184-186. 
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    The contents of gentiopicroside in cultivated Gentiana manshurica roots was determined by HPLC.The results indicated that gentiopicroside contents are higher in flowering phase than in fruiting phase and withering phase.The contents in 2-year-age roots are higher than in 1-year-age roots in the same individual.It is possible to proceed in a high effective constituent breeding because gentiopicroside contents great vary among different individuals of cultivated.manshurica.
    Effects of different plant hormones In-vitro differentiation of peanut
    LIANG Li-Kun, LIN Rong-Shuang, YOU Cui-Rong, WANG Qing-Hua, XIAO Xian-Hua
    2004, 24(2):  187-196. 
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    The effects of TDZ and 2,4-D on the differentiat ion of mature peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) embryonic explants were investigated.The results showed that leaf lets and embryonic axes of 3~5-day-old seedlings produced multiple buds and somatic embryos,which developed into shoots following transferred to MS medium without hormone or MS medium supplemented with BA 0.5 mg/L and NAA 0.4 mg/L.These shoots regenerated normal plants af ter they were transferred to medium containing half st reng th major elements and 0.4 mg/L IBA.The dif ferentiation rate of leaflets is higher than that of embryonic axes while the lat ter produced regenerated plants in a shorter period of time.Embryonic axes soaked in sterile water for 16~24 h could form adventitious buds with low frequency on medium containing 5~30 mg/L 2,4-D and young leaf lets of embryos differentiated somatic embryos with abno rmali ty on the induct ion of 5~30 mg/L 2,4-D.
    The physiological effect of the different phenological period Ledum palustre subsp. decumdens on low temperature stress
    LIU Jin-Wen, SHA Wei, WANG Yan-Jun
    2004, 24(2):  197-200. 
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    After 4℃ low temperature stress,the content of soluble protein,soluble sugar,proline and water on different phonological period of Ledum palustre L.subsp.decumdens was measured.The result showed that the phenological period C has different physiological adaptive mechanism for low temperature stress.Under low temperature stress,L.palustre L.subsp.decumdens in germinative period shows stronger hardiness.The content soluble protein,soluble sugar and proline increased and maintained at a high level.If the L.palustre L.subsp.decumdens is growing or reproducing,it has weak hardiness.During low temperature stress the three physiological parameter decreased first.When the physiological adaptive mechanism to low temperature stress has been formed,the physiological parameters increased again.In the three phenological period,The Ledum palustre L.subsp.decumdens content of water maintains stability level,the content of bound water increased.
    The effect of environmental factors on the content of coenzyme Q10 in the maize bud
    LÜ Xin, PANG Hai-He, SHI Quan, XUE Yan-Hua, TANG Zhong-Hua, FU Yu-Jie
    2004, 24(2):  201-203. 
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    Observing the environmental factors on the content and the new extracting method of coenzyme Q10 in the maize bud,the results show that:the content of coenzyme Q10 in the course of sprouting of the maize impacted on light and water environmental factors has more obvious growth trends.The best extracting method of coenzyme Q10 in the maize bud was mixing 70% ethanol with alive maize bud to fresh milling homogenate extraction,separated,and then the residue was extracted 3 times with the chloroform by ultrasound
    RAPD analysis on variation of genetic diversity of natural Pinus koraiensis in temporal dimension
    ZHANG Heng-Qing, LIU De-Li, JIN Rong-Yi, LÜJian-Zhou, WANG Qing
    2004, 24(2):  204-210. 
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    With RAPD method,the paper studied genetic diversity and differentiation in temporal dimension of natural population of Pinus koraiensis in Liangshui National Nature Reserve.Total 245 P.Koraiensis samples aged from 1 to 100 years were grouped 10 age classes every 10 years.61 repeatable loci in which 50 were polymophic were obtained from 10 random primers and percentage of polymophic loci was 81.97%.In age class level,genetic differentiation of Shannon diversity index and Nei index was 16.43% and 13.64%.Two indexes showed genetic differentiation in temporal dimension is lower than in space and genetic variation existed within age class.Result showed that genetic diversity of P.koraiensis in Liangshui national nature reserve fluctuated twice in 100 years and is ascending at present.Though genetic diversity of P.koraiensis decreased temporarily after some small fellings,it has restored effectively because of establishment of the nature reserve.
    Cloning of transcription factor DREB1A gene and the construction of plant express vector
    LI Jing, ZHU Yan-Ming, LI Jie
    2004, 24(2):  211-214. 
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    According to the cDNA sequence of transcription factor DREB1A gene in GenBank a pair of primer was designed and synthesized.Using the total RNA of low temperature treated Arabdopsis thaliana seedling as templet,the full length of cDNA of DREB1A gene was amplified through method of RT-PCR.It was cloned into pMD18 T vector.DNA sequencing indicated that the cloned fragment showed 99.8% identity to the sequence of the gene in GenBank.The Two bases change leads to only one amino acid changed.But the changed amino acid is not in the function domain so the cDNA will have the normal physiology function.The plant express vector pBch was digested and ligated with the cloned cDNA fragment and got the DREB1A gene express vector pBDR35s regulated by 35S promoter.
    Study on crossing breeding of Populus davidiana and P. tremuloides
    LI Kai-Long, ZHOU Guang-Da, YANG Chuan-Ping, LIU Gui-Fen, XING Ya-Juan
    2004, 24(2):  215-219. 
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    In this paper 11 plus trees from 7 provenances of Populus davidiana were crossed with 8 plus trees of from P.tremuloidesill Minisuda USA in 1995.46 crossing combination among 88 combination were done successfully and obtained seed.It indicates from 5 years test plantation that Populus davidiana from Weihe Heilongjiang of China is better as female parent,and T-32-57 and T-28-56 of P.tremuloides from Minisuda of USA as male parent.Id32-3,Gd42-1,Ca42-1 and Bd44-1 is superior clone.
    Study on the absorption capacity of Northeast main greening tree species to As in the atmosphere
    MU Li-Qiang, SUN Hai-Yan, ZHU Ning
    2004, 24(2):  220-226. 
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    The absorption capacity of 30 kinds of Northeast main greening tree species to As in the atmosphere were measured and studied by Atom Fluoresence Method.The results showed that all these greening tree species could absorb As pollutants to some extent,and the absorption capacity is obviously different according to pollution conditions and tree species.The greening tree species that have a high absorption content to As such as Prunus armeniaca,Ulmus pumila,Ulmus pumila var.pendula and Phellodendron amurense,could be acted as greening trees in serious areas of As pollution.Moreover,the absorption extent of different species to As were obviously different in similar areas of pollution origin and degree.
    A preliminary study on the taxonomy and distribution of Entodon in Hebei Province,China
    ZHAO Jian-Cheng, LI Lin, WANG Xiao-Rui
    2004, 24(2):  227-239. 
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    In views of the advance of research on the genus Entodon and according to the specimens about 210 packets collected from Hebei Province,16 species (including 2 varities) are recognized currently.Among them,two species (Entodon verruculosus,E.smaragdinus) are newly mosses recorded to Hebei Province.All the 16 species can be classified into 4 elements based on Z Y Wu六s[1] thesis differentiating the areal-types of Chinese genera of seed plants.Among them,E.compressus C.Muell.var.zikaiwiensis,E.aeruginosus,E.schensianus,E.smaragdinus,E.micropodus and E.verruculosus are endemic to China.The general data on habits,diagnostic,geographic distributions and illustrations about these taxon are discussed.A key to the species of Hebei Province is provided.
    Purification and differentiation of Mn-SOD from Citrus erythrosa and application of gel concentration gradient electrophoresis
    CHENG Guang-Yu, WU Guo-Rong, CHU Hui-Jun
    2004, 24(2):  240-244. 
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    There were Mn-SOD,Fe-SOD and CuZn-SOD in the crude extract of Citrus erythrosa Tanaka leaves.In a 10% PAGE three active bands were seen,and R fvalue of Mn-SOD was big than that of Fe-SOD and was same as that of CuZn-SOD1.While in a 4%~35% gel concentration gradient electrophoresis,four active bands were seen and Mn-SOD's R fvalue was the smallest.This means that the molecular weight of Mn-SOD was the biggest and it had a high charge density.Mn-SOD,which occupied about 20% of the total SOD activity,was purified to homogeneity by means of ammonium sulfate precipitation,Sephadex G-100 gel filtration,DEAE-Sepharose and CMsub>52 chromatography etc.Its specific activity was 1 249 U/mg.Its molecular and subunit weight were 54.0 kD and 26.6 kD,respectively.It had one absorption maximum which was at 280 nm.And it was stable to heat treatment,46% of its activity was retained at 95℃ for 15 min.Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis showed that it had a pI of 5.06.This enzyme was insensitive to KCN and H2O2,but was sensitive to 1% SDS or mixtures of chloroform and ethanol (3:5 v/v).
    In vitro germination of cut seeds of Syringa reticulata var .mandshurica
    LIU Hua-Ying, SHEN Hai-Long, HUANG Jian, WANG Hong-Mei, XING Zhao-Bin
    2004, 24(2):  245-247. 
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    Seeds of Syringa reticulata var.mandshurica stratified for 10,20 and 40 days were in vitro cultured.Before incubation,three different treatments of seeds were conducted:intact,middlecut,two ends-cut.The results showed that germination percentage of cut seed was enhanced,middle-cut was the best and achieved maximum germination after 10 days culture;germination of seeds treated 40 days was better than that of the seeds with other two treatments.In vitro germination of seeds with 40 days stratification was best on MS medium with 5 mg/L BA or BA 5 mg/L BA+0.1 mg/L IBA.
    Analysis of relationships between species richness and distribution pattern of spermatophyte in Shanxi Province
    WANG Cui-Hong, ZHANG Jin-Tun, SHANGG UAN Tie-Liang
    2004, 24(2):  248-253. 
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    The Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) have been adopted to detect the relationships among 20 environmental factors,as well as the effects of environmental factors for the plant diversity and geographical components of Genus of 12 areas in Shanxi province.The results reveal that 12 areas may be clustered into 3 types.The first type is mountain areas in the east and west region of Shanxi province,where the elevation is relatively high,and the heterogeneity of habits is strong.The absolute dominant geographical component of genus is North temperate flora.The second type is in the central part plateau and the basin,where the elevation is relatively low,and the conditions intensity of water and temperature is medium,the dominant geographical components of genus is also North temperate flora,but the rate of old world temperate flora and Pan tropic flora is increased.The third type is in the mountain region of south and southeast in Shanxi,where the temperature is relatively high,the dominant geographical components of genus is North temperate flora,but the second dominant components is Trop Asia flora,comparing with the above tow types,the rate of tropic components is increased obviously.
    World heritage sites in relation to biosphere reserves
    WANG Xian-Pu, GUO Ke
    2004, 24(2):  254-256. 
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    The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO.Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world.What similarities and differences between both whatever it may be perhaps the public and the media are not yet understood,especially some biosphere reserves are also included in the world heritage list,and often leading to some confusion.In fact,world heritage sites and biosphere reserves have fundamentally different purposes,objectives,legal status and management principles and should not therefore be confused.The paper deals with this problem for reference to related aspects.