Response of Germination on Ten Chenopodiaceae Seeds to Drought Stress and Resistances Evaluation in Tarim Basin
HAN Zhan-Jiang;CHENG Long;LI Zhi-Jun*
2016, 36(2):
994 )
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The experiments were conducted with ten Chenopodiaceae seeds as materials to examine responses of seed germination and evaluate their tolerance under drought stress by PEG-6000. The final germination rates and radicle length of seeds were inhibited while the mean germination times extended continuously in various degrees with the drought intensifying in 10 Chenopodiaceae species. Seeds of Suaeda glauca, Suaeda rigida, Suaeda heterophylla, Halocnermum strobilaceum, Halostachys caspica, Salicornia europaea and Halogeton arachnoideus obtained their germination recoveries after relieving drought stresses. The limit values of drought tolerance at seed germination stage from large to small were H.caspica, H.arachnoideus, S.heterophylla, S.rigida, S.europaea, Suaeda arcuata, H.strobilaceum, Suaeda stellatiflora, Chenopodium aristatum and S.glauca. Comprehensive evaluation of drought resistances of seed germination were conducted with fuzzy subordinate function analysis by selecting the final genmination rate, mean generation time, radicle length and germination recovery rate. The drought resistances at seed germination stage from large to small were H.caspica, H.arachnoideus, S.rigida, H.strobilaceum, S.heterophylla, S.stellatiflora, S.europaea, C.aristatum, S.glauca and S.arcuata. Seed germinations of H.caspica, H.arachnoideus, S.rigida and H.strobilaceum showed the best resistances under drought stresses between ten Chenopodiaceae species, and their weighted average values of subordinate function were 0.915, 0.793, 0.762 and 0.737, respectively.