Relationships between Vegetation Distribution, Species Diversity of Subalpine Meadow and Soil Chemical Factors in the Yundingshan, China
DU Jing-Qi, ZHANG Qiao-Xian, TIAN Xiao-Dong, WANG Yue, XU Xin-Yun, SONG Li, YUAN Zi-Qiang
2016, 36(3):
1018 )
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With the data from field investigation of 36 sampling areas with 27 species of the community of subalpine meadow in the Yundingshan, China, we used Two-way Indicator Species Analysis(TWINSPAN) to compartmentalize the sampling areas into different associations. Six associations were obtained: Ass. Taraxacum mongolicum+Anemone obtusiloba+Plantago asiatica, Ass. Potentilla chinensis+Gentiana squarrosa+Taraxacum mongolicum+Plantago asiatica, Ass. Taraxacum mongolicum+Potentilla chinensis+Thymus mongolicus, Ass. Plantago asiatica+Potentilla chinensis+Thymus mongolicus+Artemisia sacrorum, Ass. Plantago asiatica+Artemisia sacrorum+Potentilla chinensis, and Ass. Taraxacum mongolicum+Festuca ovina+Plantago asiatica. By Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA), we analyzed the relationships between the meadow vegetation distribution patterns and soil chemical factors. Soil chemical factors consisted of soil pH, total nitrogen, total phosphprus, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Fe, organic matter(OM). The total nitrogen, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe were the main soil environmental factors which affected distribution of the community of subalpine meadow in the Yundingshan. Six associations were, respectively, correlated with different habitat. Correlation was carried out between species richness index, evenness index and Shannon-Weiner index, the results showed that total nitrogen, Ca2+ showed a significant positive correlation with Shannon-Weiner index(P<0.05), a positive relationship was between total nitrogen and species richness index(P<0.05), a negative relationship was between species richness index and Mg2+(P<0.05), a positive relationship of between species richness index(P<0.05), evenness index(P<0.05), Shannon-Weiner index(P<0.01) and K+. Therefore, the protecting species diversity should be combined with local characteristics of the soil.