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    20 March 2009, Volume 29 Issue 2
    Abelia lipoensis,a New Species of the Genus Abelia from Guizhou,China
    AN Ming-Tai;YANG Rui;GOU Guang-Qian*
    2009, 29(2):  129-130.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.001
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    A new species of Abelia R.Br.(Caprifoliaceae)from Guizhou,China are reported,i.e. Abelia lipoensis M. T. An et G. Q. GOU. The new species is nearly related to A. chinensis R. Br.,but the differences are in its glabrous branches and leaves,spacious and loose inflorescences,wide cone-shaped,nearly hairless calyx lobes,small white corolla with 6-9 mm long, subequal to the calyx lobe or longer.
    Sorbus tiantangensis,A New Species of the Genus Sorbus L.
    LIU Xiu-Mei;WANG Lei-Hong;LI Xiao-Yi*
    2009, 29(2):  131-133.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.002
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    The new species Sorbus tiantangensis X. M. Liu et C. L.Wang is closely related to the species S. amabilis Cheng ex Yü,but the former differs in its pinnate leaflets 6-7 pairs,margin crenato-serrate,stipule broad lanceolate,stamina in a flower 20,10 of them longer and the other 10 shorter.The ripening fruits in complex corymb are densely aggregated,the total numbers reaching up to 160-195.
    LUO Qiang
    2009, 29(2):  134-135.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.003
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    Polystichum jiucaipingense P. S. Wang et Q. Luo, a new species of Dryopteridaceae from Guizhou, China, is described. It is similar to P. castaneum(Clarke) Nayar et Kaur, but smaller, with light brown scales on its petiole and rachis, and sori bearing on all the pinnae abaxially.
    Morphological and Cytological Study on Floral Sex Differentiation of Acer truncatum Bge.
    HU Qing;LI Feng-Lan;DU Yi-Lian;GUO Hui-Hong*
    2009, 29(2):  136-140.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.004
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    The process of sex differentiation of Acer truncatum, an andromonoecious woody plant, was morphologically and cytologically observed. Results showed that at early phase of sex differentiation, both pistil and stamen primordia could be found in male and bisexual flower buds, but selective abortion occurred in the pistil primordia of male flowers when macrosporocytes developed to megaspore tetrads. Pistils of bisexual flowers could develop and set fruits normally, and the stamens could produce mature two-celled pollen but the pollen could not dehisce. It is suggested that the failure of anthers of bisexual flowers to dehisce might be caused by the low lignification in fibrous layer.

    The Anatomical Study on Vegetative Organs of Endangered Plant Tugarinovia mongolica
    MA Hong;ZHENG Ya-Ming;CAO Rui;SUN Ya-Yuan
    2009, 29(2):  141-146.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.005
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    The morphological features and anatomical structures of Tugarinovia mongolica were studied by means of traditional paraffin wax sections. The result showed: The leaf belongs to equilateral leaf. Each epidermis consists of a row of epidermis cells, which are arranged closely. There are many irregular stomata which exist in both higher and lower epidermis. Its palisade tissue is composed of 1 layer cells and the spongy tissue consists of 2~3 layers cells which arranged loosely. The primary structure of stem consists of epidermis, cortex and vascular cylinder. The developed pith is in the center of stem. But the root does not have this structure, which contains periderm, cortex and vascular cylinder. Many secretory structures exist in parenchyma of the root and stem. It was found that the vegetative organs of T. mongolica contain proteins by the reaction of coomassie brilliant blue. In addition, it was discussed that these structures were in conformity with the ecological environment it was located.
    Characters of the Leaf Epidermis in Kadsura(Schisandraceae)
    YANG Zhi-Rong;LIN Qi*;WEN Xiang-Ying;ZENG Qing-Wen;ZHOU Xiao-Chun
    2009, 29(2):  147-163.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.006
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    The leaf epidermis of 108 samples belonging to Kadsura Kaempf. ex. Juss. (eleven species) and Illicium Linn. (two species) are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Several characters, such as pattern of epidermal cells, shape of stomatal apparatus, cuticular ornamentations, shape of cuticular intrusions at the polar region of guard cell, hair on epidermis, etc., are constant in some species and variable in others, and thus of considerable taxonomic value for studying the phylogenetic relationships within Kadsura and among Kadsura, Schisandra Michaux and Illicium Linn. A new character, cuticular reticulations that has not been reported previously in the order Illiciales is revealed in the study, which is congruent with the taxonomic assignment of two distinct subgenera (Subg. Cosbaea and Subg. Kadsura) in Kadsura. These characters of leaf epidermis sustain the subdivision of Subg. Kadsura into Sect. Kadsura and Sect. Sarcocarpon, and also support the combinations of some species by R. M. K. Saunders and Q. Lin. Moreover, stomata and other epidermal characters suggest close phylogenetic affinities of Kadsura, Schisandra and Illicium, whereas Kadsura seems more complex than Schisandra and Illicium on the basis of the characters of leaf epidermis. Evidence from leaf epidermis serves as a criterion for negating the separation of Schisandraceae from Illiciales as Schisandrales.
    Floral Traits and Pollination System of Impatiens chinensis(Balsaminaceae)
    XIAO Le-Xi;LIU Ke-Ming*
    2009, 29(2):  164-168.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.007
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    The floral traits and pollination system of Impatiens chinensis were studied. Individual flowers bloom for 2.3 days and the male phase was 6.8 times as long as female phase. The nectar quantity and sugar concentration is 0.56 μL and 28.2%, respectively. Stigma is receptive on the day of anthesis. Pollen viability is highest on the moment of corolla displaying(95%), thereafter decreases gradually and maintains a considerable level until the flower drops(55%). The results of P/O detection (5 730.3±2 941.1) and bagging treatments suggest that I. chinensis is self-compatible with facultative xenogamy breeding system, its outcross-pollination require pollinators. I. chinensis is mainly visited by honey-bees, butterflies, bumble-bees and several species in ceratina(Apidae). Bombus trifasciatus is the dominant pollinator. The nectar robber Amegilla caldwelli may be the most important biological factor which influences the sexual reproduction of I. chinensis except for the legitimate visitors.
    Pollination Biology and Reproductive Allocation of Chirita gueilinensis(Gesneriaceae)
    PU Gao-Zhong;PAN Yu-Mei;TANG Sai-Chun*;WEI Chun-Qiang;CHEN Qiu-Xia;
    2009, 29(2):  169-175.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.008
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    We investigated the reproductive ecology of Chirita gueilinensis in different habitats populations (YZ population,semi-wild,at the sunny cracks and crevices of calcareous rocks with little soil; DB population,at the rupicolous in a cave). Our results indicated that: (1)Flowering took place from late February to middle April,and anthesis of a single flower lasted 10~17 days in YZ population and 16~24 days in DB population depending on environmental conditions. (2)The pollen-ovule ratio(P/O) is different in the two populations,and we noted larger variation in pollen than ovule production,which may be related to habitats. (3)Breeding experiments showed that C. gueilinensis is facultative xenogamy by insects and no agamospermy. (4)There were limitations both in pollination and ripening of seeds,which resulted in a low seed-setting ratio(<45%) for all artificial treatments and natural pollination. (5)Chalcididae sp.and Amegilla albigena(Lepeletier) (DB population) or Apis cerana Fabricius (YZ population) were main pollinators of C. gueilinensis. (6)The reproductive investment per plant increased but the reproductive allocation decreased with increased individual size. (7)Plants in YZ population obtained more available resources from environment and greater reproductive investment than plants in DB population,this indicated that reproductive investment was relatively favored by plants from YZ population, whereas vegetative propagation was favored by plants from DB population to obtain more resources from the environment.
    The Age Structure and Life Table of Rare Eremophyte Helianthemum ordosicum Population
    LI Qing-He;GAO Ting-Ting;LIU Jian-Feng;XIN Zhi-Ming;XU Jun
    2009, 29(2):  176-181.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.009
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    Based on the surveyed data of Helianthemum ordosicum population in different slope positions, the age structure, the static life table, survival curve and mortality curve and vanish rate curve ware analyzed. Additionally, the survival functions were also analyzed. The results indicated that age structure of H. ordosicum in different slope positions exists the trend of decline. The number of young-age individuals accounts a small proportion of total population, that of the middle-age occupies big proportion. The H. ordosicum population density differ in different slope positions, with the characteristics of the biggest population density in upper slope position, less in middle slope position and least in lower slope position. The expectant life span of the first-age H. ordosicum population in different slope positions is maximum, and the fluctuation of expectant life span exists in fifth-age or sixth-age population. The survivorship curves of the H. ordosicum population in different slope positions belong to Deevy Ⅱ~Ⅲ type as a whole. One peak of the mortality rate exists from sixth-age to eighth-age, that on the middle and lower slope position is one age class later than that on the upper slope position. These four function values from the survival analysis could be well used to analyze the structure and dynamic change of H. ordosicum population in different slope positions.
    A Comparative Study of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Caragana davazamcii Between Plants of Different Ages in Huangfuchuan Basin of Ordos Plateau
    GAO Zeng-Lu;GAO Yu-Bao*;ZHENG Zhi-Rong;ZHANG Xiao-Chun
    2009, 29(2):  182-186.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.010
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    The photosynthetic characteristics of Caragana davazamcii plants of different ages were investigated. The net Photosynthetic rate(Pn) and transpiration rate(Tr) of mid-aged plants(5 years old) were higher than those of senile plants(24 years old). The decrease of Pn in senile plants between 12:00-14:00 was caused by non-stomatal factors that impaired photosystem Ⅱand photosynthetic capacity of the leaves, while that in mid-aged plants was a consequence of both stomatal and non-stomatal inhibition. The determination of photosynthetic pigment contents showed that the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in mid-aged plants were significantly higher than those in senile plants, so that the mid-aged plants had higher Pn, LUE and capcity of intensive radiation adaptation. In addition, the mid-aged plants had higher WUE, which made them more tolerant to drought, so the mid-aged plants were able to adapt to the local envioronments with high temperature and severe drought.
    Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Endangered Plant Davidia involucrate Baill
    ZOU Li-Juan;SU Zhi-Xian*;HU Jin-Yao;WU Qing-Gui;SU Rui-Jun;YU A-Mei;
    2009, 29(2):  187-192.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.011
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    Using winter bud of Davidia involucrate as explant, we studied its tissue culture and plant regeneration. The results indicated: the best medium for the clump shoot induction directly from D. involucrata winter bud was WPM+NAA 0.2 mg·L-1+6-BA 3.0 mg·L-1+AC 2.0 g·L-1; the appropriate medium for shoot segment multiplying of D. involucrate bud was WPM+NAA 0.05 mg·L-1+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+GA3 2.0 mg·L-1+AC 2.0 g·L-1; the medium for rooting culture was White+IBA3.0 mg·L-1+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+AC 2.0 g·L-1, under these conditions, the roots were well developed and the plants were healthy; finally, about 80% of these seedlings could survival after transplantation.
    Technological System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis(Fisch.) Koidz.
    MENG Lin;XIAO Kuo;ZHAO Mao-Lin;ZHANG Guo-Fang
    2009, 29(2):  193-197.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.012
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    Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis(Fisch.) Kordz. is a kind of water-saving, ornamental, medicinal and fodder plants with excellent characteristics. In this paper, the mature seeds were used as the explants, and the combining medium schemes for inducing callus, differentiation and rooting, etc. were designed with different concentration of 2,4-D, NAA, BA, KT based on the MS culture medium, and the system of tissue culture and rapid propagation of I. lactea was studied. The results showed that the variable ratio of hormones had the great effects on the rates of callus, and the mediums of MS+2,4-D 4 mg·L-1+BA2 mg·L-1、MS+2,4-D 4 mg·L-1+BA5 mg·L-1 and MS+2,4-D 2 mg·L-1+KT1.5 mg·L-1 could give higher rates of callus (more than 58%) than others, so they were thought as the greatest combining schemes. MS+BA4 mg·L-1 and MS+BA1 mg·L-1+NAA0.15 mg·L-1 were the optimal schemes for the differentiation of callus. The optimal regeneration and enrichment culture mediums were MS+BA2 mg·L-1+NAA0.1 mg·L-1 and MS+BA1 mg·L-1+NAA0.2 mg·L-1. The best medium for rooting was 1/2MS, and the schemes of 1/2MS+IBA0.5 mg·L-1, 1/2MS+IBA 0.5 mg·L-1+NAA0.5 mg·L-1 could also have good effects on the rootgrowth. The rooting plantlets were easily planted on the mixed medium of Vsoil∶Vsand=2∶1 without any training. Therefore, the available system of tissue culture and rapid propagation for I. lactea was established including the mature embryo-inducing of callus-differentiation and regeneration of plantlets-propagation-rootingtransplanting.
    In Vitro Rapid Propagation System and in Vitro Germplasm Peservation of Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim.
    WANG Wen-Wen;MA Qiu-Yue;ZHU Jun-Yi;GU Di-Zhou*
    2009, 29(2):  198-203.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.013
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    The tender buds of Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. were used as explants in the experiment. Uniform Design was used-for screening the most suitable culture medium for shoots regeneration immediately at base of tender buds, rooting and in vitro germplasm preservation. The results showed that DR+2-ip3.00 mg·L-1 was the most suitable for shoots regeneration, the rate of regeneration was more than 95.5%; MS(modified)+IAA0.50 mg·L-1+IBA0.10 mg·L-1+KT0.10 mg·L-1 for rooting, the rate of rooting was more than 99%; N-68+B9 2.30 mg·L-1+phloridzin 1.50 mg·L-1 for germplasm preservation in vitro for 30 months. Stems each with one node were cut from regenerated shoots and cultured for propagation, and a 65-fold proliferation rate was achieved within 28 days. The method of “defering growth with dwarfing” was utilized for in vitro germplasm peservation at normal temperature. In vitro culture and in vitro germplasm peservation system of R. schlippenbachii Maxim. has been successfully established.
    Effects of He-Ne Laser on Chloroplast of Wheat Seedling Exposed to Enhanced UV-B Radiation
    GUO Jun-Yu;ZHANG Qin;HAN Rong*
    2009, 29(2):  204-208.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.014
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    The seedling of wheat (jinmai8) were exposed to He-Ne laser (5 mW·mm-2), enhanced UV-B radiation (10.08 kJ·m-2·d-1) and the combined treatment of He-Ne laser irradiation and enhanced UV-B radiation. The measurement permeability of chloroplast membrane,chloroplast protein content,Hill reaction activity and ATPase activity of wheat seedlings. Result enunciation: the chloroplast membrane permeability has increased after UV-B radiated wheat seedlings,chloroplast protein content went down, Hill reaction activity and ATPase activity were restrained. The He-Ne laser can make chloroplast membrane permeability fall,chloroplast protein content go up certainly. Hill reaction activity and ATPase activity were also partially activated.These variety explain enhanced UV-B radiation cause damage chloroplast of wheat seedling, but certain the He-Ne laser partially repair UV-B damage the system of photosynthesis on wheat seedling.
    Primary Studies on Physiological Response of Two Varieties of Cerasus humilis to NaHCO3 Stress
    CHEN Shu-Ming;JIANG Ying-Shu;WANG Qiu-Yu*
    2009, 29(2):  209-215.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.015
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    Two years old potted plant Nongda 3 and Nongda 4 Cerasus humilises, obtaived by tissue culture, were irrigated with different concentrations of NaHCO3 solutions and the physiological indexes of leaves were mensurated. The results indicated that the chlorophylla content in two clone of C. humilis of leaves both changed mildly firstly then decreased, analysis of variance were significantly different among different treatments; the change of chlorophyll a/b were steady in the whole stress period; the proline content chanqed mildly firstly then increased; the changes of electrolyte exosmosis percentage, MDA content and POD activity of Nongda 3 were not clear firstly then increased and then decreased, and analysis of variance showed there were no significant difference among different treatments, the change of SOD activity at the middle and low concentrations were not clear, the chang at high concentration was clear, and analysis of variance showed there were significant differences among different treatments, the change of Nongda 4 electrolyte exosmosis percentage, SOD activity, POD activity and MDA content firstly increased then decreased, after salt stress relieved, exosmosis percentage, SOD activity, POD activity at high concentration increased, while decreased at low concentration, MDA was opposite. In the long period of NaHCO3 salt stress, Nongda 3 and Nongda 4 C. humilises both showed highly tolerant against salt-stress.
    Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. Seedlings under Drought Stress
    SUN Jing-Kuan;ZHANG Wen-Hui;LU Zhao-Hua;LIU Xin-Cheng*
    2009, 29(2):  216-223.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.016
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    Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Grewia biloba var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. 2-year-old seedlings as materials,using weighing method to set up control(soil moisture 25.6%~27.2%),light stress(19.2%~20.8%), moderate stress(12.8%~14.4%), severe stress(6.4%~8.0%), the effects of drought stress on pigment content and Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of E.angustifolia L. and G.biloba G.Don var. parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. seedlings were studied.The results showed:(1)Along with the increasing degree of drought stress, the content of chlorophyll a, value of chlorophyll a/b, content of total chlorophyll of two species decreased,and the response of chlorophyll a to drought stress more is sensitive than chlorophyll b,but content of chlorophyll b and content of carotinoid of two species changed inconsistently.(2)Fm,Fv of G.biloba var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.-Mazz. decreased, E. angustifolia L. is opposite;but F0 increased, Fv/F0,Fv/Fm decreased, Fv/Fm were not significantly different,PhiPS2,ETR,qP first increased, then decreased, NPQ first decreased, then increased in two species.(3)Although the two species showed strong drought resistance, pigment content and Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were impacted greatly in severe drought stress(6.4%~8.0%), so it is possible that the content of soil moisture at this point is the tolerance limit of photosynthetic pigment and PSⅡof two species,compared with E. angustifolia L., G.biloba var.parviflora(Bge.)Hand.Mazz. is more sensitive to drought, in the future management, garden irrigation should be guided according to the soil moisture situation and the differences between species.
    Methodological Comparison of Chlorophyll and Carotenoids Contents of Plant Species Measured by DMSO and Acetone-extraction Methods
    WANG Wen-Jie;HE Hai-Sheng;GUAN Yu;LI Wen-Xin;ZHANG Zhong-Hua;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2009, 29(2):  224-229.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.017
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    Chlorophyll and carotenoids measurement by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and acetone extractions are two typical and popular methods used in plant ecophysiological research. However, few studies on the comparability between these two methods have been carried out. To answer this question, the contents of pigments in leaves and young branches of 19 woody species were measured in this study and we found the following conclusions. Firstly, chlorophyll a (Chla), Chlb and total chlorophyll contents measured by the DMSO method were much higher than those measured by the acetone method, however, the result of Chla/b ratio was slightly affected. Contrarily, carotenoids contents measured by the acetone method were much higher than those measured by DMSO method. Direct comparison of these data will make serious bias; Secondly, both chlorophyll data and carotenoids data measured by these two methods were significantly linearly correlated. Thus, it is possible to use these linear relations to make data correction in comparative studies; Thirdly, unit differences also affect the data correlations of these two methods. When using the unit of fresh mass, the correlation was much higher than that unit of surface area; Fourthly, the influences of these two methods on the data precision differed between leaves and branches. In the case of branches (low chlorophylls), two methods give slightly difference. However, the difference was much significant in the case of leaves (high chlorophylls). The possible reason may attribute to the extracting efficiency of DMSO is much higher than acetone. Finally, spectrophotometer precision (0.1 and 1 nm) were strongly affected the result of different pigments measured by DMSO method. The 0.1 nm spectrophotometer produced 15%~33% higher concentration of Chla, Chla+b and carotenoids, but a 4% lower concentration of Chlb although all the correlation coefficient R2 of two equipments were over 0.99. Our above methodological findings may provide a basis for pigments comparison in physiological field.
    Direct DNA Transformation of Minimal Linear smGFP Gene Cassette and Its Transient Expression in Onion Epidermal Cell
    XU Feng-Ping;YANG Jun*;CHENG Yun-Qing;LIU Jian-Feng;AN Li-Jia
    2009, 29(2):  230-233.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.018
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    The minimal linear smGFP gene cassette was constructed and transiently expressed in onion epidermal cell by adjusting the osmotic pressure of the transformation buffer. Strong fluorescence of green fluorescent protein was observed in cytoplasm and nucleus by fluorescence microscope, which proved that smGFP gene cassettes transformed into onion epidermal cell and kept its integrity. Exogenous gene was penetrated into host cell directly without any other force, such as particle bombardment, electransformation and microinjection. Therefore, it induces less damage to the host cells and has a wide range of application. In addition, this method is easily operated and less costly.
    Studies on Optimization of ISSR Amplified Conditions in Kudingcha Species in Oleaceae of China
    ZHENG Dao-Jun;LIU Guo-Min;*;LIANG Yuan-Fa;YAN Dong-Hai;LINGHU Chang-Di;TIANG Yong-Hui
    2009, 29(2):  234-241.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.019
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    The influential factors of ISSR for Kudingcha species in Oleaceae of China were systematically studied, a set of stable ISSR-PCR reaction parameters was established. 10 effective ISSR primers were selected out, and with them 21 test germplasm materials from 8 Kudingcha species in Oleaceae of China were examined for the repeatability and polymorphism of the optimized reaction conditions. The optimum ISSR-PCR reaction system was that 2.5 μL 10×PCR buffer, 2.0~3.0 mmol·L-1 MgCl2, 150~300 μmol·L-1 dNTPs, 1.0~1.5 Taq polymerase, 0.4~0.5 μmol·L-1 primers, and 5~320 ng DNA template were contained in 25 μL reaction solution. The optimized amplification program was that pre-denaturing at 94℃ for 4 min, then denaturing at 94℃ for 40 s, primer annealing at 50℃~54℃ for 45 s, extension at 72℃ for 120 s, for 35 cycles, at last extension at 72℃ for 8 min. The productions were stored at 4℃. The optimized ISSR-PCR reaction system was suitable for the study of genetic diversity and relationship of Kudingcha germplasm resources in Oleaceae of China.
    A Method for Lower Epidermis Micromorphology Research of Fresh Leaf of Gramineae
    YANG Hu-Biao;LI Xiao-Xia;LUO Li-Juan*
    2009, 29(2):  242-244.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.020
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    The aim of this study was to introduce an efficiect and fast method for observation the lower epidermis of fresh leaf of Gramineae, it also can be used for observation the stomata of Monocotyledon whatever fresh leaf or have been fixed in FAA solution. This method can avoid crispation when epidermis dehydration in 100% ethanol and clearing in Xylene to keep the full framework for accurate and efficient observation of microstructure. Furthermore, this method exhibits higher reliability and stability for micromorphology research of leaf epidermis of Gramineae and Monocotyledon.
    Purification and Identification of Populus ussuriensis Genomic DNA
    SHI Jiang-Tao;LI Jian*
    2009, 29(2):  245-247.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.021
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    Because of the differences in organizational structure and chemical composition of various kinds of trees, the nucleic acid extraction method varies as well. High quality DNA is the key factor in the study of forestry molecular biology. Exploring a sort of scientific and appropriate DNA extraction method is very important. In this paper, the extraction method of Populus ussuriensis genomic DNA was optimized. Through the analysis genomic DNA acquired by gel electrophoresis, UV analysis, restriction enzyme digestion and random primer PCR amplification, it is fully proved that it can meet the requirements of molecular biology experiments.
    The Changes of Five Flavonoids Contents in Crataegus chlorosarca Leaves
    LU Wei-Wei;LÜDe-Guo;LI Zhi-Xia;ZHOU Chuan-Sheng;
    2009, 29(2):  248-252.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.022
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    To fully use Crataegus leaves resources, experiment was conducted with C. chlorosarca Maxim. leaves as materials. The HPLC conditions with ZORBAX Extend-C18 column(250×4.6 mm,5 μm)was used, the mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile -0.5% phosphoric acid with gradient elution at flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1, the detection wavelength was set at 345 nm and the column temperature was 25℃ to develop a HPLC method for the quantitative analysis of vitexin, rhamnosylvitexin, hyperoside, rutin and quercetin.The results showed that the RSD of precision,reproducibility, stability and recovery results of five flavonoids was not exceed 3%. The methods is accurate and reliable. The main flavonoids of C. chlorosarca Maxim. were vitexin and hyperoside, whose changes were similar to that of the total flavonoids, and the highest contents were in October. The quality of leaves from C. chlorosarca Maxim. picked in October consistents with China Phamacopeia, so C. chlorosarca Maxim. can be used as a new medical resource.
    Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Oil from the Peel of Early Maturing Gold Pomelo
    ZHU Yue-Lin;ZHENG Xiao-Mei;WANG Wen-Guang
    2009, 29(2):  253-256.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2009.02.023
    Asbtract ( 2017 )   PDF (133KB) ( 568 )  
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    The volatile oil of early maturity gold pomelo peel was extracted by watersteaming method. The extraction process was optimized by orthogonal design. The optimum extracting condition obtained: adding 5 folds of water, extracting for 6 hours after smashing 60s. The chemical components were first analyzed by means of GC-MS. Twenty-five components, 98.43% of total content, had been identified from forty-four separated peaks. The main components were Limonene(65.82%), β-Myrcene(25.52%), 4-Thujene(1.78%), Perillene(0.44%), Linalool oxide(0.42%).