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    20 January 2014, Volume 34 Issue 1
    Cloning and Loss Expression Analysis of 5′ Flanking Sequence of UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase from Sugarcane
    YE Bing-Ying;WANG Ting;HE Wen-Jin;QIU Si;CHEN You-Qiang;*
    2014, 34(1):  62-67.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.009
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    The different lengths of 5′ flanking sequence of UGPase were cloned by Adaptor-ligation PCR. These different lengths of 5′ flanking sequences of UGPase gene were fused with the coding sequence of GUS (β-glucuronidase) gene to construct fusion genes. All the fusion genes were injected into leaves of Nicotiana tabacum for transient GUS expression. The results showed that the 5′ flanking sequence of UGPase gene did not have any promoter activity.
    Variation of Stem Growth and Morphology Traits of Exotic Pine Hybrids and their Correlations
    LUAN Qi-Fu;LI Yan-Jie;JIANG Jing-Min*
    2014, 34(1):  95-102.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.013
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    The hybrids studied include Pinus elliottii Engelman var. elliottii(PEE)×P.caribaea var. hondurensis(PCH), PEE×P.caribaea var. caribaea(PCC), PEE×P.caribaea var. Bahamensis(PCB), P.taeda L.(PTA)×PCH, PTA×PCC and PTA×PCB and they were tested by randomized complete block design with 5 replicates, single tree row plot in field located in the hilly area of mid-north subtropical zone. The tree stem height (H), Diameter at breast height (DBH), stem straightness (SF), branch size (BZ), branch layer number (BLN) and branch angle (BA) of the pine crosses at the age of five years were measured. At the same time, needle length (NL) and needle sheath length (FSL) of the hybrids and their parents were measured. The results of variances analysis showed that the stem growth and morphology traits of six pine hybrids have abundant diversity among different pine taxon, families and individuals. The coefficient of variance for stem volume and straightness was 30%-50%, and 2%-30% for other growth and morphology traits. Some of the variances had potential uses in selection of pine varieties with high yield and tolerance to the bad weather. For example, the needle length of the crosses of PEE and caribaea pine was shorter than their parents, and PEE×PCH had better stem form with good straightness and small branch angles. The crosses of PTA×PCH had several good growth and morphology traits such as fast growth, thin branches, small branch angle and good stem form. The correlation showed that the traits of stem growth, needle length, branch angle and stem straightness can be improved easily because they had positive correlation. Totally the research revealed that the exotic pine hybrids such as PEE×PCH had varieties with good stem growth and more tolerance to heavy snow and sleet storms, which was very important for the tree breeding under the climatic change circumstances all over the earth.
    Comparative Study on the Bisexual Flower and Unisexual Male Flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge
    LÜXue-Qin;ZHANG Min;WANG Di;WANG Li*
    2014, 34(1):  85-94.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.012
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    Semi-thin sectioning and electron microscopy were used to observe and analyze the development processes in the bisexual flower and unisexual male flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. The results show that: (1)At the early microspore development stage, there is no obvious difference between these two different kinds of flowers. At the uninuclear phase of microspore development when the cell walls thicken, lip cells do not form in the bisexual flower, but develop in the unisexual male flower. At the mature microspore stage, the lip cells form completely and the anther forms a double heart-shape in the unisexual male flower. However, the anther has not broken completely and can not disperse pollen. (2)In the bisexual flower, the ovary has two rooms, the cells are closely packed, the stigmas are cylindrical with papillate cells, and there is a hollow canal inside the style. However, in the unisexual male flower, the development of stigmas cease without the formation of a hollow canal inside the style, the ovarian rooms shrink, and the embryo sac degenerates. (3)The tapetum cells of the unisexual male flower contain many protein bodies, amyloplasts, vacuoles, and Ubisch bodies, and the tapetum cells completely disappear at the later microspore development stage. However, these organelles become less abundant in tapetum cells of the bisexual flower, and the tapetum cells do not completely disappear. (4)The pollen cell wall thickens without germination apertures in the bisexual flower, whereas in the unisexual male flower there are three germination apertures on the pollen grains, and many vacuoles, protein bodies, and liposomes accumulate in the pollen grains.
    Extraction of Magnolol and Honokiol in Magnoliae Cortex by Response Surface Method
    FENG Xue-Hua;ZHANG Guo-Sheng;TAO A-Li;CAO Dian-Jie
    2014, 34(1):  103-107.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.014
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    Response surface method was used optimize the extraction techniques of magnolol and honokiol from Magnoliae. Solvent/solid ratio, ethanol concentration and extraction time served as independent variables while the total extraction yield of magnolol and honokiol served as the dependent variable. Based on multiple linear regression and binomial expression, central composite design and response surface method were employed to optimize the extracting process, and predicative analysis was conducted. The optimized extraction conditions showed that solvent/solid ratio 60 mL·g-1, ethanol concentration 72% and extraction time 78 min gave the total extraction yield 2.29%. The optimum process was simple in methodology and reliable in extraction yield.
    Comprehensive Germination Quality Evaluation of Bupleurum chinense Seeds of Different Maturities from Qingchuan County with the Topsis Approach
    YAO Ru-Yu;WANG Fei;ZOU Yuan-Feng;WANG Lu;YANG Xing-Wang;CHEN Xing-Fu*
    2014, 34(1):  108-113.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.015
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    Topsis approach, a multiindexes evaluation method, can be used for comprehensive comparison of objects. This approach was used to investigate Bupleurum chinense seeds’ germination quality of different maturities from Qingchuan County. The anatomic structure of the seeds were observed with paraffin method, and their appearance was analyzed, and then the content of soluble sugar and soluble protein, thousand kernel weight (TKW), as well as the seeds’ germination indexes were determined. Seeds of different maturities differed in appearance, TKW, bibulous performance, germination characteristics, nutrients content and anatomical structure. After being post-harvested for 4 weeks, the embryo of seeds of different maturities can be developed into a similar level; with the increasing of the seeds’ maturity, seeds’ dry weight increased, seedling quality enhanced. Being analyzed with Topsis approach, the green seeds, which possessed a good germination characteristic, were recognized to be the superior group, followed by the yellow, the brown and the black. Black seeds’ TKW and embryo rate were greater than the others, but their germination rate was low, these may attribute to the highest contents of coumarins, which both inhabited the embryo growing and germination. Green seeds’ comprehensive quality is better than the others; followed by the yellow, and then the brown and the black. In terms of agricultural technique, it is better to harvest the seeds in time, hereby obtaining a low proportion of overripen seeds, which are inferior.
    Analysis on the Aroma Components of Different Floral Organs of Aromatic Camellia ‘Kramer’s supreme’ Based on HS-SPME/GC-MS
    FAN Zheng-Qi;LI Ji-Yuan*;LI Xin-Lei;YIN Heng-Fu
    2014, 34(1):  136-142.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.019
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    The volatile oils from different organs of Camellia ‘Kramer’s supreme’ flowers were extracted by HS-SPME and analyzed by GC-MS. Eighty-nine, eighty and twenty-one kinds of compounds were detected from the integral flower, petals and stamens, respectively. The aroma components were consisted of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, benzene compounds, alkanes, alcohols, straight chain olefins, aldehydes, ketones. The relative content of linalool is the highest in the compounds list, followed by cis-linaloloxide, methyl salicylate, tetradecane, etc. A significant difference exited between petals and stamens. The relative contents of linalool in petals and stamens were 15.12% and 63.97%. Alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons were rare in stamens. The absolute amount of aroma components from all petals was three times over to that from all stamens in a same full flower, but the results were converse when comparing the weight of two sample. It indicated that petals and stamens had the same contribution to the fragrance of ‘Kramer’s supreme’.
    Relationships Between Stand Spatial Structure Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Broad-leaved Korean Pine(Pinus koraiensis) Forest in Liangshui Nature Reserve,Northeast China
    DONG Ling-Bo;LIU Zhao-Gang*;LI Feng-Ri;JIANG Lei
    2014, 34(1):  114-120.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.016
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    The relationships between stand spatial structure and influencing factors of broadleaved Korean pine forest in Liangshui Nature Reserve of northeast China, was studied with the method of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The data were collected form the forest resource inventory of the study area in 2009, which contain 60 plots. However, only 28 plots of typical broad-leaved Korean pine were selected in this paper, including five stand spatial structure parameters and eighteen influencing factors. The results showed that the broad-leaved Korean pine forest of the study area had a reasonable stand spatial structure overall, e.g., the horizontal distribution pattern of stands was mainly random distribution, the states of tree growth were at the doctrine of mean as a whole, and the mixed degree of species were also high. The relationships between stand spatial structure and influencing factors could be reflected by the CCA. The first CCA axis accounted for the stand age, slope, hardwood ratio and aspect, and the second CCA axis showed variation due to aspect, soil organic matter and mean diameter at breast height. On the whole, the combination of these six factors largely determined the stand spatial structure characteristics. Furthermore, the influencing factors were quantitatively assessed. The stand spatial structure of broadleaved Korean pine forest explained by stand, terrain and soil factors reached 59.20%. Within that, pure terrain factors accounted for up to 30.68% of the variation, stand factors for 19.01%, and soil factors for 8.21%. Other undermined factors accounted for an additional 40.80% of the variation.
    Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrients to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition in Typical Mixed Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest
    LIU Jian-Cai;CHEN Jin-Ling;JIN Guang-Ze*
    2014, 34(1):  121-130.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.017
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    In order to determine the effects of increased nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon and nutrients in mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China, a simulated nitrogen deposition field experiment was conducted from June 2008 to August 2010. Four nitrogen treatments (control, low, medium and high nitrogen) used CO(NH2)2 solution of 0, 30, 60 and 120 kg·hm-2·a-1. We collected 0-20, 20-40, 40-60 cm soil samples and measured soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), alkali-hydrolyzable N(HN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium (AK) in June and October, 2009 and 2010. For two years experiments, we found that SOC and TN contents decreased with the increase of soil depth. Low and medium nitrogen treatments significantly increased SOC, HN and AK contents (P<0.05). While, medium, high nitrogen treatments significantly reduced AP content (P<0.05), and there was no significant changes of the TN before and after simulated nitrogen deposition field experiment (P>0.05). Regression analysis showed that significant positive associations were found between the SOC and TN, HN, AP, AK (P<0.001). The study suggests that continuous nitrogen deposition may increase the soil organic carbon pool and soil fertility in the mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest ecosystem.
    Rapid Propagation Technique System of Blueberry
    GONG Xue-Yuan;DU Ya-Tian*;ZHANG Xiang-Yu;LIU Jiao
    2014, 34(1):  131-135.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.018
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    Budding stems of Vaccinium corymbosum hybrid were used as the test materials to systematically investigate tissue culture. Proliferation and induction of cluster buds, effects on cluster buds induction and proliferation of the subculture time, test-tube rooting, ex vitro rooting, transplantation survival rate with these two different rootings in V.corymbosum hybrid were researched with tissue culture. The optimal proliferated and induced medium for V.corymbosum hybrid was WPM medium with 2.0 mg·L-1 ZT, and proliferation rate can reached 3.5; the proliferation rate can reached 24.00 with six times of subculture culture. The optimal medium for test-tube rooting was WPM medium with 0.5 mg·L-1 ZT, 0.1 mg·L-1 IBA with rooting rates of 80.73%±3.17%, and the rooting culture time is 100 d. The best methods for ex vitro rooting was taking explants diping in solution with 25 mg·L-1 IBA for 10s, and the nutrient solution is 1/6 WPM with the perlite as support materials with rooting rates of 80.00%±5.00%, and the rooting culture time is 40 d. The survival rate of ex vitro rooting is two times to test-tube rooting. The rapid propagation technique system have established and laid the technical foundation on industrialized seedling.
    Sorbus aueuparia‘macrocarpa’——A New Species in Sorbus L.
    WANG Jun;CHEN Shi-Yong
    2014, 34(1):  143-144.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.020
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    Sorbus aueuparia ‘macrocarpa’ is a new species screened from Sorbus aueuparia introduced from Russia. The fruit is big, the maximum diameter reaches 1.1 cm, the stipules are persistent, the back of leaves are hairless. It grows fast with strong resistances to diseases and insects.
    Two New Species of Yushania Keng f.(Poaceae) from Western Slope of Gaoligongshan,Yunnan,China
    YANG Lin;YI Tong-Pei
    2014, 34(1):  1-5.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.001
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    This paper issued two new species of Yushania Keng f. from Western Slope of Gaoligongshan, Yunnan. Y.gigantea Yi et L. Yang is similar to Y.xizangensis Yi, but collar of this species is wide, 7~12 mm in diam., internode to 2.5 cm long; bigger culms, 6~7 m tall, internodes complanate or short longitudinal ditch on base a side of ramification, leaves (5) 6 (7) per ultimate, sheath (2.5) 3.2~4.8 cm long;,petiobles glabrous,blade biger, (3.5)10~18(20) cm×(0.45)8~1.3(1.8) cm. Y.pianmaensis Yi et L. Yang differs from Y.gigantea Yi et L. Yang by its shorter and smaller culms, 2.5~4 m high, 1~1.8(2.5) cm in diam.; more branches in per nodes, 12~30 per node, more slender, 1~1.5(2) mm diam. , culm sheaths glabrous, smaller blade, 1.5~3.5 cm long, 1~2.5 mm wide; A fewer leaves, (3)4~5 per ultimate branch, smaller blade, 12.5×0.8 cm.
    Spatial Patterns and Successions of Vegetation in Shanxi
    QIU Li-Chuan;WANG Shang-Yi
    2014, 34(1):  6-13.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.002
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    Shanxi is located China’s inner province and has a temperate continental monsoon climate. It is shaped like parallelogram, covers an area of 1.56×10.5 km2. It has temperate vegetation, including broadleaf deciduous forest in central and southern Shanxi and steppe in northern Shanxi. Based on the vegetation map of Shanxi in 1984 and 2005, the map of formations was edited in ArcGIS software. Then range and area of each formation, forest, shrub, herbaceous vegetation and cultivated vegetation in Shanxi were got. Spatial distribution and its succession, spatial pattern and its change in vegetation were studied by the methods of overlay analysis and landscape pattern analysis. Forest was relatively concentrated in the southwest and significantly increased in the northwest corner. It was most dispersed distribution in the vegetation of Shanxi. Its area and proportion in vegetation were the lowest. Pinus tabulaeformis forest was dominant in forest. The reconstruction of forest depended mainly on P.tabulaeformis forest, Populus simonii forest and Quercus liaotungensis forest. Shrub in 1984 was the largest area, occupied the highest proportion in vegetation and more than 50%. It covered in contiguous area which was the biggest in vegetation. However, it decreased rapidly in central and southern Shanxi. Shrub was most seriously damaged in the vegetation of Shanxi. Hippophae rhamnoides, Ostryopsis davidiana shrub and Cotinus spp., Forsythia suspensa shrub were the biggest influence on shrub. Herbaceous vegetation decreased mainly in northern Shanxi and increased in central and southern Shanxi. It was more dispersed than before. Bothriochloa ischaemum grassland was dominant and Artemisia spp., grass steppe and Thymus mongolicus, grass steppe changed most obviously in herbaceous vegetation of Shanxi. Cultivated vegetation increased obviously. Its proportion in vegetation increased rapidly and became dominant in vegetation of Shanxi. Forest and cultivated vegetation increased 24.3% and 71.5% respectively, but shrub and herbaceous vegetation decreased 70.3% and 15.6% respectively. Succession was mainly caused by human being.
    Prediction of Origin and Dispersal of the Chinese Genus Bupleurum using RASP Software
    WANG Qi-Zhi;YU Yan;HE Xing-Jin;WANG Chang-Bao
    2014, 34(1):  14-24.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.003
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    Molecular phylogenetic analyses of 26 Chinese species of Bupleurum were firstly conducted using nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and cpDNA rps16 based on the RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies) software, including the Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis (S-DIVA) and Binary Bayesian MCMC methods (BBM). Seseli squarrulosum and S.mairei were used as out-groups. Our findings indicate that the proportion of ancestor distributions are most probably from the South China based on ITS and rps16 sequences in special spots, and Southern China is mostly likely the Chinese origin for Bupleurum. The likelihood of dispersal is highest at 20 and 2.5 megayear before present (Ma Bp), and lowest at 15 Ma Bp in the Time-Event curve. Our study further suggests that the scatter distributions are in North China, and species in northern China were separated from the southern conspecific during the 20 Ma Bp (Lu-shan glacial substage). Species from southern China dispersed outwards via various routes. The genus Bupleurum had a low rate of dispersal at 15 Ma Bp when the southern regions provided refuge for species during the cooling period. Both southern and northern species diversified and dispersed again at 2.5 Ma Bp (Dali glacial substage) due to the uplift of Qing-Zang Plateau.
    Comparative Study on Morphological Characteristics and Ecological Adaptability of Vessel Elements of Ten Ribes L. Varieties
    LI Guo-Xiu;ZHENG Bao-Jiang*
    2014, 34(1):  25-31.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.004
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    The morphological structure of vessel elements of ten Ribes L. varieties were observed and studied by optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results are as follows: (1) The perforations for vessel elements of the ten Ribes L. varieties are scalariform perforation plate, and the number of perforation plate bars is different while the angles of end wall are in the little change. (2) There are alternate pitting and both alternate pitting and opposite pitting, and the shape of pits are different. (3) In the inner wall of some vessel elements, there are spiral thickenings and nets embossment. The researches show that Ribes L. varieties under different habitats have strong correlation between morphological structure and its ecological adaptability. The results show that the vessel elements of hygrophilous species are shorter and wider in diameter, while the vessel element of the xerophytes species are longer and smaller in diameter and ones of mesial species are in the middle size in both length and diameter. The relationship between the morphological characteristics of vessel elements and their ecological adaptability was analyzed in this paper.
    Molecular Evidence for Bidirectional Hybrid Origin and Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. sinensis as the Mainly Maternal Plant of the Diploid Hybrid H.goniocarpa(Elaeagnaceae)
    JIANG Yan-Fei;YAN Rong;SU Xue;CHEN Wen;SUN Kun*
    2014, 34(1):  32-36.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.005
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    Hippophae goniocarpa is a natural hybrid species through homoploid hybridization between H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis and H.neurocarpa distributed sympatrically. Maternally inherited cpDNA trnS-G sequence was used to detect the genetic relationship among 93 individuals of H.goniocarpa and its parent species which distributed sympatrically in Gongbeiwan and river land of Babao of Qilian, Qinghai. The results showed that H.goniocarpa and its parent species in the Gongbeiwan and river land of Babao had 12 and 7 haplotypes, respectively. H.goniocarpa shared common haplotypes with both H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis and H.neurocarpa in the two places. Twenty-eight out of 36 individuals of H.goniocarpa shared common haplotypes with H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis(H2, H4, H5), only two individuals shared common haplotypes with H.neurocarpa at Gongbeiwan. Seven out of 10 individuals of H.goniocarpa shared common haplotypes with H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis(H4), 3 out of 10 individuals of H.goniocarpa shared common haplotypes with H.neurocarpa(H7) at river land of Babao. Phylogenetic tree of H.goniocarpa and its parent species from two regions was constructed by Maximum Parsimony (MP), and the results showed that most individuals of H.goniocarpa were clustered together with H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis. In addition, 6 individuals of H.goniocarpa with 4 typical haplotypes (H3, H7, H8 and H9) were also clustered with H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis. The bidirectional hybrid origin of H.goniocarpa is further proved here and H.rhamnoides ssp. sinensis is found to be the main maternal source.
    Cloning and Expression Analysis of DtpsMADS1 Gene from Doritaenopsis hybrid
    YUAN Xiu-Yun;TIAN Yun-Fang;JIANG Su-Hua;WANG Mo-Fei;MA Jie;CUI Bo*
    2014, 34(1):  53-61.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.008
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    Plant MADS-box genes encode a family of highly conserved transcription factors which involved in many different developmental processes, including floral formation and flowering. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of floral development in the monocotyledonous species Doritaenopsis hybrid, we isolated cDNA of a MADS-box gene from this plant by the method of 3′ and 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends using degenerate primers designed according to the MADS-box protein family conserved region from inflorescence rachis at flowering stage. The full length cDNA of this gene is 960 bp, with a 37 bp 5′ UTR, an ORF of 753 bp and 185 bp 3′ UTR encoding 245 putative amino acids. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis indicated a high degree of predicted protein sequence identity with those from other species. The gene belongs to the class of AP1/FUL-like group of MADS-box genes and was termed as DtpsMADS1(accession No.JQ065097). Real-time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) results showed that DtpsMADS1 had obvious expression specificity in different organs; DtpsMADS1 had higher levels of expression in root and leaf at pre-flowering stage and post-flowering stage, meanwhile had lower levels of expression at seedling stage and full-blossom stage; The expression of DtpsMADS1 in inflorescence rachis showed the same tendency as root and leaf; However, only trace expression level was detected in flower organs. The results suggested that DtpsMADS1 could be involved in regulating the flowering process, not in floral morphogenesis.
    Genome-wide Identification and Characterization of NLP Gene Family in Populus trichocarpa
    WU Xiang-Yu;XU Zhi-Ru;QU Chun-Pu;LI Wei;SUN Qi;LIU Guan-Jun*
    2014, 34(1):  37-43.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.006
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    NLP gene family is a special transcription factor, the initiation of nodule development is dependent on the function of this gene family, in other species plant it has the function of regulating plant nitrate absorption and assimilation. Genome-wide analysis in Populus trichocarpa had identified 14 NLP gene family members. These members have the characteristics of low hydrophilic, the conservative gene structure and contain RWP-RK and PB1 two conservative domain. The localization of all members of NLP genes in P.trichocarpa was predicted in the nucleus. Evolution analysis showed that NLP gene family members experience strict filter. Chromosome localization analysis showed that the members of P.trichocarpa NLP genes were located on 9 chromosomes, the expanding of NLPs in P.trichocarpa was caused by Salicaceae duplication events. Microarray data analysis showed that NLPs had a high transcript accumulation in leaf, root and male catkins, some genes were expressed in xylem, seed and female catkins, but no gene was detected in the mature leaf.
    Cloning, Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis of SlDP1 Gene in Tomato
    DU Li-Xin;HU Zong-Li;ZHANG Jian-Ling;CHEN Guo-Ping*
    2014, 34(1):  68-74.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.010
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    DP gene belonging to DP/E2F transcription family, encodes a dimeric chaperonin of E2F protein, which is essential for regulating cell cycle, DNA replication, growth, differentiation and apoptosis. According to sequence registered in SNG database, a DP gene was cloned using RT-PCR, and named as SlDP1 gene. SlDP1 protein is located in nucleus, contains conserved DNA-binding domain, dimerization domain, C-terminal domain and multiple phosphorylation sites. SlDP1 protein has 51.50% loop, 34.02% α-helixes and 11.87% β-strands. Exogenous hormone analysis manifested that SlDP1 gene was induced by ethylene precursor ACC. Results of abiotic environment response indicated that SlDP1 gene was not induced in leaves under wound and salt stress, but was apparently induced in salt-stress root. The expression pattern analysis revealed that expression of SlDP1 gene was stronger in flower, sepal and mature fruits. Taken together, our data establish a good foundation for studying the biological functions of SlDP1 gene in tomato life cycle.
    Cloning and Expression Analysis of a DEAD-box RNA helicases Gene, SlDEAH1 in Solanum lycopersicum
    ZHANG Jian-Ling;CHEN Guo-Ping;ZHU Ming-Ku;TU Yun;HU Gong-Ling;HU Zong-Li*
    2014, 34(1):  44-52.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.007
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    DEAD-box RNA helicases, which function as the RNA chaperones, are involved in RNA metabolism, including pre-mRNA splicing, ribosome biogenesis, RNA degradation and gene expression. In addition, they also play important roles in plant development and stress tolerance. A DEAD-box homologous protein was selected from the NCBI database by means of program of homologous alignment according to the published DEAD-box protein in Arabidopsis thaliana and maize and named SlDEAH1, then the specific primers, which being used to amplify the cDNA sequences of SlDEAH1 from wild type tomato AC++, were designed according to the DNA corresponding sequences. Bioinformatics analysis, expression pattern, stress and hormone treatments were used to study the DEAD-box gene SlDEAH1. The results showed that the open reading frame of SlDEAH1 was 2 073 bp, encoding 690 amino acid residues. In the protein of SlDEAH1, 9 conserved motifs were found to be essential for the helicase activities such as ATP binding, ATP hydrolysis and RNA binding. RT-PCR expression pattern analysis showed that SlDEAH1 may play important roles in sepal and leaf development and fruit ripening. High temperature, low temperature, dehydration, wounding and salt stress induced the expression of SlDEAH1 in different degrees in leaves, but its expression in roots was obviously inhibited by salt stress. Furthermore, the expression of SlDEAH1 was also induced in different degrees by ABA, ACC, IAA, GA3, MeJA and ZT, and the inductive effect of ABA was the most obvious. These results lay a foundation for further study on the physiological function of SlDEAH1 in the development and stress response of Solanum lycopersicum.
    Cloning and Gene Expression of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-CoA Synthase Gene(AsHMGS) from Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.) Gilg
    LIU Juan;XU Yan-Hong;YANG Yong;LIANG Liang;GAO Zhi-Hui;YANG Yun;ZHANG Zheng;SUI Chun;WEI Jian-He;*
    2014, 34(1):  75-84.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.01.011
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    Homologous HMGS gene cDNA was isolated from the stem of Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.) Gilg through reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique, and named as AsHMGS. The nucleotide sequence of AsHMGS gene was 1 831 bp and contained an open reading frame (ORF) of 1 398 bp encoding 465 amino acids with a molecular weight of 51.4 kD, and the theoretical isoelectric point was 6.25. Representative motifs of AsHMGS and active site were deduced in the amino acids sequence of AsHMGS. The results of phylogenetic analysis suggested that the protein sequence of AsHMGS had high similarity to that of Arabidopsis thaliana, Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata, and Brassica juncea, followed by Camellia sinensis, Camptotheca acuminate, and Panax ginseng. The results of real-time PCR showed that the transcription of AsHMGS could be induced by methyl jasmonate.