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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 956-963.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.06.005

• Systematic and Evolutionary • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Genetic Structure and Phylogeography Analysis of Artemisia intramongolica Based on Single Copy Nuclear Genes

Siru TANG, Tiejuan WANG(), Fang XIU, Mengyao LIU, Hui ZHANG   

  1. College of Life Sciences and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization for College and University of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hohhot 010022
  • Received:2022-02-15 Online:2022-11-20 Published:2022-11-22
  • Contact: Tiejuan WANG E-mail:wtj105@163.com
  • About author:TANG Siru(1994—),female,postgraduate,mainly engaged in botanical research.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia(2019MS03041)


To investigate the genetic and phylogeography structure of Artemisia intramongolica, which was an important sand-fixing plant in Hunsandak sandy land in China, the homologous single-copy nuclear genes c9065 and c7847 were developed by transcriptome sequencing, and then eight natural populations of A. intramongolica were studied. The results showed that the total length of c9065 and c7847 were 485 bp and 457 bp, respectively, with 14 and 19 variable loci, and 48 and 40 haplotypes were obtained. Based on c9065 and c7847, the haplotype diversity(Hd) was 0.871 6 and 0.934 8, respectively, and all populations were above 0.8. The total nucleotide diversity(π) was 0.008 2 and 0.005 9, respectively, and all populations were above 0.005, indicating that both species and populations had high genetic diversity. The results of AMOVA analysis showed that 99.398% and 98.908% of genetic variation existed within the populations of A. intramongolica based on c9065 and c7847, respectively, with gene flow(Nm)of 6.810 and 7.270, respectively, much greater than 1, indicating that there was extensive gene exchange among populations of A. intramongolica. Based on c9065Nst<Gst, although Nst>Gst by c7847, but the difference was not significant(P>0.05), indicating that A.intramongolica population did not exist phylogeographic structure. The neutral test showed that Tajima’s D values for both nuclear geneswere all not significant(P>0.05), while Fu’s Fs values were all significant(P<0.05), and combined with the mismatch distribution analysis, A.intramongolica experienced limited population expansion under the neutral mode.

Key words: Artemisia intramongolica, single-copy nuclear genes, genetic structure, phylogeography

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