Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 364-372.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.03.006
• Systematic and Evolutionary • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wenjing WANG1,2, Hongfan CHEN1,2, Guojun SHAO1,2, Hong LIAO1,2, Jianli ZHAO1,2(), Qingjun LI1,2
Jianli ZHAO
About author:
WANG Wenjing(1996—),female,doctor,main engaging in plant evolutionary developmental biology research.
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Wenjing WANG, Hongfan CHEN, Guojun SHAO, Hong LIAO, Jianli ZHAO, Qingjun LI. Nectary Structure of Selfing and Outcrossing Speciesin Roscoea[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2022, 42(3): 364-372.
R. cautleoides and R. schneideriana’s paraffin section of nectaryA-C.Nectary of R. cautleoides; D-F.Nectary of R. schneideriana;A,D.Longitudinal section microscope magnified by 40 times;B,E.Longitudinal section microscope magnified by 200 times;C,F.Horizontal section and magnified 100 times;Yellow triangle indicates nectary,yellow arrow indicates vascular tissue,and black arrow indicates secretory epidermal intercellular space,purple triangle indicates the style structure
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