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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 161-173.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.02.001

• Systematic and Evolutionary •     Next Articles

Correction of Typographical Errors in the Protologue of Twenty-five Taxa (Ferns) in China

Yun Lin1, Qian Sun2(), Xiaobing Zhang3, Dongdong He3, Huibing Wu1, Li Song3, Wenqun Liu1   

  1. 1.Hunan Medication Vestibule School,Hunan Food and Drug Vocational College,Changsha 410208
    2.College of Health Science and Environmental Engineering,Shenzhen Technology University,Shenzhen 518118
    3.Department of Biology,Taiyuan Normal University,Taiyuan 030031
  • Received:2020-09-02 Online:2022-03-20 Published:2022-02-22
  • Contact: Qian Sun E-mail:sunqian2@sztu.edu.cn
  • About author:Lin Yu(1987—),male,master,lecturer,major in Botany.
  • Supported by:
    Plant Specimen Digitization and Chinese Virtual Herbarium Establishment(2005DKA21401);Natural Science Foundation of Top Talent of SZTU(2019010801010)


According to Article 9.2 in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants(Shenzhen Code), the typographical errors in the protologues of twenty-five taxa(ferns) in China were corrected respectively, including Gleichenia cantonensis Ching, Hicriopteris omeiensis Ching & P.S. Chiu, Hypolepis yunnanensis Ching, Coniogramme latibasis Ching ex K.H. Shing, Athyrium costulalisorum Ching, Athyrium exindusiatum Ching, Athyrium gongshanense Ching, Athyrium habaense Ching, Athyrium pseudoepirachis Ching, Athyrium submacrocarpum Ching & S.K. Wu, Lunathyrium sichuanense Z.R. Wang var. jinfoshanense Z.R. Wang, Pseudocystopteris remota Ching, Diacalpe medogensis R.C. Ching & S.K. Wu, Arachniodes falcata Ching, Cyrtogonellum caducum Ching, Cyrtogonellum salicifolium Ching & Y.T. Hsieh, Cyrtomium moupingense Ching & K.H. Shing ex K.H. Shing, Cyrtomium tsinglingense Ching & K.H. Shing ex K.H. Shing, Dryopteris grandiosa Ching & P.C. Chiu, Dryopteris occidental-zhejiangensis Ching & P.C. Chiu, Dryopteris subtenuicula Ching & P.C. Chiu, Hemigramma distinctipetiolata Ching, Trogostolon yunnanensis Ching, Colysis liouii Ching and Lepisorus pseudonudus Ching.

Key words: Ferns, protologue, typographical errors

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