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植物研究 ›› 1999, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 7-11.

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张海洋1, 姜祥君1, 董锡文1, 韩秋菊2   

  1. 1. 佳木斯大学师范学院生物系, 佳木斯 154007;
    2. 黑龙江省农垦师范学校, 佳木斯 154007
  • 收稿日期:1997-03-10 出版日期:1999-06-15 发布日期:2016-06-14
  • 基金资助:


Zhang Hai-yang1, Jiang Xiang-jun1, Dong Xi-wen1, Han Qiu-ju2   

  1. 1. Biology Department, Normal College of Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007;
    2. Heilongjiang Agricultural Teacher's school, Jiamusi 154007
  • Received:1997-03-10 Online:1999-06-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 本文通过对龙葵(Solanum nigrum L.)及变种黄果龙葵(S. nigrum L. var. flavovirens S. Z. Liou et W. Q. Wang)和少花龙葵(S. nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou)的形态特征比较及系统聚类分析研究,认为可分为2个种(龙葵和少花龙葵)及1个变种(黄果龙葵)。二倍体的少花龙葵为原始类群,可作为独立种(S. pauciflorum (Liou)H. Y. Zhang),龙葵和黄果龙葵是由少花龙葵演化而来的不同的多倍体种。

关键词: 龙葵, 变种, 比较形态学, 聚类分析

Abstract: Based on studing external morphological characters of Solanum nigrum L., S. nigrum L. var. flavovirens S. Z. Liou et W. Q. Wang and S. nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou in china have been studied. The difference in colour of ripe fruit and leaf shape of S. nigrum L. var. flavovirens S. Z. Liou et W. Q. Wang and S. nigrum L. has been found, which is in colour of ripe fruit and trichome shape and size of organ of S. nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou and S. nigrum L.. Through cluster analysis, S. nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou is one class. S. nigrum L. and S. nigrum L. var. flavovirens S. Z. Liou et W. Q. Wang are another class. S. nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou shows primitive character, which has been considered to be an independent species, S. pauciflorum (Liou) H. Y. Zhang. S. nigrum L. and S. nigrum L. var. flavovirens S. Z. Liou et W. Q. Wang are different polyploid species which evoluted from S.nigrum L. var. pauciflorum Liou.

Key words: Solanum nigrum, Variation, Comparative morphological, Cluster analysis