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植物研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 139-147.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2025.01.015

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    

一种枣植物组织改良的Steedman’s wax石蜡切片方法

马小玲, 章英才()   

  1. 宁夏大学生命科学学院,银川 750021
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-16 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 通讯作者: 章英才 E-mail:yingcaizh@163.com
  • 作者简介:马小玲(2003—),女,本科生,主要从事植物资源保护与利用研究。
  • 基金资助:

An Improved Steedman’s Wax Sectioning Method for Plant Tissues of Ziziphus jujuba

Xiaoling MA, Yingcai ZHANG()   

  1. School of Life Sciences,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021
  • Received:2023-10-16 Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-23
  • Contact: Yingcai ZHANG E-mail:yingcaizh@163.com


为了建立一种简便、安全、快速的石蜡制片方法,减少试验过程中有毒试剂二甲苯的使用,以4个时期灵武长枣(Ziziphus jujuba ‘Lingwu Changzao’)的叶和果实为试验材料,采用改良的低熔点多酯蜡(Steedman’s wax)切片法观察不同时期的叶和果实结构特征,包括采用改良包埋试剂,省略二甲苯透明步骤,缩短试验过程,建立起一套可行的植物组织石蜡制片方法,并与常规石蜡切片方法比较,为研究植物组织结构特征提供新思路。结果表明:通过改良的低熔点多酯蜡切片法获得的叶片和果实组织的形态结构完整且染色清晰,该改良方法不但简化了试验步骤、缩短了制片周期,而且制得的切片质量与常规石蜡切片质量无差别,达到了优化试验步骤、避免二甲苯等有毒试剂使用、节省试验时间、整体上提高植物石蜡制片效率的目的,值得用于更多植物形态解剖学研究。

关键词: 枣, 低熔点多酯蜡, 石蜡切片, 解剖特征


In order to establish a simple, safe and rapid paraffin sectioning method to reduce the use of poisonous agent xylene in experimental process,the leaf and fruit of four periods of Ziziphus jujuba ‘Lingwu Changzao’were used as materials, and the anatomic features were observed by an improved low melting point polyester wax(Steedman’s wax) sectioning technique, and a set of feasible methods for paraffin sectioning preparation of plant tissues were established by improving embedding reagent, omitting the xylene transparence step, shortening the experimental processes, and compared it with conventional paraffin sectioning technique, it provided a new method for studying the plant tissues structures characteristics. The results indicated that the morphological structures of the leaf and fruit were complete and the staining was clear in paraffin sectioning obtained by the improved low melting point polyester wax(Steedman’s wax) sectioning method, the experimental procedures were not only simplified and the whole experimental time had been shortened, but also the quality of slices obtained using the improved sectioning technique was same as the conventional paraffin sectioning, and the experimental procedures were optimized and the use of toxic reagents such as xylene was avoided and experimental time was saved, and the efficiency of plant paraffin making was improved, it would be worthy of being used in more plant morphological anatomy research.

Key words: Ziziphus jujuba, Steedman’s wax, paraffin sectioning technique, anatomy structure
