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植物研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 193-198.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.02.012

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  1. 1.上海交通大学农业与生物学院,上海 200240;2.上海植物园,上海 200231;3.上海市林木总站,上海 200072
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-03-20 发布日期:2011-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 曾丽
  • 基金资助:

Relationship of 17 Rosa Plants Detected by Morphology and ISSR Analysis

YANG Fan;ZENG Li*;YE Kang;ZHAO Zi-Gang;ZHANG Pin;GONG Xiao-Wen;YIN Qin;SUN Qiang   

  1. 1.College of Agriculture and Biology in Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240;2.Shanghai Botanical Garden,Shanghai 200231;3.Shanghai Forestry and Timber General Station,Shanghai 200072
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-03-20 Published:2011-03-20
  • Contact: ZENG Li
  • Supported by:

摘要: 利用ISSR分子标记结合形态学指标对17份蔷薇属植物进行亲缘关系研究,采用NTSYS2.1进行聚类分析。结果表明:13个引物共扩增出479 条带,其中有221条多态带,多态性比例为46.1%;根据形态学聚类分析,在相似系数为0.12时17份蔷薇属植物可分为三类,第一类包括‘宝岛玫瑰’ 、‘索菲之常花种’、‘凯拉伯爵夫人’ 、‘索菲的玫瑰’、 ‘藤神奇’、 ‘大富贵’、‘美人鱼’、‘金瓯泛绿’、‘金粉莲’和‘一季粉’;第二类包括‘绿萼’、 ‘湖中月’、 ‘羽士妆’、 ‘杨基歌’、‘四面镜’和‘匍匐红’; ‘法国变色蔷薇’为第三类。根据ISSR聚类分析,在相似系数为0.66时可分为四类,第一类为‘宝岛玫瑰’;第二类为‘绿萼’、‘匍匐红’、‘凯拉伯爵夫人’、 ‘美人鱼’、‘四面镜’、‘湖中月’和‘羽士妆’;第三类为‘索菲的玫瑰’和 ‘杨基歌’;第四类为‘法国变色蔷薇’、‘金瓯泛绿’、 ‘藤神奇’、‘索菲之常花种’、‘一季粉’、 ‘大富贵’和‘金粉莲’。形态学聚类与ISSR聚类结果基本一致。

关键词: 蔷薇属, 亲缘关系, 简单重复序列区间扩增多态性(ISSR)

Abstract: The genetic relationship of 17 Rosa plants is analyzed by ISSR and morphological data. NTSYS2.1 is used in clustering analysis. The results showed: 13 primers were selected to perform ISSR-PCR. A total of 479 DNA bands was obtained, of which 221 bands had polymorphism, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 0.46. All these plants could be divided into three groups by morphological data: the first group was consisted of Rosa rugosa ‘Bao Dao’, Rosa chinensis ‘Sophie’s perpetral’, Rosa chinensis ‘Comtesse dll cayla’, Rosa hybrid tea‘Sophy’s Rose’, Rosa hybrid climbingroses ‘Ten Shen Qi’, Rosa chinensis ‘Da Fu Gui’, Rose hybrid bracteata ‘Mermaid’, Rosa chinensis‘Jin Ou Fan Lv’, Rosa chinensis‘Jin Fen Lian’ and Rosa chinensis ‘Yi Ji Fen’; the second group was consisted of Rosa chinensis ‘Viridiflora’, Rosa chinensis ‘Hu Zhong Yue’ , Rosa chinensis‘Yu Shi Zhuang’ , Rosa hybrid tea ‘Yankee Dodle’, Rosa chinensis‘Si Mian Jing’ and Rosa chinensis ‘Pu Fu Hong’; the third group was consisted of Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’. All these plants can be divided into four groups by ISSR cluster analysis. The first group was consisted of Rosa rugosa ‘Bao Dao’; the second group was consisted of Rosa chinensis ‘Viridiflora’, Rosa chinensis‘Pu Fu Hong’, Rosa chinensis‘Comtesse dll cayla’, Rose hybrid bracteata ‘Mermaid’, Rosa chinensis‘Si Mian Jing’, Rosa chinensis ‘Hu Zhong Yue’ and Rosa chinensis‘Yu Shi Zhuang’; the third group was consisted of Rosa hybrid tea ‘Sophy’s Rose’ and Rosa hybrid tea ‘Yankee Dodle’; and the fourth group was consisted of Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’, Rosa chinensis ‘Jin Ou Fan Lv’, Rosa hybrid climbingroses ‘Ten Shen Qi’, Rosa chinensis ‘Sophie’s perpetral’, Rosa chinensis ‘Yi Ji Fen’, Rosa chinensis ‘Da Fu Gui’ and Rosa chinensis ‘Jin Fen Lian’. The results of morphologic cluster analysis and ISSR cluster analysis were similar.

Key words: Rosa L., genetic relationship, inter-mple sequence repeats(ISSR)
