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    20 March 2006, Volume 26 Issue 2
    A new species of Leymus Hochst. from Qinghai, China
    ZHI Li;CAI Lian-Bing
    2006, 26(2):  129-130.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.001
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    A new species of Leymus in Qinghai, China is reported, and it’s called L. oblongolenmatus L. Zhi et L. B. Cai. The main characters are described as follows: Perennial herbs. Stems are erect and glabrous, few and scattered, 60~90 cm. tall. tough leaf-sheath, membranaceous on margins, longer or shorter than internodes, membranaceous ligules; Leaf blades involute on margins. Spikes are erect, conferted and flavor-green, 10~15 cm. long, 5~15 mm. wide. tough rachis, each node of rachis are with 3~4 spikelets, with 3~6 florets. Glumes lanceolate, 4~7 mm long and three to five-nerved, membranaceous on margins. Lemmas prolate spheroidal and lanceolate, obscurely three-nerved, with sparse short-pilose on the back. Anther flavescent, 4~5 mm. long. This species is similar to L. paboahus.
    Chenopodium pumilio a newly naturalized species in China
    ZHU Chang-Shan;ZHU Shi-Xin
    2006, 26(2):  131-132.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.002
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    Chenopodium pumilio R. Br. is reported as a new record of the naturalized weed to China.
    Stauranthera grandiflora, a newly recorded plant from Hainan Island
    QIN Xin-Sheng;XING Fu-Wu*
    2006, 26(2):  133-135.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.004
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    The species Stauranthera grandiflora Benth. is reported as a new record for Hainan Island, China. The voucher specimens in the present paper are preserved in Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,namely Herbarium of South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBSC).
    Asplenium ritoense Hayata (Aspleniaceae), new to Hainan Island
    ZHANG Xian-Chun;DONG Shi-Yong;ZHANG Gang-Min;LIU Hong-Mei
    2006, 26(2):  136-137.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.006
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    Asplenium ritoense Hayata (Aspleniaceae) is recorded for the first time from Hainan Island. This species in most Chinese taxonomic literature is named as Asplenium davallioides Hook., which is an illegitimate name. The nomenclature of this species ought be rectified.
    Structures of the stem secondary xylem of Lonicera maximowiczii
    ZHU Jun-Yi;LU Jing-Mei;XIA Guang-Qing
    2006, 26(2):  138-140.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.003
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    The study on the stem secondary xylem of Lonicera maximowiczii,reveals the wood belongs to ring porous wood. The ray is heterogeneous ray Ⅱ.The vassel element’s perferation plate is simple perforation.
    Karyotypic and evolution variations of four species in Roegneria
    CAO Gang;ZHOU Yong-Hong*;ZHANG Hai-Qin;KANG Hou-Yang;DENG Xiao-Feng
    2006, 26(2):  141-146.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.008
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    Karyotypes of four Roegneria species, R. aristiglumis Keng et S. L. Chen, R. breviglumis Keng, R. hongyuanensis L. B. Cai, and R. shandongensis (B. Salomon) J. L. Yang, Y. H. Zhou et Yen, were reported. The karyotype formulae of R. aristiglumis, R. breviglumis, R. hongyuanensis, R. shandongensis are 2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT), 2n=4x=28=20m(2SAT)+8sm, 2n=4x=28=22m+6sm (2SAT), 2n=4x=28=24m(2SAT)+4sm, respectively. The advance indexes which can reflect the evolutional levels of the four species were summarized. The phylogenetic relationships of the two sections in the macroscopic classification were enunciated. The results show that R. shandongensis is the most primitive, R. breviglumis is the most evolutive among the four species; and the Sect. Goulardia (Husnot) L. B. Cai might produce the Sect. Roegneria in the phylogenetic process of Roegneria C. Koch.
    The scanning electron microscope observation of the stomatal apparatus of Equisetaceae
    WANG Xiao-Nan;SHI Lei;ZHANG Da-Wei;LIU Bao-Dong*
    2006, 26(2):  147-150.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.005
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    This paper show the detailed characters of stomatal apparatus of supra terraneous stem by comparing and observing five species of Equisetaceae from the different habitats under SEM for the first time. They are Equisetum arvense, E. pratense,E. sylvaticum, E. fluviatile, Hippochaete hyemale. It provides intuitive and three-dimensional pictures and tentatively discusses the Equisetaceae’s significance of systematics and ecology from the perspective of comparative morphology.
    Anatomical observation of anomalous secondary structure in root of Rorippa islandica
    MA Yu-Xin;CAI Ti-Jiu;LI Qiang
    2006, 26(2):  151-155.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.007
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    Using light microscope to observe the change of the dissection structure of Rorippa islandica (Oed.)Borb in the development course of its root and finding that the root of Rorippa islandica (Oed.)Borb. has anomalous secondary structure. In the secondary structure in early period of the first year, formed supernumerary cambium in the surrounding of the vessel and from supernumerary cambium to inside and outside splitted and formed a lot of parenchyma, thus making the root increase thick fast, on the transverse section of the root, the vessel dispersed in the parenchyma. In the secondary structure in later period of the first year, using the dedifferentiation of the sells of parenchyma in the xylem to form supernumerary cambium, many dispersive supernumerary cambium snippets connected and formed cambium cylinder, cambium cylinder splitted into inside and outside and formed tertiary xylem and tertiary phloem, thus composing tertiary fibrovascular cylinder , the formative direction of the tertiary fibrovascular cylinder was from outside to inside and might form multicylinder. In the second year the parenchyma of the phloem and cortex of Rorippa islandica (Oed.)Borb. dedifferentiated and formed supernumerary cambium, and using supernumerary cambium snippets to connect and form supernumerary cambium cylinder, thus splitted and formed tertiary fibrovascular cylinder, and also formed multicylinder in the cortex, and its formative direction was form outside to inside. The anomalous secondary structure of Rorippa islandica (Oed.)Borb. in the different development period of its root corresponded to its physiological activities.
    Niche of dominant species in the Midst of Taihang Mountain
    LI Jun-Ling;ZHANG Jin-Tun*
    2006, 26(2):  156-162.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.010
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    68 quadrats were divided into eight types of communities by TWINSPAN, which can be treated as one-dimension resource states. The niche breadths and overlaps of main dominant species were measured using a series of indices proposed by Levins, Shannon-wiener and Petraitis. Among general communities, Carex lanceolata and Poa pratensis niche breadths value being biggest prove that adaptive capacity to community’s environment are the strongest, the ability to use resources is the strongest too. In different communities (community Ⅰ to community Ⅷ), niche breadths are great difference to the same specie-pairs, Poa pratensis niche breadths in community Ⅱ, B1 is 2.753, B2 is 15.561; in community Ⅷ, B1 is 0, B2 is 1; In the general community, the niche breadths of specie-pairs are obviously greater than in other community. The larger the niche overlap of two species is, the more similarly resource space they occupy. the niche overlap of Leontopodium leontopodioides and Polygonum viviparum amounts to 0.892 (in the community Ⅰ). This proves that they are very similar in utilizing the resources. In the general community, the niche overlaps among species are very low.
    Plant species diversity of woody plant communities in midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains
    LI Yue-Xia;SHANGGUAN Tie-Liang*
    2006, 26(2):  163-168.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.012
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    62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis(TWINSPAN). The characteristics of the plant species diversity of 16 associations were studied by using of the formulas of richness indices(R1R5), Simpson’s indices(λ), Shannon-Weiner’s indices(H′) and evenness indices(E1E5). The results indicated that:The species diversity indices of 16 associations varied according to the site conditions and anthropogenic effects; The order of the species diversity indices of the 16 associations showed the species diversity of the arbor-shrub-herbaceous was significantly higher than that of the herbaceous;differences in community species diversities, which are not only determined by species richness indices, but also have a closer relationship with the evenness indices of respective species, thus can influence their respective contributions to the overall species diversity.
    Community characteristics of natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Hilly Loess Regions
    ZHANG Xi-Biao;GUO Xiao-Qiang;SHANGGUAN Zhou-Ping;LIU Fu-Shun
    2006, 26(2):  169-175.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.013
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    The community characteristics of natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest distributed in Hilly Loess Regions were investigated. the results showed that were 67 seed plants belonging to 23 families,54 generas.belonged to temperate biome,As regards to the physiognomy of the community Hemicryptophyta made up 75.9% of the total, dominating the community.In the community,96 species with middle-sized leaves made up 57.8%,and there were 139 single leaf species accounted for 83.7% of the total, There was a complicated vertical structure in the community,which could be divided into three layers:Arbor layer,shrub layer and herb layer.In addition,there were also a lot of inter-stratum plants in the community.It is also found that the lack of seedlings,saplings and small trees was due to both the selfthinning caused by intraspecific competition and the alien-thinning by inter-specific competition for the light resource in the stand.The dynamics of the community showed that the community was stable and in a process of development.
    Niche characteristics of dominant populations of vegetation in Mian Mountain, Shanxi
    ZHANG Gui-Ping;ZHANG Feng;*;RU Wen-Ming;
    2006, 26(2):  176-181.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.009
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    Mian Mountain is located in the northern of Taiyue Ranges and the middle south of Shanxi, at 36°50′N,112°5′E. In this paper, the niche breadth and niche overlapping of 25 dominant populations of vegetation in Mian Mountain, Shanxi, were studied by using Shannon-Weaver index and Portraits’s method. The result indicated that the niche breadth of Quercus liaotungensis (2.458 7), Prunus davidiana (2.342 2), Spiraea, pubescens (2.306 1), Carex lanceolata (2.518 7) and Artemisia brachyloba (2.218 2) were more than that of other species because these species had wide ecological amplitude, and extensive adaptation to environment, which were constructive or dominant species in the communities. There was not completely general overlapping among all 25 species because of their different biological characters and different adaptation to environment. In the arborous layer, there was less niche overlapping between species-pairs except Q. liaotungensis. The niche overlapping between Abelia biflora and S. pubescens (0.663), P. davidiana and Lespedeza bicolor (0.587) were more than that of other species-pairs in the shrub layer. The niche overlapping between C. lanceolata and Phlomis umbrosa (0.339), A. gmelinii and A. brachyloba (0.245) were more than that of the other species-pairs in the herb layer. The species-pairs having more niche overlapping had similar biological characters and similar adaptation to environment; on the contrary, those having less niche overlapping had different biological traits and different adaptation to environment. For example, A. biflora and S. pubescens, C. lanceolata and Phlomis umbrosa were shade-tolerant plants and had some shade tolerance, otherwise P. davidiana and L. bicolor, A. gmelinii and A. brachyloba were sun plants.
    Phytohormones combination on leaf callus induction of Eucommia ulmoides
    LI Yan;JIANG Zai-Min;TANG Rui
    2006, 26(2):  182-186.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.011
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    The leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. L33 as explants, the B5 being as the basic medium supplemented with auxin, the combination of auxin and cytokinin, the callus induction and growth of E. ulmoides Oliv. were studied. The results showed that, callus wasn’t formed on the no phytohormones media. Callus was induced when explants were cultured on B5 medium supplemented with 2,4-D,NAA and IBA only. 0.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D, 0.5~1.0 mg·L-1 NAA, 1.0 mg·L-1 IBA were induced 100 per cent for callus induction, and was good for the growth; When the cytokinin was added in the proper auxin medium, KT was bad for callus induction and growth; The best combination of callus induction and growth was 1.0 mg·L-1 NAA+0.3~0.5 mg·L-1 BA or 1.0 mg·L-1 IBA+0.3~0.5 mg·L-1 BA, whose calluses were growth quickly, suitable for subculture.
    Purification and identification of rice soluble glycoproteins
    SUN Xing-Xue;LIU Shen-Kui*
    2006, 26(2):  187-192.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.014
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    The total proteins was extracted from rice leaves, and quantified by Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250. We got four classifications from rice total proteins by using Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation, which was very important because we got easy way to separate and classify the total proteins. Also, it was useful for the purification of glycoproteins. The four classifications then purified by using ConA-Sepharose 4B Affinity Chromatography, the liquid of glycoproteins was collected by tubes in the same time of the appearances of absorption peaks. We even got some dry samples by using vacuum freezing and drying technology. Next, we done SDSPAGE and determination respectively by Periodic Acid Schiff(PAS) staining and Coomassie Brilliant Blue(CBB) R250 staining. In the gel of CBB staining, there are near 30 strips of different glycoproteins(some are glycopeptides) in the last three classifications; but the gel of PAS staining only showed 7 strips of different glycoproteins(some are glycopeptides) only because of the sensitivities of PAS much lower than CBB staining. The last step, we choose three glycoproteins showed on the gel of 50%~80% glycoproteins classification, all of them have higher contents than others. We further purified each of the three glycoproteins directly from the SDS-PAGE gels. They are proved purified glycoproteins or glycopeptides by CBB and PAS staining again. The three glycoproteins are named respectively as RG1, RG2 and RG3.
    Genetic analysis to descendants of transgene tobacco for control fungal disease
    WANG Zhan-Bin;SUN Zhong-Ping;ZHANG Fu-Li;ZHANG Yan-Ni;XU Xiang-Ling*
    2006, 26(2):  193-197.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.015
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    Vector of pBLGC by Agrobacterium rhizogines were used to transform tobacco, chitinase gene and β-1,3 glucanase gene were introduce into tobacco. Descendants of transgenic tobacco were detected from DNA level,RNA leval to expriment of control fungal disease, it is very important to research transgenic descendants heredity regular pattern.
    A preliminary study on dynamics of catalase from larch seedling
    YANG Qian;QIAO Chen;SUN Jun;BAI Xue-Hua
    2006, 26(2):  198-200.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.016
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    A study on dynamics of the catalase(CAT) from the seedling of four species of larch were made by means of iodometry. The results showed that CAT activities (25℃, pH 7.0) of larch seedling is 48.8 ~ 77.9 U·g-1 FW;Km values 8.3×10-2~2.38×10-1 mol·L-1;Vmax 0.071~0.200 μmol·min-1; Optimum temperatures 15~25℃. From adaptive range of temperature, L. principis-rupprechtii and L. gmelini are wider, L. olgensis and L. chinensis are narrower. Optimum pH 7.0. Adaptive range of L. chinensis is the narrowest, it may be degenerate species.
    In-vitro regeneration of Populus langfangensis 3 for transformation and micropropagation
    WU Shuang-Xiu;ZU Yuan-Gang
    2006, 26(2):  201-205.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.018
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    The direct and indirect induction of organ differentiation, callus formation and plantlet regeneration from the leaf and stem explants of the hybrid Populus langfangensis 3 (P. deltoides (“Shan Hai Guan”)×((P. simonii × pyramidalys)12×Ulmus pumila) were investigated in-vitro on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations of benzylaminopurine (BA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The petiole and leaf explant was easier for direct shoot regeneration along the veins at cutting sites. Direct shooting efficiency was related to both BA concentration and BA/IBA ratio. Efficient and rapid shooting from the leaf and stem explants was achieved on MS medium containing 1~2 mg·L-1 BA and 0.5 mg·L-1 IBA. Maximum shooting frequency reached 90%. 2,4-D promoted the callus induction of P. langfangensis 3. The shooting based on callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0.3~0.5 mg·L-1 BA and 0.02 mg·L-1 IBA or NAA and the corresponding shooting frequency was 76%. Rooting based on callus succeeded on 0.1 mg·L-1 BA and 0.2~0.5 mg·L-1 IBA, yielding rooting frequency 67%. These regeneration conditions could further be used for micropropagation and transformation of P. langfangensis 3.
    Quantitative variation of endogenous hormones in Rosa rugosa leaf during flower bud differentiation
    PENG Gui-Qun;WANG Li-Hua*
    2006, 26(2):  206-210.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.017
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    Endogenous hormones IAA, ZR, GA3 and ABA in methanol extract of Rosa rugosa C.V Plena leaf during flower bud differentiation were isolated and purified, and their contents were determined. The results showed that during flower bud differentiation, IAA and GA3 contents decreased gradually, with the minimum when flower bud begun to differentiate, while ZR and ABA were quite the contrary. The ratios ABA/GA3, ABA/IAA, ZR/GA3, and ZA/IAA had an increasing trend, with a leap, suggesting that they played an important role in regulating the process of Rosa rugosa C.V Plena flower bud differentiation. It’s speculated that increasing the ABA and ZA contents or decreasing the IAA and GA3 contents in Rosa rugosa C.V Plena might be able to accelerate its flower bud differentiation.
    Study on variety trends of flavonoids in Catharanthus roseus in greenhouse
    MA Shu-Rong;QU Xiao-Yan;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2006, 26(2):  211-215.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.019
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    By using ultrasonic extraction and spectrophotometry methods, changes of flavonoids content in Catharanthus roseus during different developmental periods were studied. The results showed that, The sequence of the flavonoids content in different parts of C. roseus during every periods from highest to lowest is following: fruit, leaf, flower, stem, root. The sequence of flavonoids content of leaves on three different positions from the highest to the lowest is following: flower leaves, fruit leaves, nutrition leaves,the sequence of flavonoids content of branches on three different positions from the highest to the lowest is following: fruit branch, leaf branch, stem, which form a top-to-down degressivn trend. The total flavonoids content of all side branches was higher than that of main branch. In contrast with tap root, the flavonoids content of fibrous roots were higher. Which form a outer-to-inner descending trend.
    Effects of salt stress on the growth and the antioxidant enzyme activity of Thellungiella halophila
    LIU Ai-Rong;ZHANG Yuan-Bing;CHEN Deng-Ke
    2006, 26(2):  216-221.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.020
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    Thellungiella halophila in its bulting stage was treated with NaCl of different concentration, determining relevant parameters, including the growth amount, the height of single plant, the number of branches and leaves, the membrane leakage, the MDA contents of stem leaves and roots, the superoxide anion(O-2)content, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and calatase (CAT) of stem leaves. The result showed the NaCl lower concentration treatment benefited the fresh and dry weights of T. halophila, but the NaCl higher concentration treatment inhibited those of T. halophila; NaCl treatment made the membrane leakage of leaves increased, the lower concentration NaCl treatment brought about the decrease of membrane leakage of roots, the malondialdehyde (MDA) and O-2 contents of leaves while the higher concentration of those made them increased compared with the control plants; the lower concentration of NaCl treatment led to the increase of superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) compared with the control plants, the higher concentration of NaCl treatment brought about the SOD activity decrease, the peroxidase (POD) and calatase (CAT) activities increased after NaCl was treated with different concentration. It proved that lower NaCl concentration treatment benefited the growth of T. halophila, the reactive oxygen species and MDA content decreased; and the NaCl higher concentration treatment, the system of scavenging reactive oxygen species(ROS) coundn’t scavenge the ROS in time, which caused the accumulation of ROS and the damage of membrane, which in turn caused the accumulation of MDA, so the growth of T. halophila was inhibited.
    Protection of salicylic acid on Neo-Taraxacum siphonanthum in salt stress
    YANG Xiao-Jie;ZHANG Hong-Wei
    2006, 26(2):  222-224.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.021
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    Responses of dandelion to salt stress and protection of salicylic acid on salt stressinduced injuries were studied. The result showed that, salicylic acid can decrease the leaf’s relative conductivity, promote the activity of membrane protective enzymes such as POD; The content of solubility carbohydrate and solubility protein were increased. Therefore, the injuries of salt stress in dandelion were protection and the adaptabilities of dandelion to salt stress were raised.
    Effect of shading on growth characteristics and biomass distribution of Liriope spicata(Thunb.)Lour.
    WANG Xiao-Ling;SHI Lei;SUN Ji-Xiong;ZHANG Jin-Zheng;LIU Li-An;LU Ren-Qiang;JIANG Chuang-Dao
    2006, 26(2):  225-228.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.022
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    The effects of different shading levels (shading levels were: control 0%, 20%, 50%,70~75%,80~85%,92.5%) on growth characteristics and biomass distribution of Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. were investigated. The results showed that, as shading increasing, biomass increments first increased, then decreased. In 50% shading levels, Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. gained the largest biomass increments. Shading significantly affected the biomass distribution, as shading increasing, leaf weight ratio increased, while root weight ratio and root/shoot decreased. Moreover, shading increased the water contents of Liriope spicata (Thunb.)Lour. and its spreading. Neither high irradiance nor high shading levels were of significant benefit to form inflorescences, buds and root tubers in this study. We suggested that Liriope spicata (Thunb.)Lour, as a shade tolerance plant, was able to acclimate to a large radiation scale; however, high irradiance or high shading did certain harm to its growth.
    The antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts from the licorice(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.)roots
    CHEN Li-Yan;SHI Xiao-Guang;FU Yu-Jie*;HOU Chun-Lian;WANG Wei;LIU Jun-Xing
    2006, 26(2):  229-232.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.024
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    The ethanolic extracts from licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) roots were examined for antimicrobial activity against five bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two fungi (Candida albicans, Aspergillus nigar) by using disc diffusion method and broth micro dilution method. Results showed, ethanolic extracts from the licorice roots exhibited high susceptivity against gram-positive bacteria, while no sensitivity against gram-negative bacteria and fungi. The range of MIC of 10% ethanolic extract against gram-positive bacteria is 0.156~0.312 mg·mL-1, while that of 80% ethanolic extract is 0.625~1.250 mg·mL-1.The results indicated that antibacterially active components of licorice roots can dissolved in higher concentration ethanol more easily, which provides scientific basis for the application of ethanolic extracts from the licorice roots as antibacterial preparation in clinic.
    Extraction methods of microorganisms from phyllosphere
    ZHOU Yu;QIAO Xiong-Wu;WANG Jing;CUI Zhong-Li;LI Shun-Peng
    2006, 26(2):  233-237.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.025
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    The extraction methods of microorganisms from the bean’s leaves were investigated and the efficiency of different methods was compared. Results showed that different extraction methods and solvents led to quite different results. By ultrasonic cleaner method, the number of microorganisms increased to a maximum with the time prolonging and then decrease, the most effective treatment time is about four minates. There are no significant difference between sterile water and phosphate buffer. Comparing with ultrasonic cleaner method, extraction efficiency of homogenate method was much higher. The maximum yield of the former was about 7.67×106 cfu/g fresh leaves while the latter was up to 1.12×107 cfu/g. The optimal weight of the leaves sample was four to five g. Leaf age influenced the abundance of microbial population significantly, but the leaf age of a sample for a specific purpose still depends on the other factors.
    Adaptation of Gardenia jasminoides leaves to natural temperature reduction
    YAN Han-Jing;TAN Feng
    2006, 26(2):  238-241.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.023
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    Investigated the adaptation of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis leaves to natural temperature reduction. The results showed that with temperature decreased, the semilethal temperature(LT50) decreased increasingly. The content of osmoregulation substance such as soluble suger, soluble protein increased to the different degree, while the content of starch decreased. The content of endogenous hormone such as ABA rose continuously and negatively correlated to LT50(R=-0.967 3). On the contrary, the content of GA reduced, which the content of GA was positively correlated to LT50(R=0.812 5). In summary, the adaptive changes of these substance including osmoregulation substance and endogenetic hormones of G. jasminoides Ellis leaves led to the reduction of LT50, thus make G. jasminoides Ellis suit the low temperature condition cuitivated and pass the winter safely.
    The species and habitat characteristics of exotic weeds in Hangzhou
    CHEN Xiao-Yong;WANG Hai-Yan;DING Bing-Yang*;MEI Xiao-Man
    2006, 26(2):  242-249.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.026
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    75 exotic weed species belonging to 55 genera, 30 families are identified and recorded in Hangzhou through investigation and related literatures. The composition, origin area, invasive routes and habitat characteristics are discussed in this paper. The results show that: Compositae, Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae and Convolulaceae are the five main families, comprising about 55 percent of the exotic weeds in Hangzhou; Exotic weeds originating from America are easier to invade and take more harm to Hangzhou; Uncovered habitats such as wasteland trend to be invaded and settled more easily than others. And some effective management strategies are proposed.
    An analysis of the flora of woody plants in Heilongjiang Province
    QU Xiu-Chun;LIU Xiang-Jun;YU Shuang
    2006, 26(2):  250-256.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.02.027
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    There are 392 species of woody plants in Heilongjiang province, belonging to 90 genera and 42 families, among which Gymnospermae have 4 families, 8 genera and 34 species. Dicotyledoneae have 37 families, 81 genera and 357 species and Monocotyledoneae have 1 family, 1 genus and 1 species. Heilongjiang province is a region where three distributions meet, which are Daxinganling,Northeast China and Mongolia steppe plant areas, therefore the flora of woody plants is complex in geographical elements and is of obvious temperate distribution. Though families of temperate distribution are equal to those of tropic distribution, their included species are more in number and have obvious advantages. The temperate distribution genera make up 75.86 per cent, in which the northern temperate distribution elements have the highest proportion. The species in temperate distribution make up 80.43 per cent, in which the northeastern temperate distribution elements have the highest proportion and next is the SinoJapon distribution elements. The woody plants in the area is ageold in origin, which contain 9 rare and threatened species, 14 endemic species and some relic species such as korea pine, amur corktree. The flora of Heilongjiang province is of typical tertiary flora system.