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    15 June 2005, Volume 25 Issue 2
    Influence of acid culture medium on cell wall degradation of Camptotheca acuminata leaves
    ZU Yuan-Gang, YU Jing-Hua, TANG Zhong-Hua, ZHANG Yu-Liang, LI Yan-Hua, MENG Qing-Huan
    2005, 25(2):  129-131.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.001
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    During the course of plant tissue culture, Camptotheca acuminata leaf explants were observed on anatomy characteristics. We found that cell wall of C. acuminata leaves presented anatomy characteristic of weakly degrading, obviously degrading, totally degrading and cell wall disappearance under tissue culture conditions. Cell wall of identical C. acuminata leaf exhibited distinct properties in their degree of degradation and even disappearing at the same condition of tissue culture. It may be the upper epidermis protruding to influence different contacts position with culture medium and make acid material of culture medium to cause different position of C. acuminata leaf explants to appear heterogeneity.
    Two new varieties of the genus Malus Miller from China
    QIAN Guan-Ze, TANG Geng-Guo
    2005, 25(2):  132-133.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.002
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    Two new varietis were found, one is Malus pratii (Hemsl.) Schneid.var. glabrata G. Z. Qian, which differed from the type with the plant without hairs; another one is M. rockii Rehd. var. calvostylata G. Z. Qian, which differed from the type with the styles without hairs at base.
    A new variety of Stachys
    SUN Zhi-Ying, LI Fa-Zeng
    2005, 25(2):  134-134.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.003
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    A new variety of Stachys is given. It is named Stachys japonica Miq. var. tomentosa F. Z. Li et Z.Y.Sun.
    Two new forma of Dipsacaceae from Northeast China
    LIU Shu-Zhen, CAO Wei
    2005, 25(2):  135-135.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.004
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    Two new forma of Scabiosa L., Scabiosa comosa Fisch. ex Roem. et Schult. f. albiflora S. H. Li. et S. Z. Liu and S. tschiliensis Grun. f. albiflora S. H. Li et S. Z. Liu are reported. Two new forma differ from previous forma in white flower.
    A newly recorded species of Physcia from China
    WANG Yu-Liang, WANG Hong, ZHENG Yu-Hua
    2005, 25(2):  136-137.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.005
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    A species Physcia alba(Fée) Müll. Arg. of the genus Physcia Ach. collected in Xinjiang was reported as a new record to China. It's morphological structures were studied by light microscope and scanning electron microscope in detail, and it's chemical components and distribution range were described. In the paper, the relationships between this species and it's relative species of the same genus were also studied and observed.
    Additions to the mosses of Hunan Province, China
    HE Zu-Xia
    2005, 25(2):  138-139.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.006
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    Seven species of mosses are recorded for the first time from Hunan Province. They are Bryoxiphium norvegicum ssp. japonicum, Pseudosymblepharis duriuscula, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Plagiomnium confertidens, P. cuspidatum, Brachythecium glareosum and Ctenidium capillifolium. In addition, Bryoxiphium and Ctenidium are also new to Hunan, Bryoxiphiaceae is new to Hunan. Their habitat and geographical distribution are presented in this paper.
    Studies on microsporogenesis and the formation of malegametophyte in Iris blowdowill
    LI Ning, DONG Yu-Zhi, LIANG Feng-Li
    2005, 25(2):  140-143.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.007
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    The investigation of microsporogenesis and the formation of male gametophyte in Iris blowdowill are made in this article. The main results show that: the development of anther wall belongs to the dicotyledonous type. The tapetum is glandular tapetum. Cytokinesis of microsporpcyte meiotic division are successive type and simultaneous type, the microspore tetrads atr trtrahedral type snd isobilatrtal type, respectively. Mature pollen grain is of the 2-celled type.
    Observations on megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and development of female and male gametophytes of Tamarix chinensis(Tamaricaceace)
    WANG Zhong-Li, LIU Lin-De, FANG Yan-Ming
    2005, 25(2):  144-150.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.008
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    We did a series of studies on megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and the development of female and male gametophyte of Tamarix chinensis by means of traditional paraffin wax sections. The relationships between floral bud size and development of stamen and pistil are also observed. The main results are as follows: Several rows of hypodermal archesporial cells differentiate in each lobe of young four-lobed anther. The wall of anther consists of five layers: epidermis, endothecium, two middle layers and tapetum from out to inside, which belongs to basic type. Tapetum cell is of secretory type. Cytokinesis of microsporocyte meiotic division is of simultaneous type and the tetrads are tetrahedral. Meiotic division of microsporocyte develops synchronously in each microsporangium of an anther. The pollen grains are three-colpate and two-celled at the dispersal stage. There is an unilocular ovary that contains three fused carpels in one flower and each ovary has 10~20 ovules. Ovules occur at the base of ovary, which is basal placentation. The ovule is bitegmic, crassinucellate and anatropous. The megaspore mother cell undergoes meiotic divisions, and the development of the embryo sac is of Fritillaria type. In mature embryo sac, antipodal cells are well developed. Early in floral bud, archesporial cells of anther differentiate earlier than that of ovule. When the stamen matures, the pistil matures either. They are nearly synchronous at this time.
    Comparative studies of vessels of leptos branch and stout branch in Magnolia biloba
    HU Jiang-Qin, WANG Li-Lin, SHEN Xiao-Jing
    2005, 25(2):  151-154.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.009
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    d:\PDF\.pdfEducing and observing the stem's secondary xylem of Magnolia biloba revealed two type of perforation plate, simple perforation plate and scalarform perforation plate. There are eight types of vessel elements with different type of perforation plates in stout branch: one end scalarform type, the other simple type; only one end simple type; only one end scalarform type; both ends of the vessel element are simple perforation plate; both ends of the vessel element are scalarform perforation plate; three simple types; both ends of the vessel element are simple perforation plate, and the middle is scalarform type; a few scalarform types. Except the last type, stout branch have other seven types above. Stout branch's vessels are thin and short, but leptos branch's vessels are fat and long.
    The wood anatomy study of stem of Rhus chinensis
    ZHU Jun-Yi, ZHAO Feng-Juan, YANG Zhong-Shun, LIX iao-Jun, LU Jing-Mei
    2005, 25(2):  155-158.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.010
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    The study of the stem's secondary xylem of Rhus chinensis Mill reveals that perforation plate is simple perforation plate. There are 4 types vassel elements with different location and number of simple perforation on vassel element wall: these is only one simple perforation plate in the middle of the vassel element, and with helical thickening; each end of the vassel element has a simple perforation plate, and with helical thickening; each end of the vassel element has a simple perforation plate, and with reticular thickening; there are 3 simple perforation plates, and one end has two simple perforation plates, and the other end has one simple perforation plate. There are also helical tracheids and septate fibres in the secondary xylem. It is ring porous wood. The ray is heter geneous ray.
    Effects of different light intensity after low night temperature stress on PSII functions and absorbed light allocation in leaves of Ficus microcarpa
    HUWen-Hai, XIAO Yi-An, YU Jing-Quan, HUANG Li-Feng
    2005, 25(2):  159-162.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.011
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    In this study, the effects of full sunlight and shade after natural low night temperature on PSII functions and light allocation in leaves of Ficus microcarpa was examined. Under full sunlight after low night temperature, the allocation of light absorbed by PSII antennae to the photochemical reaction decreased, but the allocation of absorbed light to thermal dissipation and excessive energy increased. So it resulted the decrease of the PSII functions. Though the allocation of absorbed light to thermal dissipation decreased, shade after low night temperature can decrease excessive energy of PSII reaction centers by increase of fraction of light absorbed in PSII antennae that was utilized in PSII photochemistry, and protect the photosynthetic apparatus not to be injured. So shade after low night temperature was beneficial to recover PSII functions.
    Comparison of photosynthetic decline of flag leaves between two high-yield wheat varieties
    ZHANG Cheng-Jun, CHEN Guo-Xiang, SHI Da-Wei, HUANG Chun-Juan, WANG Ping, WANG Jing, ZHOU Quan-Cheng
    2005, 25(2):  163-168.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.012
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    Photosynthetic properties were investigated in two newly-developed high-yield wheat (Triticum aesticum L.) varieties, Ningmai 8 and Ningmai 9, in order to elucidate both photosynthetic decline of flag leaf senescence, and variety differences. The results showed that, after anthesis, with increasing ear mass and specific leaf mass, there were decreases in relative water content, chlorophyll content, light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (Pnmax), light saturation point (LSP), apparent quantum yield (AQY), and electron transfer activities of PSI, PSII and whole electron transport chain, especially significant after yellow ripening, whereas ratio of chl a/b, light compensation point (LCP) and respiration rate (Rd) were gradually increased from anthesis to yellow ripening, and after that rose markedly. The findings here indicated that before yellow ripening, Pnmax decreased slowly with wider range of light availability, and after that Pnmax dropped quickly with less range of light availability. Compared with Ningmai 8, Ningmai 9 with higher yield showed earlier senescence in flag leaves.
    Experimental studies on the characteristics of gemma development in Barbula indica
    ZHAO Jian-Cheng, HUANG Shi-Liang, LIM in, ZHANG Yuan-Ming, WANG Xiao-Rui, FAN Qing-Shu
    2005, 25(2):  169-172.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.013
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    Gemma culture and protonema growth of Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng in response to meliorative knop, authors study the whole process and take photoes. The results show that its gemma germinates after 3~4 days;10 days later, chloronemata, caulonemata and rhizoides begin to differentiate; 18 days, the branch top cells of caulonemata differentiate into unicellular or multicellular gemmas; Nearly 40 days, bud primordium appears on caulonemata and develops into callow gametophyte. In the end of this paper, the characteristics of gemma development, and phyoiological ecology and gametophyte formation are analysed and discussed.
    The effects of plant growth regulators on growth characteristics of starwort root cell
    WU Xiao-Ling, XIE Ya-Jun, WU Peng-Ju, DENG Guang-Cun
    2005, 25(2):  173-176.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.014
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    The effects of plant growth regulators on growth characteristics and activity of catalase and nitrate reductase of starwort root cell were studied, the results show that the numbers, the dry weight and fresh weight of cell under M4 treatment (6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+2,4-D 1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1) were the hightest. The activity of nitrate reductase and catalase were the highest under M4 and M2 treatment (6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1) respectively.
    Effect of Peganum multisectum on seedling growth and cell protective enzyme system inmaize
    LIU Jian-Xin, WANG Yi-Min, ZHAO Guo-Lin
    2005, 25(2):  177-180.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.015
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    Maize seeds were soaked in the solution of extracts of Peganum multisectum Maxim Bobr to study thew effect on seedling growth and cell protective enzyme system. The results showed that the germination of maize seeds and activity of α-amy lase were suppressed apparently by treatment and with increasing this in the concentration of extracts the cultural time sharply increased or prolonged. With the time of culture prolonged, the vigor of roots and activity of nitrate reductase in leaves were raised, impel the growth of plant with the dry matter weight of roots and shoot increasing and the ratio of root to shoot rising. The activity of catalase(CAT) and ascorbic acid oxidase(ACO) in leaves were reduced apparently, the activity of peroxidase(POD) was increased, impelled the quantity expression of isoperoxidase patterns in root and lea.f.
    Study on isolation and determination of glycoprotein from tea plant leaves
    CHENG Yu-Xiang, LIU Shen-Kui
    2005, 25(2):  181-185.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.016
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    Tea is a healthy food, beacause it has various bioactive components. Recent research indicated that tea glycoprotein might be a bioactive component in tea. In this report, total proteins were extracted from tea fresh leaves, and coarse glycoproteins were isolated through the methods of ammonium sulfate fractions (45%~70%) and SephadexG-100 chromatography. According to control staining of glycan and polypeptide, glycoproteins were determinated by using Pierce GelCode© Glycoprotein Staining Kit and Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250, and three tea glycoproteins were fast purified from the SDS-gels. Sixteen native bioactive glycoproteins were gained from tea total proteins by ConA-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography.
    RAPD analysis of the genetic diversity in Athyrium, Gymnocarpium and Cystopteris of Athyriaceae from Heilongjiang Province
    ZHANG Xiu-Ying, FAN Ya-Wen
    2005, 25(2):  186-191.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.017
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    random primers have been used in studying the genetic diversity of Athyriaceae from different region in Heilongjiang Province. The genomic DNA of Athyriaceae have been amplified by PCR. Then the RAPD bands have been statistically analyzed and the percentage of polymorphism were obtained. The data suggest Athyriaceae plants have high level genetic variations and the distribution of its specimens have well adaptive capacity to environment changes. The data have also been further analyzed by Shannon and Nei index to estimate the relationship of specimens within and among the three genus:Athyrium, Gymnocarpium and Cystopteris. The results show: Most variations of Athyrium are still exist among its specimens; There is some variations between Cystopteris fragilis and Cystopteris sudetica in Cystopteris to some degree; In Gymnocarpium, the genetic variations between Gymnocarpium dryopteris and Gymnocarpium jessoense are somewhat prominent. The results establish a foundation in the study of taxonomic status of Athyrium, Gymnocarpium and Cystopteris in Athyriaceae.
    Comparison of genetic diversity of Pinus koraiensis in two national nature reserves by RAPD marker
    LÜ Jian-Zhou, WU Long-Kun, LIU De-Li, LI Yan, PEI Ying, ZHANG Heng-Qing
    2005, 25(2):  192-196.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.018
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    With RAPD method, the paper studied genetic diversity and differentiation of two natural populations of Pinus koraiensis in Liangshui National Nature Reserve and Fenglin National Nature Reserve. Through the amplification of RAPD with 10 random primers, 61 repeatable loci were detected, in the amplification and percentage of polymophic loci was 0.693 5%. Nei's index showed the levels of genetic diversity of Liangshui population(0.263 4) was higher than Fenglin'(0.260 7); genetic variation existed mainly within populations, there were little genetic differentiation between populations.
    Analysis of population genetic differences of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis
    HUANG Hua, GUO Shui-Liang
    2005, 25(2):  197-204.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.019
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    Invasive plant have caused serious harm to crop production, orchards, lawns, natural environments and biodiversity in China. Solidago canadensis, a perennial plant originating from North America, was introduced into China in the 1970s. Studies on the genetic diversity of invasive plant are of practical significance in the predication of their potential distribution areas and their habitats.Three methods were adopted to extract genomic DNA from the invasive plant Solidago canadensis. Population genetic differences of Solidago canadensis from Shanghai and Zhejiang province were analysised using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD).The results showed: (1) the method of 2×CTAB had better effects than that of the improved high-salt method and the SDS method to extract genomic DNA from Solidago canadensis. The DNA samples extracted by the 2×CTAB method had better integrality and lower content of protein, phenol and polysaccharide; (2) Genetic polymorphism of Solidago canadensis populations was high. Amplification of 13 random primers revealed 102 amplified fragments of which 84 (82.35%) were polymorphic and 41 (40.20%) unique. polymorphic percentage among 4 populations followed as Shanghai(SH) (73.13%) > Jiaxing(JX) (68.97%) > Hangzhou(HZ) (68.42%) > Jinhua(JH) (57.14%); (3) The average homozygosity(J) (0.38) and average heterozygosity(H) (0.62) were computed; (4) Based on the presence/absence bands, Nei's genotypessimilary, cluster and principal components analysis(PCA) were analyzed. The results showed that higher genetic diversity existed within Solidago canadensis populations, and the population genetic differentiation had corresponding relation with the geographical position; (5)The adaptive evolution of Solidago canadensis population was closely linked with the characteristic of the weeds.
    Study on the content of syringin and total flavonoids of different parts of Acanthopanax senticosus in three different habitats
    CAO Jian-Guo, ZHAO Ze-Hai, WangWen-Jie, FU Yu-Jie, ZU Yuan-Gang
    2005, 25(2):  205-209.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.020
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    In this paper, HPLC and spectrophotometry were applied respectively to study the contents of the syringin and total flavonoid, the two important secondary metobolites of Acanthopanax senticosus in three different habitats. The results as follow: The content of syringin in the different parts of A. senticosus varies according to the changes of habitats. The content of syringin of 1~3 year branches in the forest edge habitats is the highest, and then the forest gap habitats, but in the understory of the forest, the content is the lowest. In the contrary with the branches, the content of syringin in the basal stems is the highest in the understory habitats, and then the forest gap, but for the forest edge habitats, it is the lowest. The syringin content of the roots and rhizomes shows no distinctrule. All parts of A. senticosus contain flavonoids. The contents of total flavonoids of the leaves, flowers and young fruits are different in the three habitats. In the forest edge, the content of total flavonoid is the highest, and then the forest gap, but in the understory of the forest, the content is the lowest. The contents of the total flavonoid in the branches, stems, roots and rhizomes also vary with the changes of the habitats. There is no significantly difference of the total flavonoids in the 1~3 year branches between the three habitats. The content of total flavonoid in the stems of A. senticosus in the understory is higher than that in the forest gap and forest edge. But for the roots and rhizomes, the contents of total flavonoid, showing a contrary condition, is lower in the understory.
    Determination of the Glycyrrhizic acid content from Glycyrrhiza uralensis by HPLC
    FU Yu-Jie, ZHAO Wen-Hao, HOU Chun-Lian, LIU Xiao-Na, SHI Xiao-Guang, ZU Yuan-Gang
    2005, 25(2):  210-212.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.021
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    Extracted Glycyrrhizic acid (GA) from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch by Ultrasonic extraction method, the conditions with higher GA were 0.3% ammonia solution as solvent, ratio of liquid to solid as 50:1(mL/g), extraction time five hours. The HPLC analysis conditions were as follows, chromatographic column ODS, detecting wavelength 254 nm, room temperature, mobile phase CH 3OH/3% HOAc(V/V) which ratio was 75/25, flowing rate 1 mL/min,injected sample volume 10 μL. The result of percent recovery is 100.20%, the relative standard deviation is 1.77%. Ultrasonic extraction-HPLC is a fast detecting GA method with higher accuracy from Glycyrrhiza uralensis.
    Study on extractive process of fruits from Schisandra chinensis by supercritical carbon dioxide
    NIE Jiang-Li, PEI Yi, ZU Yuan-Gang
    2005, 25(2):  213-215.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.022
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    The optimal conditions of extraction of lignans by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction from fruits of Schisandra chinensis using L9(34) orthogonal test were studied; The optimal conditions of extraction are as follows: pressure is 30 MPa, temperature is 50℃ and time is 120 min.
    Comparing analysis on several wall-cracking methods of Ganoderma lucidum spore
    XUE Yan-Hua, SH IQuan, PANG Hai-He, HAN Mei, YANG Lei
    2005, 25(2):  216-218.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.023
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    Several methods on the wall-cracking of Ganoderma lucidum spore were carried on, mainly wall-cracking methods included supercritical wall-breaking, homogenate wall-cracking and ultrasonic wall-breaking. The results showed that adopting supercritical high-pressure steady state wall-cracking method could particularly improve the wall-crushing rate of Ganoderma lucidum spore. Although the wall-cracking rate of homogenate wall-cracking and ultrasonic wall-cracking was lower and most of the spores of Ganoderma lucidum were integrate in the microscope,the contents were nearly disappeared, attach to the purpose extracting effective constituentof spore inner.
    Preliminary study on cold-resistance of Euonymus radicans ‘Emorald & Gold’
    GUO Hui-Hong, LIQ ing, GAO Shu-Min, SHEN Ying-Bai, LI Feng-Lan
    2005, 25(2):  219-225.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.024
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    A comparative observation was carried out on the changes of anatomical structure and starch content in the leaves of Euonymus radicans 'Emorald Gold' during overwintering and cold acclimation, and the photosynthesis-light response curves from the leaves of unacclimated and acclimated seedlings as well as the leaf photosynthetic rate of acclimated and unacclimated seedlings treated at the low temperature stress were studied comparatively. The results showed that the appearance of vacuole division during overwintering and cold acclimation were highly correlated to the development of plant cold-resistance. So were the starch accumulation before the acclimation, the starch degradation after the acclimation and starch accumulation again after de-acclimation. Compared with unacclimated seedlings, the leaf photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic light compensation point of acclimated seedlings decreased, photosynthetic light saturation point increased slightly. The leaf photosynthetic rate of acclimated seedlings still maintained at a higher level after low temperature stress for 72 h, but that of unacclimated seedlings became negentropy, indicating that cold acclimation raised the stability of photosynthesis of seedlings under low temperature stress. And the relation between the above-mentioned adaptive changes and plant cold-resistance was also discussed.
    Biodiversity investigation on forest communities in lantau, HongKong
    ZHANG Wan-Li, Mark Shea, HE Li-Qun, LI Lei-Hong
    2005, 25(2):  226-229.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.025
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    Biodiversity investigation on forest community structures were conducted under different gradients of human disturbance in Lantau, Hong Kong. The results show that species diversity of forest community decreases along the disturbance gradient of different intensity, diversity of forest community of natural growing vegetation (hill) > diversity of light disturbed (Ngong Ping) > diversity of heavy disturbed (Tung Chung). The species compositions and dominance also vary with the intensity of human-induced disturbance. Exotic species are introduced into the communities purposedly by human activities, and therefore build up new community structures. The ecolgical impact of exotic species should be investigated from several respects in more details.
    A preliminary study on the pteridophytes flora in Chongqing
    Li Yu-Quan, He Ping, Deng Hong-Ping, Xiao Yi-An, Dou Quan-Li
    2005, 25(2):  230-235.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.026
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    The paper report the floristic components and geographical distribution of the pteridophyte in Chongqing. The statistics and analysis of the pteridophytes floristic composition and geographical elements between Chongqing city and other regions are also discussed, the results indicate as follow:(1)It is now known that there are 389 species (including varieties) of fern in Chongqing city,which belong to 109 genera and 43 families.(2)The dominant families and genera are prominent.The dominant families are Dryopteridaceae, The lypteridaceae, Polypodiaceae, Athyriaceae, Pteridaceae; The dominant genera are Dryopteris Adens, Polystichum Roth., Pteris L., Asplenium L., Lycopodioides Boehm., Coniogramme Fee. (3)The flora of pteridophyte in Chongqing has typical characteristics of tropic distribution compositions.There are 22 tropic families in the area which account for 75.00% of overall families; There are 60 tropic genus in the area which account for 64.52% of overall genus(% excepting the families of cosmopolitan). (4)The flora are ancient origin and complex in geographical, the ancient families and genus are abundant, but endemic families and genus are scare.(5)The pteridophyte get great development and far distance distribution because of the advantageous climax and landforms in the area.(6)Comparative and clustering analysis can clearly reflect the differences of flora,the result indicate the region are much more closely allied to Tibet, Hengduan Mountains and East of China than to Intramongolica and Liaoning province in flora.
    Studies on the characteristics of shrub communities in Coloane, Macau
    WANG Fa-Guo, XING Fu-Wu, YE Hua-Gu, YAN Yue-Hong
    2005, 25(2):  236-241.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.027
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    According to the data of field plot, this paper deals with preliminary characteristics of shrub communities in Coloane, Macau. The results show that: There are various plants in the communities, and its family and genus are of scattered compositions. The communities are dominated with Syzygium kwangtungense, Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia, Eurya nitida and Rhodomytus tomentosa, but the equality character is low. Due to lack of trees and population competition, species that are rare or with high relative abundance constitute only a small proportion. The physiognomy of the shrub is mainly decided by the phanerophytes with microphylls, mesophylls, herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen leathery, simple and unentire leaves.
    A survey on the invasive plants in Kap O Islands, Northeastern Hong Kong
    YAN Yue-Hong, HE Zu-Xia, SHEA She-Sang, HUANG Zhong-Liang, XING Fu-Wu
    2005, 25(2):  242-248.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.028
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    What type of ecosystems more vuinerabie than the others in herms of inpact of invasive species? It is one of the focuses of modern species invasion ecology. Our survey on the invasive plants on 8 islands in northeastern water of Hong Kong(114°15'~114°27'E, 22°30'~22°34'N) was carried out recently. The results shown that the islands(including Island Sai Ap Chau, Island Ap Lo Chun and Island Ap Chau) with calcium-rich soil might be more invasible than other islands (including Island Lam Shuen Pai, Island Fu Wong Chau, Island Ngo Mei Chau, Island Wong Wan Chau) with low calcium soil. Although there are may more species of invasive plants in Island Kap O, the abundance of exotic plants is low and did not cause significant harm to the natural vegetation. Based on comparison of the invasive plants and island area, human disturbance and soil component, the results presented herewith on the relstionship between calcium and the fact that limestone, saline, beach, calcic soil that widely distributed in temperate zone and arid soil formed in Mediterranean Sea Climate was easily invaded by the invasive plants.
    A study on Castanopsis fargesii forest classification in Guangxi
    WANG Xian-Pu, GUO Ke, QIN Hai-Ning
    2005, 25(2):  249-256.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2005.02.029
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    Evergreen broadleaved forest dominated by Castanopsis fargesii is widely distributed in red and yellow soils on the hills and mountains of eastern central subtropics below 700 m above sea level in Guangxi, it is a most representative zonal community type of this region, and it also fragmentally occurs in some mountainous areas of south subtropics and north tropics. Frequent 13 Associations in Guangxi are described in this paper, simple illustration of their geographical distribution, habitat property and species composition is given. All of these materials may be used for basis of their conservation and scientific management.