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    20 May 2008, Volume 28 Issue 3
    A New Species of Mussaenda from Mountain Emei,Sichuan
    ZHU Zheng-Yin;ZHU Shi-Jie
    2008, 28(3):  257-258.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.001
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    A new species of the family Rublaceae(Mussaenda Linn.),Mussaenda emeiensis Z.Y.Zhu et S.J.Zhu,from Emei mountain Sichuan,China is described.
    A New Variety of Vatica L.(Dipterocarpaceae) and a New Combinetion of Canthium(Rubiaceae) from Hainan Island
    FU Guo-Ai;YANG Yong-Kang
    2008, 28(3):  259-260.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.002
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    A new variety of Vatica Linn. was discovered in Hainan Island and Canthium dicoccum(Gaertn.) Merr. var. obovatifolium was promoted Canthium obovatifolium(G.A.Fu) G.A.Fu by variety.
    Additions to the Pteridophyte Flora of Shaanxi Province
    GUO Xiao-Si;CHEN Yan-Sheng;LI Bin;WU Zhen-Hai
    2008, 28(3):  261-263.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.003
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    Eleven newly recorded species of ferns from Shaanxi Province are reported. They are Neolepisorus emeiensis, Microlepia marginata, Asplenium humistratum, A. chengkouense, Polystichum erosum, P. muscicola, P. thomsonii, P. acutidens, P. kangdingense, Pyrrosia lingua and Osmunda claytoniana. All the specimens examined are preserved in Herbarium of Northwest A & F University(WUK). So far, 258 pteridophyte species are known to grow in Shaanxi Province.
    Lectotypifications of Five Names of Chinese Taxa in Dicotyls
    LI Hong-Li;LIN Qi*;YANG Jun
    2008, 28(3):  264-266.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.004
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    Based on examinations of type specimens housed at PE, lectotypes for five names of Chinese taxa in Fagaceae, Papaveraceae, Capparidaceae and Cruciferae are here designated under Article 8.1, 9.9, 9.10 and 37.2, Recommendation 9A.2 and 9A.3 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code), because the types were respectively indicated by reference to a gathering that consists of more than one specimen, or more than one gathering were simultaneously designated, without indicating the type in the protologue.
    A Study of morphology perichaetium of Trichocolea Dumort.(Hepaticae)
    GAO Chien;LI Wei;WU Yu-Huan
    2008, 28(3):  267-268.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.005
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    The mutural perichaetium of Trichocolea Dumort. was supposed as Calyptra developing from archegonium, after observing the cross-section and longisection of perichaetium.
    The Observation of Morphology and Anatomy of Lyellia from China
    SHA Wei;ZHENG Yun-Mei;LI Chuan-Xiang;ZHAO Zi-Feng
    2008, 28(3):  269-272.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.006
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    The observation by scanning electron microscope and the comparison of the leaf and stem structure of 2 species of Lyellia were using in it.The spores,leaf and stem were measured.The result show that some of morphology and anatomy of leaves was same as other plant of Polytrichaceae,the stomatal of Lyellia was evolutional,ornamentation of spores was primitive.
    Floral Organogenesis and Development of Clematis fruticosa Turcz.(Ranunculaceae)
    WU Hai-Yan;SUN Kun*;CAI Zheng-Wang;SU Xue;PANG Hai-Long
    2008, 28(3):  273-277.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.007
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    The floral organogenesis and development of Clematis fruticosa Turcz. were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Four sepals are decussate in position and whorled phyllotaxis in arrangement. The primary four stamen primodia initiate spirally nearly in joint position of four sepals. Then, with the increasing of stamen primordium numbers, the phyllotaxis gradually change into slightly apparent spiral pattern. When initiation of stamen primordia have finished, carpel primordia initiate spirally along the initiation pattern of stamen primordia on the floral primordium apex. Our results support the viewpoint that the spiral phyllotaxis and the whorled phyllotaxis can coexist in a flower of primitive angiosperms. Furthermore, we also confirmed the view that sepal and bract are homologous.
    A Study on Breeding System of the Endangered Plant Cistanche deserticola
    SONG Yu-Xia;GUO Sheng-Hu;NIU Dong-Ling;ZHENG Guo-Qi;MA Hong-Ai;LI Miao
    2008, 28(3):  278-282.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.008
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    We conducted a field of investigation,out crossing index,pollen-ovule ratio,emasculation,bagging and artificial pollination studied the inflorescence development,flowering character,pollination,pollen viability,stigma receptivity,breeding System of Cistanche deserticola Ma in natural populations.The results show: the inflorescence of Cistanche deserticola Ma are indefinite spike,we can divide the growth stage of inflorescence into break through the soil,come up out of the land,efflorescence and frutescence and seed of maturity stage. It is hermaphrodite flower,flowering lasted 2 to 3 days. The flowering span of inflorescence is 25-30 days. The flowering span among populations is 36-38 days. When flower is blooming,the stigma is a little higher than the anther,the stigma is bigger and prolapsed. The result of experiment of gravity and sheet glass showed,the out crossing of windpollination in this species could be ignored. The main flower visitors are bees,flies and beetles. SEM examinations of insect body showed great quantity of pollen grain were carried by bees. The visitors usually visit the hetero flower in the same inflorescence. The flying range of flower visitors are zero frequently. Out crossing index is 3,pollen-ovule ratio(p/o) is 35.45±8.56. Based on the results of emasculation,bagging and artificial pollination studies,Cistanche deserticola Ma takes selfing as the main breeding system.
    The Induction of Female Flowers in Cotyledons of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in Vitro
    HUANG Zuo-Xi;WANG Fang;ZHANG Yun-Gang;ZHOU Ling-Ling;YU Guo-Zhi;DUAN Hui-Guo;
    2008, 28(3):  283-287.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.009
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    The research of the synergistic effect of Spd and IAA as well as the effects of temperature difference round the clock, N concentration and pH on the induction of female flowers in cotyledons of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) in vitro was carried out, in which MS basal medium supplemented with Spd and IAA was used. It was found that the induction rate and the amount of female flower in every trial were considerably low and even down to zero when Spd or IAA was respectively added to cotyledons cultured on MS basal medium, while the induction effect were obviously higher when 12 mg·L-1 Spd and 0.01 mg·L-1 IAA were added simultaneously, and no female flowers could be observed on the control medium, which indicated that Spd and IAA had an significant synergistic effect on the induction of female flowers. Experiment was done with N concentration of 60~90 mmol·L-1 or with temperature difference round the clock of 0~10℃, and with pH of 5.4~6.6, the great effect on the induction of female flowers was achieved on medium of N 70 mmol·L-1, from temperature difference 6℃ and pH 6.2, which showed that the appropriate increase of temperature difference, N concentration and pH was of benefit to the induction of female flowers in cotyledons of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)

    Phylogenetic Relationship Between Magnolia wufengensis and Several Related Species in Subgenus Yulania Based on AFLP Marker Analysis
    HE Sui-Chao;MA Lü-Yi*
    2008, 28(3):  288-292.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.010
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    The relationship of Magnolia wufengensis with several other magnolia species in subgenus Yulania, and the taxon status of M. wufengensis were analyzed with AFLP molecular marker. A collection of 36 accessions representative of 7 magnolia species were selectively amplified and the results showed that 635 out of 874 bands are polymorphic with nine primer combinations; there was a higher genetic similarity between M. wufengensis and M. denudata, M. sprengeri than other magnolia species. The cluster result based on AFLP was generally in harmony with the morphologic taxa in Subgenus Yulania. Not only distinct morphologic differences from other magnolia species but also AFLP molecular markers supported that M. wufengensis should be a new species and M. wufengensis var. wufengensis and M. wufengensis var. multitepala should be the same one species.
    Construction and EST Analysis of Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library of Betula platyphylla Female Inflorescence
    WANG Chao;YANG Chuan-Ping*;WEI Ji-Cheng;JIANG Jing
    2008, 28(3):  293-298.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.011
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    To investigate the differentially expressed genes during the development of Betula platyphylla female inflorescence, a suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) library was constructed by using the cDNAs from the female and male inflorescences, respectively, as the tester and the driver. The recombination of the SSH library was 72%, with about 400 bp of average insert length. The clones from SSH library were selected randomly for sequencing. Totally, 150 ESTs were obtained, with the GenBank accession number EE284580-EE284681, EE595316-EE595363. The ESTs were functional annotated by BlastX. Among them, 111 ESTs significantly matched with Nr database, and were further classified into functional groups including metablism, cell rescue, defence, transcription, energy and signal transduction, etc.. The genes related in flower development were found in our EST collection, which account for 21% of known function ESTs. These genes including MADS-box, S-locus F-box, etc., and their function involved in inflorescence forming and differentiation regulation, pollen-stigma interactions control and pollen tube development, etc. The obtaining of these EST will provide a reference for analysis of gene expression in the inflorescence of B.platyphylla, and also will make a base for cloning genes related with developments of follower and gene functional analysis in follower development.
    Genetic Diversity of Wide Cross Population of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Platycladu orientalis
    QI Ming
    2008, 28(3):  299-303.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.012
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    By means of the technique of molecular marker of ISSR, genetic diversity of wide cross population of Chinese fir was studied, and the data collected in PCR experiment was processed by the worldwide popular software (PopGENE). The main results was as follows: (1)the effective number of alleles per locus was 1.719 1; (2)the percentage of polymorphic loci was 88.20%; (3)the Nei’s gene diversity index was 0.399 7; (4)Shannon’s information index was 0.582 4; (5) the genetic distance among parents within breeding population was(0.069 0, 1.609 4), the average value was 0.669 8, its PCV was 69.19%. Based on the comparison with similar study of the world, it can be confirmed that there was higher genetic diversity of parents population of Chinese fir and Platycladu orientalis. It possesses better improvement potential, and its corresponding productive population also had much wider ecological adaptability.
    Establishment of Cycas micholitzii ISSR-PCR Optimal Conditions with Orthogonal Optimization Method
    MO Peng-Qiao;HUANG Yu-Yuan*;ZHONG Xiao-Qing;LIU Guang-Lin;LI Zheng-Wen;NONG Bao-Xuan
    2008, 28(3):  304-309.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.013
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    CTAB method and SDS method were used to extract genomic DNA from Cycas micholitzii and CTAB method was testified to be more effective to C.micholitzii.The Orthogonal design was used to optimize ISSR-PCR amplification system in three levels of four factors dNTP, Taq DNA plymerase,Primer and Mg2+. Base on the pre-liminary experiment,other three factors(amount of DNA,anneal-ling temperature,circular times)were further optimized. A sutable ISSR-PCR reaction system was established, namely 20 μL reaction system contaning:1.0 U Taq DNA polymerase, 2.5 mmol·L-1 Mg2+, 250 μmol·L-1 dNTPs, 0.2 μmol·L-1 Primer, 1×Buffer, 75 ng DNA. Programmed for an initial step of 5 min at 94℃, followed by 40 cycles of 1 min at 94℃, 1 min at 52℃ and 2 min at 72℃,and a final 10 min extension at 72℃. The result afford a reference to the research on molecular biology and molecular systematics of Cycadopcida.
    Construction of TMV-replicase Gene-targeted Vectoer for RNA Interference
    LÜFeng-Xia;GUO Zhao-Kui;YAN Pei-Qiang;WAN Xiu-Qing;PAN Yong-Ming
    2008, 28(3):  310-314.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.014
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    The TMV-replicase gene was regarded target-directed sequence for RNA interference in this paper. The target sequence was linked to pMD18-T Simple Vector and replicated in E.coli DH 5α. after obtained by RT-PCR reaction. The pMD18-T Simple vector (which contains target sequence) was digested restrictively by double-endonuclease, after purifying the digested product was inserted into pUCCRNAi vector by the counterrepeat way. Then the counterrepeated structure of target sequence was inserted into pC2300-35s-OCS expression vector after enzyme disgested. The recombination plamid was transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens which only contained assistant plasmid in order to construct double-plasmid expression vector. With PCR reaction and restriction endonuclease digestion, the target gene sequence was comfirmed in engineering-bacterium.
    Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Chimonanthus praecox Based on ISSR Analysis
    ZHAO Bing;ZHANG Qi-Xiang*
    2008, 28(3):  315-320.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.015
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    The genetic diversity of 7 wild populations and 2 cultivated populations was analyzed using inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) markers. As a result,124 bands were amplified by 11 informative and reliable primers ,of which 110 were polymorphic loci. As analyzed by the software POPGENE,the genetic diversity of Chimonanthus praecox was high with Nei’s gene diversity of 0.272 6 and Shannon’s Information Index of 0.411 7. the genetic diversity difference among populations was high with PPL of 52.94%~90.00%,Nei’s gene diversity of 0.143 4~0.378 2 and Shannon’s Information Index of 0.232 2~0.546 6. Genetic differentiation mainly occurred within populations(GST=0.353 6). UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei and Li genetic similarity didn’t form 9 clades corresponding to geographic distance. The correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance among the populations was not significant (r=0.437 1,P=0.921 3).
    RAPD Analysis of Twenty-six General Species in Gladiolus hybridus Hort
    WANG Jin-Gang;CHE Dai-Di;LIU Shen-Kui;YANG Chuan-Pin*
    2008, 28(3):  321-324.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.016
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    Gladiolus hybridus Hort is one of the world famous cutting flowers.Because it is a pure exotic species, so there is no a uniform international classification method.It is classified mainly by biological characteristics,but is affected by environment deeply.Isozyme as the product of gene, can be used for identification and classification of gladiolus species, but there are some differences in different organ tissue within different time. however, molecular marker techniques is not affected by environment and different period of organ and tissue, stable transmissibility and simple analysis, which are widely used in flowers variety classification. RAPD analysis was applied in the study the classification and genetic relationship of 26 cultivars of G. hybridus Hort.Thirty-three arbitrary primers screened from 520 primers were used for further PCR and diversity analysis.A total of 206 RAPD sites were detected with a mean of 6.24 fragment amplified for each primer.A total of 185 polymorphic DNA fragments were detected among all the 206 amplified fragments,which accounted for a high level of 89.8% of all and could be used for identification of different cultivars.The result revealed that the germplasm resource of G. hybridus Hort cutting flower cultivar had a narrow genetic base on molecular level, some genetic relationship existed in summer large-flowers of G. hybridus Hort varieties.
    Genetic Diversity of Schima superba Populations in Three Forest Communities at Different Succession Stages
    DING Li-Ya;JIN Ze-Xin*;LI Jun-Min
    2008, 28(3):  325-329.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.017
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    Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of Schima superba populations in three forest communities at different succession stages. Using 12 random primers, 203 repetitive loci were produced in 60 individuals of S. superba, among which 183 loci were polymorphic and the total percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 90.15%. The average percentage of polymorphic loci of three populations was 82.27%. Estimated by Shannon information index (I), the total genetic diversity of three populations was 0.524 4 with an average of 0.477 8 while that was 0.358 7 with an average of 0.326 5 judged from Nei index (h). Judged from percentage of polymorphic loci and Shannon information index and Nei index, the genetic diversity of coniferous forest community ranked first, followed by coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest community, and then evergreen broad-leaved forest. Analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA) showed that 91.56% of genetic variance was within populations and 8.44% of genetic variance resided among population. The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) was 0.089 7 and the gene flow (Nm) was 5.073 1. The mean of genetic identity among 3 populations of S. superba was 0.928 4 and the mean of genetic distance was 0.074 4, The genetic identity between the coniferous forest community and the coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest community was the highest.
    Effects of Water Conditions on Proline and Chllorophy Contents in Pinus koraiensis and Pinus sibirica
    XIA Ying-Ying;MAO Zi-Jun*;MA Li-Xiang;CHEN Jie
    2008, 28(3):  330-335.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.018
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    Effects of different water conditions on proline and chlorophyll contents in current-needles and previous-needles of Pinus koraiensis and P. sibirica were studied. Three-year-old potted P. koraiensis and P. sibirica were taken as materials with four water regimes: 29%~31%(C), 22%~24%(L), 15%~17%(M) and waterlogging condition(W). The results were as follows: 1) proline content varied with leaf age and species. Chlorophyll content of current-needles was higher than that of previous-needles in P. koraiensis, and it was opposite in P. sibirica. Proline content in P. koraiensis was generally higher than that in P. sibirica; 2) proline content was accumulated significantly in both two species under waterlogging. Water stress appeared after one month treatment in P. koraiensis, and this was earlier than in P. sibirica. The previous-needles of both two species was under water stress as the soil water contents reached 15%~17%, but the effect in P. koraiensis was larger than in P. sibirica. 3) The accumulation of chlorophyll content had little correlation with the capacity of resistance to water stress in the two species; 4)P. sibirica had wider water fitting range than P. koraiensis; the capacity of resistance to water stress in current-needles was bigger than that in previous-needles in both two species.
    The Relation of Seasonal Changes in Water and Organic Osmotica to Freezing Tolerance in the Leaves of Sabina
    CHEN Yin-Ping;CHEN Tuo;ZHANG Man-Xiao;ZHANG You-Fu;AN Li-Zhe;
    2008, 28(3):  336-341.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.019
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    Seasonal changes in the contents of water and organic osmotica were examined in the leaves of Sabina przewalskii and Sabina chinensis, aimed to probe into their relationships with freezing tolerance. The results showed that the relative water content (RWC) and free water content (FWC) decreased during hardening in autumn, but bound water content (BWC) and organic osmotica accumulated and remained relatively higher level over winter. In spring, RWC and FWC increased, BWC decreased, and organic osmotica accumulated again. These seasonal patterns were consistent with winter hardening and dehardening. Organic osmotica may supply nutrients to regrowth in spring and contribute to the stabilization of the cell membrane by preventing lipid peroxidation and by binding the tissue water. The results also suggested that a better capacity for osmoregulation in S. przewalskii might account for its greater capacity for freezing tolerance than S. chinensis.
    The Response of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedings to Salt Stress under Hydroponics
    LI Jing-Nan;LIU Qiang*;WANG Ping-Ping;PAN Wei
    2008, 28(3):  342-346.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.020
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    Hydroponics experiments were conducted to study the changes of biological aspects under different levels of NaCl and compound-salt stress with the seedlings of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. The effect of varying concentrations of Phosphate fertilizer solutions on the tolerance under salt stress was also evaluated. The result indicated that, the tolerance under the NaCl stress was stronger than that under compound-salt stress. When the concentration was below 0.7%, the growth was normal, when the concentration surpassed 0.8%, the mortality rate increased, and under the concentration of 1.0% the mortality rate was 86%. The tolerance under the compound salt stress was weak. When the concentration was 0.6%, the mortality rate achieved 93.3%. Proper phosphate fertilizer enhanced the seedling tolerance under NaCl stress as well as made sprout stronger.
    The Seed Germination of Swertia bimaculata
    LONG Hua;HUANG Heng-Yu*
    2008, 28(3):  347-352.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.021
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    In this paper, the effects of temperature, lights, GA3 and NAA on the seeds germination of Swertia bimaculata were studied. The main results show that the favorable temperature for their germination is 15~20℃, the rate of seeds germination are enhanced by pretreated of low temperature, but the effects of lights is insignificant, both GA3 and NAA increase the vigor of germination, moreover, GA3 can improve the rates of germination. This study can be concluded that the seeds of S. bimaculata have dormancy, both hormone and 4℃ cold storage have important effective for dormancy breaking.
    Species Diversity of Rare Plant Dipentodon sinicus Communities in Yushe National Forest Park
    LIN Chang-Song;ZUO Jing-Hui;LIAO Wen
    2008, 28(3):  353-358.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.022
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    The species diversity of Dipentodon sinicus communities in Yushe National Forest Park of Guizhou province was studied based on the quadrate method. The results showed that Rosaceae, Ericaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cornaceae were the dominant families in D. sinicus communities of Yushe National Forest Park. In the 10 sample plots, there were 8 which were absolutely dominated with D. sinicus population, the importance value came up to 135.69 on average, and it was far higher than the others. For D. sinicus communities, the abundance index (2.847), Simpson index (0.601), Shannon-Wiener index (1.523), probability of inter-specific encounter (0.601) and species evenness (0.569) of the tree layer were lower than those of the shrub layer (5.580, 0.830, 2.377, 0.829, 0.672, respectively) on the whole. It markedly showed a species diversity characteristic of the mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in middle subtropics. In the 10 sample plots, the species diversity level of Q1 (the first sample plot) was the highest, followed by Q3, Q5 and Q6 was the lowest. The species diversity indexes of the 10 communities decrease in the order of Q1>Q3>Q9>Q7>Q2>Q4>Q10>Q8>Q5>Q6.
    Community Structure and Species Diversity in Wulian Mountain of Shandong
    GAO Yuan;YAO Liang;QIU Zhen-Lu;YAN Jing-Hao
    2008, 28(3):  359-363.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.023
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    Mountain Wulian Nature Reserve is located in the southeast coastal region of Shandong Province,to fully understand their community structure and species diversity,the author conducted a field survey,and obtained 11 standard samples,whose total area is 6 600 m2. In samples,the author recorded 141 higher plants,belonging to 52 families.Regional vegetation in this Nature Reserve is evergreen conifer woods-deciduous broadleaverd forest,and deciduous broadleaverd forest,the main forest vegetation is Pinus densiflora-Castanea mollissima community,Quercus acutissima-Pinus densiflora community,P. densiflora-Rhododendron simsii community,Q. acutissima-Rhododendron simsii community.Sample data displays this region xylophyte type is not very rich,but the community structure is complex with obvious environment heterogeneity,indicating tree layer diversity index<woody layer diversity index<shrub layer diversity index.The author thinks what affects the diversity of the Wulian core protection areas most is elevation and slope,and the external protection of human interference would seriously affect the vegetation types and species diversity.Overall,the region is in early successional communities,interspecific competition is not sufficient,and the species diversity is low.
    Forest Community Structural Features of Jincheng Mountain in Nanchong Region in Jialing River Basin
    SUN Lan;SU Zhi-Xian*;ZHANG Su-Lan;YAN Xian-Chun;QUAN Qiu-Mei
    2008, 28(3):  364-369.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.024
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    On the basis of quadrate investigation, with the method of “spatial sere substituting for time sere”, the communities of Jinchengshan National Forest Park were divided into eight types by group average clustering, and each structural feature of the communities was discussed individually. Moreover, the pattern for dominant population structure was analyzed by population structure development and survival curve. The results showed that Cupressus funebris,Cunninghamia lanceolala+Quercus acuissima belonged to the declining populations, whereas, Cupressus funebris+Quercus fabric, Pinus massoniana+Cupressus funebris and Quercus acuissima+Quercus fabric were growing populations, and Symplocos szechumensis+Lindera setchuenensis, Pinus massoniana+Symplocos szechumensis and Pinus massoniana kept stationary. Habitat condition and human disturbance were the main factors affecting the age structure and the dynamics of populations, and thus, the protection and fostering of the communities of Jinchengshan National Forest Park should be reinforced, meanwhile, the human disturbance should be reduced.
    Whole Stand Growth Model for Natural Dahurian Larch Forests Based on BP ANN
    JIN Xing-Ji;JIA Wei-Wei*;LI Feng-Ri
    2008, 28(3):  370-374.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.025
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    Based on 688 permanent sample plots,the whole stand growth model of BP ANN was developed for natural dahurian larch(Larix gemelinii Rupr.) forests in area of the Daxing’an Mountains, using log-sigmoid function (logsig) and linearity function (purelin) of MATLAB as the neural functions. According to the concept of whole stand growth model,the Age(A),Site Class Index (SCI) and Stand Density Index (SDI) were considered as input variables and the Stand Volume(M) was as the output variable in the model. A comparative study between BP ANN model and the common method was also conducted. The result of the model performance analysis was showed that the BP ANN model in this paper had high fitting accuracy (99.6%) and precision (98.9%), it is better than the common methods in fitting and adaptability and it was suitable to predicting stand growth.
    Study on Histochemical Localization of Anthraquinones in Root of Rheum tanguticum Maxim.et Balf.var.liupanshanense Cheng et kao
    ZHANG Ying-Cai;HUANG Xin-Ling
    2008, 28(3):  375-379.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.026
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    The characteristics of histochemical location and the storage and accumulation laws of anthraquinone compounds in root of Rheum tanguticum Maxim.et Balf. var. liupanshanense Cheng et kao were studied by histochemical methods.The results showed that the distribution of anthraquinone compounds in the root was of multilocus,anthraquinones of root exist in phellem and phelloderm of periderm and vascular rays of secondary vascular tissue and part of xylem parenchyma in the center of root differently,the xylem rays of secondary xylem and the phloem rays of secondary phloem in root are chief tissues which store and accumulate anthraquinones,anthraquinones content is higher in mature vascular ray cells than in immature vascular ray cells.
    Quantitative Assessment of Priority for Conservation of the National Protected Plants in Dabieshan,Eastern of Hubei
    FANG Yuan-Ping;XIANG Jun;HU Yang;FU De-An
    2008, 28(3):  380-384.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.03.027
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    Based on field investigation,the threatened coefficient,the genetic coefficient and the specific value coefficient were used for quantitative analyses to determine the priority of conservation of the national protected plants distributed in Dabieshan in this paper. The results showed that 7 species of the national protected plants belong to the first class protection,occupying 38.9% of total,5 species belong to the second,occupying 27.8% of total,3 species belong to the third,occupying 16.7% of total,and 3 species belong to the fourth,occupying 16.7% of total. Some effective conversation measures have been put forward.