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    20 March 2008, Volume 28 Issue 2
    A New Species of Yushania Keng f. and Supplement of Flower of Fargesia lincangensis Yi from West Yunnan,China
    YI Tong-Pei;SHI Jun-Yi;MA Li-Sha;WANG Hai-Tao;YANG Lin
    2008, 28(2):  129-132.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.001
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    Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J. Y. Shi, new species of the Bambusoidiae from the West Yunnan, is described and illustrated. In addition, this paper also gives the supplementary descriptions about the character of the flower of Fargesia lincangensis Yi.
    A New Species of Chimonocalamus Hsueh et Yi on West Yunnan China
    YI Tong-Pei;SHI Jun-Yi;MA Li-Sha;YANG Lin;YAO Jun
    2008, 28(2):  133-135.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.002
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    Chimonocalamus cibarius Yi et J. Yi Shi, new species of the Bambusoidiae from the West Yunnan, is described and illustrated.
    A New Species of Iris L.(Iridaceae) From Yunnan,China
    DONG Xiao-Dong;LI Ji-Hong
    2008, 28(2):  136-137.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.003
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    Iris habanesis X. D. Dong is described and illustrated as a new species. This species is distinguished from Iris decora Wall. in ground controlled approach, single scape, no branch and having crista tailpiece. Also, it differs from Iris collettii Hook. f. by having scape 15-20 centimeters long in fluorescence.
    New Taxon of Krascheninnikovia(Chenopodiaceae) from Xinjiang China
    LI Zhu;YANG Gang;FU Ai-Liang;SAWULIE;ZHENG Xiao-Hong
    2008, 28(2):  138-142.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.004
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    The paper reported two new varieties, five new forma of Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L) Guedenst and one new variety of K.compacta var. yechengensis f. nov. A L F. in K.compacta (Losinsk) Grub family, all of them are native species in Xinjiang.Every new classified group are marked by illustration. Krascheninnikovia ceratoides var. deserticola(Losinsk) G.Yang Comb.nova mainly grow in plain desert or lower mountain area. Often branched at the lower paRt of stem, form a cushiony shrub,leaf in shape of narrow, needles like, elliptoid and long round, hair on both side of the leaf so it shows the same color. Krascheninnikovia ceratoides var. pratensis (Losinsk) G.Yang Comb.nova mainly distributed in the mountain rangeland.Branched at the upside of the stem,no hair at the face side of the leaf and little hair at the otherside, so the two sideS of the leaf show the different color.The leaf of K.compacta var. yechengensis A L F.var.nov.looks same with,but bract of pistillate flower is in light green, and the separation part is longer than connection. So it is very easy to be distinguished. It can be fond in Kunlun Mountain of Yecheng County only.
    Additions to the Orchidaceae of China
    HU Ai-Qun;YE De-Ping;XING Fu-Wu*
    2008, 28(2):  143-146.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.005
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    Bulbophyllum albibracteum Seidenf., a newly recorded orchid of China, is described and illustrated. It is mainly characterized by its conspicuously large, white and recurved bracts with serrulate edges, short hairs along abaxial midnerve of sepals, and erect stylids reaching 1 mm long. Malaxis matsudai (Yamamoto) Hatusima and Cheirostylis takeoi (Hayata) Schltr. are reported from Mailand China for the first time.
    Primary Study on Hepaticae from Mt. Qilian
    WU Yu-Huan;GAO Chien;CHENG Guo-Dong
    2008, 28(2):  147-150.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.006
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    12 species belongs to eight families and ten genera are reported as new to Mt. Qilian based on specimens. Among them, 11 species are new records to Gansu province and two species are new records to Qinghai province, respectively. Also this is the first time to report Hepaticae from Qinghai province.
    Development of Gametophytes of Grammitis dorsipila
    ZHAO Jin-Bo;LI Yong;LIU Bao-Dong*;WANG Yue
    2008, 28(2):  151-154.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.007
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    Through the artifical way for the first time,we detailed makes a typical record of the whole course of gametophyte development and the characters of every taches of Grammitis dorsipila (Christ.)C.Chr.,including spore germination,protonema,trichome,chloroplastid,border cells,antheridium et,with 29 characteristic pictures.Besides,we provide a lot of detailed data in the course of gametophyte development of Grammitidaceae,and discuss the systemic meaning of gametophyte’s characters of Grammitis dorsipila(Christ.)C.Chr..
    Comparative Morphology of the Tepal Epidermis in Illiciales
    WU Zhi-Rong;LIN Qi*
    2008, 28(2):  155-167.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.008
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    The tepal epidermis of 20 samples,representing 11 species within Illicium Linn.(Illiciaceae),15 samples of 8 species belonging to Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss.(Schisandraceae),and 17 samples of 6 species in Schisandra Michaux. (Schisandraceae),were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Several characters of tepal epidermis of the three genera in Illiciales,such as patterns of epidermal cells,shapes and distributing of secretory cells,types and distributing of stomatal apparatus,and cuticular ornamentations,were reported for the first time. Two new characters,stomata cluster and cyclotytic stomata,are introduced. The previous studies reported the correlations between the character of outer stomatal rims on leaf epidermis and the habit in Illiciales: single outer stomatal rims occured in deciduous species and double ones only in evergreen species. In this study,all the outer stomatal rims on tepal epidermis in Illiciales are single,different from those on leaf epidermis. Therefore,it is considered that the outer stomatal rims on tepal epidermis and the outer stomatal rims on leaf epidermis are not interrelated. Neither is the latter nor the habit. The characters of tepal epidermis are constant whether the tepals grow in bisexual,male or female flowers,which means this character does not relate with flower sex. Comparing the characters of tepal epidermis among Illicium,Kadsura and Schisandra,it is indicated that Schisandra has more derived characters than Kadsura,and so does Kadsura than Illicium. Additionaly,the similarity,of tepal epidermis between Kadsura and Schisandra,is greater than that between Kadsura and Illicium. Therefore,it seems reasonable to establish Schisandraceae including genera Kadsura and Schisandra,and Illiciaceae only containing the single genus Illicium.
    The Structures of Primary Vascular System of Four Species Seedlings in Three Genera of Papaveraceae
    LIANG Yan;WANG Mao*;SUN Xiao-Wu;WANG Li;GUO Jie
    2008, 28(2):  168-174.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.009
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    The evolutionary relationships of genera in Papaveraceae are particularly controversial. The structures and developments of seedlings in 4 species of 3 genera were studied with the methods of tissue cleaning and paraffin section in this paper. Representatives of genus Papaver are Papaver rhoeas and Papaver orientale, while Chelidonium majus and Corydalis bungeana are representatives of genera Chelidonium and Corydalis, respectively. The results indicate the haplostele types are different in the lower part of cotyledon node zone (CNZ) of three genera. Genera Papaver and Chelidonium are exarch diarch rotundity haplostele and rotundity-like haplostele, respectively, and genus Corydalis is exarch diarch “S”-shape haplostele. And the cotyledon venations of three genera seedlings are distinct. Papaver rhoeas and Papaver orientale have only a single primary vein, and no leaf gaps existed on the cotyledon node. Chelidonium majus and Corydalis bungeana have Brochidodromous-Camptodromous-Pinnate venation and Basal-Perfect-Acrodromous venation, respectively. In terms of the evidence from the structures of primary vascular system of seedlings, the evolvement levels of three genera are that Papaver is more primitive, followed by Chelidonium, and Corydalis is the most developed.
    Systematic Position of the Woodsiaceae and Peranemaceae:Evidence from Chloroplast trnL-F Region Sequences
    WANG Ma-Li LIU Hong-Mei LU Shu-Gang LIU Zhan-Lin CHEN Zhi-Duan
    2008, 28(2):  175-178.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.010
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    Woodsiaceae and Peranemaceae have always been considered to be two close relatives of families by many scholars, and their systematic positions have long been controversial, which have been placed in Aspidiaceae, Dryopteridoideae (Dennstaedtiaceae) and Athyrioideae (Dryopteridaceae). Nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast trnL-F region from 1 species of Woodsiacear,three species of Peranemaceae,eight species of Dryopteridaceae, two species of Dryopteriaceae and one species inoutgroup (Asplenium pseudolaserpitiifolium) were analyzed to gain insights into intergeneric relationships. The phylogenetic relationship was inferred using the neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony methods, and both methods produced largely congruent trees. These trees reveal that: The relationship of Woodsiaceae and Peranemaceae is farther, Woodsiaceae is close to Athyriaceae, Peranemaceae is sister to Dryopteridaceae, Woodsiaceae and Peranemaceae are belong to different evolution lines. It is suitable that Ching (1978) and Pichi-Sermolii (1977) treeted them as independent families.
    Changes of Chloroplast Light-energy Conversion Characteristics on Leaves of Gingko
    XU Yan-Li;CHEN Guo-Xiang*;WEI Xiao-Dong;LEI Hua;SHI Da-Wei
    2008, 28(2):  179-182.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.011
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    The light-energy conversion characteristics of Gingko chloroplast in nature condition were investigated. The results showed that: photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content of Gingko increased as leaf spreading. The content of ATP increased with the activity of photophorylation, keeping low content after germination, and having the maximum content of ATP after 65 days as leaves growing; Mg2+,Ca2+ATPase activity changed from high level to low after germination, and reached the lowest level after 50 days as leaves growing, then its activity ascend sluggishly. The results also showed that all lightenergy conversion characteristics had the similar change in male and female.
    Leaf Epidermis Morphology Observation of Tiliacea in Heilongjiang Province
    MU Li-Qiang;ZHOU Hao;QU Wei-Di
    2008, 28(2):  183-186.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.012
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    The microcharacteristics of leaf epidermis of Tilia amurensis and T. mandshurica were observed by scanning electron microscope, and it’s microcharacteristics was studied comparatively. The results indicated that the microcharacteristics of up-epidermis of leaf of T. amurensis were the same with T. mandshurica, the waxiness emblazonry, the morphological character and the quantity of stelllate hair in elemental area of stomatal apparatus in down-epidermis of leaf showed great differences. These differences of microcharacteristics could be an anatomy proof to diefferentiate T. amurensis and T. mandshurica.
    Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Taxonomic Significance in Cotoneaster Medikus
    DING Song-Shuang;SUN Kun*;SU Xue;DONG Li-Na;ZHANG Ai-Mei
    2008, 28(2):  187-194.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.013
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    The leaf epidermis of 15 species, representing two sections of the genus Cotoneaster was investigated using light microscopy(LM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). In Sect. Cotoneaster, leaf epidermal cells are usually polygonal in shape, straight to arched in pattern of anticlinal wall, and the stomata are anomocytic. While in Sect. Uniflos, leaf epidermal cells are usually irregular in shape, repand or sinuous in pattern of anticlinal wall, the stomata are anomocytic, and staurocytic, tetracytic, isotricytic besides. The fifteen species can be divided into three types: type W, type S, and type I, according to the characters of cuticular membrane surrounding the stomata and the other epidermal characters. Type W is an exceptional type S. Plants of Sect. Cotoneaster investigated here are type W or type S, while plants of Sect. Uniflos belong to type I. The characters mentioned above are of much significance in delimiting sections and species in Cotoneaster.
    Effects of Brassinolid on Chilling-Resistance in Banana Seedlings
    LIU De-Bing;WEI Jun-Ya;LI Shao-Peng;CUI Bai-Ming;PENG Ming*
    2008, 28(2):  195-198.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.014
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    The banana seedlings were treated with brassinolid (BR) of different concentrations under the cold-stressed condition. Comparing to the control, the treatment with certain concentration may obvious reduce the electrolyte leakage rate, increase SOD activity, enhance the soluble protein content at a certain extent, slow down the MDA content change, distinctly enhance soluble sugar content, slow down the area of wither and mortalityrate as well as delay the chlorophyll degraded speed of the banana seedling leave. These changes of metabolite have played a key role and important function in enhancing cold-stressed period resistance of banana seedlings. The concentration with the best protected effect is 0.9 mg·L-1.
    Effects of Heat and Drought Stresses on Growth and Tespiration in Different Cultivar of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
    HU Wen-Hai;CAO Yu-Lin;ZENG Jiang-Jun;SHI Kai;YU Jing-Quan
    2008, 28(2):  199-204.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.015
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    The effects of heat and drought on growth and respiration in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were studied. Heat stress resulted in a growth reduction in cultivar of Jizhao×Jilin, but not in Zhengjiao No.13. Drought, especially drought under heat, significantly inhibited the growth of peppers. Drought also increased the ion leakage from leaves more than heat and heat strengthened the injury of drought to peppers, which was more seirous observed in Jizhao×Jilin than Zhengjia No.13 did. Heat induced increases both in total, cytochrome and alternative pathway respirations, while drought strongly decreased cytochrome respiration, but increased alternative respiration. Cross effect from both drought and heat strongly decreased both total and cytochrome respirations, however, alternative respiration increased significantly at the initial 1d and then decreased sharply. Zhengjiao No.13 showed higher alternative and total respirations than Jizhao×Jilin under heat or/and drought stresses. These results suggest that higher heat or/and drought tolerance of pepper is associated with the capacity to keep high total and alternative respirations under stresses.
    Molecular Identification of Sonneratia Species Revealed by ISSR Analysis
    LI Hai-Sheng;CHEN Gui-Zhu*
    2008, 28(2):  205-210.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.016
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    The utility of inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) DNA polymorphism to distinguish 6 taxa (Sonneratia caseolaris, S. paracaseolaris, S.alba, S.hainanensis, S.ovata, S.apetala) in the genus Sonneratia was investigated. The ISSR standardized procedure and the fingerprints database of Sonneratia species were established. 11 ISSR primers used produced 71 species-specific markers for the six Sonneratia species, including 23 specific to S.apetala, 16 specific to S.hainanensis, 15 specific to S.caseolaris, 6 specific to S. alba, 6 specific to S.paracaseolaris and 5 specific to S.ovata. According to these special markers, the six Sonneratia species could be identified quickly and accurately. It was shown that the ISSR technique is a reliable and effective tool to differentiate the Sonneratia species.
    RAPD Analysis of Athyriaceae in Heilongjiang Province and Its Phylogenetic Significance
    FAN Ya-Wen;ZHANG Xiu-Ying;MEN Xiao-Yu
    2008, 28(2):  211-215.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.017
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    6 genus 9 species, 15 populations of Athyriaceae from Heilongjiang province were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marks. The results show that: (1)Pseudocystopteris might be placed into Athyrium. (2)Cornopteris has a close relationship with Athyrium, as Gymnocarpium with Cystopteris. (3)Allantodia is an independent genus which has relatively little relationships with other genus in Athyriaceae. According to morphological characteristics and DNA levels, it is suggested that Athyriaceae from Heilongjiang province may be better divided into 3 subfamily, i.e. Cystopterioideae, including Cystopteris and Gymnocarpium; Athyrioideae, including Athyrium, Pseudocystopteris and Cornopteris; Diplazioideae including Allantodia.

    Research on ISSR Identification Technology of Larch Species and Clones
    ZHANG Lei;ZHANG Han-Guo*;LI Xue-Feng;JIANG Jing;WEI Zhi-Gang
    2008, 28(2):  216-221.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.018
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    This study used ISSR molecular marker technology to identify Larix gmelinii, Larix olgensis, Larix kaempferi and different clones. Thirteen ISSR primers which screened from fortynine primers can identify among larch species and clones,and the rate of the samples with specific band is 100%, this technology offers new ways and means for accurate identification of new larch species and elite seeds: there are five primers by which L. kaempferi, L. olgensis and L. kaempferi were amplified particularly, specific bands were produced at different location, as a species identification standards, nine primers can be amplified specific fragment in different kinds of larch clones respectively. It can identify the clones.
    BjMT2,a Metallothionein Type2 from Brassica juncea, Expression and GSH Synthesis in Tobacco Plant
    ZHAO Bo;ZU Yuan-Gang;AN Zhi-Gang*
    2008, 28(2):  222-226.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.019
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    Plant Metallothionein type2 isolated from Brassica juncea was transformed into tobacco leaves via agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The transformation was confirmed by PCR and Western blot analysis. The transgenic plants differentiated in their growing phenotypes and in root elongation compared with those of wild types. The level of GSH in transformed and wild type of tobacco leaves did not show significant variation but increased extremely in the transformed leaves after 100 mmol·L-1 Cu2+ stress. The analysis of ATP hydrolysis showed that the P-ATPase activities were higher in the microsomal fraction prepared from transformed tobacco leaves than those from wild types. However, the V-ATPase activities were declined in comparison with the wild types.
    Genetic Relationships Analysis of 14 Cultivars of Phalaenopsis hybrid Based on ISSR Molecular Markers
    ZHAO Qian;DU Hong;ZHUANG Dong-Hong;*;Ma Rui-Jun;XIE Qi-Xin
    2008, 28(2):  227-231.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.020
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    Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat(ISSR) molecular markers were used to analyze the genetic relationships of 14 Phalaenopsis cultivars with different origins and colors. Using 14 primers, we amplified 179 bands, of which 147 bands are polymorphic, and the average percentage of polymorphic bands was 82%. The range of genetic similarity was 0.734~0.936, suggesting that the substantial genetic divergence between some cultivars. ISSR markers represent a useful method for cultivar identification of Phalaenopsis, all 14 cultivars could be distinguished by these ISSR markers and 20 cultivar-specific ISSR bands were obtained for 10 of the 14 Phalaenopsis cultivars tested. Cluster analysis classified the 14 cultivars into 2 major groups. The result of UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) clustering analysis was generally consistent with color, but there were some exceptions between clustering result and flower colors which may result from hybridization between cultivars. Article also discussed the instructional significance of experiment’s result to Phalaenopsis breeding.
    Founctional Analysis of Arabidopsis RabGAP7 in Response to ABA
    CHEN Jin-Feng;HU Bin-Jie
    2008, 28(2):  232-235.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.021
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    In S. cerevisiae, GYP can accelerate the intrinsic GTPase activity of YPT via the TBC active domain. In Arabidopsis, proteins containing similar TBC domain were called AtGAPs, but the biological function of AtGAPs, especially in stress response were not well known. There we isolated and characterized an Arabidposis T-DNA insertion mutant of RabGAP7. Phenotype analaysis suggested that the mutant was less sensitive to ABA and dehydration. Also it was found that the level of Rab7 and GPA1 on mRNA were lower in the wild-type than in rabgap7 plants by RT-PCR. So we conclude the RabGAP7 is involved the ABA response by activating the special G proteins.
    Different Culture Conditions on Rapid Propagation of Phellodendron amurense
    ZHANG Yu-Hong;QU Wei-Di
    2008, 28(2):  236-239.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.022
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    Phellodendron amurense Rupr. stem segment with axillary bud and top bud were cultured with MS and 1/2MS medium in this experiment,in order to study the effects on rapid propagation of P. amurense in different culture conditions.The results showed that MS+6-BA0.8 mg·L-1 culture medium and taking antisepsis for stem segment with axillary’s bud with 10% javel water eight minutes were the best.The survival rate of transplanting reached to 92.8%.MS was the optimum medium type. Sucrose concentrations 20 g·L-1 and pH5.8 were the optimal culture condition for enhance culture of P. amurense seedling.
    Comparative Study on the Contents of Indole Alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus
    ZHANG Lin;ZU Yuan-Gang*;NIU Hui-Ying;ZHANG Yan-Bin;SUN Zhi-Qiang
    2008, 28(2):  240-243.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.023
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    A RP-HPLC quantification method was established to determine the contents of three indole alkaloids-vindoline, catharanthine and ajmalicine in Catharanthus roseus. HiQ sil C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm) was used. The mobile phase was 1% diethylamine(pH=7.2)-methanol-acetonitrile/2:1:1(V/V). The detection wavelength was 215 nm. The flow rate was 1 mL·min-1. The column temperature was 40℃. Different parts of C. roseus were determined and the results showed that vindoline and catharanthine mainly existed in roots, stems, leaves and flowers, while ajmalicine mainly existed in seeds. C. roseus from different habitats were also determined by this method and the results showed that the contents of vindoline and catharanthine in south habitats samples were higher than those in north habitats. For the cultured C. roseus in greenhouse, both vindoline and catharanthine contents were enhanced greatly.
    Modeling for Primary Branch Length and Branch Diameter of Mongolian Scots Pine Trees
    LIU Zhao-Gang;SHU Yang;LI Feng-Ri
    2008, 28(2):  244-248.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.024
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    Models for estimating primary branch length and branch diameter within live crown were developed in Mongolian Scots Pine plantation in Maoershan experiment farm of northeast forestry university. Data of crown attributes were collected from 2002 to 2003 and from 53 sample trees ranging from in age from 17 to 38 a,diameter at breast height(DBH) from 8.61 to 21.5 cm and total height(HT) from 7.48 to 18.24 m .This crown attributes of primary branches for a specified tree increase with the depth into crown (DINC) increasing. DBH and HT were adequate variables of tree for summarizing the effects of branch length and branch diameter. The test result using Deviance Statistical and Precision tests from the independent test data set showed that these models were suitable for predicting the primary branch length and branch diameter in Mongolian Scots Pine trees and models precision exceeded 95 percentages. Overall, the models were suitable in describing the trends and inherent variability of crown profiles for Mongolian Scots Pine plantation and in three dimensional visualization management.
    Study on Dynamics of Juglans mandshurica Population from Changbai Mountain
    MA Wan-Li;LUO Ju-Chun;JING Tao;Joni Kujansuu
    2008, 28(2):  249-253.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.025
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    Based on demography of the age structure,survivorship curve and prediction from Leslie matrix model,the dynamic process of the Juglans mandshurica population at J. mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica forest, dominant J. mandshurica forest, mixed forest and mixed broadleaf-conifer forest, respectively, in Mt. Changbai of northeast China,was discussed and predicted. The results indicate that age structure of J. mandshurica population belongs to the type of decline, due to the characteristics of seedling and saplings with a small proportion of total population and high mortality rate at early stage, and that J. mandshurica population possibly underwent environmental screening at past 15-20 years. Leslie matrix model predicts basically that population of seedling and total numbers of J. mandshurica population, will have a decreasing trend in next 35 years. Although the population will be increased at dominant J. mandshurica forest, populations of J. mandshurica at the other three kinds of forests will be declined in the future. Therefore, it is essential to promote forest natural regeneration and to foster to seedlings and saplings as well as young J. mandshurica forest rationally.
    Chemical Components from the Root of Scrophularia ningpoensis
    JIANG Shou-Gang;JIANG Jian-Qin;ZU Yuan-Gang*
    2008, 28(2):  254-256.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.02.026
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    To search new anti-infective from Scrophularia ningpoensis. Various column chromatographic techniques were used for isolation and purification of the principles. The structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral data(UV,IR,MS,NMR) and identified by comparing with the authentic substance eight comounds were isolated from ethyl alcohol extract, They are identified as: 14-deoxy-12(R)-sulfo andrographolide(Ⅷ),cinnamic acid(Ⅰ),p-hydroxycinnamic acid(Ⅱ),succinic acid(Ⅲ),β-sitosterol(Ⅳ),daucosteol(Ⅴ),gluose(Ⅵ),ursolic acid(Ⅶ).Ⅷ was found first time in Scrophularia ningpoensis.