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    20 January 2011, Volume 31 Issue 1
    Taxa Nova Salviorum labiatarum
    ZHU Zheng-Yin;MIN Bai-Qing;WANG Qiu-Ling
    2011, 31(1):  1-3.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.001
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    A new species of the family(Labiatae) Salvia Linn. Salvia chuanxiensis Z.Y.Zhu,B.Q.Min et Q.L. Wang,from Baoxing sichuan,China is described.Compared with Salvia roborowskii Maxim.,the new species is a perennial herb with thicker root,1~2 cm in diameter,and longer calyxes,1~1.2 cm long,and longer corolla,about 2.1 cm long,furthermore,about 2 mm near the tube base,there is a 5 mm-long-part of villous surface inside the corolla(but not annular hair).Last but not least,from the middle part of the cylinderical corolla,the tube stretchs upward,expanding and curving gradually,and with purpclish red speckles found in the upper and lower lips of the corolla lobe,which distinguishes this new species from S.roborowskii Maxim..
    Morphological Variations of Fruits and Seeds in Rare Oil Tree Horsfieldia pandurifolia Hu
    WU Yu;XU Yu-Lan;TIAN Yao-Hua;DUAN An-An;MAO Chang-Li;ZHANG Jun-Hong
    2011, 31(1):  4-8.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.002
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    Horsfieldia pandurifolia Hu is native to tropical rain forest in Yunnan, China. The morphological variations of fruits and seeds among 39 wild individuals were investigated. The results showed that differences of fruits and seeds between individuals were larger than within individual. The ripe fruits were ovoid to long-elliptical in shape, 4-7 cm in length, apex obtuse to acute, pedicel deflective, which were obviously different from the record in the original literature. The ripe seeds varied from ovoid to long-ovoid, sometimes slim or subulate in shape. The seed length, diameter and ratio of length to diameter were significantly different among 39 individuals (p<0.01), variation ranges were 25.05-35.66 mm, 13.30-19.62 mm, 1.47-2.32, respectively. The seed characteristics, including gray testa with brown speckles, hilum and embryo at base, apex acute or shortly beaked, were stable, which were important characteristics differing from other endemic species within genus Horsfieldia.
    The Seed Size Variation of 40 Graminious Species in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    CHEN Xue-Lin;YANG Jian-Mei;WANG Wen-Min
    2011, 31(1):  9-14.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.003
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    The seeds of 40 gramineous species were collected from the alpine meadow in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on the data of 9 morphological characteristics of seeds, the relativity among the morphological characteristics of seeds with altitude, variance and seed weight was analyzed. The results showed that: ①The seeds traits of 40 gramineous species exhibited certain differentiations in 9 morphological characteristics and the variation of coefficient of ratio of length to high of seed was the highest, while the coefficient of variation of seed weight was the lowest, indicating that seed weight was more stable than the others among the characteristics studied. ②Correlation analyses suggested that there is significant linear correlation between the morphological variation of seeds and altitude, and there is significant linear correlation between seed length and seed weight. Variance considering three dimensions (length, breadth and high) of seeds have higher correlation to SL/SH.SL/SH instead of the variance considering three dimensions is more appropriate than the others to measure the seeds overall pattern of gramineous species; The altitude is an important factor affecting the seed size and its variation.
    Pollen Morphology of Some Chinese Traditional Roses
    BAI Jin-Rong;ZHANG Qi-Xiang*;LUO Le;PAN Hui-Tang;YU Chao
    2011, 31(1):  15-23.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.004
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    The pollen morphology of 15 Chinese traditional roses were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The features of pollen grains were goniotreme, prolate and perprolate, 37.59-51.95 μm×17.02-25.33 μm in size. The equatorial view was ellipse, while the polar view was trilobate-circular with tricolporate annularly distributed in equal space. Exine sculpture was striate with apertures. Features of the exine ornamentation showed variability among cultivars. Cluster analysis results indicated that the size and exine sculpture of pollen could reflect the differences among cultivars in a certain extent. According to the evolution of rose pollen, it can be inferred that Roses chinensis ‘Parsons’ Pink China’, ‘Slater’s Crimson China’ and ‘Pu Fu Hong’ were more evolutive than other cultivars, while ‘Si Mian Jing’ could be regarded as an original cultivar.
    Developmental Anatomy of the Floral Nectaries in Nitraria tangutorum Bobrov
    WANG Hong;KUANG Dai-Liang;SUO Fei-Ya;DU Hong-Wei;WANG Yong-Xin*
    2011, 31(1):  24-28.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.005
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    Nitraria tangutorum Bobrov nectary is located in the inner petal, and it is composed of secretive epidermal cells. According to Fahn classification of nectary, it belongs to the typical perianth nectary, it is also the typical nonstructure nectary based on the plant anatomy. It belongs to the non-starch nectary because starch dynamic is not obvious during dying. The secretive epidermal cells are specialized to secretive trichomes, and the secretory cavity is formed by the split of the original secretive cells during the development of nectary. The surface of the epidermis is covered with the cuticle. During the development of epidermis, the vacuole, which takes part in polysauharides decomposation transportation of honey etc.,changes regularly relating to the law of the formation and secretion of the honey. The starch and glycogen are not obvious. Finally, honey is secretive by epidermal cells from secretive cavity. The secreting trichomes come off by the perianth after flowering, so the nectary stops secreting.
    Development of Embryo in Matteuccia struthiopteris(L.) Todaro
    ZHANG Di;TAN Long-Yun;LIU Bao-Dong*
    2011, 31(1):  29-33.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.006
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    This paper gives some details on the development of embryo in Matteuccia struthiopteris(L.) Todaro. The first zygote division, splitting the plane perpendicular to the prothallus, and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the archegonium neck; second division plane parallel to the prothallus and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the archegonium neck; the third division plane parallel to the longitudinal axis and the prothallus perpendicular to the archegonium neck. When the embryo reaches to the Spherical phase, the outer and outside areas of embryos which develop the first top leaf cell and the first top root cell separately at the same time. These were produced division first leaf primordium and the first root primordium. Subsequently, the first leaf primordium rapidly divides, breaking the cap-like formation and became first young leaves; the first root primordium split slower than the first leaf primordium and speed of the first root grows is slower than the first leaf.
    Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Seed Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Wheat Seedlings under Lead Stress
    WEI Xue-Ling;SHI Ru-Xia;JIA Ling-Yun;LIU Yan;ZHANG Hui;JIANG Yu;YANG Ying-Li*
    2011, 31(1):  34-39.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.007
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    By the method of solution culture, wheat was used to investigate the effects of exogenous NO donor SNP on seed germination and seedlings physiological characteristics under Pb2+ stress. The results showed that Pb2+ treatment resulted in significant decreases in seed germination and seedling growth of wheat,and notable reduction in the levels of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and chlorophyll fluorescence, 25 μmol·L-1 SNP could alleviate the inhibition of Pb2+ on these indexes. No significant changes in the activities of CAT and POD were observed in comparison with the control under Pb2+ stress. However, the application of SNP induced increases of CAT activity and soluble protein content in wheat seedlings under Pb2+ treatment. Therefore, exogenous NO could alleviate the poison of Pb2+ and enhance the adaptation of wheat seedlings to Pb2+ stress.
    Physiological Responses of Hypnum fertile Sendtn.(Musci:Hypnaceae) to Short-term Extreme Temperature Stress
    SHEN Lei;GUO Shui-Liang*;YANG Wu;CAO Tong;Janice M. Glime
    2011, 31(1):  40-48.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.008
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    Mosses attracted more and more attention in the fields of molecular biology and stress physiology as mode plants. Researches on osmolytes and antioxidant enzymes of mosses under stress conditions will provide base materials to understand their physiological mechanisms to stress conditions. Hypnum fertile Sendtn. a moss species with a wide range of habitats and geographical distributions, was treated under 5, 40 and 60℃ for 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h, respectively. The contents of soluble sugar, free proline, MDA and the activities of SOD, POD, and CAT were determined. The main results were: 1) the content of soluble sugar increased with stress time under 5℃, while first increased and then decreased under 40 and 60℃; 2) the contents of free proline and MDA both increased with stress time under 5, 40 and 60℃;3) the activity of CAT gradually increased under 5℃, first increased and then decreased under 40℃, while declined rapidly and completely lost activity after 6h treatment under 60℃; 4) the activity of SOD decreased with the time under 5℃, while first increased and then declined under 40 and 60℃; 5) the activity of POD both increased under 5 and 40℃, while first increased and then decreased under 60℃. Our conclusions were: 1) the damage of low temperature (5℃) to H.fertile is less than high temperature (40 and 60℃), namely H.fertile is suitable to distribute in lower temperature environments; 2) Free proline enhanced the tolerance of H.fertile to both lower and higher temperature stresses; 3) POD and CAT might play a role in the adaptation of H.fertile to lower temperature environment, while SOD to higher temperature environment.
    Effects of Water Stress on Plasma membrane Permeability and Protective Enzyme Activities of Red Pine Seedlings Needles
    LIU Ya-Li;WANG Qing-Cheng*;LIU Shuang;YANG Yuan-Biao;PENG Hong-Mei;HAO Long-Fei
    2011, 31(1):  49-55.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.009
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    Two-year-old red pine seedlings were grown in soils to study the effects of different water treatments (including aridity and waterlogging stress) and relief stress on the plasma membrane permeability and protective enzyme activities of red pine seedling needles. The main results were as follows: with the time extension of aridity and waterlogging stress, the contents of proline, soluble sugar and malondialdehyde (MDA) increased; the activities of catalase (CAT) decreased; and the peroxidase (POD) activities rose. After relief stress, the tested indices of all treatments experienced different levels of recovery. Among them, the tested indices of FC40%, FC80% and FC restored relatively fast. However, indices of FC20% and FL could not completely recover within 14 days. Moreover, FL had the worst physiological performance. To sum up, 60% was the optimum soil water content to red pine seedlings, because the seedlings under this circumstance presented the most comprehensive physiological performance.
    Expression,Purification and Immunoreactivity of Hygromycin-B-Phosphotransferase
    GAO Bin;ZHANG Hai-Yan;FAN Hai*
    2011, 31(1):  56-60.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.010
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    The prokaryotic expression plasmid of hygromycin-B-phosphotransferase(HPT) was constructed. The hpt gene was cloned by PCR. It was digested by SalⅠ/NotⅠand subcloned into expression vector pET-28b(+). pET-28b-hpt was transferred into E. coli Rosset; fusion protein was induced by isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The most products existed in an inclusion body form. The HPT protein purified by Ni2+-NTA column was used to immunize New Zealand rabbits. The HPT polyclonal antibodies reveal high sensitivity and specificity.
    Comparison of Species Composition and Diversity of Four Successional Forest Communities in Zhejiang Province,East China
    YUAN Jin-Feng;HU Ren-Yong;SHEN Jia-Hong;ZHANG Lei;ZHANG Xiao-Yu;YU Ming-Jian*
    2011, 31(1):  61-66.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.011
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    The species composition and diversity, as well as the inter-community similarity of four successional forest communities in Zhejiang province, including coniferous forest (pine), coniferous (pine) and broad-leaved mixed forest, mid-aged evergreen broad-leaved forest and pre-matured evergreen broad-leaved forest, were investigated by chronosequences and quadrat methods. The results showed that, there were 170 vascular species belonging to 53 families, 105 genera in the 23 plots. Along with the disappearance of pioneer species and appearance of later successional species, the trends of species richness and Shannon-Wiener index of three layers both decreased and then increased with the succession, and the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest had the lowest species diversity. The Jaccard similarity indices of four communities decreased along the successional sequence. Among them, the similarity index of pine coniferous forest and pre-matured evergreen broad-leaved forest was the lowest, and the principal component analysis showed the similar result. The differences among four communities were mainly presented in the species composition, especially that of tree layer. The coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest had lower species richness and diversity, but it had higher similarity with other forest types, and stored most species of the later successional stage-evergreen broad-leaved forest, suggesting it is a key stage in the succession.
    Characteristics of Osmunda vachellii Communities and Species Diversity from Mount Maluanshan in Shenzhen
    SUN Yan-Jun;Mo Xian-Hua;XU Xiao-Hui;DING Ming-Yan;Liao Wen-Bo*;YE Chang-Jing
    2011, 31(1):  67-72.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.012
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    According to the field investigation and analysis of the Osmunda vachellii populations and communities from Mount Maluanshan in Shenzhen,the results indicated that:82 species of vascular plants, belonging to 48 families and 69 genera were found in the O.vachellii community,the floristic components of community was with an south subtropical property; The analysis for the age structure of the community showed that the main dominant species were stable populations,but the frequence index of community was A>B<C>D>E,which was different from the Raunkiaer’s frequency law,and was also different from those of montane rainforest of Hainan island; The percentage of tree height and individual number from O.vachellii population showed that those with a tree height 0.3-0.7 meters occurred a higher proportion,indicating the populations was in a bloom of development period;and the Simpson and Shannon-Wiener index of diversity is 16.42 and 4.56,while the evenness index for E and E′ is 0.33 and 0.83, respectively,which indicated the diversity and evenness index is closed to those of the climax community from typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. The study reveals the natural survival state of O.vachellii and provides protection and utilization data for O.vachellii.
    Effect of Disturbance on the Community Species Diversity in Yunding Mount. Subalpine Meadow
    LU Ai-Ying;ZHANG Xian-Ping;WANG Shi-Yu;WANG Meng-Ben*
    2011, 31(1):  73-78.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.013
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    Disturbances, such as grazing and so on, can affect the appearance, structure and function of subalpine meadow community. In order to indicate the changing law of subalpine meadow community, 45 plots (1×1 m) were investigated using the community sample method. On these bases, the meadow communities were classified with TWINSPAN, the effects of different disturbances on the species diversity and their changing law were studied using the richness index, Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index and Pielou evenness index.The results showed that: the meadows were classified into 6 associations. The richness index is the highest in association 3 where the disturbance degree is moderate; followed by association 1 where the disturbance degree is relatively light; the lowest is in association 6 where the disturbance degree is heavy. At the same time, disturbances have brought different influences on the plant function group and species. Along with the disturbance getting serious, the dominant station of shrub and legumes is wearing off, even disappearing, some graminoids such as Carex lanceolata did not have obvious response to the disturbance, and the dominant station of toxic grasses is rising in the community.
    Inoculation Methods and Effects of Beneficial Symbiotic Fungi of Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe.(Orchidaceae)
    CHEN Bao-Ling;SONG Xi-Qiang;*;HU Mei-Jiao;YANG Fu-Sun
    2011, 31(1):  79-84.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.014
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    Symbiosis with orchid mycorrhizal fungi is essential to the orchid seeds germination and seedlings growth in nature. To study the effects of orchid mycorrhizae on the growth of orchid seedlings, especially the direct relationship between inoculation methods and inoculation effects in laboratory, three mycorrhizal fungi (M1, M2 and M3) was isolated from fresh nutritious roots of Dendrobium loddigesii and used to establish the asymbiotic culture system, single and mixed inoculation were adopted, inoculation effects on D.loddigesii seedlings was analyzed. At last, beneficial fungi M1 and M3 were screened out, and mixed inoculating was good for biomass accumulation of D.loddigesii seedlings, such as inoculation modes with two mycorrhizal fungi M1-M2, M2-M3 and with three mycorrhizal fungi M1-M2-M3. Mixed inoculating would play an effective role in orchids production, which has great practical significance.
    Phenology of Batrachospermum acuatum in Xin’an Spring of Shanxi Province,Shanxi Province
    HU Bian-Fang;XIE Shu-Lian*
    2011, 31(1):  85-88.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.015
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    The phenology of Batrachospermum acuatum was studied. The specimens were collected four times from January 2005 to October 2005(one sampling per season). The air temperature, water temperature, current velocity, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance were monitored at every sampling time. Ten main morphological characteristics of B.acuatum were observed and measured under the microscope. The results showed that all the environmental factors had seasonal patterns to different extent and some of the morphological characteristics had significant seasonal fluctuations, indicating the differences in their seasonality. B.acuatum grew well in spring but not so good in summer. The relationship results showed that despite the development of B.acuatum was affected by environmental factors to some extent, the key factor was its own biological rhythm.
    Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Eomecon chionantha Hance,an Endemic Herbaceous of China
    HU Xue-Hua;CHEN Xiang;XIAO Yi-An*;LIAO Xin-Jun;JU Jian-Wen;GUO Yong-Jiu
    2011, 31(1):  89-94.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.016
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    In order to establish the optimal reaction of RAPD-PCR amplification for Eomecon chionantha Hance, the following parameters were optimized: the concentrations of Mg2+, template DNA, dNTPs, primers and Taq DNA polymerase. The optimal RAPDPCR reaction system was as follows a total volume of 25 μL contains 2.5 μL 10×Buffer, 1.8 mmol·L-1 Mg2+,2 U Taq DNA polymerase, 50 ng template DNA, 0.2 mmol·L-1 dNTPs and 1.6 μmol·L-1 primer. The reaction program fitting to the RAPD-PCR was as follows: initial denaturation at 94℃ for 2 min, followed by 5 beforehand cycles of 94℃ for 20 s, 36℃ for 30 s, 72℃ for 75 s; followed by 40 cycles of 94℃ for 20 s, 40℃ for 30 s, 72℃ for 60 s, and a final exposure to 72℃ for 20 min, then stored in 4℃. This RAPD-PCR system has some distinguising features including clear marker site, stable reaction system, reliable abundant polymorphisms, and better repeatability. It is suitable for the study on genetic diversity of E.chionantha.
    Construction and Primary Analysis of Subtractive cDNA Library of Capsicum annuum L. Under Phytophthora capsici Stress
    HE Li;WU Yang*;XU Dong-Feng
    2011, 31(1):  95-99.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.017
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    To identify the Phytophthora capsici stress induced genes of pepper, a high P.capsici resistant pepper cultivar was used as main material in this study. With cDNA from pepper seedlings treated with P.capsici as the tester and cDNA from this plant in normal growth as the driver, we constructed subtracted library using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Thirty positive clones were picked out randomly from SSH library, plasmid PCR suggested that the inserts were between 200-1 000 bp and library was suitable for the following work. Forty clones were randomly selected and sequenced, 35 differential gene fragments were obtained. Blastx analysis showed that 30 ESTs have high homology with known genes in GenBank, 5 ESTs was unknown function genes. The obtained known function ESTs code NAC transcription factor protein, Serine/threonine protein kinase, cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, chlorophyll a b-binding protein, glutathione s-transferase, chitinase, respectively. These expressed genes are involved in disease-resistant signal transduction, antioxidative stress, transcriptional regulation, photosynthesis, physiological processes. The research established a basis for cloning stress resistance genes and further studying genes expression in Capsicum annuum L. seedlings under P.capsici stress.
    Variation of Seedling Growth of Open-pollinated Progeny from Natural Populations of a Rare and Endangered Tree Species Erythrophleum fordii Oliv. in China
    ZHAO Zhi-Gang;GUO Jun-Jie;ZENG Jie*;XU Jian-Min;HA Er;LIN Kai-Qin
    2011, 31(1):  100-104.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.018
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    Erythrophleum fordii Oliv. is a rare and endangered tree species with great economic and ecological value in warm subtropical and tropical zones of China. In the present study, variation of seedling growth traits of open-pollinated progeny was investigated within and among six natural populations of this species, and the correlations among seedling growth traits, seed traits, and geographic and climate regimes of their parent populations were analyzed. Significant differences existed in seedling growth among populations as well as among individuals within populations. Variation of seedling height among populations was higher than that of stem collar diameter, so early selection should be conducted mainly on the basis of seedling height. Epicotyl length was in significant positive correlation to seed length as well as seedling height to seed volume, seedling stem collar diameter to weight per 1000 seeds. Radicle length was in significant negative correlation to longitude, as well as seedling stem collar diameter to mean annual rainfall and ratio of height and diameter to altitude. These findings will provide basic data for further studies on genetic breeding, and help facilitate natural resources management and plantation development of E.fordii Oliv..
    Optimization of ISSR-PCR System for Paris vertcillata
    ZHANG Long-Jin;BAI Cheng-Ke;*
    2011, 31(1):  105-108.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.019
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    The optimal ISSR-PCR system for Paris vertcillata was established with orthogonal design.A total of 20 μL ISSR-PCR system contains 1×buffer, dNTP 175 μmol·L-1,Primer 0.6 μmol·L-1,Mg2+ 1.4 mmol·L-1Taq DNA polymerase 2.5 U and 80 ng template DNA.The suitable PCR procedure is one cycle denaturing at 95℃ for 5 min;40 cycles each involved denaturing at 94℃for 40 s,annealing at 55℃ for 45 s,extending at 72℃ for 90 s,one cycle extending at 72℃ for 7 min,and then remaining at 4℃.This optimized system would play an important role in further research of systematology on P.vertcillata and its related species, as well as identification on germplasm, and genetic diversity by ISSR molecular marker.
    Anatomical Structures of Achyranthes bidentata BL. Roots and Its Relationship to the Accumulation of Triterpenoid Saponins
    WANG Gui-Qin;AbdusaLerk N;ZHENG Yu-Hua
    2011, 31(1):  109-112.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.020
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    Barbloin substances which mainly existed in the roots are the important medicinal ingredients in Achyranthes bidentata BL.. The study of the relationships between anatomical structures and barbloin substances in A.bidentata root is of great meaning. Anatomical structures and barbloin accumulations are studied by the methods of quantitative analysis, anatomy and histochemical localization. The results indicated that the main accumulation sites of barbloin are primary phloem, secondary phloem, phelloderm and tertiary phloem. The changing pattern of accumulated barbloin appears low-higher-low with the growing of A.bidentata. The accumulated barbloin reached the maximum when the root is 3-4 years old.
    GC-MS Analysis and in Vitro Antitumor Activity of the Extract from Typhonium giganteum Engl using Supercritical Fluid CO2
    LI Qing-Yong;WANG Chun-Cheng;SONG Zhen;QU Zhen-Huan;JIANG Chun-Fei;QIU Wei
    2011, 31(1):  113-116.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.021
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    In order to explore the antitumor active components of Typhonium giganteum Engl, the powder of T.giganteum Engl tubers was extracted using supercritical fluid CO2-80% ethanol, and the extract was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) technology. The in vitro antitumor effects of the extract was evaluated by MTT colorimetric method. Thirty-seven compounds were identified from the extract by GC-MS analysis. Four major components are as follows: β-Sitosterol, accounting for 40.22%; Campesterol, accounting for 18.45%; n-Hexadecanoic acid, accounting for 9.52%; 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, accounting for 8.15%. MTT experiments indicated that the extract showed significant inhibition on the colon cancer HCT-8, ovarian cancer HO-8910, gastric cancer SGC-7901, and liver cancer SMMC-7721 cells. Liver cancer SMMC-7721 cells were the most sensitive to the extract. The extract of T.giganteum Engl tubers by supercritical fluid CO2 showed remarkable anti-tumor effect. Further research on this extract is necessary to find its active substances for reasonable development and utilization of T.giganteum Engl.
    Accumulation Characteristic of Heavy Metals Between Gametophytes and Sporophytes of Moss Funaria hygrometrica
    XIE Fei;ZHANG Zhao-Hui;*
    2011, 31(1):  117-120.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.022
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    Specimens were collected from abandoned slags in the Chatian Vanadium Deposit in western Hunan Province. Heavy metal concentrations in gametophytes, sporophytes and substrates were quantified by atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer and atomic fluorescence spectrometry. It showed that the moss Funaria hygrometrica gametophytes and sporophytes accumulated considerable concentrations of heavy metals. Each generation had a great difference for accumulating heavy metals, and gametophytes accumulated significantly more heavy metals than sporophytes(p<0.05). Concentrations of Zn and Mn in sporophytes were always higher than concentrations of other heavy metals. We also discuss the bioaccumulation and biological barrier of heavy metals in moss gametophytes and sporophytes.
    Research Advances on the Germination of Desert Plants Under Stress
    REN Jun;YU Fang-Ke;TAO Ling;
    2011, 31(1):  121-128.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2011.01.023
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    Effects of water, temperature, light, buried depth in sand, salt stress and their combinations on the seed germination of desert plants under stress were reviewed. The rainfall frequency, rainfall size and distribution, as well as soil moisture are the important ecological factors that governing the seed germination of desert plants. Temperature is one of the key ecological factors influencing the seed germination of desert plants, changing temperature is conducive to seed germination of desert plants. Illumination is not the necessary conditions for the seed germination of majority of desert plants. A small portion of desert plants need light for seed germination, and some germinate in the dark, while some show no specific requirements of light. Light shows inhibition effect to some extent on the seed germination of some desert plants. Sand buries regulates the seed germination of desert plants through soil moisture, soil temperature and illumination. Salinity stress restrains the seed germination. Seed germination of desert plants under the above coordinating factors shows some adaptability. Along further studies and the need of environmental protection or reconstruction, it is necessary to enhance the eco-physiological research in desert psammophytes, in depth and systematicity.