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    20 September 2013, Volume 33 Issue 5
    A New Species of Fargesia Franch. emend. Yi from Western Guizhou of China(Babusoideae)
    YANG Lin;YI Tong-Pei
    2013, 33(5):  513-515.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.001
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    A new species of the genus Fargesia Franch. emend. Yi of Bambusoideae comes from Western Guizhou Province of China was described in this article. It is Fargesia weiningensis Yi et L. Yang. The new species is similar to F.qinlingensis Yi et J. X. Shao, but its culms are up to 6 m high, medullas of crumbs, wide branch up to 3 mm in diam., culm sheaths on the back with dense bristle, without horizontal nerves, fimbria of ligule up to the length of 1.5 cm, blade of sheath reflexed and involution, leaf sheath without horizontal nerves, with ridge on the top, leaf blade bigger, up to the length of 15.5 cm and the width of 1.5 cm.
    Lectotypifications of Seven Names of Chinese Taxa in Tracheophyta
    LIN Yun;ZHANG Xiao-Bing;DU Qing;LI Qian-Yun;SONG Li;YANG Zhi-Rong*
    2013, 33(5):  516-518.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.002
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    In type specimens housed at the Herbarium (PE), Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the types of seven names of Chinese taxa in Tracheophyta are found to be syntypes under Article 9.5, and 40.2 Note 1 and Example 2 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Melbourne Code). According to Article 8.1, 9.11 and 9.12, and Recommendation 9A.2 and 9A.3, lectotypes for these seven names are here designated.
    Permeability and Supplement Structures of Stems of Paspalum distichum
    YANG Chao-Dong;ZHANG Xia
    2013, 33(5):  564-568.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.011
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    The permeability of knotgrass (Paspalum distichum) experiment results showed the exodermis, cuticle and apoplastic barriers in nodes blocked the berberine tracer. The mechanical tissue in stems included the peripheral mechanical ring, sclerenchyma ring, vascular tissue system, and the honeycomb-like collenchyma in the pith and cortex. Air space in stems consisted of honeycomb in the pith and cortex, and aerenchyma in the nodes. The apoplastic barriers included in the inner, outer and vascular tissue system on the internodes, and around the nodes are prevented structures. Overall, the perfect mechanical tissue, air space, apoplastic barriers and its blocked property are the key structures of knotgrass adapted to wetland environment.
    Identity of Chinese Pleioblastus simonii(Carr.)Nakai(Gramineae:Bambusoideae)
    LAI Guang-Hui
    2013, 33(5):  519-522.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.003
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    The identity of the Chinese bamboo as Pleioblastus simonii(Carr.) Nakai is discussed on the basis of fieldwork and literature research. This Chinese bamboo with deciduous culm-sheaths; internodes 2/3 flattened above branches; lateral, sessile iterauctant inflorescences; usually not bifid apex of palea and purple anthers, in fact, is obviously different from Japanese P.simonii(Carr.) Nakai with persistent culm-sheaths; terete, not flattened internodes; pedicelled semelauctant inflorescences; bifid apex of palea and green-yellow anthers in some important characters and natural distribution. A further study showed that this Chinese bamboo should be actually regarded as Semiarundinaria albostriata(G. H. Lai) G. H. Lai, a new combination from Brachystachyum albostriatum G. H. Lai published in 1998. It is known now that this species is frequently distributed in south Anhui, also found in south Jiangsu and northwest Zhejiang, China.
    A Taxonomic Revision on the Coniogramme robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ Complex
    LIU Ming;ZHANG Gang-Min
    2013, 33(5):  523-527.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.004
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    The fern genus Coniogramme Fée is one of the ferns which are difficult in classification as there are many transitional types. C.robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ is a special kind among them. In this paper, the taxonomy of this species is revised based on examination of its herbaria specimens, fieldwork, and observation of spore morphology. C.pseudorobusta Ching et Shing and C.neorobusta Ching et Shing are reduced to C.robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ. Meanwhile, the type specimens of C.robusta var. splendens Ching et Shing and C.robusta var. rependula Ching et Shing are redefined.
    Comparative Observation on the Characteristics of Leaves of Four Species in Chinese Isoetaceae
    LIU Jing-Hong;LI Fan;XING Jian-Jiao;LIU Bao-Dong*
    2013, 33(5):  528-531.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.005
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    There are five species of Isoetes in China, all of them are the first-grade state protection plants at the most endangered level (CR) of wild plants. From vegetative organ speaking, blade features become the most important basis for classification because of the simplified roots and stem in Isoetes. Because the height and leaf number of Isoetes hypsophila are significantly different from the others, the leaves epidermis of Isoetes sinensis, I.yunguiensis, I.taiwanensis and I.orientalis were observed by optical microscope. The results indicated that the rotation angle and pore distribution area are different, stomatal apparatus have upper uniformity; In different development periods, the stomatal index, pore distribution, height ratio of adaxial leaf surface and abaxial leaf surface have obvious taxonomy values, which provide a new basis for interspecific identification of Isoetes. In addition, this paper discussed the classification relationship in four Chinese Isoetes and first reported the heteroideus long strip cells.
    Population Structure of Natural Secondary Acer mono Forest
    WEI Xiao-Hui;YIN Dong-Sheng;SHEN Hai-Long*
    2013, 33(5):  553-557.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.009
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    Based on investigating the population structure of natural secondary Acer mono forest in Heilongjiang province, the importance values of main tree species were measured and the floristic composition and species diversity were analyzed. The results showed that there were 16 populations in the arbor layer, A.mono, Querus mongolica, Tilia mandschurica and Ulmus macrocarpa had the obvious advantage in population, being the dominant and constructive species of the arbor layer. The diameter structure was mainly distributed in <15 cm diameter class, with 87.82% of the total numbers. The natural regeneration numbers of the saplings were adequate. The Simpson indices, diversity indices, richness indices, evenness indices, and ecological dominance of the community were 0.883, 2.101, 2.291, 0.758 and 0.113, respectively. The younger populations were dominant in the secondary forest community. The proposition of tending management was put forward for promoting evolution toward the climactic vegetation.
    Leaf Cell Morphology Characteristics of Family Pottiaceae and Systematic Significance
    WANG Xiao-Rui;LI Min;WANG Li-Bao;ZHAO Jian-Cheng*
    2013, 33(5):  532-539.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.006
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    The upper laminal cell morphology of 17 genus of the family Pottiaceae were observed by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the upper laminal cells of Pottiaceae have large similarity in cell shape, size and surface characteristic. According to its surficial characteristic, cells of Pottiaceae can be divided into three types: smooth or mammillae, hemispherical papillose and dichotomous horseshoe papillose. In addition, there are distinctive differentiations among different genus and species. The conclusion is drawn that leaf cell morphological characteristics can provide evidence for Pottiaceae on the delimitation of genus and subfamily.
    Vegetative Anatomy of the Rare Plant Cypripedium japonicum Thunb.
    QIAN Xin;LI Quan-Jian;LIAN Jing-Jing;WANG Cai-Xia;TIAN Min*
    2013, 33(5):  540-545.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.007
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    The anatomical structure of vegetative organs of endangered plant Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. were studied by means of paraffin sections. The results show that a large number of starch granules exist in the parenchyma cells of rhizomes, amphivasal bundles are distributed compactly in the vascular cylinder; the cortex covers most of the root cross-section, radially arranged groups of xylem and phloem alternate with each other in vascular cylinder, mycorrhizal fungi form pelotons in the cortical cells, the endodermis cells in both rhizome and root show horseshoe-shaped thickening; stomates occur on the surface of the stem, the cortex is relatively narrow, but the inside ground parenchyma is well developed, and collateral bundles are distributed scatteredly through it, nonglandular trichomes are associated with the surface of the stems and leaves; the leaves are isobilateral, mesophyll cells are arranged loosely, stomata which are mostly found on the abaxial surfaces extruded slightly outside the epidermis, chloroplasts and air cavities are found respectively in the guard cell and mesophyll of leaf margin. The anatomical characteristics mentioned above are adapted to their living environment.
    Morphological and Anatomical Study on Female Sterility in Camptotheca acuminata Decne.
    ZHANG De-Xing;HU Ling-Zhi;XIAO Wen-Ting;NI Xiao-Lu;HU Jiang-Qin*
    2013, 33(5):  546-552.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.008
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    In order to ascertain the relationship between female sterility and serious obscission occurred on inflorescences of Camptotheca acuminata Decne., paraffin sectioning and digital stered microscope were applied for the observation of development process of the florets in C.acuminata. The florets of C.acuminata are hermaphroditic, and all of the stamens develop in normal. The stigmas have three shapes of superior stigma, half-inferior stigma, and inferior stigma. In the floret with superior stigma, the pistil develops in normal, and the style elongates with three-lobed and everted stigma, and the ovary enlarges with plump ovule and developmental embryo sac. In the floret with half-inferior stigma, the pistil has selectivity abortion, and the style elongates slowly with abnormal stigma, and the part of ovary cells become vacuolization with the degenerated ovule and abnormal embryo sac. In the floret with inferior stigma, the style degenerates, and the stigma inside ovary does not reveal, the cells of integument are depauperate, the megaspore mother cell can not meiosis, the ovule is depauperate, the morphology of ovary is thin-long and interior employ. A strictly corresponding relation was found between the development of pistil and the different morphology of stigma on ovary, and the abortion of pistil begins before or after the meiosis of megaspore mother cell, and the female sterility is one of internal causes of serious inflorescence obscission in C.acuminata.
    Species Diversity of Bryophytes in Main Forest Vegetations in Upper Reach of Chishui River
    WANG Deng-Fu;ZHANG Zhao-Hui*
    2013, 33(5):  558-563.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.010
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    An investigation on the bryophyte species diversity in main forest vegetations was made in upper valley reach of Chishui river, Guizhou province, China. The results showed: (1)There were 28 taxa of bryophytes belonging to 19 genera and 15 families and the life-forms are wefts (64.29%), short turfs (28.57%) and mats (7.14%). (2)The species richness of bryophytes was the largest in bamboo forest (2.131), remnants of broadleaved forest was second (0.687) and the smallest in coniferous forest (-1.444). (3)α diversity index of bryophytes is bamboo forest (3.170)>remnants of broadleaved forest (3.000)>artificial vegetation area (2.807)>shrubbery forest (2.322)>coniferous forest and top valley area (1.585). (4)β diversity index of bryophytes was the highest between shrubbery forest and remnants of broadleaved forest (1.000), the second is between Bamboo Forest and Remnants of Broadleaved Forest (0.938) and the smallest is between shrubbery forest and coniferous forest (0.857). The biodiversity of bryophytes was correlated with forest vegetation, shade degrees and humidity in the forest. Research on the biodiversity of bryophytes is good for protection of biodiversity and providing scientific data and information.
    Study on Vessel Structure of Four Plants Species with Resin Casting Method
    GUO Cui-Yan;CHEN Tao;LIU Mei-Zhen;XUE Jing-Wei
    2013, 33(5):  569-575.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.012
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    The size, form and connection mode of vessel displayed an important role in water transportation and stress support of the plant. Based on resin casting method, the three-dimensional structure characteristics of the vessels of four plant species, i.e. Populus tomentosa Carr, Salix matsudana, Ulmus pumila L. and Wisteria sinensis were comparatively studied. The relationship between the vessel structure characteristics and water transportation was analyzed. The vessel wall structure was printed in molded surface, which can be examined with SEM. The results showed that: the structure characteristics of the vessel element of P.tomentosa Carr are similar to those of S.matsudana. However, they are significant different from U.pumila L. and W.sinensis, and more primitive than U.pumila L. and W.sinensis. The vessel elements of P.tomentosa Carr and S.matsudana are long, and the pits are less, which is beneficial to water transport. The vessel elements of U.pumila L. and W.sinensis are relatively wide and straight of the end wall, which are helpful for water transport. There is spiral thickening for U.pumila L. and W.sinensis, which increase the mechanical strength of vessel and decrease the risk of cavitations, consequently improve the efficiency of water transport.
    Ultrastructure of Anther on Double Recessive Nuclear Male-terile Line ms5ms6 of Gossypium hirsutum L.
    DOU Li-Ping;TANG Can-Ming*
    2013, 33(5):  576-581.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.013
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    The double recessive nuclear male-terile line ms5ms6 of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) has been widely used in a large-cale. However, the structural basis of anther abortion in cytology of this material is still unknown. Transmission electron microscopy was used to observe nuclear male-terile line ms5ms6 in stages of tetrads and microspores on which there are small spinescent protuberances. The results show that the male-terile microspores have only endexine during the stage of microspore, however, the fertile microspores have sexine and endexine of cell walls. In the microspores and tapetum cells, the abnormal endoplasmic reticulum and no fat accumulation were found during male sterile anther development, which might be the most important reason of microspores abortion.
    Detection Methods for Pollen Viability of Anemone obtusiloba
    HU Chun;LIU Zuo-Jun*;LI Fu-Xiang;LIU Feng-Mei
    2013, 33(5):  582-586.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.014
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    The pollen viability of Anemone obtusiloba with three-olor flowers (yellow, pale yellow and white) was detected with four methods: TTC dyeing, I2-I dyeing, inorganic acid test, sucrose-ased germination, the determination effects of different methods were compared, and the dynamic change of pollen viability within a day was understood. The results show that: (1) The fertile rate of pollen of A.obtusiloba is high, about 80%. Pollens diameter are 28.75-33.75 m. (2) The concentration of TTC can influence the determination of pollen vitality, when the concentration was 0.5%, it was better than the others. (3) I2-I dyeing is not ideal, dyeing rate is only 8.33%-22.2%, and there is no significant difference within three-olor flowers. (4) The pollen vitality of A.obtusiloba with three-olor flowers have differences, with yellow the highest, followed by light yellow, white the minimum. TTC dyeing is a simple and rapid determination method of A.obtusiloba. Within a day, pollen vitality is maximum from 12:00-14:00 pm.
    Correlation Analysis between Photosynthetic Characteristics and Contents of Active Ingredients in Saxifraga stolonifera Curt. under Different Light and Temperature Conditions
    HE An-Na;;OU Li-Jun;;LI Sheng-Hua;;TAN Xiao-Li
    2013, 33(5):  587-592.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.015
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    Saxifraga stolonifera Curt. was potted under different light and temperature treatments. Photosynthetic characteristics and contents of active ingredients were measured to analyze the correlation between them. The results showed that, photosynthetic rate was the highest under 50% transmittance, and the lowest under 100% transmittance. Contents of bergenin and gallic acid in S.stolonifera Curt. were the highest under 100% transmittance. Photosynthetic rate of S.stolonifera Curt. was the highest under 20℃/16℃(12 h daytime/12 h nighttime) optimum temperature, which had the highest contents of bergenin and gallic acid. Correlation analysis showed that, contents of bergenin and gallic acid and photosynthetic rate, stomatal open area had positive correlations, contents of gallic acid and photosynthetic rate and transmittance rate had extremely significantly positive correlation under temperature treatment. Contents of gallic acid and photosynthetic effective radiation had significant positive correlation under light treatment.
    Effect of Irradiation of Carbon Ions Beam on the Photosynthetic Pigments and Oxidative Activity of Scenedesmus quadricauda
    WANG Jie;LI Xin;SUN Yong-Liang;WANG Ju-Fang;LI Wen-Jian;XIE Shu-Lian*
    2013, 33(5):  593-598.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.016
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    Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) of Scenedesmus quadricauda were measured to study the injury mechanism of different doses (10-80 Gy) after irradiation by 80 MeV/u 12C6+ of Heavy Ion Research Facility (HIRFL, Lanzhou, China). The obtained results were as follows: 1) Chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b) and carotenoid were measured in different culture times after irradiation. For low-dose groups (10-20 Gy), contents of Chla, Chlb and carotenoid decreased slightly or did not vary significantly; for middle-dose groups (40-60 Gy), contents of Chl a, Chl b and carotenoid increased apparently, and then went down to the level of control group; for highdose group (80 Gy), contents of Chl a, Chl b and carotenoid were impacted severely and did not show sign of recovery. 2) Malonaldehyde (MDA) was measured in different culture times after irradiation. For low-dose group (10 Gy), the injury of membrane lipid appeared immediately after irradiation, it became lighten after 8 h, and then recovered to the level of control group within 24-48 h; for the 20 Gy group, the content of MDA decreased immediately, and then came back to the normal level; for middle and high-dose groups (40-80 Gy), the injury of membrane lipid did not happen instantly, while it became obviously in 24-48 h, and did not has the ability of recovery to the normal level. 3) Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was measured in different culture times after irradiation. For low-dose group (10 Gy), the activity of SOD rose significantly, and then declined to the normal level in 8 h; for middle-dose groups (20-60 Gy), the activity of SOD ascended markedly and went back to the normal within 48 h; for high-dose group (80 Gy), the activity of SOD did not has a sign of increment, while it descended obviously and did not recover to the normal within 48 h.
    Construction of Expression Vector of ptc-miR801 Gene and Function Analysis
    YANG Hui-Qin;JIANG Jing;LIU Ming-Ying;QIAO Gui-Rong;JIANG Yan-Cheng;ZHUO Ren-Ying*
    2013, 33(5):  599-604.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.017
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    ptc-miR801 was identified from P.cathayana by microRNA library sequence, and it had been confirmed that ptc-miR801 was induced by salt stress. The putative targets were NAC-domain protein and Scarecrow-like gene, which were shown to play important roles in response to salt stress. To investigate the function of ptc-miR801, the artificial miR801 plant expression vector was constructed and transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana. Transformed plants were confirmed by PCR and RT-PCR. The results showed that amiRNA transcript level was markedly improved in transgenic plant compared with non-transgenic plants and the overexpression of ptc-miR801 could enhance the salt tolerance of transgenic plants. Our results would help to clarify the molecular mechanism of P.cathayana under salt stress.
    Distribution Patterns of Dominant Populations of Forest Communities in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve, Shanxi
    QIN Hao;DONG Gang;ZHANG Feng;*
    2013, 33(5):  605-609.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.018
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    Based on the dataset from the field survey, the distribution patterns of dominant populations of vegetation in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve, Shanxi, were studied by a quantitative research, including 5 indexes (Dispersal index (DI), Clump index (CI), Mean crowding (m*), Patchiness index (PAL) and Green index (GI)), Clump intensity (k), χ2-test for goodness-of-fit for Poisson and negative binomial distributions, respectively. In addition, the relationships among the six indexes were analyzed by correlation coefficient test. The results indicated that: (1) seven species in the arborous storey, Larix principis-rupprechtii, Betula platyphylla, Picea wilsonii, Quercus wutaishanica and Populus davidiana, were of great competitiveness and highly intensive distribution due to the wider ecological niche; while Picea meyeri and Pinustabulaef ormis were aggregated distribution with smaller clumping intensity; Betula albo-sinensis showed a trend of the random distribution. (2) The patterns of four species in the understory, including Lonicera maackii, Fragaria orientalis, Carex lanceolata and Carex stenophylloides, were of great aggregated intensity, and other species, such as Spiraea pubescens, Rosa bella, Dendranthema chanetii, Phlomis umbrosa ect., were aggregated of a slight degree; However, some species, such as Cotoneaster multiflorus, Ribes mandshuricum, Galium boreale, Kalimeris lautureana ect., were randomly distributed due to a relatively weak competitiveness and narrower ecological niche. (3) There was a significant positive correlation among Dispersal index (DI), Clump index (CI), Mean crowding (m*), Patchiness index (PAL) and Green index (GI). In order to reflect the pattern of certain species, the combined application of variance/mean ratio as well as the χ2 test for fitting Poisson and negative binomial distribution was more accurate.
    Morphological Characteristics and Nutrient Components of Gnetum parvifolium Seeds in Hainan Province
    LAN Qian;SHI Sheng-Qing;LIU Jian-Feng;CHANG Er-Mei;DENG Nan;JIANG Ze-Ping*
    2013, 33(5):  616-622.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.020
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    The morphological characteristics and nutrient components of Gnetum parvifolium seeds from three sites of Hainan province were studied in order to exploit their values of utilization. At the morphological level, the characteristics of seeds in different sites were significantly different, however, those were similar among different individual plants from the same sites; At the nutrient level, all the indications of seeds had significant differences except total sugars from three sites and total starches from different individuals; Water contents, total fats and flavone contents of seeds had obvious differences from different sites and different individual plants from the same sites. The total fats in seeds were low, but it contained the essential fatty acids for human body. Water contents (41.20%), total starches (40.85%) and flavone contents (15.07%) of seeds from Diaoluoshan were significantly higher than the others, which might result from the high precipitation, mild temperature and high-quality soil. The results suggested that the seeds of G.parvifolium are rich in nutrient components, but its natural habitats have obvious effects on the morphology and nutrient components of seeds, hence, it is necessary to perform the systematic research for its exploition and utilization.
    Primary Study on Evolutional Correlation Analysis between the Plant C-Values and 1000-seed Weight of Different Genera in Pinaceae
    LI Gui-Shuang;BAI Cheng-Ke*
    2013, 33(5):  610-615.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.019
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    It has been a very interesting study for international scientists to research the evolutional relationship between plant C-value and traits in families or genera. The data of C-value and 1000-seed weight were searched from Plant C-value Database and Seed Mass Information Database, respectively. The relationship was analyzed by ANOVA and regression model for 5 genera 108 species in Pinaceae. The results showed the C-value ranged from 9.5 to 36 pg in a reasonably normal distribution, and the 1000seed weight had a widest distribution from 1.2 to 1269 (approximate 1058 times). The ANOVA analysis results showed the Pinus had the highest mean C-value (25.79 pg) in 5 genera and was significantly higher than those of the other 4 genera. The mean C-value of Larix was the lowest (12.53 pg) and was significant lower than that of Picea (18.44 pg). There was no significant difference among C-values of Picea, Abies and Cedrus. For 5 genera in Pinaceae, there was an evolutional sequence: Pinus→Pieca→Cedrus→Abies→Larix, combining previous research results and our C-values analysis results. The differences of average 1000-seed weight in 5 genera was larger, and it was in the sequence of Pinus (123.7 g), Cedrus (84.5 g), Abies (26.4 g), Larix (5.5 g) and Picea (3.9 g). The 1000-seed weight of Pinus were remarkable higher than those of the others, and the 1000-seed weight of Cedrus were significant higher than those of Abies, Larix and Picea. However, there was no significant difference between Larix and Picea. Linear correlation analysis showed that there was a higher significantly positive correlation between C-value and 1000-seed weight (y=3.415x-7.248, R2=0.346, t-test, P<0.001) and the correlation coefficient was 58.8%, suggesting 1000-seed weight was increased with the C-value increasing in Pinaceae. In conclusion, all the results indicated that the C-value and 1000-seed weight would decline with the improving of evolutionary status, which were closely related to the geographic distribution and spread in Pinaceae. The specific mechanisms need to be further researched.
    Dynamic Change of Carbon Storage for Larch Plantation in Heilongjiang Province
    WANG Meng;LI Feng-Ri*;JIA Wei-Wei;Dong Li-Hu;SUN Hu;SUN Mei-Ou
    2013, 33(5):  623-628.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.021
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    Based on the 36 sample trees of carbon storage and data of forest resources continues inventory of 5 periods in Heilongjiang province from 1986-2005, the dynamic change of carbon storage for Larch plantation was estimated by using non-linear error-in-variable model. The results showed that the carbon densities of different organs were 456.7-479.0 mg·g-1 for Larch plantation in Heilongjiang province. The differences in carbon density of different organs were significant. The carbon densities of different organs varied in the following order: leaf>branch>stem>root. The carbon storage ratios of different ages in various organs were 66.75%-68.92% for stems, 21.59%-22.62% for roots, 5.99%-8.16% for branches and 2.47%-3.50% for leaves, respectively. The proportions of carbon storage of roots and branches increased with growing, while those of stems and leaves presented opposite result. On the whole, the carbon storage of Larch plantation in Heilongjiang province has a tendency of increase from 1986 to 2005 and up to the highest of 30.38 t·hm-2 in 2000. The carbon storage increased at 1.21 t·hm-2 during 1986 and 2005 per year. The ranges of carbon storage for Larch plantation in different areas of Heilongjiang province were 25.43-34.35 t·hm-2 in 2005. The carbon storages of different areas varied in the order: Southern part of Lesser Xing’an Mountains>Wandashan Mountains>Eastern part of Zhang Guangcai Mountains>Western part of Zhang Guangcai Mountains>Northern part of Lesser Xing’an Mountains.
    ISSR Analysis on the Genetic Relationships among 26 Cultivars of Camellia japonica from Sichuan Province
    HU Zhong-Yi;LIN Li;LIU Kui;ZENG Chuan-Sheng
    2013, 33(5):  629-634.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.022
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    The genetic relationships among 26 cultivars of Camellia japonica were analyzed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular-marked technique. Fourteen ISSR primers were screened to assess the genomes of 26 cultivars of C.japonica. The results showed that a total of 166 DNA bands were amplified and 140 of which (84.34%) were polymorphic. The Nei-Li genetic similarity was 0.708, UPGMA method cluster analysis indicated that these 26 cultivars were classified into 5 cluster groups, and they were classified into 10 subcluster groups with the genetic similarity of 0.726. The Nei-Li genetic similarities of 26 cultivars ranged from 0.615 to 0.913, with average value of 0.704, suggesting that the genetic differences among the 26 cultivars were relatively little. The genetic similarity coefficient between Mudancha and Huamudan was 0.913, showed that Mudancha maybe the bud mutant variety of Huamudan. The ancient Camellia trees are precious resources, management strategies should be proposed to prevent the loss of the ancient tree resources.
    Preliminary Study on the Chemical Components of the Slag and Its Feasibility for Soil Improvement
    ZHANG Xue-Ke;WANG Qiong;WANG Wen-Jie;ZHANG Bao-You*
    2013, 33(5):  635-640.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.023
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    In this study, we measured and analyzed the chemical composition of the slag. Different seeds (corn, eggplant, rice and periwinkle) were planted in the heavy (mild) saline-alkali soil and slag with HPMA agent. The growth of plants was observed, the feasibility of using this waste for soil improvements is the aim of this study. Comparison between slag and different soils showed that both had the similar chemical composition. Some components including CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO2 in slag was obviously higher than the soil, while some others including TiO2, K2O, Na2O, P2O5 in slag was not detectable. Together with HPMA agent, slag mixing with saline alkali soil (heavy and mild) could significantly improve germination and growth rate of corn, eggplant, rice and periwinkle. Compared with typical greenhouse soil conditioners of vermiculite and perlite, similar germination and growth rate in different plants were observed in the slag matrix. Furthermore, similar to the function of flower soil (peat), germination and growth rate of variable plants manifested that mixture of slag and bark soil (an abundant local resource) can be used as a compound soil conditioner, which can enrich soil fertility and improve soil physical structure. The preliminary study showed that the slag can be used for salinealkali soil improvement and the soil structure improvement for facilities agriculture. It also has the potential for the formation of compound soil conditioner combined with the local bark soil resources.